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Serious I can't believe I will actually never have sex. This thing that I've been fantasizing about for decades, this urge will not be relieved.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
I've been fantasizing about sex and doing all kinds of things with a woman since I was like 10. So many years of fantasizing it in so many ways and I still can't relieve this urge, it's literal torture.

Come on, I know I'm ugly but why the fuck is this so hard? This is such a simple and basic part of being a human being, why can't I find a woman and have sex? I'm not a fucking alien, this is humans 101, basic shit, stuff that everybody is supposed to do like eating and breathing. Normal guys have been doing this since they were like 15 or at the very least 18.

Realistically, these are the possibilities, and they are grim:

1. Pay for a hooker. The only way I can ever have sex probably. But, the problems are: I don't have any money. Wages in this country are less than $300 a month and hookers are very expensive comparatively, I'm not going to spend a third of my monthly income on 1 hour with a hooker. Prostitution is also illegal. Also I don't have my own place. And I don't have a car either to at least do it in that. So... it's definitely a no.

2. Slowly sink into even more despair because I can never satisfy this primal urge that I've had for so many years.

That's it, those are my options. I don't know about you, maybe some of you are larping, but god damn it I just don't see how it would be possible for me to get a girlfriend. It's just not going to happen, not only am I bald and ugly at this point, but I have too many mental problems too.
But saving up for a good looking hooker is easier than looksmaxxing to attract even an average foid.
But saving up for a good looking hooker is easier than looksmaxxing to attract even an average foid.
I'm very frugal by nature, I still regret spending money on WoW's expansion Battle for Azeroth and other such shit that was too expensive and I didn't enjoy for very long. It would fucking destroy me to spend so much money on what is basically an hour or so of pleasure. I just can't do it.
I'm very frugal by nature, I still regret spending money on WoW's expansion Battle for Azeroth and other such shit that was too expensive and I didn't enjoy for very long. It would fucking destroy me to spend so much money on what is basically an hour or so of pleasure. I just can't do it.

Youre an idiot then. Youve been fantasizing about sex for your whole life yet not willing to spend money for it. Trust me, its a whole lot cheaper than taking foids out on dates/betabuxxing.
It's so weird reading your posts, you write like my brain thinks.
We're guys that haven't been able to satisfy a primal, basic and utterly necessary need. We can relate because this is the kind of stuff that you can't get out of your head, it haunts my fucking dreams. Every now and then I dream of cuddling, kissing, making love to a woman and it ruins my mood when I wake up and it's not real.
My life is the opposite of everything I thought it would be as a kid

Youre an idiot then. Youve been fantasizing about sex for your whole life yet not willing to spend money for it. Trust me, its a whole lot cheaper than taking foids out on dates/betabuxxing.
Hear me out. Imagine I get a job. I work 40 hours a week, maybe more. For that you have to wake up early, commute there, spend 8+ hours a day, commute back home. Get home tired and not able to do shit but watch some TV and fall asleep. Repeat 5 days a week. And in those 8 hours you do shit that is boring, hard, taking orders from some asshole you hate and your colleagues are gossipy mean pieces of shit.

And for all that, in this country I'd be getting less than $300 a month, and that's before taxes. Realistically if I got a job my take home per month would be like $230 let's say.

Now you tell me. After all that, would you spend like $50 or $100 or whatever on 1 hour with a hooker? ALL that shit, all that suffering, and the hour will be over so quickly.
Hear me out. Imagine I get a job. I work 40 hours a week, maybe more. For that you have to wake up early, commute there, spend 8+ hours a day, commute back home. Get home tired and not able to do shit but watch some TV and fall asleep. Repeat 5 days a week. And in those 8 hours you do shit that is boring, hard, taking orders from some asshole you hate and your colleagues are gossipy mean pieces of shit.

And for all that, in this country I'd be getting less than $300 a month, and that's before taxes. Realistically if I got a job my take home per month would be like $230 let's say.

Now you tell me. After all that, would you spend like $50 or $100 or whatever on 1 hour with a hooker? ALL that shit, all that suffering, and the hour will be over so quickly.

Why are the wages so low where you live? I live in a thirdworld shit hole and i still make around 3000USD a month.
Why are the wages so low where you live? I live in a thirdworld shit hole and i still make around 3000USD a month.
That is not a third world shithole wtf. That's like a US-level salary.
I've been fantasizing about sex and doing all kinds of things with a woman since I was like 10. So many years of fantasizing it in so many ways and I still can't relieve this urge, it's literal torture.

Come on, I know I'm ugly but why the fuck is this so hard? This is such a simple and basic part of being a human being, why can't I find a woman and have sex? I'm not a fucking alien, this is humans 101, basic shit, stuff that everybody is supposed to do like eating and breathing. Normal guys have been doing this since they were like 15 or at the very least 18.

Realistically, these are the possibilities, and they are grim:

1. Pay for a hooker. The only way I can ever have sex probably. But, the problems are: I don't have any money. Wages in this country are less than $300 a month and hookers are very expensive comparatively, I'm not going to spend a third of my monthly income on 1 hour with a hooker. .
Wtf country is this??? Whole point of hookers is they're priced to market. The only exception would be somewhere like sand land, where hookers are all for rich locals and professional curry and jbw migrants, so your Bangladeshi labourer earning $5 a day as opposed to $2 a day in dhaka can't affors a $120 hooker.
Your ancestors never had any issues. It was like any other aspect of their lives like getting a job.

This generation is fucked
1. Save money and travel to a country where it's legal. That's what I did and I was working as a dishwasher. Owning a car or your own place is irrelevant for this.
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That is not a third world shithole wtf. That's like a US-level salary.

It's not. Stemcels I know in the US are getting paid arnd 10000usd a month.

Ofcourse now they're getting kicked out.
Wtf country is this??? Whole point of hookers is they're priced to market. The only exception would be somewhere like sand land, where hookers are all for rich locals and professional curry and jbw migrants, so your Bangladeshi labourer earning $5 a day as opposed to $2 a day in dhaka can't affors a $120 hooker.
I just googled it and apparently this nation is one of the most negative towards prostitution. Idk, this nation really fucking sucks, everybody is fake as shit, gossipy, mean and fucking backstabby, so I guess everybody hates prostitution cause it's more fucking honest.
Hear me out. Imagine I get a job. I work 40 hours a week, maybe more. For that you have to wake up early, commute there, spend 8+ hours a day, commute back home. Get home tired and not able to do shit but watch some TV and fall asleep. Repeat 5 days a week. And in those 8 hours you do shit that is boring, hard, taking orders from some asshole you hate and your colleagues are gossipy mean pieces of shit.

And for all that, in this country I'd be getting less than $300 a month, and that's before taxes. Realistically if I got a job my take home per month would be like $230 let's say.

Now you tell me. After all that, would you spend like $50 or $100 or whatever on 1 hour with a hooker? ALL that shit, all that suffering, and the hour will be over so quickly.
yes, you will be able to say that you've had sex
It's not. Stemcels I know in the US are getting paid arnd 10000usd a month.

Ofcourse now they're getting kicked out.
Damn, should've gone into stem. Ehh, I was always too lazy and undisciplined for it, what's the point of thinking about what could have been.
I just googled it and apparently this nation is one of the most negative towards prostitution. Idk, this nation really fucking sucks, everybody is fake as shit, gossipy, mean and fucking backstabby, so I guess everybody hates prostitution cause it's more fucking honest.
although if it's illegal the risk probably isn't worth it
yes, you will be able to say that you've had sex
I don't care about that. Who would I say it to? I have literally no friends or social circle, I don't care about saying shit. I want to experience it, and I would also rather experience it with a woman who isn't paid by me.
I don't care about that. Who would I say it to? I have literally no friends or social circle, I don't care about saying shit. I want to experience it, and I would also rather experience it with a woman who isn't paid by me.
i meant more along the lines of saying it to yourself
I shiver everytime ı realize ı am the only member of my family who cant breed with a woman and continue our bloodline while my grandfather had 2 kids while he was just a little older than me
you can get a cheap hooker but i doubt you'd want that, it does literally nothing

for me, i think my motivation to become a better person would be lowered after that, not heightened. but this depends on the exact type of man you are. it depends on whether you still have an "inner child" and so on.
you can get a cheap hooker but i doubt you'd want that, it does literally nothing

for me, i think my motivation to become a better person would be lowered after that, not heightened. but this depends on the exact type of man you are. it depends on whether you still have an "inner child" and so on.
Yeah I think it would be pretty disgusting and demeaning ultimately.
Two more options are r*pe and r*pe.
Why are the wages so low where you live? I live in a thirdworld shit hole and i still make around 3000USD a month.
Wtf. What third wirld shithole is that with so much salary
Why are the wages so low where you live? I live in a thirdworld shit hole and i still make around 3000USD a month.
Guessing it's a curry country and u only really get that by STEM maxxing, us OP a stemcel?
I don't care about that. Who would I say it to? I have literally no friends or social circle, I don't care about saying shit. I want to experience it, and I would also rather experience it with a woman who isn't paid by me.
What third world shithole is this?
I live in a thirdworld shit hole and i still make around 3000USD a month.

nigga if you're talking about something like poland, then that's not exactly a third world shithole. you can do so much worse than that.
Its curryland. And i take the salary from my business.
Without revealing too much can you atleast tell what kind of business is that. Did you build it or inherited it. Do you have family partners sharing the income. 2lakh + per month is decent money, I can't believe you'd not find a wife with that much dough.
Without revealing too much can you atleast tell what kind of business is that. Did you build it or inherited it. Do you have family partners sharing the income. 2lakh + per month is decent money, I can't believe you'd not find a wife with that much dough.

Ive built the business with my dad and inherited properties worth Rs 15 crores (or 150 million Rupees) after my dad died. But i also have a lot of debt (around 5-6 crores).
I can't believe you'd not find a wife with that much dough.

Hypergamy works both on the looks/social status front where i live. So unless iam willing to settle for a poor ugly curryfoid who has horrible hygiene, its going nowhere. Foids who are of my social status want someone richer and more successful (also maybe debt free).
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Ive built the business with my dad and inherited properties worth Rs 15 crores (or 150 million Rupees) after my dad died. But i also have a lot of debts (around 5-6 crores).
:whatfeels: What the fuck. That's some inheritance bro. Easy urban upper middle class. You should just staple that number on your forehead and have Supriya and Ayesha jump up and down your cock. I guess you were part of the business and your dad build some of that land empire before you were involved and some of it came after, which he left to you.
:whatfeels: What the fuck. That's some inheritance bro. Easy urban upper middle class. You should just staple that number on your forehead and have Supriya and Ayesha jump up and down your cock. I guess you were part of the business and your dad build some of that land empire before you were involved and some of it came after, which he left to you.

The thing is my assets are fixed, i have very little liquid cash with me. So cunts dont want me coz i have sizable loans to be paid off. Theyd rather take a cuck earning a stable income without debt than risk it with someone like me.

Iam not into currywhores that much anyways. Most of them look unfuckable. I usually get Russian escorts or SEA foids in massage parlors.
you know it's over when you can't even pay for pussy
It's so unfair I alternate between absolute despair and desperately trying to distract myself
Me too. Have you found any good distractions lately?
I'm very frugal by nature, I still regret spending money on WoW's expansion Battle for Azeroth and other such shit that was too expensive and I didn't enjoy for very long. It would fucking destroy me to spend so much money on what is basically an hour or so of pleasure. I just can't do it.
I did the same thing, even bought the shadowlands pre-order, now I spent too much to not keep paying for the sub.
I did the same thing, even bought the shadowlands pre-order, now I spent too much to not keep paying for the sub.
I did a very stupid thing there. I used real money (my parent's, but still). I very, very rarely buy games, I pirate, but I've spent so many thousands of hours on private servers I really felt the craving to play.

So I paid FULL PRICE for legion, in 7.3.5 mind you, already like halfway through the patch. And since I was asking my dad for this rare gift of paying so much fucking money for a game (mind you this is an impoverished country, I'm a spoiled shit to be able to spend so much money on a fucking game), I thought I might as well add BfA on top of it.

Anyway, so I bought Legion and BfA. I didn't really enjoy Legion that much, but I paid real money so I felt the need to play. And I ground a shitload of gold in that time. Since I'm kinda dumb, I ground the real hard way. Skins from raptors and then eventually I started making Steelbound harnesses and legendary items to sell. Anywya, I got a lot of wow tokens through grinding my life away.

I didn't spend much of that Bnet balance that I got with wow tokens, but I did spend it on Destiny. Like a fucking retard, yet another game I didn't enjoy. Couldn't even refund it, so I forced myself to play it a bit. (btw, nowadays the content I paid for is fucking free to play lmao).

Ok, to end this stupid little story. BfA is close. I read up on it, watch videos. I fucking hate it, I realize Blizzard are fucking retards who can't design a game for shit. But I can't refund the preorder cause the mother fuckers made it so if you played an allied race you can't refund.

Anyway, so I knew it was gonna be shit. I play BfA, and of course, it's shit. I got to lvl 120 in like 3 or 4 days, and I shit you not I deleted the fucking game. That's it, I wasted SOOOOO much fucking money and I only played 3 days of that fucking piece of shit expansion.

So that's the story of how I wasted money on BfA. I still fucking hate Blizzard for it, I hope that company goes to shit.

Ohh and btw, the only other time I played retail WoW was in highschool, I saved up my lunch money over months and I bought a battle chest + an expansion without my parents knowing. I played like 2 days of that and deleted it back then too. God I'm a fucking moron who always gets buyer's remorse. God I hate myself.
Lately my life has been fucked in so may ways from family troubles, health issues, trying to get rid of moths, to money concerns and everything in between that I haven't been able to focus on copes

Mostly I get drunk when I can and listen to music on my bed while I feel all the pain
That's too bad man, I hope you find some peace and happiness.
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It's so weird reading your posts, you write like my brain thinks.
exactly,its like my subconscious mind manifesting itself through his posts
exactly,its like my subconscious mind manifesting itself through his posts
Cool bro, I hope your subconscious mind finds some peace and happiness.
I have the exact same situation. I think we might live in the same country
I usually get Russian escorts or SEA foids in massage parlors.
Yeah I figured that much, especially with that income. You can get some good looking curryfoids if you spare the change but I guess once you go Russ you don't go back. I wish I could escortcell in curryland but I have no friends who are into this for guidance and I don't want to go alone and be duped. So kinda stuck
Yeah I figured that much, especially with that income. You can get some good looking curryfoids if you spare the change but I guess once you go Russ you don't go back. I wish I could escortcell in curryland but I have no friends who are into this for guidance and I don't want to go alone and be duped. So kinda stuck

Lol going with friends would be weird. I usually go alone, most of the info on which places to go to, i get from forums.
Yeah. That aside. How in da fugging faak did you manage to spend your youth sitting in front of a laptop 16 hrs a day.
I don't know, I guess as a kid I never really liked anything and I was slightly autistic and introverted and avoidant of people. Anyway, so I found refuge in browsing the internet and video games. Then I guess I got addicted to it and real life wasn't as fun or nice or easy so I formed the habit of escaping.

Tbh I don't remember much from my childhood/teen years, my memory is shit. Anyway, the habit was formed, and I always rushed back home from school, to be at my PC. Then as a teen at like 13 or 14 I remember getting very seriously depressed, and that sort of never ended and I continued escaping on my PC. Don't wanna doxx myself by saying too much, but I sort of always wanted to be at my PC, since I was a kid.

You just can't win on this godforsaken shit hole. But then again this one made some rookie mistakes. When you live in a shithole you learn to deal with scammers like that, I have honed the art of angrily shouting and empty threats
I don't know, I guess as a kid I never really liked anything and I was slightly autistic and introverted and avoidant of people. Anyway, so I found refuge in browsing the internet and video games. Then I guess I got addicted to it and real life wasn't as fun or nice or easy so I formed the habit of escaping.

Tbh I don't remember much from my childhood/teen years, my memory is shit. Anyway, the habit was formed, and I always rushed back home from school, to be at my PC. Then as a teen at like 13 or 14 I remember getting very seriously depressed, and that sort of never ended and I continued escaping on my PC. Don't wanna doxx myself by saying too much, but I sort of always wanted to be at my PC, since I was a kid.
What I meant was you had no parental supervision? I mean i would have spend all my time online if I could. But things were pretty regulated.
You just can't win on this godforsaken shit hole. But then again this one made some rookie mistakes. When you live in a shithole you learn to deal with scammers like that, I have honed the art of angrily shouting and empty threats

What I meant was you had no parental supervision? I mean i would have spend all my time online if I could. But things were pretty regulated.
Yeah my parents cared a lot and we did fight about it sometimes. Idk, I somehow got my way. I mean, what were they gonna do? This slightly weird kid, sickly kid with no friends stays on his PC all day. What are you gonna do? I don't remember much, but I know they cared and they tried to stop me from going on this path. Somehow I got my way.
Just the buy a sex doll bro!
It's too bad sex dolls will never get even close to replacing a real woman. This might sound weird but ... the smell of a woman, the pheromones, the juices, the affection and intimacy and cuddling and whatnot. It's a whole lot more than just the whole a sex doll would provide.

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