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Experiment how would you treat your gf?

would you treat you gf:

  • like an angel

    Votes: 26 26.8%
  • like a piece of shit

    Votes: 30 30.9%
  • as an equal

    Votes: 41 42.3%

  • Total voters
id treat her like an onahole
I would like to treat a girl I am in a relationship like an angel because I am a nice person but I realize if you are nice like that you will be cucked or left for being beta and clingy. It hurts me inside but when I hit on a girl I go out of my way to purposely ignore her texts and shit like that.
I'll treat them good that if I ever get a girlfriend.
So you'd cuck yourself with your own hands?

God people here aren't blackpilled at all.

It isn't cucked at all. You're either memeing or being retarded right now.
If i had a Girlfriend, i would treat her like an angle because she would be one,i wouldn't love her if she wasn't.
I'd treat her well to the point that she would either cuck me or leave me but I can't help it lol.
I'd treat her well to the point that she would either cuck me or leave me but I can't help it lol.
there are some womn who wouldnt cuck you or leave you, but youll never get them
Since my goal is to be chad I would cheat on her and play mind games on her, destroy her confidence and just fuck with her and etc
13 "incel" would treat famoids like angles and 21 "incel" would treat them as equal.

Lmao @ those fags claiming to be blackpilled incels.
16 would treat femoids like the shit they are
16 would treat femoids like the shit they are
Yeah but i expected a lot more incels tbh. The funny thing is, that ironically treating a famoid like shit would make your relationship better and last longer than being a clingey beta cuck.
When I picked as an equal, I really mean I'll reward good behavior and punish bad behavior
i see now i should have put a 'like an animal' optoin
Sadly, most women are. Like children, they only respond to brute force. Unlike children, they never grow up. I hate TRP'ers who are all like "you can deal with women, you just have to keep their pimp hand strong". I don't want to constantly be parenting a woman girl. That's her father's job.
Sadly, most women are. Like children, they only respond to brute force. Unlike children, they never grow up. I hate TRP'ers who are all like "you can deal with women, you just have to keep their pimp hand strong". I don't want to constantly be parenting a woman girl. That's her father's job.
i would do it for the sex and the control over her i would get
i would do it for the sex and the control over her i would get
This would work in past times. Today, you'll just get the cops called on you and shamed by everyone. Unless you're a thug, of course. Low inhibition is legit.
This would work in past times. Today, you'll just get the cops called on you and shamed by everyone. Unless you're a thug, of course. Low inhibition is legit.
unfortunate but true, i could never have the control i want over her. only a chad could
i would be nice and caring but when she is getting out of hand i wouldnt hesitate to slap a bitch and remind her whos in charge.
i would be nice and caring but when she is getting out of hand i wouldnt hesitate to slap a bitch and remind her whos in charge.
i wish i could do that, but id be so scared of losing her i would spoil her
i wish i could do that, but id be so scared of losing her i would spoil her

girls are more attracted to assertive, alpha behaviour than letting them walk all over you. and if they start walking all over you that isnt even a relationship anymore, its a cuckoldry.
"hitting females for existing"? are you under the influence, or what? domestic discipline is a vital part of every healthy relationship. this is very much different than mindless violence.

you seem to be a cuckold, i hope you find yourself a nice single mother one day.
What discipline? That idiot quoted above literally reeks of a mindless violence turd on all his posts.

Hurr Durr if you don't hit a woman you're cucked. There's other ways to not be a beta clingy cuck than hitting a woman. Like I said, hope you believe in reincarnation buddy boyo.
girls are more attracted to assertive, alpha behaviour than letting them walk all over you. and if they start walking all over you that isnt even a relationship anymore, its a cuckoldry.
but i wouldnt know when is too far
but i wouldnt know when is too far

id say when she starts talking to you like shit on a regular basis is a good sign. also i would NEVER let her visit another man or go on a trip with another man unless there are also other girls there. thats a huge sign your getting cucked.
id say when she starts talking to you like shit on a regular basis is a good sign. also i would NEVER let her visit another man or go on a trip with another man unless there are also other girls there. thats a huge sign your getting cucked.
shed call domestic abuse and leave you over it. you aint chad, so the assertive thing wont work for us
shed call domestic abuse and leave you over it. you aint chad, so the assertive thing wont work for us

well you can either risk getting dumped by being assertive or be a cuck with no dignity by letting her do whatever she wants.
well you can either risk getting dumped by being assertive or be a cuck with no dignity by letting her do whatever she wants.
i would rather risk being cucked than being forced back into incedom
the point is: you obviously think hitting females is wrong, no matter the reason, and that is a very ignorant point of view. also, i'd rather be disemboweled rather than just beaten if i was a female
Quote where I said that.

Either your reading comprehension is lacking or you're just trolling now.

If a bitch hits me, she'll get hit back. But I won't hit her just for being born with a vagina unlike some of the pathetic retards in here.
Second option because i would want some sadomasochism in the relationship.
thats different from just treating her like shit. bdsm is something that she wants as well
I'd probably only have her for sex and would spend most of the time alone like i always do like i always like so it still counts?
I'd probably only have her for sex and would spend most of the time alone like i always do like i always like so it still counts?
thats acually pretty close to the bdsm lifestyle. forced isolation and such
funny thing, i was going to say the exact same line about reading comprehension to you, since you said "black pilled doesn't mean you should hit women for existing, faggot" when the person you were replying to said nothing of the sort. it is blatant that you think every single occurence of violence = "abuse/bad/whatever" because you would not have jumped to such a moronic conclusion from his post if you didn't. does little baby get it now?
Hey moron, the post I quoted was addressing his disdain for black pilled users on here not sharing his (and now looks like yours too) retard beliefs. Anyone who has read the last few pages can see what type of character he (and now you) clearly have.

And JFL you really trying to swing the reading comprehension line back at me? LOL dude you haven't even responded about quoting where I said what you accused me of in the beginning. Lmao
Hey moron, the post I quoted was addressing his disdain for black pilled users on here not sharing his (and now looks like yours too) retard beliefs. Anyone who has read the last few pages can see what type of character he (and now you) clearly have.

And JFL you really trying to swing the reading comprehension line back at me? LOL dude you haven't even responded about quoting where I said what you accused me of in the beginning. Lmao

yeah, users so “blackpilled” that they’re here, insulting incels’ character because they had the audacity to say something bad about females. you are a whiteknight and a mongoloid, and i truly am sorry for you. goodbye.
yeah, users so “blackpilled” that they’re here, insulting incels because they had the audacity to say something bad about females. you are a whiteknight and a mongoloid and i truly am sorry for you. goodbye.
This is why the black pill community isn't being taken seriously. When retards like you who think that being blackpilled means you should hit women at every opportunity and if you don't then you're a whiteknight. I actually would feel sorry for you if you had any sense of empathy.
In reality I would probably become over attatched

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