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JFL Husband Leaves for a Younger Woman -- Wife Copes and Seethes



Dec 3, 2020

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1diz7f4/to_the_girl_engaged_to_my_husband/

Every time there's a story like this where the woman paints the man as a monster you can bet there's more to it since women virtually never admit fault in their own behavior. What do you think her husband's side of the story is? He may have had a good reason to initiate divorce.

Notice the tactical framing of the post "Oh, you're a victim too young lady!" -- why do women argue this way? They're never direct or honest about what they actually mean. Nor do they seem to have any perception that they were once the younger woman chasing older Chads and rejecting men their age who lacked the status and wealth of somewhat older men.

You know why young women don't care? They aren't victims, they're just in their hyper desired window and they leverage that without even thinking about it to get who they perceive to be the best option. Then years later women get enraged that men go for younger women (something they themselves took advantage of in their time) -- and ... blame men for it.

I hate posts like these because they're dishonest (e.g. She's hurt that she was rejected for someone else more desirable -- so just say that) and there's always more to the story than they let on. Without fail women will insist it's entirely the guy's fault even if they did something horrific like cheating or turning into a blubber laden landwhale first and refusing to change over the course of years. They always have to do this manipulative moralizing GSR bullshit framing to their story.

> "You're just a child"
Bitch she is 20 years old -- you know how old that is? You know how old humans for all of time have been getting hitched and having kids? Good grief this cope is just ridiculous. Men die in trenches when they're 17.

> "perpetuated lies about me"
Doubt they were lies tbh.

My sister is exactly like this author in terms of her world view and how she frames things -- you can spot this level of delusion a mile off. Obviously redditors eat it up but that's because most of them are women at this point and also redditors are brain dead retards who unironically should not be allowed to vote. Of course if you ever actually point out any of these things on places like reddit or express even a shred of skepticism about the framing of their version of events you just get banned. Have you ever met a woman that actually was willing to admit fault or impartially retell events? Zero women in my immediate family pass that test.
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ruining your family for a relationship with a 20 year old college whore is retarded :feelsjuice: Breaking off your relationship with the LOYAL mother of your child for a 20 yo that's gonna cheat on you with Chad first opportunity she gets is EXTREMELY retarded
"victim" who persuades him for sex jfl
ruining your family for a relationship with a 20 year old college whore is retarded :feelsjuice: Breaking off your relationship with the LOYAL mother of your child for a 20 yo that's gonna cheat on you with Chad first opportunity she gets is EXTREMELY retarded
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Sorry to say but she's not wrong

Now even the 40 year olds are taking the 20 year olds, she should be with one of us. He's an asshole. I'll be honest and say I envy him
ruining your family for a relationship with a 20 year old college whore is retarded :feelsjuice: Breaking off your relationship with the LOYAL mother of your child for a 20 yo that's gonna cheat on you with Chad first opportunity she gets is EXTREMELY retarded
ruining your family for a relationship with a 20 year old college whore is retarded :feelsjuice: Breaking off your relationship with the LOYAL mother of your child for a 20 yo that's gonna cheat on you with Chad first opportunity she gets is EXTREMELY retarded
I agree assuming that's what actually happened, but I don't believe the wife in the story for one second. A lot of flags in there showing that the other party disagree with her assessment of events (she mentions that the other woman has been informing others of "what the wife did")
ruining your family for a relationship with a 20 year old college whore is retarded :feelsjuice: Breaking off your relationship with the LOYAL mother of your child for a 20 yo that's gonna cheat on you with Chad first opportunity she gets is EXTREMELY retarded
This. That's just the same slut behaviour and not any better when committed as a man. It's disgusting that adultery isn't illegal anymore, it's a massive psychological torture method and it can ruin growing kids lives in worst cases.
Husband’s story?

Most likely what it always is…

-Dead bedroom
-She withholds affection in general ie hugs, kisses, how was your day? Etc, etc.
-Probably let herself go
-Nags him
Fuck them all they're all scumbags
Sorry to say but she's not wrong

Now even the 40 year olds are taking the 20 year olds, she should be with one of us. He's an asshole. I'll be honest and say I envy him
Young men have an actual case -- I only agree if she's not lying, but she probably is. My sister was in a situation just like this one only it was entirely her fault -- but how she frames the events today is basically like this post. E.g. She cheated, the guy left then found someone who was a lot better -- she tells fictitious stories like this one where she's a victim and he's the villain. I just don't really buy it.

I'm all for regulations to pair men and women 1:1 with their net value match and keep age ranges closer, but women don't actually want that nor will they frame it that way -- they'll take advantage of the age gap when they're young then "change their mind" when they're older. They're just flip flopping when its convenient then blaming men for their own choices.
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I think they like to pretend early 20-somethings are "children" so that they can delude themselves into feeling they aren't old at 40.

In reality, she is an adult and you're middle-aged.
"he's like the dad I never had" and then she fucks him? :lul:
Husband’s story?

Most likely what it always is…

-Dead bedroom
-She withholds affection in general ie hugs, kisses, how was your day? Etc, etc.
-Probably let herself go
-Nags him
Entirely valid reasons for divorce
This. That's just the same slut behaviour and not any better when committed as a man. It's disgusting that adultery isn't illegal anymore, it's a massive psychological torture method and it can ruin growing kids lives in worst cases.
I agree with you but I don't buy her story at all -- this reads to me like guy probably had a good reason for the divorce that the wife conveniently leaves out of her version of events.
This. That's just the same slut behaviour and not any better when committed as a man. It's disgusting that adultery isn't illegal anymore, it's a massive psychological torture method and it can ruin growing kids lives in worst cases.
:yes: people who betray trust should be stoned - though I understand him if the roastie was like this
Husband’s story?

Most likely what it always is…

-Dead bedroom
-She withholds affection in general ie hugs, kisses, how was your day? Etc, etc.
-Probably let herself go
-Nags him
Though if you're a cheater you're scum imo, man or woman
I agree with you but I don't buy her story at all -- this reads to me like guy probably had a good reason for the divorce that the wife conveniently leaves out of her version of events.
I understand. Loveless dead bedroom marriages remain only a burden. It's understandable that marital rape was still legal not so long ago. Women aren't meant to dominate the marriage. Cucked soyciety and cucked laws have distorted the marriage how it meant to be.
I think they like to pretend early 20-somethings are "children" so that they can delude themselves into feeling they aren't old at 40.

In reality, she is an adult and you're middle-aged.
True, it's a combination of dishonestly because being old makes them feel bad but also it allows them to use a moral framing and accuse men who date any woman younger than them of being an evil pedophile.
She only produced one son, it takes two offspring to 'break even' in the game of life, three would be the best. It is obvious, the way she says

"Even though you came into my home, the home we built together ... and told me 'he's like the dad I never had'."

She is here projecting the fact that she has failed to produce a family. She also says it's her home, clearly she's been squeezing the well paid professor guy for money to get a home and forgot her biological role and duty in the process. Not a woman anyone should stick with if they had a choice.
She only produced one son, it takes two offspring to 'break even' in the game of life, three would be the best. It is obvious, the way she says

"Even though you came into my home, the home we built together ... and told me 'he's like the dad I never had'."

She is here projecting the fact that she has failed to produce a family. She also says it's her home, clearly she's been squeezing the well paid professor guy for money to get a home and forgot her biological role and duty in the process. Not a woman anyone should stick with if they had a choice.
It happens a lot honestly -- I bring up my immediately family/siblings a lot because I've seen their marriages fail in real time and it's honestly crazy how tolerant men typically are of women who don't do pull their weight or do things like actively refuse to have sex with their husbands. But, that's arguably a symptom of the lopsided dating market we're in now -- it's so far from fair it's just like why even bother with most of these people.
ruining your family for a relationship with a 20 year old college whore is retarded :feelsjuice: Breaking off your relationship with the LOYAL mother of your child for a 20 yo that's gonna cheat on you with Chad first opportunity she gets is EXTREMELY retarded
Sorry to say but she's not wrong

Now even the 40 year olds are taking the 20 year olds, she should be with one of us. He's an asshole. I'll be honest and say I envy him
This. That's just the same slut behaviour and not any better when committed as a man. It's disgusting that adultery isn't illegal anymore, it's a massive psychological torture method and it can ruin growing kids lives in worst cases.
Yeah, I should clarify I do think you guys make genuinely good points here. Assuming the guy really did leave her without cause because someone younger was willing to be with him that's not right. But at the same time I am extremely skeptical that's what actually happened and I really doubt this is the version of events you'd get from the other party.
ruining your family for a relationship with a 20 year old college whore is retarded :feelsjuice: Breaking off your relationship with the LOYAL mother of your child for a 20 yo that's gonna cheat on you with Chad first opportunity she gets is EXTREMELY retarded
Again, more controversy void of greatness. This is not a tragedy, it is merely an unfortunate event. Her feelings are valid but I think all of this could have been averted if everyone weren't trying to enter the fray of some personal drama.
Chad isn't even aware lol
If he was able to easily leave his wife and get some prime 20 year old, then he’s a Chad, or HTN at least.
Husband’s story?

Most likely what it always is…

-Dead bedroom
-She withholds affection in general ie hugs, kisses, how was your day? Etc, etc.
-Probably let herself go
-Nags him
This is most likely the situation. 100%. Foids try to take control and do nothing but demand and demand from men. She most likely withheld sex unless it suited her and she gained something from it.

On top of her most likely gaining 50lbs and still acting like she’s the hottest one around.
Sexhaver problems
There are no victims in this scenario. Just a bunch of unlikeable sexhavers doing sexhaver things. Naturally, each side will try to pass off their party as in the right and depict the other in the wrong but foids love having meltdowns to satisfy their victim complex even more.
lol she can go cope harder :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
There are no victims in this scenario. Just a bunch of unlikeable sexhavers doing sexhaver things. Naturally, each side will try to pass off their party as in the right and depict the other in the wrong but foids love having meltdowns to satisfy their victim complex even more.
Yup, I have a personal disgust for post like this mainly because I have family members that pull this shit all the time — it’s rare to especially find women that will admit fault or be straight with you about actually happened. It’s always this passive aggressive gossiping-shaming-rallying biased reframing of the actual events where it really should be obvious to most people that’s not the whole and impartial story. Yet … people just … believe them or worse they accept their wrong framings like the “you’re a victim too! You’re just a child” bullshit, it’s just bizarro.

Without more real context your conclusion is sensible.
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This is most likely the situation. 100%. Foids try to take control and do nothing but demand and demand from men. She most likely withheld sex unless it suited her and she gained something from it.

On top of her most likely gaining 50lbs and still acting like she’s the hottest one around.
Nailed it, it’s really common. My mom refused to have sex with my dad for like 10 years (possibly more, they were married a long time) then acts like a victim when he ultimately cheated. What he did wasn’t right either, but she’s not some angel and he’s not some devil with no cause that wronged her for no reason. Many such cases — it’s like women once women lock down their betabux they stop giving a shit entirely because what’s he gonna do? Divorce her then lose his kids and whatever money he’s painfully slaves for all his life? Cheat and then be labeled as evil? Our system just lies about these fucked up incentives and it’s like people arent even aware somehow. It’s honesty like I’m taking crazy pills, unreal people don’t perceive this stuff how it is or just don’t care.
ruining your family for a relationship with a 20 year old college whore is retarded :feelsjuice: Breaking off your relationship with the LOYAL mother of your child for a 20 yo that's gonna cheat on you with Chad first opportunity she gets is EXTREMELY retarded
I understand him. Its either cheat or get cheated on. If he didnt cheat, then she would have cheated on him earlier or later
Meh. He's a Chad though if I were in his shoes I'd do the same.
Women only have value as sex toys or baby makers. If they pass a certain age they aren't good for any of those two things, so naturally a man who has multiple options will choose a younger woman.
I understand him. Its either cheat or get cheated on. If he didnt cheat, then she would have cheated on him earlier or later
kinda brutal for the kid though you have to admit
My 50 year old uncle did the same replaced his 40+ wife with a 20 yr old student JFL
I think they like to pretend early 20-somethings are "children" so that they can delude themselves into feeling they aren't old at 40.

In reality, she is an adult and you're middle-aged.
High IQ. I never thought of it like that but it makes sense. I’ll try to remember that the next time I hear a bitter roastie infantilizing young adult women.
Bitches will marry chad then complain when he wants a haram. The man did nothing wrong
Idc. I seriously cant feel emotional empathy for a woman unless shes being beaten. Physically beaten.

Emotional damage i couldnt care less. Thats their expertise they play with our feelings since they are 12.

Fuck you dumb whore and i hope hes enjoying his time with the 20 yo
Husband’s story?

Most likely what it always is…

-Dead bedroom
-She withholds affection in general ie hugs, kisses, how was your day? Etc, etc.
-Probably let herself go
-Nags him

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1diz7f4/to_the_girl_engaged_to_my_husband/

Every time there's a story like this where the woman paints the man as a monster you can bet there's more to it since women virtually never admit fault in their own behavior. What do you think her husband's side of the story is? He may have had a good reason to initiate divorce.

Notice the tactical framing of the post "Oh, you're a victim too young lady!" -- why do women argue this way? They're never direct or honest about what they actually mean. Nor do they seem to have any perception that they were once the younger woman chasing older Chads and rejecting men their age who lacked the status and wealth of somewhat older men.

You know why young women don't care? They aren't victims, they're just in their hyper desired window and they leverage that without even thinking about it to get who they perceive to be the best option. Then years later women get enraged that men go for younger women (something they themselves took advantage of in their time) -- and ... blame men for it.

I hate posts like these because they're dishonest (e.g. She's hurt that she was rejected for someone else more desirable -- so just say that) and there's always more to the story than they let on. Without fail women will insist it's entirely the guy's fault even if they did something horrific like cheating or turning into a blubber laden landwhale first and refusing to change over the course of years. They always have to do this manipulative moralizing GSR bullshit framing to their story.

> "You're just a child"
Bitch she is 20 years old -- you know how old that is? You know how old humans for all of time have been getting hitched and having kids? Good grief this cope is just ridiculous. Men die in trenches when they're 17.

> "perpetuated lies about me"
Doubt they were lies tbh.

My sister is exactly like this author in terms of her world view and how she frames things -- you can spot this level of delusion a mile off. Obviously redditors eat it up but that's because most of them are women at this point and also redditors are brain dead retards who unironically should not be allowed to vote. Of course if you ever actually point out any of these things on places like reddit or express even a shred of skepticism about the framing of their version of events you just get banned. Have you ever met a woman that actually was willing to admit fault or impartially retell events? Zero women in my immediate family pass that test.

is this fucking guy retarded, he had a loyal wife and a son at home and cheated on them with a 20yo college whore that’s going to leave him after she finds chad lmfao
I understand. Loveless dead bedroom marriages remain only a burden. It's understandable that marital rape was still legal not so long ago. Women aren't meant to dominate the marriage. Cucked soyciety and cucked laws have distorted the marriage how it meant to be.
Well said mate, it’s a pity regular men with their eyes unclouded aren’t able to influence their own societies much these days :feelsbadman: People think things were how they were because our ancestors were just “oppressive bigots” for no reason at all. No, they had the standards they did to solve problems typically — because men and women are different and you get bad outcomes when women (and men for that matter) are not restrained somewhat.
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