Having worked roughly a dozen office jobs since graduating from college, I can assure you that it's not a suitable environment for incel types. This is especially true if:
1.) You work in an "open office" environment
2.) You work in an office full of millennials
3.) You work in an office with a lot of foids
4.) You work in a field that attracts extroverts (e.g. law)
Here is what you will be subjected to:
- Constant chatter and laughter as if it's a fucking school cafeteria
- Young women flirting with your male co-workers while ignoring you
- Feeling left out after being relegated to the bottom of the social hierarchy
- Overhearing your co-workers gossip about you and your awkwardness
- Being accused of sexual harassment if you rub foids the wrong way
- Being abused by Chad bosses who use their "charisma" to get ahead
- Being accused of shit you didn't do because nobody trusts ugly people
- Never receiving as much appreciation as your more attractive co-workers
- Having all of the worked dumped on you while others get to slack off
- Being asked personal questions such as your current living situation
- Being asked annoying questions like "Why are you so quiet all the time?"
- Being expected to be up-to-date on boring crap like pop culture and sports
I agree with the above poster who said that becoming a truck driver or night guard would be a lot more tolerable if you can't get away with NEETing it up or mooching off your parents.