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how was elliot?



proponent of the glassespill and beard theory
May 14, 2023

This is the second time I've listened to the story of Elliot and he didn't have a good life.​

He didn't have a deformed face, he admitted that. His face wasn't hideous but he was feminine which is a death sentence in the dating world.​

A feminine man (like many Asians are) women cannot see him as a man, they see him as a little boy or as a woman. no beard growth, supple skin, the eyes are unmanly and the physique is not stocky.​

You have to understand that when we talk about pretty boys, these are “masculine” men who are usually still very young but look very masculine after puberty.​

these are not elliot types. Elliot was robbed, beaten up and even when he was half dead another gang of men beat him up.​

I've also been robbed and had a chain stolen.​

I was more interested in him now because I couldn't see that he was an incel. He was definitely not extremely ugly, but 60 kg and 1.75 cm is a catastrophe for a man.​

I'm the same size and about a similar weight. and he was repeatedly mogged by younger children.​

When he wanted to become a skateboarder, a little boy came and did a lot more tricks in front of him and Elliot had been practicing for a long time and could only do one oli and on ramps.​

Meanwhile, younger children did better tricks than he did even though they didn't practice for as long.​

Even in basketball, younger children could throw much further and had much more strength. I see parallels with him because I was also mogged several times by younger people and they were often much better than me.​

I also wanted to be a skateboarder, but then gave it up because I could only manage one oli and saw how younger kids could do real tricks and had better control of the board.​

I too have been beaten up several times. just that I'm deformed and look too elliot retarded. I also didn't do any sports and when something was supposed to be carried somewhere I refused because I was afraid that others would see my weakness and laugh at me. I am a weakling and have hardly any strength.​

Throwing a ball is often too embarrassing for me and I refuse to do it because it is a demonstration of my weakness.​

It's kind of funny to think that Elliot's plan failed at a door because the sorority didn't open the door for him or didn't hear him (probably had loud sex).​

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Put this shit in paragraphs. I am not reading all that.


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Didn't know that, brutal.
That was the situation where he tried to push people off the cliff at the party out of frustration. But they had more strength, even the girls had more strength and pushed Elliot off the cliff.
Didn't know that, brutal.
Do you know the story where Jessy (Elliot's classmate) stated that he fucked a girl. Elliot then said that he didn't believe him. Then Jessy played a voice message where you can hear both of them having sex and the girl calling Jessy's name. Elliot was then picked up by his mom and burst into tears and told his mom what had happened. then he changed the school
Do you know the story where Jessy (Elliot's classmate) stated that he fucked a girl. Elliot then said that he didn't believe him. Then Jessy played a voice message where you can hear both of them having sex and the girl calling Jessy's name. Elliot was then picked up by his mom and burst into tears and told his mom what had happened. then he changed the school
Fucking brootal. No wonder he snapped.
Fucking brootal. No wonder he snapped.
Do you know the story where that one chad (at the new school) called him a loser in front of all the girls?
Do you know the story where that one chad (at the new school) called him a loser in front of all the girls?
No, enlighten me if you can. Tbh I never did too much digging into him.
No, enlighten me if you can. Tbh I never did too much digging into him.
his parents talk with him in a cafe after this and took him of the school. so he chilled one month at home

he didn't have a good life.​

being on red carpets, being on expensive vacations all the time, living in LA, driving an expensive car, meeting hollywood stars
*not a good life"


Didn't know that, brutal.
You didn't know that because it's not accurate.

That was the situation where he tried to push people off the cliff at the party out of frustration. But they had more strength, even the girls had more strength and pushed Elliot off the cliff.
It wasn't a cliff, it was a balcony.

Elliot entered a house party he was not invited to. After nobody talked to him (lol, why would they, they don't know him) he got aggressive towards the party guests and tried to push them off the balcony of the house (lmao).
Of course they beat him up after that. Well deserved.
He lost his glasses in the process (they didn't "rob him")

OP you piece of shit, don't twist things and stick to the facts please, this isn't reddit.
OP you piece of shit, don't twist things and stick to the facts please, this isn't reddit.
Yeah, dude was just twisting the story like tf.
Retarded narcissistic faggot tbh this guy legit killed more inkwells than foids lol. Not that I condone killing foids, but that alone shows how retarded he is. Nigga just went on a random killing spree and shot himself at the end lmfao.
being on red carpets, being on expensive vacations all the time, living in LA, driving an expensive car, meeting hollywood stars
*not a good life"
his mom bought that shit for him because she know that its over for him and she wanted to make him happy.
He neither had a job nor finished school.
He received regular money from his family.
Elliot entered a house party he was not invited to. After nobody talked to him (lol, why would they, they don't know him) he got aggressive towards the party guests and tried to push them off the balcony of the house (lmao).
Of course they beat him up after that. Well deserved.
He lost his glasses in the process (they didn't "rob him")

OP you piece of shit, don't twist things and stick to the facts please, this isn't reddit.
it was not a normal balcony because it was open. it was like a kind of cliff. he came to the party and nobody talk to him or make contact. so he drunk a lot of alc. and as he saw how this chads have fun with stacys he got very angry and tried to push her down the balcony.
Of course they beat him up after that. Well deserved.
He lost his glasses in the process (they didn't "rob him")
His glasses were stolen and he tried to get back to the party. Because he was so drunk, he came to the neighbors and asked for his glasses. But they were friends with the owner of the party and beat Elliot up again (he was seriously injured). He doesn't deserve to be beaten up by being seriously injured again after he broke legs and other bones.
At home he noticed that his necklace had also been stolen and that it was probably being exchanged for a bag of drugs (he write that). he broke down and cried.
you scumbag say I'm talking crap just because I called an open balcony a cliff?
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his mom bought that shit for him because she know that its over for him and she wanted to make him happy.
He neither had a job nor finished school.
He received regular money from his family.

it was not a normal balcony because it was open. it was like a kind of cliff. he came to the party and nobody talk to him or make contact. so he drunk a lot of alc. and as he saw how this chads have fun with stacys he got very angry and tried to push her down the balcony.

His glasses were stolen and he tried to get back to the party. Because he was so drunk, he came to the neighbors and asked for his glasses. But they were friends with the owner of the party and beat Elliot up again (he was seriously injured). He doesn't deserve to be beaten up by being seriously injured again after he broke legs and other bones.
At home he noticed that his necklace had also been stolen and that it was probably being exchanged for a bag of drugs (he write that). he broke down and cried.
you scumbag say I'm talking crap just because I called an open balcony a cliff?
You say he had a bad life when he had a better life than 98% of people on this forum. He did NOT have a bad life.

You make it sound like they beat him up without reason. This is false. He was aggressive towards them and tried to physically harm them. So it's absolutely deserved.

He also wasn't robbed. He was drunk af and simply lost his stuff.
He also wasn't robbed. He was drunk af and simply lost it.
dont think so. you cant lose a chain so easy. one of this chads that beat him up must steal it and know he have cool sunglasses and a chain and stacy like him even more.
dont think so. you cant lose a chain so easy. one of this chads that beat him up must steal it and know he have cool sunglasses and a chain and stacy like him even more.
Well, nobody can tell for sure, so claiming it was stolen as if it were a fact is simply dishonest.
He was drunk af, so it's just as likely that he just lost it.

Anyways, the nigger was braindead enough to enter a houseparty he wasn't invited to and tried to physically harm people there (LMAO).
He got what he deserved.
Well, nobody can tell for sure, so claiming it was stolen as if it were a fact is simply dishonest.
He was drunk af, so it's just as likely that he just lost it.

Anyways, the nigger was braindead enough to enter a houseparty he wasn't invited to and tried to physically harm people there (LMAO).
He got what he deserved.
Someone who lives in isolation will eventually do stupid things. I don't think it's a bad thing that he went there because he wanted to experience something again. He couldn't have known that it would hit him so hard.
Retarded narcissistic faggot tbh this guy legit killed more inkwells than foids lol. Not that I condone killing foids, but that alone shows how retarded he is. Nigga just went on a random killing spree and shot himself at the end lmfao.
Still don't makes his bullies any better.
His face wasn't hideous but he was feminine which is a death sentence in the dating world.
Should've jungcockmaxxed
being on red carpets, being on expensive vacations all the time, living in LA, driving an expensive car, meeting hollywood stars
*not a good life"
You say he had a bad life when he had a better life than 98% of people on this forum. He did NOT have a bad life.
That's what I thought. Also if he stopped being white pussy only he could easily have someone
There was nothing really wrong with ER's looks. In fact, he passes as a Chadlite. The biggest problem was that he was autistic, thus making him a truecel. I know plenty of subhuman people IRL who happen look way worse than him, but they are succeesful in life.
That was the situation where he tried to push people off the cliff at the party out of frustration. But they had more strength, even the girls had more strength and pushed Elliot off the cliff.
:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
who cares? he is dead nobody cares about him or the toronto van killer.
Earth?????? He mogs 90% of the forum, Looks wasn't his issue.
yes it was. he was ugly. he was a manlet with recessed chin and weird nose and lips and 0 facial masculinity, surrounded by tall white isla vista college chads
i relate to elliot but he shouldve focused more on how NTs are the actual enemy and root of all evil
surrounded by tall white isla vista college chads
thats the one reason why he fucked up in his life. his competitors were too strong.
who cares? he is dead nobody cares about him or the toronto van killer.
Aren't you that foid infiltrator that got raped twice?

Where can we hear his "supreme gentleman" tirade again ? I dont think its still on youtube
Elliot Rodger was competing with white chads, he had no chance

This is the second time I've listened to the story of Elliot and he didn't have a good life.​

He didn't have a deformed face, he admitted that. His face wasn't hideous but he was feminine which is a death sentence in the dating world.​

A feminine man (like many Asians are) women cannot see him as a man, they see him as a little boy or as a woman. no beard growth, supple skin, the eyes are unmanly and the physique is not stocky.​

You have to understand that when we talk about pretty boys, these are “masculine” men who are usually still very young but look very masculine after puberty.​

these are not elliot types. Elliot was robbed, beaten up and even when he was half dead another gang of men beat him up.​

I've also been robbed and had a chain stolen.​

I was more interested in him now because I couldn't see that he was an incel. He was definitely not extremely ugly, but 60 kg and 1.75 cm is a catastrophe for a man.​

I'm the same size and about a similar weight. and he was repeatedly mogged by younger children.​

When he wanted to become a skateboarder, a little boy came and did a lot more tricks in front of him and Elliot had been practicing for a long time and could only do one oli and on ramps.​

Meanwhile, younger children did better tricks than he did even though they didn't practice for as long.​

Even in basketball, younger children could throw much further and had much more strength. I see parallels with him because I was also mogged several times by younger people and they were often much better than me.​

I also wanted to be a skateboarder, but then gave it up because I could only manage one oli and saw how younger kids could do real tricks and had better control of the board.​

I too have been beaten up several times. just that I'm deformed and look too elliot retarded. I also didn't do any sports and when something was supposed to be carried somewhere I refused because I was afraid that others would see my weakness and laugh at me. I am a weakling and have hardly any strength.​

Throwing a ball is often too embarrassing for me and I refuse to do it because it is a demonstration of my weakness.​

It's kind of funny to think that Elliot's plan failed at a door because the sorority didn't open the door for him or didn't hear him (probably had loud sex).​

Elliot was fakecel, he was stacey only no different to a foid being chad only
I hate the other youngcels who shit on ER. He was a complete mentalcel, too fucking autistic to ascend.

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