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Theory How to quit porn



Feb 15, 2024
I think there are two pillars to this:

1. Overcome depression (difficult, I can't give you specific advice here as it must be tailored to your psychology and circumstances)

2. Create a serious enforceable penalty for watching porn

For me, depression isn't just feeling that you're in a pit. It's the belief that sooner or later, you will always fall back into the pit.

It's possible that quitting porn could enable you to overcome depression. I see porn as a form of mind-rape, with psychologically ruinous long-term effects.

The penalty I created was that if I watched or in any way used porn, I would not be able to talk to someone I value for 3 months. I know that if I failed I would be honest about it, making it enforceable. An additional penalty beyond just not being able to interact with them is that I'd be humiliating myself and letting them down, hurting them emotionally. As well as the inherent destructive effects of porn on my health (nihilism, drug addict behaviour).

Here are some alternative penalties from Chatgpt which may work better for some people:

"Creating enforceable penalties can indeed be a powerful motivator for behavior change. Here are some potential enforceable penalties for quitting porn, although it's important to note that the effectiveness of these measures can vary from person to person:
  1. Financial Consequences:
    • Designate a specific amount of money that you will donate to a cause you dislike or an organization you disagree with every time you relapse.​
  2. Social Consequences:
    • Similar to what you've done, impose social penalties such as limiting interaction with close friends or family members, or being open about your struggle, which can add a layer of accountability.​
  3. Time-Related Penalties:
    • Commit to spending a certain amount of hours volunteering for a cause you might find challenging or uncomfortable for each relapse.​
  4. Educational Commitments:
    • Promise to take on an additional educational course or read a book on a topic you find uninteresting or challenging.​
  5. Physical Challenges:
    • Set up a fitness challenge that becomes more demanding with each relapse, such as running a certain number of miles or doing a set number of push-ups.​
  6. Hobbies and Interests:
    • Restrict or eliminate time spent on enjoyable hobbies or activities for a period following a relapse.​
Remember that the effectiveness of these penalties depends on your personal values, and it's essential to choose consequences that genuinely matter to you."

Whenever I get a pornographic thought, I remind myself of the consequences I've agreed to, think of a female from my past who I potentially could have been with and tell myself "there's no chance I will break" and "it will ruin my life".

The strategy has worked flawlessly and I've had zero desire to watch it for an extended period now. I know I'll never watch it again.​
Most of the forum won’t use this but thanks I guess
quitting porn is cope tbh
quitting porn could enable you to overcome depression.
Depression is not a result of watching porn. How can you not be depressed if you're a social outcast, reject, getting no pussy, no female attention.
Depression is not a result of watching porn. How can you not be depressed if you're a social outcast, reject, getting no pussy, no female attention.
"How can you not be depressed if you're a social outcast, reject, getting no pussy, no female attention."

In my experience, porn will prevent you from ever clawing your way out of depression, even if it didn't directly put you there in the first place.
How to quit porn? only honest and correct answer is to give up the idea of you having a sex life. It sounds like suffering but really it's the ultimate acceptance. You already accepted you as an incel don't get pussy in real life, all you have to do left is accept that the order of things is such that you also don't get to glance at it. I kinda bring in the appeal to nature fallacy here because I don't think technology/picture/video is natural so therefore a true incel is technically forbidden by fucking mother nature itself to witness any female nudity or sex or masturbation but technology made 4k porn available for the incel and in terms of pleasure it feels about as good as sex, the only thing missing is the oxytocin released from knowing the female likes you back, and it's not right at all. It's the cause of so many suicides because the more you indulge in in, the more your brain goes like "everyone gets laid so much and I don't.. fuck.."
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Most of the forum won’t use this but thanks I guess

Very democratic language!

I'm sure that most on the forum are content to lay down and die, I'm not writing for the majority.
Depression is not a result of watching porn. How can you not be depressed if you're a social outcast, reject, getting no pussy, no female attention.
Idk man i get to make my peepee feel good for free off of whores being exploited and abused and often end up killing themselves from the trauma of working as a meat hole. Porn is based :feelsjuice:
Depression is not a result of watching porn. How can you not be depressed if you're a social outcast, reject, getting no pussy, no female attention.
How can you not be depressed watching others do what you carve for the most while you're a social outcast getting no pussy?
You know how you CAN not be depressed being a pussyless outcast? Forgetting about sex by not watching porn and being aware that all you're fucking is your own hand while you miserably watch chad deepthroat and creampie any oneitises you might or might not only dream of
Summarise the method then please.
too lazy. it's basically just logic-ing your way out of the cognitive reptile brain loop that leads to porn addiction.
It's simple...

Overindulgence until boredom
too lazy. it's basically just logic-ing your way out of the cognitive reptile brain loop that leads to porn addiction.
What if "logic" leads you down more destructive routes? What if lust overpowers logic in the moment? A strong enforceable penalty provides an added incentive to quit.​
How can you not be depressed watching others do what you carve for the most while you're a social outcast getting no pussy?
You know how you CAN not be depressed being a pussyless outcast? Forgetting about sex by not watching porn and being aware that all you're fucking is your own hand while you miserably watch chad deepthroat and creampie any oneitises you might or might not only dream of
Cope. How can you forget about sex when you get erections everyday and your brain automatically imagines sex when seeing a foid?
There's no quitting porn for your face.
What if "logic" leads you down more destructive routes? What if lust overpowers logic in the moment? A strong enforceable penalty provides an added incentive to quit.​
I can assure you that jerking off constantly to internet porn is not a logical thing to do. It is addictive behavior.
Furthermore, your strong enforceable penalty is reliant on willpower anyway, the very same willpower you could use to just.. quit porn. What you're doing here is tricking yourself mentally.
I'm not saying that most of what you said isn't true, it just seems more taxing.
How to quit porn in simple terms
1. Get a gf
I am addicted to it and it's the only thing which brings momentary joy in life why should I quit it? I have just ordered a 256GB SD card to enhance my collection.
Cope. How can you forget about sex when you get erections everyday and your brain automatically imagines sex when seeing a foid?
Erections are understandable and unavoidable. Imagining sex? you do that only because of porn. If anything back in the day at most you heard that kids are made by dad sticking wiener in mommy but not really grasping the concept, only porn made that possible. I basically said that porn makes you suffer because it makes you know what sex is as an incel and you said you suffer becauss you know what sex is when you look at a foid, which obviously as an incel you only know due to porn. What can I even say more lmao
I can assure you that jerking off constantly to internet porn is not a logical thing to do. It is addictive behavior.
Furthermore, your strong enforceable penalty is reliant on willpower anyway, the very same willpower you could use to just.. quit porn. What you're doing here is tricking yourself mentally.
I'm not saying that most of what you said isn't true, it just seems more taxing.
It's addictive behaviour but if you have no hope, addiction seems rational. If you want proof of that claim see this thread.

The method you favour basically amounts to "Just use willpower and logic to quit porn bro"

Many have tried and most don't succeed. I think my method is more effective.

I looked up the "easypeasymethod" and it's based on the principles of "cognitive behavioural therapy", which has been heavily criticised by one of the most intelligent posters on this forum, atavisticautist:

I suspect that whoever is behind the "EPM" makes money from his "method", whereas I obviously do not. Money is a corrupting force.

My penalty isn't solely or even mainly reliant on willpower to enforce because I know that I can't lie to this person, both for moral reasons and I don't think I'd be an effective liar because I'd be obviously depressed for failing. In my post-relapse depressed state I would also feel more deserving of punishment, making my confession even more certain.​
Erections are understandable and unavoidable. Imagining sex? you do that only because of porn. If anything back in the day at most you heard that kids are made by dad sticking wiener in mommy but not really grasping the concept, only porn made that possible. I basically said that porn makes you suffer because it makes you know what sex is as an incel and you said you suffer becauss you know what sex is when you look at a foid, which obviously as an incel you only know due to porn. What can I even say more lmao
Sure, but you will never forget what sex looks like if you've already seen it.
Based. I will try this
Based. I will try this
The only problem with my method as I see it is it is dependent on you having someone who you value so highly that you don't feel you can let them down, so much so that it overpowers and nullifies your addiction and urges. It has to be a family member or close friend, I think. And you will find it easier still if you realise that your sexual abnormalities are likely a product of social trauma. Hating women due to one's experiences and perception in a broken society is traumatising on a primal level and something that you likely need to overcome for you to recover optimally. This applies to pretty much everyone, subconsciously at least men are going to hate women in this society and vice versa as the sexes no longer have a complimentary or symbiotic relationship in general.
I think there are two pillars to this:

1. Overcome depression (difficult, I can't give you specific advice here as it must be tailored to your psychology and circumstances)

2. Create a serious enforceable penalty for watching porn

For me, depression isn't just feeling that you're in a pit. It's the belief that sooner or later, you will always fall back into the pit.

It's possible that quitting porn could enable you to overcome depression. I see porn as a form of mind-rape, with psychologically ruinous long-term effects.

The penalty I created was that if I watched or in any way used porn, I would not be able to talk to someone I value for 3 months. I know that if I failed I would be honest about it, making it enforceable. An additional penalty beyond just not being able to interact with them is that I'd be humiliating myself and letting them down, hurting them emotionally. As well as the inherent destructive effects of porn on my health (nihilism, drug addict behaviour).

Here are some alternative penalties from Chatgpt which may work better for some people:

"Creating enforceable penalties can indeed be a powerful motivator for behavior change. Here are some potential enforceable penalties for quitting porn, although it's important to note that the effectiveness of these measures can vary from person to person:
  1. Financial Consequences:
    • Designate a specific amount of money that you will donate to a cause you dislike or an organization you disagree with every time you relapse.​
  2. Social Consequences:
    • Similar to what you've done, impose social penalties such as limiting interaction with close friends or family members, or being open about your struggle, which can add a layer of accountability.​
  3. Time-Related Penalties:
    • Commit to spending a certain amount of hours volunteering for a cause you might find challenging or uncomfortable for each relapse.​
  4. Educational Commitments:
    • Promise to take on an additional educational course or read a book on a topic you find uninteresting or challenging.​
  5. Physical Challenges:
    • Set up a fitness challenge that becomes more demanding with each relapse, such as running a certain number of miles or doing a set number of push-ups.​
  6. Hobbies and Interests:
    • Restrict or eliminate time spent on enjoyable hobbies or activities for a period following a relapse.​
Remember that the effectiveness of these penalties depends on your personal values, and it's essential to choose consequences that genuinely matter to you."

Whenever I get a pornographic thought, I remind myself of the consequences I've agreed to, think of a female from my past who I potentially could have been with and tell myself "there's no chance I will break" and "it will ruin my life".

The strategy has worked flawlessly and I've had zero desire to watch it for an extended period now. I know I'll never watch it again.​

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