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Serious I am deeply depressed



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017
I have nothing to live for, I spend every day all day feeling sorry for myself and wishing I was never born. No hobbies or pastimes entertain me anymore, I drifted away from any friends I ever had, I work a shitty dead end job with coworkers who hate me.

My life sucked as a young incel but it's only gotten worse and will continue to get worse, there is nothing to salvage anymore.
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I have nothing to live for, I spend every day all day feeling sorry for myself and wishing I was never born.
Curse of being born non-White.
Have you tried fesikh fishing as a hobby?
Have you atleast gotten a remote job?
Frame your normgroid coworkers for racial discrimination.
I dont know what to tell you.

We are in deep shit and its only going to get worst from here boyo. What i do whenever i am feeling hopeless is try new things, this can be as little as going to the store in the hopes of seeing something new. I recently got a fish tank and enjoy wasting the little money i get paid with buying fishes. Point is you have to look for new hobbies and also look for new ways to tackle your problem.
I dont know what to tell you.

We are in deep shit and its only going to get worst from here boyo. What i do whenever i am feeling hopeless is try new things, this can be as little as going to the store in the hopes of seeing something new. I recently got a fish tank and enjoy wasting the little money i get paid with buying fishes. Point is you have to look for new hobbies and also look for new ways to tackle your problem.
Wasting money on useless shit doesn't excite me anymore.
Stay inside with your curtains closed and be sorry. That's what I do
I want to go to Palestine and die for something that isn't jewed and fagged out like everything else in the world. Pretty sure every man counts there, there is a serious shortage of people willing to fight the Jew
I have nothing to live for, I spend every day all day feeling sorry for myself and wishing I was never born. No hobbies or pastimes entertain me anymore, I drifted away from any friends I ever had, I work a shitty dead end job with coworkers who hate me.

My life sucked as a young incel but it's only gotten worse and will continue to get worse, there is nothing to salvage anymore.
1,000,000x superior to a life born as an Indian
I won't go out without a fight they will pay for what they put me through
I want to go to Palestine and die for something that isn't jewed and fagged out like everything else in the world. Pretty sure every man counts there, there is a serious shortage of people willing to fight the Jew
They are untouchable, they have plot armor
You think Whites curse themselves like me and @tehgymcel420 do on a daily basis?! JFL! Absolutely not.
Whites are too busy being NPCs (and keeping you're lights on) to even consider their lives. In fact most normies of all races don't get all whiny about their race.

(Those nonwhites that do, are jewed puppets, dancing to the hate-whity music. And thereby giving whites a reason to hate them):

Ofc, normies have normie lives... And are "happy" enough... Too busy watching TV to think.

Hating you're own skin tone is like hating you're dick! It's like hating reality.

It comes from luxury! You simply have too much spare time in which to STEW in you're own misery! You are delusional in thinking whitecels have no problems.

The world hates you, sure. But only for being ugly. It's up to you to love yourself.

And you better start loving yourself, because no one else will.

Getting all whiny and cunty about stuff you cannot change, solves nothing! Things are what they are, and accepting reality is the first step. You first accept, then adapt... It's what humans do.

You're/our, life will always be a hellish nightmare! Only you can make it LESS hellish!

There's nothing more pathetic than a man that hates themselves! It's obvious that the jew has you brainwashed! Shake that shit off bro!

You cannot change you're skin. You HAVE to live to learn to live in it. Accept you're fate bro. It's the only way forward.

You may want to learn about the 50th law of power. It's all about accepting reality.
In fact most normies of all races don't get all whiny about their race.
But all the self-hating ones are deathniks not Whites. White guilt is artificially induced by jewish woke afrocentric propaganda, but for deathniks our self-hate is organic and natural because we suffer and get mogged on a daily basis.
Hating you're own skin tone is like hating you're dick! It's like hating reality.
Yes I hate reality because its stacked against me. Its highly asymmetric and unequal. A few people get everything, the rest of us get less than nothing.
The world hates you, sure. But only for being ugly. It's up to you to love yourself.
On what basis can I love myself when I am the worst in every aspect of life.
There's nothing more pathetic than a man that hates themselves! It's obvious that the jew has you brainwashed! Shake that shit off bro!
You sound like those redpilled normies.
But all the self-hating ones are deathniks not Whites. White guilt is artificially induced by jewish woke afrocentric propaganda, but for deathniks our self-hate is organic and natural because we suffer and get mogged on a daily basis.
I'm not saying you're self hate isn't Justified! (Keep in mind I don't know you IRL. Only what you show. Because you're incel, I can understand that. And it's no fun at all) I'm saying its a waste of your valuable time and not healthy for you, to complain, about it.

I know this bro! I was a big whino before the Blackpill! No one else gave a shit about what I felt... But I was projecting and not internalizing the stuff, like you are.
Yes I hate reality because its stacked against me. Its highly asymmetric and unequal. A few people get everything, the rest of us get less than nothing.
Yes, that's true. & It's been like that for everyone since the beginning of recorded history. I'm not saying to love reality, I'm saying, get used to it.
On what basis can I love myself when I am the worst in every aspect of life.
Perhaps, "self acceptance" is a better term.
You sound like those redpilled normies.
I'm a strategist. I hate doing useless crap. Wasting energy and all that.

Did I ever say "things will get better" for you? (No.) I said, they'll suck less, if you stop whining about shit you cannot change.

Here's why...

It's like seeing stuff. The more you look at something the better you can see it.

By focusing on bad shit, you'll see it better! It will get bigger if you zoom in on it. If, however, you focus on something else, IT will magnify. it's a matter of priorities.

It's basically a attitude thing. A energy thing.

Things will always suck and you'll die alone... But, you have to make you're own comfort. (Cope)
Gamers can’t be incel playing video games is a fakecel trait fuck gamers
Gamers can’t be incel playing video games is a fakecel trait fuck gamers
@wereq fuck gamers video games are for normies/Chads
Hating you're own skin tone is like hating you're dick!
But I do hate my dick, it's covered in jagged scars.
It only gets worse with time mang.
Whites are too busy being NPCs (and keeping you're lights on) to even consider their lives. In fact most normies of all races don't get all whiny about their race.

(Those nonwhites that do, are jewed puppets, dancing to the hate-whity music. And thereby giving whites a reason to hate them):

Ofc, normies have normie lives... And are "happy" enough... Too busy watching TV to think.

Hating you're own skin tone is like hating you're dick! It's like hating reality.

It comes from luxury! You simply have too much spare time in which to STEW in you're own misery! You are delusional in thinking whitecels have no problems.

The world hates you, sure. But only for being ugly. It's up to you to love yourself.

And you better start loving yourself, because no one else will.

Getting all whiny and cunty about stuff you cannot change, solves nothing! Things are what they are, and accepting reality is the first step. You first accept, then adapt... It's what humans do.

You're/our, life will always be a hellish nightmare! Only you can make it LESS hellish!

There's nothing more pathetic than a man that hates themselves! It's obvious that the jew has you brainwashed! Shake that shit off bro!

You cannot change you're skin. You HAVE to live to learn to live in it. Accept you're fate bro. It's the only way forward.

You may want to learn about the 50th law of power. It's all about accepting reality.
This is a great post. Reading stuff like this keeps me going on rough days.
This is a great post. Reading stuff like this keeps me going on rough days.
Thanks bro. Good Morale is important.

I see it as a military strategy. Our enemies want us to hate ourselves, so we lose without a fight. (Because in our minds we already lost!) Its basic "art of war" shit.

Look at all the demoralization going on in social media. All the fancy folks with fancy shit... Makes you feel bad for not having that shit...

People don't look beyond the facade to see it's all fake fraud! In debt for stupid things they don't need and can't afford. One month away from homelessness! - if you don't make the payments!

Only by acceptance of reality, can you find a way to adapt to it. You can't adapt to a lie.

It sucks and it ain't fair, but it is what it is.
I have nothing to live for, I spend every day all day feeling sorry for myself and wishing I was never born. No hobbies or pastimes entertain me anymore, I drifted away from any friends I ever had, I work a shitty dead end job with coworkers who hate me.

My life sucked as a young incel but it's only gotten worse and will continue to get worse, there is nothing to salvage anymore.
I feel similarly right now. What a miserable worthless existence we lead as incels. It's like we are on this planet only to suffer.
You should take a vacation to Zabbaleen and take your mind of things
Gamers can’t be incel playing video games is a fakecel trait fuck gamers
I can’t even get a dopamine hit from games anymore. They all just feel like a waste of time
I want to go to Palestine and die for something that isn't jewed and fagged out like everything else in the world. Pretty sure every man counts there, there is a serious shortage of people willing to fight the Jew
Honorable intention
I have nothing to live for, I spend every day all day feeling sorry for myself and wishing I was never born. No hobbies or pastimes entertain me anymore, I drifted away from any friends I ever had, I work a shitty dead end job with coworkers who hate me.

My life sucked as a young incel but it's only gotten worse and will continue to get worse, there is nothing to salvage anymore.
It gets worse as you age. All copes come to an end and life becomes boring and repetitive.
I dont know what to tell you.

We are in deep shit and its only going to get worst from here boyo. What i do whenever i am feeling hopeless is try new things, this can be as little as going to the store in the hopes of seeing something new. I recently got a fish tank and enjoy wasting the little money i get paid with buying fishes. Point is you have to look for new hobbies and also look for new ways to tackle your problem.
This. Anything to give you some form of happiness. If gaming is your thing, get a gaming laptop if you can afford it and you can pick from thousands upon thousands of online games. I personally enjoy multiplayer car racing games and play them a lot.
This. Anything to give you some form of happiness. If gaming is your thing, get a gaming laptop if you can afford it and you can pick from thousands upon thousands of online games. I personally enjoy multiplayer car racing games and play them a lot.
Never been into racing but to each their own
Never been into racing but to each their own
Yeah, that's what's so great about gaming. There are so many kinds of games, that there is likely some form of online game you find fun. The car games I play aren't all racing ones. There's one where you can drive the cars around a map with jumps and smash them up. The multiplayer ones aren't strictly racing. You can drive around for fun and smash into other players for fun.
Yeah, that's what's so great about gaming. There are so many kinds of games, that there is likely some form of online game you find fun. The car games I play aren't all racing ones. There's one where you can drive the cars around a map with jumps and smash them up. The multiplayer ones aren't strictly racing. You can drive around for fun and smash into other players for fun.
Games can all be different and fun at times but to me they are quickly becoming candy size treats as in once i try them i quickly lose interest. Rarely games keep me around, i feel like a whore trying a different game everyday just to get by and drown my sorrows.
Games can all be different and fun at times but to me they are quickly becoming candy size treats as in once i try them i quickly lose interest. Rarely games keep me around, i feel like a whore trying a different game everyday just to get by and drown my sorrows.
That's kind of how it is for me as well. I like trying a bunch of different games. The only games that keep me around are the multiplayer car driving games and the beam ng style car destruction games. The rest of the games I try never keep me interested long term.
You should take a vacation to Zabbaleen and take your mind of things
I spent week in Zabbaleen almost 30 years ago, maybe I should visit there again.
I'm not saying you're self hate isn't Justified! (Keep in mind I don't know you IRL. Only what you show. Because you're incel, I can understand that. And it's no fun at all) I'm saying its a waste of your valuable time and not healthy for you, to complain, about it.

I know this bro! I was a big whino before the Blackpill! No one else gave a shit about what I felt... But I was projecting and not internalizing the stuff, like you are.

Yes, that's true. & It's been like that for everyone since the beginning of recorded history. I'm not saying to love reality, I'm saying, get used to it.

Perhaps, "self acceptance" is a better term.

I'm a strategist. I hate doing useless crap. Wasting energy and all that.

Did I ever say "things will get better" for you? (No.) I said, they'll suck less, if you stop whining about shit you cannot change.

Here's why...

It's like seeing stuff. The more you look at something the better you can see it.

By focusing on bad shit, you'll see it better! It will get bigger if you zoom in on it. If, however, you focus on something else, IT will magnify. it's a matter of priorities.

It's basically a attitude thing. A energy thing.

Things will always suck and you'll die alone... But, you have to make you're own comfort. (Cope)

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