Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious I can't fucking STAND young"cel"s



Clown World Analyst
Apr 3, 2019
Seriously why are they here? There was a post on ban appeals where OP wasn't even fucking 15 years old. 15! Yet he was allowed to stay anyway. Faggot your growth spurt hasn't even kicked in yet, why the fuck are you here? Most of the time these cunts might eventually ascend, and they will, but guess what happens when they do. They'll just stick around anyway for L3 eDgY HuM0rrrrrr xDDdd while laughing with their gfs, because what else attracts young faggots online nowadays? This site seriously needs a minimum age requirement to register. I suggest 20 because at that age it's absolutely OVER if you haven't scored after graduating from HS & college since those best chances are gone. we criticise IT for allowing minors into their community but somehow it's okay for us? The main reason for inceldom is due to bad bones, but what good is that reason if they haven't even fully developed for these little shits? Sure there may be exceptions to this for those born with dwarfism or some other rare genetic disorder and they are more than welcome to stay. But most of the time it's literally just failed normies who later learn to successfully adapt with other normscum and live happily ever after, and to those people, go fuck yourself.
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If they ascend, good for them.
I am 20 years old
Yeah. Me at 18 was a completely different human than me today. Wish there was a 22+ section. Most normies lose their virginity in college anyway
Seriously why are they even here? There was a post on ban appeals where OP wasn't even fucking 15 years old. 15! Yet he was allowed to stay anyway. Faggot your growth spurt hasn't even kicked in yet, why the fuck are you here? Most of the time these cunts might eventually ascend, and they will, but guess what happens when they do. They'll just stick around anyway for L3 eDgY HuM0rrrrrr xDDdd while laughing with their gfs, because what else attracts young faggots online nowadays? This site seriously needs a minimum age requirement to register. I suggest 20 because since at that age it's absolutely OVER if you haven't scored after graduating from HS & college. we criticise IT for allowing minors into their community but somehow it's okay for us? The main reason for inceldom is due to bad bones, but what good is that reason if they haven't even fully developed for these little shits? Sure there may be exceptions to this for those born with dwarfism or some other rare genetic disorder, they are more than welcome to stay. But most of the time it's literally just failed normies who later learns to successfully adapt with other normscum and live happily ever after, and to those people, go fuck yourself.
I never grew after 15, it was over for me.
It’s hard to think how you can finish high school a virgin and still not be considered an incel. You literally met 100s of girls in your age range and not one showed interest and opened her legs for you.
Age is arbitrary in inceldom. It is development. They can be correlated but not always. Nothing has changed for me since 10. Yes, I grew and developed but I was still smaller and uglier than everyone else. If you count developmentally nothings changed since 16.
Seriously ban all the 15 and under kiddies on here.

They should wait until they're an Adult KHHV like me.
Seriously ban all the 15 and under kiddies on here.

They should wait until they're an Adult KHHV like me.
18 is good enough, no need to wait until 20

if a man graduates high school a virgin, he should do 2 things

1. get a hooker
2. get an account on .co
Yup. I understand the frustration of teencels being alone while having to see privaledged men go out on dates, prom, trips, etc. but at the same time many teencels have lots of time ahead of them ahead of them to try to looksmax and statusmax. Some fakecels even go on to get gfs and leave the incel community.

Unless you're marginally ugly, Teencels should be the LAST ONES to complain about their lives as they still have time to improve and experience, unlike 30+ year old incels..
Stopped growing since I was 16. I'm 21 now and been stuck a solid 5'5 since.
18 is good enough, no need to wait until 20

if a man graduates high school a virgin, he should do 2 things

1. get a hooker
2. get an account on .co
If they ascend, good for them.
Indeed, it's all fine and dandy if they do. My problem is why they haven't left our sanctuary after achieving their end goal, why do they insist on staying? It's those "people" that induce my psychosis the most, my blood lust becomes unquenchable at that point. We might aswell let foids & fags join in our SeKrIT cLuB, rename this forum "Looksmax 2.0" and call it a day
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Indeed, it's all fine and dandy if they do. My problem is why they haven't left our sanctuary after achieving their end goal, why do they insist on staying? It's those "people" that induce my psychosis the most, my blood lust becomes unquenchable at that point
Tbh youngcels being on this forum is more than likely the reason they're "incels" in the first place. They're calling it quits before they're even done developing. Anyone under 21 I do not really consider to be incels unless you have a physical deformity.
Under 18s shouldn't be allowed imo


Ive had a long conversation after my ban on co with a former co member (startcel) now also banned where i droped everything about FBIncels.co s hidden agenda. This conversation is now ((deleted)) who would have guessed that? It was a private massage chat so no one would have cared am i right? Wrong because i dropped the truth.

It all began with one day where on co joined like 10-12 new cels on one day one of them Eradicator. This guy i will mention more often. And members talked about some infiltrators. And this user Eradicator now he has a lot of post and is strangly accepted started his FIRST thread with some question if some one knows about smth about going ER on some film primiare and that thread gets fast removed and he askes the same fuсking thing again asks what weapοns we would use and ѕhit like that, he has not even 3 post by now ever other one would have been banned by far. He starts posting obviosly made up storys about his brother and it realy gets redicolous by that momment. I decided to call him out postet all the facts stated that he is indeed an fbi feds cel and not an incel. Nothing no ban not even temporary and not even a lot people replying strangely no one of the high ranks.

Then it got quiet about that whole thing and some other infiltrator accounts who joined at eradicators join date, (i think he joined one day before but started posting the same day as the infiltrators) shitposted spammed got banned. And eradicator gets quiet was inactive for a thew days a lot of post got deleted that time. Then he just posted his ass up the ranks with low quality "yeah you right buddy" "women are evil" shitpost.

He never got banned not even temporary what a coincidence.

But now a lot of other people got banned i knew an other incel who i was sure colaborated with the feds it was invalidusername i asked him how much they pay him and where i can sign up and he joked and diddnt took it seriously but after that smth changed i got warnings like rejections from females i got tempt for ѕhit like joking about violence and going er. They wanted to get rid of the problem (me).

And then i noticed something there where a lot of incels with 2500post or less but nothing between 2500 and 4000 they where all banned then i looked at banned users and "suprise" the majority was around 2500 post what a coincidence. Because the ((mods)) follow an agenda they want the power and the fame to themself also they dont want the "troublemakers" to get big but dont care when they are sub 2k post because they dont want that FBIcels.co has a lot of members they ban more if they have more they had around 1500 active members PERIOD and allways if there is a growth the banning begins and its allways the 2500+ members. They refuse to ban newbees because they MONITOR them. And they dont want the site to grow in active members because THEY HAVE SPECIFIC GOVERMENT ORDERS TO PREVENT THIS "HATEPROBLEM" FROM SPREADING.

They want to catch you like a pokemon that they can watch you. And strangely this all started to happen when they changed from me to co. Coincidence?

Here is my version the started out as incel forum got fucked by the goverment for being a terrorist organisation and ѕhit like that got new "rules" to stick by and cooperate with the feds since them.

And Eradicator is 100% a fed and the mods are in with it, and you know what the biggest Joke is? You really wanna know?

Just wait until this post gets deleted then it is official confirmed for every nonbeliever out there. This whole incel safespace forum bs come on how naive was i to think any one on this planet doesnt want us dead even our "friends"

And additional content there was an incel.co member who got even VISITED by the feds because of co. I cant remember the name but it was mentioned i a post where i replied with some research i would find it. But i think now it starts to get common sence.

They also hate it when real incels go into public like brendio or catfishman they all got banned after they where doxxed they even deleted hamudis youtube. Because this is the whole game youre in or youre out you cooperate or they ban you or worse they get yo ass..., tbh i think faceandlms is next maybe thats why he doesnt post anymore. But every 2000+ sub 4k co member is on the hitlist after the active membercount is over 2k for more then a weak.

Good luck "friends" but i would ѕhit my pants if i was canadian...

Eradicator is a feds agent, startcel got banned because i told him what i told you. They ban every 2k+ member when they think their investigation is complete, witch means your country makes it impossible to jail/find you or youre just not threat enough to them anymore
If they really want to post here then they'll just lie about their age anyway. I don't remember not opening porn sites because of the 18+ warning.
Once a girl sees 6'4 Quarterback in school it's over for all the cels in there
its sad that 15yo are even finding this forum
If they really want to post here then they'll just lie about their age anyway. I don't remember not opening porn sites because of the 18+ warning.
Then I propose sending a snippet of your birth certificates for mod eyes only, showing only your DOB
Age is fucking cope and irrelevant. Becoming good looking after puberty is a meme and those who say it weren't even incel to begin with.
Age is fucking cope and irrelevant. Becoming good looking after puberty is a meme and those who say it weren't even incel to begin with.
Said like a true young failed normie
Just fucking lol at spending your time on an incel forum in your teens.
Problem with youngcels:
Ex incel
not even the first word of the title you utter deluded bluepiller
not even the first word of the title you utter deluded bluepiller
Joined: Apr 28, 2020
Posts: 152
Online: 11h 9m

Okay GrAYcel, thanks for reminding me about making another thread on you faggots
Joined: Apr 28, 2020
Posts: 152
Online: 11h 9m

Okay GrAYcel, thanks for reminding me about making another thread on you faggots

Joined 2 years before you @towncel

litearlly slit your wrists the second you feel any kind of "pride" over your name color or join date
Indeed, it's all fine and dandy if they do. My problem is why they haven't left our sanctuary after achieving their end goal, why do they insist on staying? It's those "people" that induce my psychosis the most, my blood lust becomes unquenchable at that point. We might aswell let foids & fags join in our SeKrIT cLuB, rename this forum "Looksmax 2.0" and call it a day
Name me some youngcels who ascended and insisted on staying. I'm waiting.
Joined 2 years before you @towncel

litearlly slit your wrists the second you feel any kind of "pride" over your name color or join date
alt isn't allowed faggot
Name me some youngcels who ascended and insisted on staying. I'm waiting.
tbhngl. The issue isn't youngcels not being incel, the issue is that OP just doesn't like them which is understandable and acceptable to call them to leave, but not because they aren't incel. Just say they're obnoxious shitheads and that's it. Age limits are stupid because every person is different. What if I was 12 and had half my body burnt off in a freak accident? You would reject me for not being incel?

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