Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious I can't fucking STAND young"cel"s

Agreed. Little shits trying to be edgy who've never approached a foid need to be banned, Minimum age limit sounds good. Not just youngcels but anyone who hasn't even approached a foid should be banned tbh.
Age limits are stupid because every person is different. What if I was 12 and had half my body burnt off in a freak accident? You would reject me for not being incel?
Just your body? Then yes. Foids love it when normie looking guys have scars and burns on their bodies, but if your face got burnt off to the point where you look like Freddy Krueger, then you should be welcome here.
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It’s hard to think how you can finish high school a virgin and still not be considered an incel. You literally met 100s of girls in your age range and not one showed interest and opened her legs for you.
An age restriction is definitely needed
clean the mess caused by the chad fucking ur sister first you cuck
clean the mess caused by the chad fucking ur sister first you cuck
Why would I want to clean Chad's cum? Sounds like something you would enjoy you homo faggot
nah I dont let my sister get fucked by random chads LMAO
If you really had a sister you wouldn't be saying that. Let me guess, another young"cel" triggered by my thread?
If you really had a sister you wouldn't be saying that. Let me guess, another young"cel" triggered by my thread?
I do actually have one, a conservative strict muslim household does wonders.
I do actually have one, a conservative strict muslim household does wonders.
JFL if you think your sister isn't fucking Chad behind your back, you live in the West after all
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JFL if you think your sister isn't fucking Chad behind your back, you live the West after all
Dont think so, multiple reasons which I cant state due to it being too private
If in my youth, instead of playing video games and wasting time on computers, I did sports or just overall physical activities, my body would at least be normal. It would be much better.

Today I am super scrawny, and trying to put meat on bones is laughable, my body looks atrophiated and white like a corpse.
My bones are thin as fuck. There are many scietific articles that talk about bone structure at the end of childhood and teen years.
It's essential for males to abandon the computer and dedicate themselves for physical activities at that age.

Anyone bellow 18 should be outside, using their muscles to their full potential, running, riding a bicycle, practicing martial arts, swimming.

My body is like the body of Smeagol from Lord of The Rings.
If I could travel in time, that is the only thing I would tell my young self:
"Burn your PC and playstation and go exercise RIGHT NOW!!

I really can't stress enough how important it is to eat properly, lots of meat and drink water, and exercise at that age.

All the rest of your life depends on the bone structure you acquire at that age.

After that, no amount of gym will ever give you a normal body.
Yes, "there is no exercise for your face".
But it's the difference between at least having a normal body, or being an skeleton
Sage advice ngl
I suggest 20 because at that age it's absolutely OVER if you haven't scored after graduating from HS & college since those best chances are gone.
Entering my 20s as a virgin is some serious suifuel :feelsrope:
If a moid has not lost virginity before double-digits he never will
all chads lost virginity at 9 or less
Imagine actually believing in this
Totally agree and why I don't stop by here much anymore. I actually don't think anyone younger than 22 belongs here. A 22+ section might be a good idea.
Tbh there are people who stop growing around 13, me for example :feelsbadman:
Brutal ngl. I myself stopped growing at 16, but other people will stop growing until as old as 25 (which I'm way passed)
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I had incel traits since i was 16. I only learned about inceldom and this site by the time I was 20.

Shits still the same since then.
I had incel traits since i was 16. I only learned about inceldom and this site by the time I was 20.

Shits still the same since then.
i thought you were 19 when you registered

either way not a youngcel

youngcel is sub18
Seriously why are they here? There was a post on ban appeals where OP wasn't even fucking 15 years old. 15! Yet he was allowed to stay anyway. Faggot your growth spurt hasn't even kicked in yet, why the fuck are you here? Most of the time these cunts might eventually ascend, and they will, but guess what happens when they do. They'll just stick around anyway for L3 eDgY HuM0rrrrrr xDDdd while laughing with their gfs, because what else attracts young faggots online nowadays? This site seriously needs a minimum age requirement to register. I suggest 20 because at that age it's absolutely OVER if you haven't scored after graduating from HS & college since those best chances are gone. we criticise IT for allowing minors into their community but somehow it's okay for us? The main reason for inceldom is due to bad bones, but what good is that reason if they haven't even fully developed for these little shits? Sure there may be exceptions to this for those born with dwarfism or some other rare genetic disorder and they are more than welcome to stay. But most of the time it's literally just failed normies who later learn to successfully adapt with other normscum and live happily ever after, and to those people, go fuck yourself.

Exactly what I say.

If you are just a young faggot, it might not be over for you.

But if you are actually disformed or really ugly, you are welcome.
I agee. No one that is still in highschool or younger should be on this site at all. 18+ minimum to make an account please.
19 is youngcel?

you're a moron
Under 20s are young faggotcels, 20-29 are regular inkwells and anyone over 30 are oldcels. Imagine thinking teenagers aren't young. "HuRR DuRR LooK aT mE i'M 19 aNd I FeeL oLLLLd XDddd, make to sure to follow me on DickCock!" Typical zoomer logic
Under 20s are young faggotcels, 20-29 are regular inkwells and anyone over 30 are oldcels. Imagine thinking teenagers aren't young. "HuRR DuRR LooK aT mE i'M 19 aNd I FeeL oLLLLd XDddd, make to sure to follow me on DickCock!" Typical zoomer logic
if you're 19 you're done high school and have been through a year of college jfl, by that age women are hags @Billowel
And just like that I will stop taking you seriously
you moron, you're the idiot that says escortcels are fakecel

98% of people are capable of using escorts, so every incel is either an escortcel or volcel except for an extreme minority
One can be an incel starting from puberty(so around 11-12).Now,puberty is incredibly volatile and an incel at 12 could become a upper tier normie/chadlite/chad at the age of 14-15.At 15-16 the changes from there on onwards are minor for most people and though there is some outliers,they are so small that it doesn't matter.

if we accept 11-12,we will have many who will ascend later on(who will surely disrupt the community and turn it into a shitshow.normies gotta be normies) and most should be learning skills and knowledge instead of ldaring in an incels forum.It's for the interest of the kid and of us that we do not allow them in.

Due to what i said we should accept people from 15 onwards,since by that age the changes are small and only a small percentage will be able to ascend,so it's much easier to control the odd one who ascends,but also allow those who need natural kinship to have it.

if you're 19 you're done high school and have been through a year of college jfl, by that age women are hags @Billowel
when will people take the hagpill?
98% of people are capable of using escorts
Tfw you're too broken to be able to use escorts tbh.
if we accept 11-12,we will have many who will ascend later on(who will surely disrupt the community and turn it into a shitshow.normies gotta be normies) and most should be learning skills and knowledge instead of ldaring in an incels forum.It's for the interest of the kid and of us that we do not allow them in.
Yeah exactly, kids shouldn't be rotting for sure.
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Tfw you're too broken to be able to us escorts tbh.

Yeah exactly, kids shouldn't be rotting for sure.
but from 15 onwards we should accept them.Op is just throwing a huge fit,when in fact for most people it's over at 15-16
Youngcels should focus on their studies or on finding a job if they don't want to study : they should at least give the betabuxx path a chance.

Besides, if betabuxxmaxxing doesn't work, at least they'll have money so they will be able to resort to hookermaxxing.
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but from 15 onwards we should accept them.Op is just throwing a huge fit,when in fact for most people it's over at 15-16
Well it's one thing to be a user on this forum, it's another thing to completely give up. Teencels should focus on trying to improve their lives, not LDARing like me.
Well it's one thing to be a user on this forum, it's another thing to completely give up. Teencels should focus on trying to improve their lives, not LDARing like me.
The only thing they should focus is on following god and serving him.In matters of earthly affairs,it's over for them.You either pay up with looks,status or money.You don't have those 3?eat shit and die.this world is brutal,and i don't see normies waking up any time soon.
Disregard everything I just said. CuckTears seems to agree with me on this one, so now I welcome everyone from adolescents to fetuses on this forum. The younger the better, spermcels GTFIH!!!!111!!ONE1!!
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I’ve stopped growing. I’m ugly. 60 rejections, cold approched 5 times
try telling that to a 16 year old 5'5 curry truecel with a deformed nose like me. It's also already determined I'll remain like this for the rest of my life.
I hate to say it but you’re absolutely right OP.

Though I think I’d up the minimum age requirement to join up here to 25 years old, since that has been said to be the age where your body as a man is pretty much as fully developed as it’s ever going to be, meaning in cock size, height and I’m sure everything else, so if it were only easily possible to keep youngcels away or at the very least reduced to lurkers that cannot post, I’d gladly implement such a system here were I in charge.

Youngcels absolutely should not be here.

There’s still hope for them at least until they’ve reached the age of 25 without success.

Then it’s pretty much over for them if they’ve been trying all that time to ascend but no dice.

If you’re reading my post and the other posts in here and you’re way below 25 years old and in your early to mid teens you need to bitch slap yourself and get the hell away from here, Wizchan and r9k and begin PUA maxing like your life depended on it because it does!

Read The Book of Pook on the Sosuave.net PUA forum’s archives or buy it from Amazon, read Rollo Tomassi’s website therationalmale and or buy his book series of the same title from amazon, track down as much remaining Chateau Heartiste content that you can still find on the web that the leftists have not yet purged and learn as much as you can from all of it as well learn evopsyche.

You young guys even if you failed hard with girls in elementary school ie no young love/puppy love and in high school ie no gf/sex may end up still having a normal life trajectory once you get to college/get college aged since that and not high school is when even the average normie ascends, so as depressed as you young guys may feel about your love life or rather lack there of at present, as others have said, you very will likely literally grow out of your incel stage and become some form of normie sex haver, but sticking around here isn’t going to help you grow a positive mindset that will help you attract females.

Sites like this even with a good membership base (which this site does have) only encourages you to wallow in self pity, self destructive depression and anger.

So again at least consider doing yourselves a favor and getting off of here and any similar sites like this until you’re at least 25.
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If thereyre short and ethnic then they should be welcomed
It’s hard to think how you can finish high school a virgin and still not be considered an incel. You literally met 100s of girls in your age range and not one showed interest and opened her legs for you.
This. According to boomers here, appearantly never getting any interest from 100s of girls WHO ARE FORCED TO INTERACT WITH YOU for 12 fucking year is not a sign of inceldom.
Of all the men that had sex who are not escortcels, probably 95%+ had their first sexual experience with foids in their 14-20 . A youngcel can browse the forums for two weeks and he pretty much have the basis of the blackpill. He should be out there improving his body and learn/practice other life skills , academics or a trade.

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