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[Whitepill] How to make money



May 22, 2024
Title. I was reading yet another brag thread where some chad talks about his life having mennonite girls throw themselves at him then living on a god damn private island and another "investing like crazy in his 20s" despite not having a decent job and bragging about having 1M net worth when he's 30. Wtf. What do I do wrong?

So that's it. I want this to be an open thread about how to turn existing cash into more and better case. I've tried playing stocks and options, but have only really broke even and frankly it didn't make sense why my losers lost and winners won. I don't need a bajilion dollars. I can survive wage slaving (distracts from inceldom ngl). I just want to make enough to get a downpayment on a house so I don't have to hear my neighbors fucking.

So, for any cels who know wtf they're doing and can provide proof that their methods work consistently, mind sharing? I'll provide what info I can, but tossing your shit in VOO and getting a company match on your 401k is about the limit of my success.
Nigga came to ask how to be successful moneywise to genetic failures
I know damn well you white as fuck you have no business saying "nigga"
Cry about it nigga, it's PSL forums everyone say nigga or nigger, nothing against blacks :lul: :lul: :lul: "Muh you don't have the right to say a word" No business
Funny GIF
get into trades or university. Trades actually make a fuck ton
Cry about it nigga, it's PSL forums everyone say nigga or nigger, nothing against blacks :lul: :lul: :lul: "Muh you don't have the right to say a word" No business
Funny GIF
ok whatever keep huffing that copium
Step one: (Mandatory)
Have rich parents.
Step two:
Do whatever.
Gambling is a pretty safe method.
1M by 30 is ridiculous. I can reasonably hit 500k by 30 and i have no debt, have a high 5-figure job, and minimal expenses living with my parents. You need to luck out on stock gambling or have a 200k tech bro job to hit that, or some other immense privilege.

Realistically 401k and index funds or ETFs are really all that can reliably be done without additional work. I invest in VOO and VTI and getting good returns so far.

Otherwise it's just a matter of maximizing income and minimizing spending. Get more education, experience, skills or connections to get better jerb. Otherwise if you really want to bust ass do a side hustle whether it's Uber, DoorDash, survey taking, transcription work, etc.

You could try and set up a passive income stream like a youtube channel, dropshipping, blog, vending machines, etc but most people fail at it and it requires a lot of up front effort
if there was a system that allowed me to accumulate a fortune and live effortlessly I wouldn't share it here. Nobody would.
Being ugly, being stupid and having no money are three characteristics that go hand in hand. Over for us
if you want to lose money on the market: options, buying single stocks, margins
if you want to consistently make money: buy etf and sp500
nothing more than that
Nigga came to ask how to be successful moneywise to genetic failures
Fair enough lol

Worth a shot.

I already do etf and index. that's for retirement. Not some big money fast no whammies.
Get a job.
I was reading yet another brag thread where some chad talks about his life having mennonite girls throw themselves at him then living on a god damn private island and another "investing like crazy in his 20s" despite not having a decent job and bragging about having 1M net worth when he's 30.

View: https://youtu.be/Stlqo8kI7Wc?si=ByF2zxXw5arPqhJU

I know damn well you white as fuck you have no business saying "nigga"
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger monkey
No making money when you're an incel AND autistic or an aspie. In this situation the only following options are
  • doing physically demanding minimum wage jobs where your role is being a punching bag. You barely save any money but develop chronic conditions like backpain, lung diseases and much more
  • NEET if your country has this option. It's still shit because you cannot cope decently on small neetbux
  • live with your parents, get gaslighted and told how lazy you are when in reality no one wants to hire you or see you anywhere
  • get caught immediately by trying to do something stupid and get hit by the reality that hustlers have to be NT sexhavers with right friends and right connections. This can lead to being severely beaten, in prison sentence or being locked up in psych ward forced to eat fattening chemical castration pills (I don't recommend doing anything illegal. This is just the fact)
  • die from hypothermia under the bridge
Shit like investing or starting a business is not for poorcel loners
I did pretty well for myself in this regard. Happy to talk specifics if you like. I’m 31 currently.

My only consistent advice is:

1. Invest as much as you can, as often as you can. Probably to the point it hurts. And do whatever it takes to keep this habit up for as long as you can stand it.

2. Almost every dollar you put into a traditional retirement fund is a mistake. You can be forgiven for getting the company match, but people that max out are idiots.

3. Live below your means, or put a different way, find a way to the get most amount of living out of each dollar.

The rest is going to be really situational; where you live, what you do, what you’d like to do, can you relocate, can you afford to make less for more upside, can you eat shit if the money is good etc.
I did pretty well for myself in this regard. Happy to talk specifics if you like. I’m 31 currently.

My only consistent advice is:

1. Invest as much as you can, as often as you can. Probably to the point it hurts. And do whatever it takes to keep this habit up for as long as you can stand it.

2. Almost every dollar you put into a traditional retirement fund is a mistake. You can be forgiven for getting the company match, but people that max out are idiots.

3. Live below your means, or put a different way, find a way to the get most amount of living out of each dollar.

The rest is going to be really situational; where you live, what you do, what you’d like to do, can you relocate, can you afford to make less for more upside, can you eat shit if the money is good etc.
LMAO retards telling me to get a job. Already done.

Already doing 3.
Why 2 for trad funds? I can reduce input, I'm over point for match. If not those then what concretely are you investing in? I was looking at getting a multifamily property to live in and rent the other half, but at these prices and rates I don't think it's wise.
Title. I was reading yet another brag thread where some chad talks about his life having mennonite girls throw themselves at him then living on a god damn private island and another "investing like crazy in his 20s" despite not having a decent job and bragging about having 1M net worth when he's 30. Wtf. What do I do wrong?

So that's it. I want this to be an open thread about how to turn existing cash into more and better case. I've tried playing stocks and options, but have only really broke even and frankly it didn't make sense why my losers lost and winners won. I don't need a bajilion dollars. I can survive wage slaving (distracts from inceldom ngl). I just want to make enough to get a downpayment on a house so I don't have to hear my neighbors fucking.

So, for any cels who know wtf they're doing and can provide proof that their methods work consistently, mind sharing? I'll provide what info I can, but tossing your shit in VOO and getting a company match on your 401k is about the limit of my success.
I tried asking 100000 times already and they just give you useless generic advice that doesn't help. Stupid advice like 'just invest bro', wow no fucking shit niggers, really?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlP7vLkT4Og&ab_channel=AndrewFarnsworth
LMAO retards telling me to get a job. Already done.

Already doing 3.
Why 2 for trad funds? I can reduce input, I'm over point for match. If not those then what concretely are you investing in? I was looking at getting a multifamily property to live in and rent the other half, but at these prices and rates I don't think it's wise.
I will tell you things I found that work not some bullshit advice

Match betting, https://www.oddsmonkey.com/matched-betting/what-is-matched-betting/
Survey websites like https://www.qmee.com/surveys
Amazon mturk https://www.mturk.com/worker

This are the only reliable ways I found to make money online so far. I am going to try selling shit online like AI generated images printed on phone or tablet covers or some shit on demand print services from shopiffy or something. Also gonna try to make youtube channels and spam videos somehow. Idk if that will work.

My goal is to make 600$ a month online. If I can achieve that I can NEET the rest of my life in Philippines or some shit.

Tell me if you find other ways to make money I am trying so hard it's fucking over. Also I invested into INTEL 3000$ because I heard they are building FABS and the stock price will increase a lot by 2030. So there is that.

Yh if you figure it out message me and tell me how to do it to fulfill my dream of living in SEA for the rest of my life. I just need to make 600$ online to do it but I can't figure out how :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: Match betting is nice but its very limited, runs out fast and you also get banned a lot then its over. It only works for few months I need something permanent.
Is a Costco membership worth it?
This is about the only thing i'm autistically good at, you can apply some sort of abstract thinking to income, it's more like a game than it is attraction because that's purely based on genetics. It's just a game that requires a lot of effort and time.

my notes, take it or leave it, call it bullshit, cite your experience, I don't give a shit regardless:

Money is simple. It's a unit of value exchange. And it's a measure of your choices.

You want money? simple. create value and compel value. if you do that you will get paid. - it sounds cringe but i'm not some fucking guru telling you to do that by gambling in crypto or buying some bullshit course. It's not easy and it's not quick but it is simple.

- Take carbon out of the ground, polish them, call them diamonds, tell a bunch of betabuxxers your wife won't love you without them. you compell value and get paid. Boom you are now the de beers family.
- learn to weld metal together, do it for someone who needs metal welded together, you created and compelled value. boom you are now a blue collar welder

why do people not have as much money as they want then? pretty simple. It's a unit of value exchange but it's also a measure of ones choices to exchange value. Make bad choices? have less of it. Make good choices? have more of it. Yes you can be born broke or lower class, but from where you start the choices you make will determine whether or not you stay lower class or go homeless or rise up to middle or even upper class (you're not making it into the elite though that's some nepo baby billionaire parents shit).

even if you have no money, the amount you earn is based on whether or not you made these choices:

effort/sacrifice: You need to put in effort to provide value. To take diamonds out of the ground. To convince others diamonds are valuable. to make welds all day, etc. Some things require more effort, some things require less effort, that's not directly tied to the amount of value it brings. You could work hard and dig up nothing but dirt, you could barely work and dig up a diamond.

education/knowledge: You need to be educated on what people value, what they need and want. You can google, you can ask, you can observe what others are already being paid for. And then decide if that's worthwhile for you to put in effort and learn how to provide that.

discipline/patience: once you know how you'll provide value. you need to do it consistently to keep earning. And you need patience. you'll need it along the entire way, you'll need it to get better at welding, for your boss to notice you're getting better at welding, etc. you'll need it to dig up a diamond every day, when you're trying to sell the diamonds, when you're trying to save up to invest in workers to dig diamonds, to have machines that dig diamonds, etc.

frugality: you need to be prudent with what you earn. Don't spend it on burgers and doordash, on short term gratification.

risk, leverage: we've mainly gone over ways to earn income in small amounts, this is what's needed to earn income in large amounts. If you want to get paid more? sell more diamonds or sell diamonds, start digging at deposits with more diamonds, dig deeper for bigger diamonds, or start digging up platinum or something more valuable. This might require buying more equipment and risking losing your money in doing that, not digging up diamonds. You need to assess the risk reward. Leverage, you might need to buy a ton of drillers, a ton of mines, and pay for a ton of workers, and a ton of diamond stores to sell the diamonds. But leverage gets you to sell more diamonds. Making more money

These are the key choices that separate a low income or no income, from a higher income. Income is the #1 deciding factor into what class of the economy you're in, low class, middle class, upper class, etc. Is it easy? absolutley not. Is the game rigged? yes in a lot of ways, the income you earn is being inflated by jewish bankers, the places to rent and live in are exorbitantly expensive, the goal for the elite is to keep you broke and subservient while they own everything and you own nothing. If you don't want criminals in your fucking zip code, if you don't want to be an incel AND a broke wageslave they are necessary. The steps need to be taken. or you can stay broke or LDAR or NEET if you enjoy that whatever it's up to you.

- you can learn

- you have the discipline to see through

- save your earnings. be frugal. Do not waste the money.

- invest in increasing leverage to make more.

The core choices are fundamental. anyone telling you money can be earned without those fundamentals is lying. Anyone telling you they know how to earn substantial amounts of money without this process is also lying and is probably going to sell you a lie. DO NOT fucking listen to crypto scammers, stock market gamblers, and bullshit course selling gurus who tell you that you can 100x your life savings of $2k and become a billionaire tonight by buying their course, or betting it all on black, or taking ownership of LITERALLY NOTHING (crypto) and being happy (it somehow 100x according to them :feelsseriously::feelsseriously:).

What about the risk? Everything has risk, leaving your home has a risk, driving has a risk, etc. Humans take risks everyday, some you're okay with taking some you're afraid of because you don't know the odds. Some make sense, some don't. Marriage is a terrible risk to take because if you're subhuman you're 100% going to get divorce raped if you run out of betabuxx. bad risk. Buying an escort? not so risky. The casino, notice how they say "the house always wins"? Even though the casino expends money all the time? gambling with 50/50 odds or even 20/80 odds is bad risk/reward. But if there was a game at the casino where the odds where 70/30, or even 60/40. The math would be simple, risk would be mitigated if you have a large enough bankroll. It'd be a game of math.

as I said, money is the determining factor into what class of society you are in. Boomers had it WAY TOO FUCKING EASY to make money and enter the middle class, but for us in gen z, millenial, etc. We're entering a society of fuedalism where there is just upper class and elite, and then lower class.

IF you are not comfortable with LDARing for life, NEETing for life, or simply trying to cope as an incel but you have criminals in your zip code and no fucking money. YOU NEED. TO. MAKE. MONEY. Even if you are comfortable now, there will be a point where the pain of being broke will be more than the pain of going to work and making money. It's better to get it over with now before you enter a suicidal brokie spiral later. Or just accept that you are unmotivated to do it, you don't feel enough pain, you don't think any of this shit works and you're perfectly fine where you are.

and lastly, none of this will make women want to fuck you btw. will just make your life less insufferable.
Last edited:
Lot of words for a trivial concept. "Create value." Cool. I already have a white collar job I want to neet.
Step one: (Mandatory)
Have rich parents.
Step two:
Do whatever.
get into trades or university. Trades actually make a fuck ton
the only two good pieces of advice, everyone else in the thread suggested gambling and gambling+ (stock market edition).

you will not make any substantial amount of money putting your life savings of what, 4 grand? 10 grand? into the s&p500 and waiting a billion years for compound interest to save you. Only boomers got away with that method, and they made a shitton of income first before dumping their savings into the markets and watching it all go green.
Lot of words for a trivial concept. "Create value." Cool. I already have a white collar job I want to neet.
if you read what I said I agreed that you can just do this, it's fine if you want to NEET. read it, don't read it, whatever, OP asked and I answered based on my experiences
LMAO retards telling me to get a job. Already done.

Already doing 3.
Why 2 for trad funds? I can reduce input, I'm over point for match. If not those then what concretely are you investing in? I was looking at getting a multifamily property to live in and rent the other half, but at these prices and rates I don't think it's wise.

My point on number two comes from a combination of life experience and a bit of logic that you may or may not agree with.

To keep it short; there’s a difference between retirement FUNDS and retirement VEHICLES. You could just buy a 1oz gold bar or as many gold coins at the local coin place every month and retire just fine (funds) without ever having access to, or even knowing what a 401k/403b/457 plan is.

The problem with these plans designed for retirement is that they were designed for times that are much more stable than today. People didn’t get layoffs all the time through no fault of their own. Not all of them let you take out the money if you need it. And almost all of them restrict you to a limited set of predefined options, which sadly aren’t even the best available in their respective categories when it comes to fees/underlying exposure etc. Even in the rare cases that they do (fidelity/vanguard/scwhab), you are sacrificing an incredibly large amount of flexibility today for uncertainty tomorrow.

In my case, for example, I didn’t start making what I considered “real money” until nearly 25 or so. And when I did, the first thing I did was start plowing it away into a retirement fund. Got laid off from that job due to COVID, and ended up having almost 2 years of living expenses in my retirement fund, but 200 bucks in my checking account. I didn’t get another job for 11 months, and ended up homeless. You know, with enough in my retirement account to pay for an apartment for a year upfront in cash. Despite calling, begging, pleading, I was not allowed to withdraw it. Congress had to pass an entire fuxking law to amend how 401ks worked to allow people to use their own money in an economy they ruined so badly some folks had no other option.

If I had instead, invested the same amount, even in the same stock or mutual fund, in a regular old taxable brokerage account, I could have just sold off the amount I needed to pay my bills, transferred it back to my bank account and skipped along on my merry way like nothing ever happened.
I strongly advise that any young man today, especially ones who do have even a hint of uncertainty in their future, to keep that money in a regular table brokerage account. You might miss a tiny tax break, but you’ll never have to worry about Uncle Sam trying to control how you use that money you worked for.
Investing in property seems good. It's what I plan on doing if I stay alive and get some income. Especially here in the UK. Buy houses (you just need enough to pay the deposit), rent them out, then you have passive income and an appreciating asset. You can pay people to do all the work, the legal stuff, the landlording etc. In the UK, a typical deposit is around £30k. Then you have around £5k income per year, and a house worth at least £300k in 25 years. Do this 20 times and you're rich for life.

I got the idea from this wanker's videos: https://www.youtube.com/@SamuelLeeds/videos
This is about the only thing i'm autistically good at, you can apply some sort of abstract thinking to income, it's more like a game than it is attraction because that's purely based on genetics. It's just a game that requires a lot of effort and time.

my notes, take it or leave it, call it bullshit, cite your experience, I don't give a shit regardless:

Money is simple. It's a unit of value exchange. And it's a measure of your choices.

You want money? simple. create value and compel value. if you do that you will get paid. - it sounds cringe but i'm not some fucking guru telling you to do that by gambling in crypto or buying some bullshit course. It's not easy and it's not quick but it is simple.

- Take carbon out of the ground, polish them, call them diamonds, tell a bunch of betabuxxers your wife won't love you without them. you compell value and get paid. Boom you are now the de beers family.
- learn to weld metal together, do it for someone who needs metal welded together, you created and compelled value. boom you are now a blue collar welder

why do people not have as much money as they want then? pretty simple. It's a unit of value exchange but it's also a measure of ones choices to exchange value. Make bad choices? have less of it. Make good choices? have more of it. Yes you can be born broke or lower class, but from where you start the choices you make will determine whether or not you stay lower class or go homeless or rise up to middle or even upper class (you're not making it into the elite though that's some nepo baby billionaire parents shit).

even if you have no money, the amount you earn is based on whether or not you made these choices:

effort/sacrifice: You need to put in effort to provide value. To take diamonds out of the ground. To convince others diamonds are valuable. to make welds all day, etc. Some things require more effort, some things require less effort, that's not directly tied to the amount of value it brings. You could work hard and dig up nothing but dirt, you could barely work and dig up a diamond.

education/knowledge: You need to be educated on what people value, what they need and want. You can google, you can ask, you can observe what others are already being paid for. And then decide if that's worthwhile for you to put in effort and learn how to provide that.

discipline/patience: once you know how you'll provide value. you need to do it consistently to keep earning. And you need patience. you'll need it along the entire way, you'll need it to get better at welding, for your boss to notice you're getting better at welding, etc. you'll need it to dig up a diamond every day, when you're trying to sell the diamonds, when you're trying to save up to invest in workers to dig diamonds, to have machines that dig diamonds, etc.

frugality: you need to be prudent with what you earn. Don't spend it on burgers and doordash, on short term gratification.

risk, leverage: we've mainly gone over ways to earn income in small amounts, this is what's needed to earn income in large amounts. If you want to get paid more? sell more diamonds or sell diamonds, start digging at deposits with more diamonds, dig deeper for bigger diamonds, or start digging up platinum or something more valuable. This might require buying more equipment and risking losing your money in doing that, not digging up diamonds. You need to assess the risk reward. Leverage, you might need to buy a ton of drillers, a ton of mines, and pay for a ton of workers, and a ton of diamond stores to sell the diamonds. But leverage gets you to sell more diamonds. Making more money

These are the key choices that separate a low income or no income, from a higher income. Income is the #1 deciding factor into what class of the economy you're in, low class, middle class, upper class, etc. Is it easy? absolutley not. Is the game rigged? yes in a lot of ways, the income you earn is being inflated by jewish bankers, the places to rent and live in are exorbitantly expensive, the goal for the elite is to keep you broke and subservient while they own everything and you own nothing. If you don't want criminals in your fucking zip code, if you don't want to be an incel AND a broke wageslave they are necessary. The steps need to be taken. or you can stay broke or LDAR or NEET if you enjoy that whatever it's up to you.

- you can learn

- you have the discipline to see through

- save your earnings. be frugal. Do not waste the money.

- invest in increasing leverage to make more.

The core choices are fundamental. anyone telling you money can be earned without those fundamentals is lying. Anyone telling you they know how to earn substantial amounts of money without this process is also lying and is probably going to sell you a lie. DO NOT fucking listen to crypto scammers, stock market gamblers, and bullshit course selling gurus who tell you that you can 100x your life savings of $2k and become a billionaire tonight by buying their course, or betting it all on black, or taking ownership of LITERALLY NOTHING (crypto) and being happy (it somehow 100x according to them :feelsseriously::feelsseriously:).

What about the risk? Everything has risk, leaving your home has a risk, driving has a risk, etc. Humans take risks everyday, some you're okay with taking some you're afraid of because you don't know the odds. Some make sense, some don't. Marriage is a terrible risk to take because if you're subhuman you're 100% going to get divorce raped if you run out of betabuxx. bad risk. Buying an escort? not so risky. The casino, notice how they say "the house always wins"? Even though the casino expends money all the time? gambling with 50/50 odds or even 20/80 odds is bad risk/reward. But if there was a game at the casino where the odds where 70/30, or even 60/40. The math would be simple, risk would be mitigated if you have a large enough bankroll. It'd be a game of math.

as I said, money is the determining factor into what class of society you are in. Boomers had it WAY TOO FUCKING EASY to make money and enter the middle class, but for us in gen z, millenial, etc. We're entering a society of fuedalism where there is just upper class and elite, and then lower class.

IF you are not comfortable with LDARing for life, NEETing for life, or simply trying to cope as an incel but you have criminals in your zip code and no fucking money. YOU NEED. TO. MAKE. MONEY. Even if you are comfortable now, there will be a point where the pain of being broke will be more than the pain of going to work and making money. It's better to get it over with now before you enter a suicidal brokie spiral later. Or just accept that you are unmotivated to do it, you don't feel enough pain, you don't think any of this shit works and you're perfectly fine where you are.

and lastly, none of this will make women want to fuck you btw. will just make your life less insufferable.
reasonably good greycel post :feelshmm: anything else? :feelsYall:

I fell for the make your own app/website meme (nobody cares about your shitty little app in 99% of cases)
Investing in property seems good. It's what I plan on doing if I stay alive and get some income. Especially here in the UK. Buy houses (you just need enough to pay the deposit), rent them out, then you have passive income and an appreciating asset. You can pay people to do all the work, the legal stuff, the landlording etc. In the UK, a typical deposit is around £30k. Then you have around £5k income per year, and a house worth at least £300k in 25 years. Do this 20 times and you're rich for life.

I got the idea from this wanker's videos: https://www.youtube.com/@SamuelLeeds/videos
that's not much of an idea. literally everyone did it back in 2008 when the US housing market collapsed
that's not much of an idea. literally everyone did it back in 2008 when the US housing market collapsed
What caused the housing market was the bankers playing dice with peoples' mortgages. It's not an idea, it's a proven method. Long-term, house prices have only been going one way for 45 years, and it will only continue.
What caused the housing market was the bankers playing dice with peoples' mortgages. It's not an idea, it's a proven method. Long-term, house prices have only been going one way for 45 years, and it will only continue.
oh I know what caused the 2008 crash. you kind of present it as something revolutionary :feelskek: but when random normshits can do what you say and own and rent out 5 houses each like back in 2008 you're getting wiped out. no long term planning for batshit insane economic policy
oh I know what caused the 2008 crash.
Then why did you tie it to something entirely unrelated?
you kind of present it as something revolutionary :feelskek:
I was simply correcting your irrelevant statement. Nothing has changed since before 2008 re: the economy and general policies in place. All that's changes is immigration has increased. Which increases demand for housing, which increases the price of housing.
but when random normshits can do what you say and own and rent out 5 houses each like back in 2008 you're getting wiped out. no long term planning for batshit insane economic policy
A batshit insane economy that hasn't occurred in 45 years? Where would that come from, the sky? A Blair clone just got elected in the UK and a million immigrants arrived last year. And our politics is shifting from class-based to identity politics based, like Yankland (due to mass immigration). Which means the likelihood of radical, left wing policies (the only way house prices could plummet) being implemented is almost nil. And the likelihood of them actually being implemented if there was will to is nil.
Then why did you tie it to something entirely unrelated?

I was simply correcting your irrelevant statement. Nothing has changed since before 2008 re: the economy and general policies in place. All that's changes is immigration has increased. Which increases demand for housing, which increases the price of housing.

A batshit insane economy that hasn't occurred in 45 years? Where would that come from, the sky? A Blair clone just got elected in the UK and a million immigrants arrived last year. And our politics is shifting from class-based to identity politics based, like Yankland (due to mass immigration). Which means the likelihood of radical, left wing policies (the only way house prices could plummet) being implemented is almost nil. And the likelihood of them actually being implemented if there was will to is nil.
yeah lilbro keep larping as if you didn't understand what I was saying
I'm trying to lotterymaxx. I know I will win soon as so far I have bought two tickets and came extremely close to winning and becoming a millionaire.

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