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I am officially a volcel

  • Thread starter Reddit_is_for_cucks
  • Start date


Nov 10, 2017
More story

Yes you heard it right. I had a chance to escape but I couldn’t. This is a pretty fucked up story so it’s not for the faint of heart.

Me and my friends went too a pub crawl on st patties day and got rejected by a lot of girls, Went to a nightclub for a final shot but got rejected there too.

I literally have no inhabition when I am drunk , I literally approached 25 girls that night and didn’t give a shit. But when I sober I am so shy. Even my friend commented how I looked super thirsty when approaching girls.

Ok so I woke up from a shitty night and the house is a mess because of last night.
I check the dating app “badoo” and I have a message from a girl who I have been talking to for 2 days. I asked her if she wants to grab some food this evening at the pizza place and she agreed. I walk around the downtown with my friend till the time comes to meet her. Me and my friend end up going to the same pizza place and we start eating because we are hungry. Then we wait outside the pizza shop. it’s been over the time we planned to meet so I text her if she is coming? She said she was already there but she left because I wasn’t there. I told her I was right outside the shop, but we can still meet up since she lives close by. She agrees and texts me her address so I make my way to her place.

My friend is there with me and he is telling me how this is sketchy that I am going to her place like that and what if it’s a trap house. We joke about this stuff as we walk to her house and I text her I am outside when I arrive. She comes out of her apartment and we start talking, and my friend walks away. I try to talk as normally as possible because I am not experienced with this stuff but she is making the effort to keep the convo going. She invites me over to her building and as I am going up the elevator I got a panic attack because I remember my friend telling me how he said it might be a trap house or she might have guys waiting for me in there to rob me at knife point and etc.

I tell her, I need to give house keys to my friend because he will get locked out. She agrees and comes down with me. I suggest we go to my place and she says ok, she needs to give house keys to her friend before she leaves with me. We talk outside her building till her roommate comes.

Her roommate (single mother) comes in this huge black truck with her thug boyfriend and that makes me more nervous. She tells them that she is going to hang out with me. Now we are walking to my house and just talking about random casual stuff and she asks me “am I going to kill her? “ I ask her why? She says because I am wearing all black and big boots. I joke around and say, so are you and we both start laughing. Next she randomly tells me how she has depression and she had to take years of to complete high school. This makes me think she is mentally unstable. We talk more about casual stuff and out of nowhere she tells me how her friend got stabbed to death last week and they found his body in a parking lot. I was like oh that sucks so I tell her about my stabbing story and how I almost got stabbed to death aswell.

Context - summary of how I it stabbed: I almost got stabbed to death 3 years ago when I was living with this girl as my roommate and she broke up with her bf and he thought it was because of me, so he bangged on the door and started fighting me and went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and cut my fingers and ears and they were hanging (I got em stitched). Took the knife and stabbed me in the shoulder and back when I was running away from him. The one on the back almost punctured my lungs doctors said. I still managed to escape and he is in jail for a year which is dumb, he should go in for lifetime.

Anyways, she is super sympathetic and tells me how it’s gonna be ok and I am brave and stuff. She Assured me that I did the right thing by running away. So now I feel a bit better and less like a coward.

We talk more till we finally arrive at my house. I am super nervous because I keep running out of things to say but she is nice so she brings up random subjects we can talk about.

I show her my house and we end up sitting in living room. I try to turn the TV on but I am nervous that I don’t notice the HDMI is not plugged in and after 10 mins I give up. She is on her phone and tells me “look someone named their wifi “traphouse”” and starts laughing. Now I am freaking out because In my mind I am thinking why does she keep making these references to the sketchy things. I go to the kitchen to grab water and out of nowhere I hear loud banging on the door! THUD THUD THUD and it keeps getting louder. I look out the peep hole but I see nothing because he blocked it. I am shitting bricks at this point because this is exactly how the last stabbing went down. The guy was banging on the door so hard. I look at my phone and it’s 1% and I am thinking that the girl is gonna run to the kitchen and grab a knife and it’s over for me. This is how i die.
I quickly call 911 and tell them to come home to my address and how I am in a dangerous situation. Then the guy on the door says “yooo open up it’s me and he is laughing” I recognize the voice and it’s my roommate, The guy who was with me before eating pizza.

I open the door and he is laughing his ass off and I tell 911 that it was my friend pranking me, she tells me how this is a serious # and we shouldn’t be joking around like that.

The girl is looking at me and I am all nervous and sweating and my friend is laughing his ass off. I tell him to get the fuck off to his room.

I lye down on the couch because my heart is beating so fast. I tell the girl to come feel my chest and feel my heart rate. (I was trying to be slick). At this point there is no way I am getting a boner, I am having PTSD flashbacks from the previous attack because it took me a long time to get over that and my idiot friend just triggered it again.

I tell him to come down and lighten up the mood because I can’t talk and it’s getting awkward. He turns in the TV and says “you forgot to plug in HDMI dumbass”. Now we are watching the movie and I remember that my phone is almost out of battery, I pull out my phone so I can charge it, but I had a condom in that same poket so when I pulled out my phone, the condom flew out and fell on the girls.

My friend is on the other hand just dieing at this point and the girl is like “you dropped your condon lol”. She was pretty chill about it tho. But I felt so embarrassed at that point, I just wanted to go to a corner and curl up in a ball At this point.

So 15 mins in the movie, the girl says she can only stay for half of the movie (1 hour) and I am just like ok... my friend goes back to his room to give us space. 20 mins later she senses that nothing is gonna happen and I not gonna make a move or do anything so she makes up a excuse to leave early. She goes out for a smoke and tells her roommate to call her so she has a excuse to leave.

She comes back and gets call from her roommate and leaves. I felt so relieved.

At that point I realize how fuckin scary it is to go to a random persons house from tinder. Like they can be anyone. It could be a girl luring you and guys waiting on other side to kill you or rob your kidney idk.

I am guy and I was freaking out in the elevator when I went up with her. Idk how girls meet up with guys and go to their homes. I mean the guy could be anyone, could be Ted bundy for all she knows.

Anyways that was my fucked up story of how I did not get laid
ROFL. are you ethnik?

brought a girl over to my place and she was acting super sketchy. My friend played a really dumb prank. Her sketchyness and my friends prank added up I thought I was gonna get stabbed to death again like I did 3 years ago
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Some of you are fucking retarded, no wonder you can't get a gf.

Meanwhile, I haven't been on a single date.
More story

Yes you heard it right. I had a chance to escape but I couldn’t. This is a pretty fucked up story so it’s not for the faint of heart.

Me and my friends went too a pub crawl on st patties day and got rejected by a lot of girls, Went to a nightclub for a final shot but got rejected there too.

I literally have no inhabition when I am drunk , I literally approached 25 girls that night and didn’t give a shit. But when I sober I am so shy. Even my friend commented how I looked super thirsty when approaching girls.

Ok so I woke up from a shitty night and the house is a mess because of last night.
I check the dating app “badoo” and I have a message from a girl who I have been talking to for 2 days. I asked her if she wants to grab some food this evening at the pizza place and she agreed. I walk around the downtown with my friend till the time comes to meet her. Me and my friend end up going to the same pizza place and we start eating because we are hungry. Then we wait outside the pizza shop. it’s been over the time we planned to meet so I text her if she is coming? She said she was already there but she left because I wasn’t there. I told her I was right outside the shop, but we can still meet up since she lives close by. She agrees and texts me her address so I make my way to her place.

My friend is there with me and he is telling me how this is sketchy that I am going to her place like that and what if it’s a trap house. We joke about this stuff as we walk to her house and I text her I am outside when I arrive. She comes out of her apartment and we start talking, and my friend walks away. I try to talk as normally as possible because I am not experienced with this stuff but she is making the effort to keep the convo going. She invites me over to her building and as I am going up the elevator I got a panic attack because I remember my friend telling me how he said it might be a trap house or she might have guys waiting for me in there to rob me at knife point and etc.

I tell her, I need to give house keys to my friend because he will get locked out. She agrees and comes down with me. I suggest we go to my place and she says ok, she needs to give house keys to her friend before she leaves with me. We talk outside her building till her roommate comes.

Her roommate (single mother) comes in this huge black truck with her thug boyfriend and that makes me more nervous. She tells them that she is going to hang out with me. Now we are walking to my house and just talking about random casual stuff and she asks me “am I going to kill her? “ I ask her why? She says because I am wearing all black and big boots. I joke around and say, so are you and we both start laughing. Next she randomly tells me how she has depression and she had to take years of to complete high school. This makes me think she is mentally unstable. We talk more about casual stuff and out of nowhere she tells me how her friend got stabbed to death last week and they found his body in a parking lot. I was like oh that sucks so I tell her about my stabbing story and how I almost got stabbed to death aswell.

Context - summary of how I it stabbed: I almost got stabbed to death 3 years ago when I was living with this girl as my roommate and she broke up with her bf and he thought it was because of me, so he bangged on the door and started fighting me and went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and cut my fingers and ears and they were hanging (I got em stitched). Took the knife and stabbed me in the shoulder and back when I was running away from him. The one on the back almost punctured my lungs doctors said. I still managed to escape and he is in jail for a year which is dumb, he should go in for lifetime.

Anyways, she is super sympathetic and tells me how it’s gonna be ok and I am brave and stuff. She Assured me that I did the right thing by running away. So now I feel a bit better and less like a coward.

We talk more till we finally arrive at my house. I am super nervous because I keep running out of things to say but she is nice so she brings up random subjects we can talk about.

I show her my house and we end up sitting in living room. I try to turn the TV on but I am nervous that I don’t notice the HDMI is not plugged in and after 10 mins I give up. She is on her phone and tells me “look someone named their wifi “traphouse”” and starts laughing. Now I am freaking out because In my mind I am thinking why does she keep making these references to the sketchy things. I go to the kitchen to grab water and out of nowhere I hear loud banging on the door! THUD THUD THUD and it keeps getting louder. I look out the peep hole but I see nothing because he blocked it. I am shitting bricks at this point because this is exactly how the last stabbing went down. The guy was banging on the door so hard. I look at my phone and it’s 1% and I am thinking that the girl is gonna run to the kitchen and grab a knife and it’s over for me. This is how i die.
I quickly call 911 and tell them to come home to my address and how I am in a dangerous situation. Then the guy on the door says “yooo open up it’s me and he is laughing” I recognize the voice and it’s my roommate, The guy who was with me before eating pizza.

I open the door and he is laughing his ass off and I tell 911 that it was my friend pranking me, she tells me how this is a serious # and we shouldn’t be joking around like that.

The girl is looking at me and I am all nervous and sweating and my friend is laughing his ass off. I tell him to get the fuck off to his room.

I lye down on the couch because my heart is beating so fast. I tell the girl to come feel my chest and feel my heart rate. (I was trying to be slick). At this point there is no way I am getting a boner, I am having PTSD flashbacks from the previous attack because it took me a long time to get over that and my idiot friend just triggered it again.

I tell him to come down and lighten up the mood because I can’t talk and it’s getting awkward. He turns in the TV and says “you forgot to plug in HDMI dumbass”. Now we are watching the movie and I remember that my phone is almost out of battery, I pull out my phone so I can charge it, but I had a condom in that same poket so when I pulled out my phone, the condom flew out and fell on the girls.

My friend is on the other hand just dieing at this point and the girl is like “you dropped your condon lol”. She was pretty chill about it tho. But I felt so embarrassed at that point, I just wanted to go to a corner and curl up in a ball At this point.

So 15 mins in the movie, the girl says she can only stay for half of the movie (1 hour) and I am just like ok... my friend goes back to his room to give us space. 20 mins later she senses that nothing is gonna happen and I not gonna make a move or do anything so she makes up a excuse to leave early. She goes out for a smoke and tells her roommate to call her so she has a excuse to leave.

She comes back and gets call from her roommate and leaves. I felt so relieved.

At that point I realize how fuckin scary it is to go to a random persons house from tinder. Like they can be anyone. It could be a girl luring you and guys waiting on other side to kill you or rob your kidney idk.

I am guy and I was freaking out in the elevator when I went up with her. Idk how girls meet up with guys and go to their homes. I mean the guy could be anyone, could be Ted bundy for all she knows.

Anyways that was my fucked up story of how I did not get laid

Nice story OP, really had me on the edge there.
died when you called the cops.

Do recommed reading, attentionspan-cels
TLDR: OP took a girl to his house on a tinder date, sperged out and didnt make a move, she left
what were the races involved in the story? in the USA?
That was a good read bro, where the hell do you live though? That kind a violence isn't really normal lol. Also, i agree with you, going to a random person's house seem's very scary, lot's of wierdo's out there who prey on incel's like us, gotta stay safe man.
SHAKE MY FUCKING HEAD, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you had a bad experience last year with the stabbing

You could have been the first major member to leave inceldom
More story

Yes you heard it right. I had a chance to escape but I couldn’t. This is a pretty fucked up story so it’s not for the faint of heart.

Me and my friends went too a pub crawl on st patties day and got rejected by a lot of girls, Went to a nightclub for a final shot but got rejected there too.

I literally have no inhabition when I am drunk , I literally approached 25 girls that night and didn’t give a shit. But when I sober I am so shy. Even my friend commented how I looked super thirsty when approaching girls.

Ok so I woke up from a shitty night and the house is a mess because of last night.
I check the dating app “badoo” and I have a message from a girl who I have been talking to for 2 days. I asked her if she wants to grab some food this evening at the pizza place and she agreed. I walk around the downtown with my friend till the time comes to meet her. Me and my friend end up going to the same pizza place and we start eating because we are hungry. Then we wait outside the pizza shop. it’s been over the time we planned to meet so I text her if she is coming? She said she was already there but she left because I wasn’t there. I told her I was right outside the shop, but we can still meet up since she lives close by. She agrees and texts me her address so I make my way to her place.

My friend is there with me and he is telling me how this is sketchy that I am going to her place like that and what if it’s a trap house. We joke about this stuff as we walk to her house and I text her I am outside when I arrive. She comes out of her apartment and we start talking, and my friend walks away. I try to talk as normally as possible because I am not experienced with this stuff but she is making the effort to keep the convo going. She invites me over to her building and as I am going up the elevator I got a panic attack because I remember my friend telling me how he said it might be a trap house or she might have guys waiting for me in there to rob me at knife point and etc.

I tell her, I need to give house keys to my friend because he will get locked out. She agrees and comes down with me. I suggest we go to my place and she says ok, she needs to give house keys to her friend before she leaves with me. We talk outside her building till her roommate comes.

Her roommate (single mother) comes in this huge black truck with her thug boyfriend and that makes me more nervous. She tells them that she is going to hang out with me. Now we are walking to my house and just talking about random casual stuff and she asks me “am I going to kill her? “ I ask her why? She says because I am wearing all black and big boots. I joke around and say, so are you and we both start laughing. Next she randomly tells me how she has depression and she had to take years of to complete high school. This makes me think she is mentally unstable. We talk more about casual stuff and out of nowhere she tells me how her friend got stabbed to death last week and they found his body in a parking lot. I was like oh that sucks so I tell her about my stabbing story and how I almost got stabbed to death aswell.

Context - summary of how I it stabbed: I almost got stabbed to death 3 years ago when I was living with this girl as my roommate and she broke up with her bf and he thought it was because of me, so he bangged on the door and started fighting me and went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and cut my fingers and ears and they were hanging (I got em stitched). Took the knife and stabbed me in the shoulder and back when I was running away from him. The one on the back almost punctured my lungs doctors said. I still managed to escape and he is in jail for a year which is dumb, he should go in for lifetime.

Anyways, she is super sympathetic and tells me how it’s gonna be ok and I am brave and stuff. She Assured me that I did the right thing by running away. So now I feel a bit better and less like a coward.

We talk more till we finally arrive at my house. I am super nervous because I keep running out of things to say but she is nice so she brings up random subjects we can talk about.

I show her my house and we end up sitting in living room. I try to turn the TV on but I am nervous that I don’t notice the HDMI is not plugged in and after 10 mins I give up. She is on her phone and tells me “look someone named their wifi “traphouse”” and starts laughing. Now I am freaking out because In my mind I am thinking why does she keep making these references to the sketchy things. I go to the kitchen to grab water and out of nowhere I hear loud banging on the door! THUD THUD THUD and it keeps getting louder. I look out the peep hole but I see nothing because he blocked it. I am shitting bricks at this point because this is exactly how the last stabbing went down. The guy was banging on the door so hard. I look at my phone and it’s 1% and I am thinking that the girl is gonna run to the kitchen and grab a knife and it’s over for me. This is how i die.
I quickly call 911 and tell them to come home to my address and how I am in a dangerous situation. Then the guy on the door says “yooo open up it’s me and he is laughing” I recognize the voice and it’s my roommate, The guy who was with me before eating pizza.

I open the door and he is laughing his ass off and I tell 911 that it was my friend pranking me, she tells me how this is a serious # and we shouldn’t be joking around like that.

The girl is looking at me and I am all nervous and sweating and my friend is laughing his ass off. I tell him to get the fuck off to his room.

I lye down on the couch because my heart is beating so fast. I tell the girl to come feel my chest and feel my heart rate. (I was trying to be slick). At this point there is no way I am getting a boner, I am having PTSD flashbacks from the previous attack because it took me a long time to get over that and my idiot friend just triggered it again.

I tell him to come down and lighten up the mood because I can’t talk and it’s getting awkward. He turns in the TV and says “you forgot to plug in HDMI dumbass”. Now we are watching the movie and I remember that my phone is almost out of battery, I pull out my phone so I can charge it, but I had a condom in that same poket so when I pulled out my phone, the condom flew out and fell on the girls.

My friend is on the other hand just dieing at this point and the girl is like “you dropped your condon lol”. She was pretty chill about it tho. But I felt so embarrassed at that point, I just wanted to go to a corner and curl up in a ball At this point.

So 15 mins in the movie, the girl says she can only stay for half of the movie (1 hour) and I am just like ok... my friend goes back to his room to give us space. 20 mins later she senses that nothing is gonna happen and I not gonna make a move or do anything so she makes up a excuse to leave early. She goes out for a smoke and tells her roommate to call her so she has a excuse to leave.

She comes back and gets call from her roommate and leaves. I felt so relieved.

At that point I realize how fuckin scary it is to go to a random persons house from tinder. Like they can be anyone. It could be a girl luring you and guys waiting on other side to kill you or rob your kidney idk.

I am guy and I was freaking out in the elevator when I went up with her. Idk how girls meet up with guys and go to their homes. I mean the guy could be anyone, could be Ted bundy for all she knows.

Anyways that was my fucked up story of how I did not get laid
I think anyone can understand why you acted the way you did since what happened to you three years ago.
Have you spoken to her since?
I still managed to escape and he is in jail for a year which is dumb, he should go in for lifetime.
Holy shit how does that happen? I can think of three charges for him:
Aggravated burglary
Malicious wounding
Attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon

That's three felonies! How did he manage to only get one year? Do you live in a cucked state/country?
Holy shit how does that happen? I can think of three charges for him:
Aggravated burglary
Malicious wounding
Attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon

That's three felonies! How did he manage to only get one year? Do you live in a cucked state/country?
Yes the most cucked state! He had a attempted murder charge on him but they dropped it! Like wtf, I was basically dead if I didn’t run away.

Yea my country is super fucked when it comes to crimes.
Fucking fakecel OUt Ou t oUt otu to autat15156161
I actually did read it. She sounds crazy. Femoids can basically act however they want and still get laid.
More story

Yes you heard it right. I had a chance to escape but I couldn’t. This is a pretty fucked up story so it’s not for the faint of heart.

Me and my friends went too a pub crawl on st patties day and got rejected by a lot of girls, Went to a nightclub for a final shot but got rejected there too.

I literally have no inhabition when I am drunk , I literally approached 25 girls that night and didn’t give a shit. But when I sober I am so shy. Even my friend commented how I looked super thirsty when approaching girls.

Ok so I woke up from a shitty night and the house is a mess because of last night.
I check the dating app “badoo” and I have a message from a girl who I have been talking to for 2 days. I asked her if she wants to grab some food this evening at the pizza place and she agreed. I walk around the downtown with my friend till the time comes to meet her. Me and my friend end up going to the same pizza place and we start eating because we are hungry. Then we wait outside the pizza shop. it’s been over the time we planned to meet so I text her if she is coming? She said she was already there but she left because I wasn’t there. I told her I was right outside the shop, but we can still meet up since she lives close by. She agrees and texts me her address so I make my way to her place.

My friend is there with me and he is telling me how this is sketchy that I am going to her place like that and what if it’s a trap house. We joke about this stuff as we walk to her house and I text her I am outside when I arrive. She comes out of her apartment and we start talking, and my friend walks away. I try to talk as normally as possible because I am not experienced with this stuff but she is making the effort to keep the convo going. She invites me over to her building and as I am going up the elevator I got a panic attack because I remember my friend telling me how he said it might be a trap house or she might have guys waiting for me in there to rob me at knife point and etc.

I tell her, I need to give house keys to my friend because he will get locked out. She agrees and comes down with me. I suggest we go to my place and she says ok, she needs to give house keys to her friend before she leaves with me. We talk outside her building till her roommate comes.

Her roommate (single mother) comes in this huge black truck with her thug boyfriend and that makes me more nervous. She tells them that she is going to hang out with me. Now we are walking to my house and just talking about random casual stuff and she asks me “am I going to kill her? “ I ask her why? She says because I am wearing all black and big boots. I joke around and say, so are you and we both start laughing. Next she randomly tells me how she has depression and she had to take years of to complete high school. This makes me think she is mentally unstable. We talk more about casual stuff and out of nowhere she tells me how her friend got stabbed to death last week and they found his body in a parking lot. I was like oh that sucks so I tell her about my stabbing story and how I almost got stabbed to death aswell.

Context - summary of how I it stabbed: I almost got stabbed to death 3 years ago when I was living with this girl as my roommate and she broke up with her bf and he thought it was because of me, so he bangged on the door and started fighting me and went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and cut my fingers and ears and they were hanging (I got em stitched). Took the knife and stabbed me in the shoulder and back when I was running away from him. The one on the back almost punctured my lungs doctors said. I still managed to escape and he is in jail for a year which is dumb, he should go in for lifetime.

Anyways, she is super sympathetic and tells me how it’s gonna be ok and I am brave and stuff. She Assured me that I did the right thing by running away. So now I feel a bit better and less like a coward.

We talk more till we finally arrive at my house. I am super nervous because I keep running out of things to say but she is nice so she brings up random subjects we can talk about.

I show her my house and we end up sitting in living room. I try to turn the TV on but I am nervous that I don’t notice the HDMI is not plugged in and after 10 mins I give up. She is on her phone and tells me “look someone named their wifi “traphouse”” and starts laughing. Now I am freaking out because In my mind I am thinking why does she keep making these references to the sketchy things. I go to the kitchen to grab water and out of nowhere I hear loud banging on the door! THUD THUD THUD and it keeps getting louder. I look out the peep hole but I see nothing because he blocked it. I am shitting bricks at this point because this is exactly how the last stabbing went down. The guy was banging on the door so hard. I look at my phone and it’s 1% and I am thinking that the girl is gonna run to the kitchen and grab a knife and it’s over for me. This is how i die.
I quickly call 911 and tell them to come home to my address and how I am in a dangerous situation. Then the guy on the door says “yooo open up it’s me and he is laughing” I recognize the voice and it’s my roommate, The guy who was with me before eating pizza.

I open the door and he is laughing his ass off and I tell 911 that it was my friend pranking me, she tells me how this is a serious # and we shouldn’t be joking around like that.

The girl is looking at me and I am all nervous and sweating and my friend is laughing his ass off. I tell him to get the fuck off to his room.

I lye down on the couch because my heart is beating so fast. I tell the girl to come feel my chest and feel my heart rate. (I was trying to be slick). At this point there is no way I am getting a boner, I am having PTSD flashbacks from the previous attack because it took me a long time to get over that and my idiot friend just triggered it again.

I tell him to come down and lighten up the mood because I can’t talk and it’s getting awkward. He turns in the TV and says “you forgot to plug in HDMI dumbass”. Now we are watching the movie and I remember that my phone is almost out of battery, I pull out my phone so I can charge it, but I had a condom in that same poket so when I pulled out my phone, the condom flew out and fell on the girls.

My friend is on the other hand just dieing at this point and the girl is like “you dropped your condon lol”. She was pretty chill about it tho. But I felt so embarrassed at that point, I just wanted to go to a corner and curl up in a ball At this point.

So 15 mins in the movie, the girl says she can only stay for half of the movie (1 hour) and I am just like ok... my friend goes back to his room to give us space. 20 mins later she senses that nothing is gonna happen and I not gonna make a move or do anything so she makes up a excuse to leave early. She goes out for a smoke and tells her roommate to call her so she has a excuse to leave.

She comes back and gets call from her roommate and leaves. I felt so relieved.

At that point I realize how fuckin scary it is to go to a random persons house from tinder. Like they can be anyone. It could be a girl luring you and guys waiting on other side to kill you or rob your kidney idk.

I am guy and I was freaking out in the elevator when I went up with her. Idk how girls meet up with guys and go to their homes. I mean the guy could be anyone, could be Ted bundy for all she knows.

Anyways that was my fucked up story of how I did not get laid

Dude what is this cuck story. If she was going to rob you she would have been pestering to go to a specific place or asking to sleep at your place.

Next time just pretend you got experience and start playing with her hair then kiss the side of her head while you watch the movie. (Then escalate from there at the appropriate speed)
its over just ldar
Dude what is this cuck story. If she was going to rob you she would have been pestering to go to a specific place or asking to sleep at your place.

Next time just pretend you got experience and start playing with her hair then kiss the side of her head while you watch the movie. (Then escalate from there at the appropriate speed)
Yea but she said 4 things.

- are you gonna kill me, you are wearing all black?
- my friend got stabbed to death and they found him in the parking lot
-hey look wifi name is “trap house”

The. My friend did that prank that triggered my PTSD
You should have punched your friend in the face for effectively cockblocking you via PTSD triggers.

That's a harsh story laced with just bad luck and doesn't make you volcel tbh. You wanted to fuck her and couldn't. Still incel.
You should have punched your friend in the face for effectively cockblocking you via PTSD triggers.

That's a harsh story laced with just bad luck and doesn't make you volcel tbh. You wanted to fuck her and couldn't. Still incel.

Yea, it was like everything was against me that day. I guess for us incels it’s our destiny to stay virgins for ever
I haven't done anything close to that smh
I'd recommend paying a visit to that bloke who tried to stab you once he gets out of jail. Just jump him with a gun in an alley and shoot his knee caps. That's what I'd do.
Lol@reading that brag post.
A girl from Tinder agreed to meet you. I don't know what to say. I'm torn between fuck off and nice one keep trying.

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