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How to Cope with Subhumanity?



Blackpill Veteran
Nov 17, 2017
Hi guys,

I'd like to introduce myself. I am a longtime PSL member and lurker on r/incels, but I never posted there.

I'm 23 years old and I have a severely underdeveloped skeleton. I've been trying to find ways to cope with this, but the ghost which is my subhumanity manages to ruin everything I try to pour my soul into; I enjoy math, for instance, but I only have an IQ of 118 and will never be very good at it. 85% of (male) STEM majors probably IQ mog me - in my STEM classes, I feel IQmogged all the time by my colleagues and it infuriates me to no end.

I've never had a beautiful girl be attracted to me and it's very easy to understand why after a simple look at my underdeveloped face. I'm not ugly per se but I have a severe babyface with a tiny peanut skull - I look like a 7 year old's skull growth was frozen as it went through puberty. My tiny skull is probably the reason for my less-than-stellar IQ, too.

How can I cope? I tried video games, porn, movies, anime etc. and they all work for a while but then the episode/video/movie/dopamine rush ends and I'm once again faced with the cold reality of my poor development and subhuman genetics.
Can somebody out here please help me?
knajjd said:
just do drugs

That seems like a short-term and unsustainable solution tbh. I have tried a few drugs though, but nothing hardcore. I hate stimulants like cocaine and adderall, I also hate weed and LSD and other hallucinogens, but I like sedatives and narcotic painkillers etc.
You have the IQ to get a decent job.  You are acting like average tier people who are 5/10 claiming truecel and how it is over because "mogged by 8+s"

You have the chance to beta bux if you want one day.  You have the chance to get surgeries with decent employment.

Your IQ is well above average, you are not IQcel.

Fuck off with that TBH

try being actual low iq, I was unable to complete high school level math courses.
My favourite cope is religion. Just go live in an orthodox/buddhist monastery!
womenwillpay4this said:
You have the IQ to get a decent job. You are acting like average tier people who are 5/10 claiming truecel and how it is over because "mogged by 8+s"
You have the chance to beta bux if you want one day. You have the chance to get surgeries with decent employment.
Your IQ is well above average, you are not IQcel.
Fuck off with that TBH
try being actual low iq, I was unable to complete secondary schooling maths.

Thank you for your input kind sir. My complaint about my IQ is twofold: 1) that my career (since I'm a STEM major who will probably get a Ph.D.) is heavily contingent on having a high IQ; I can't backtrack at this point in my academic career and become some cuckold accountant; and 2) every possible cope hobby I can think of - reading Shakespeare, playing piano, learning physics - all require a high IQ to truly get good at.

I may be able to get bimax surgery this summer if the surgeon I am seeing agrees to operate on me, but even then, even if my face were GLing, I'd never be attractive because my skull is LITERALLY PEANUT-SIZED. You don't understand - my skull width is literally 1.7th percentile for a male - just a little bit less, and I'd be diagnosed with microcephaly.
Abomination said:
Hi guys,

I'd like to introduce myself. I am a longtime PSL member and lurker on r/incels, but I never posted there.

I'm 23 years old and I have a severely underdeveloped skeleton. I've been trying to find ways to cope with this, but the ghost which is my subhumanity manages to ruin everything I try to pour my soul into; I enjoy math, for instance, but I only have an IQ of 118 and will never be very good at it. 85% of (male) STEM majors probably IQ mog me - in my STEM classes, I feel IQmogged all the time by my colleagues and it infuriates me to no end.

I've never had a beautiful girl be attracted to me and it's very easy to understand why after a simple look at my underdeveloped face. I'm not ugly per se but I have a severe babyface with a tiny peanut skull - I look like a 7 year old's skull growth was frozen as it went through puberty. My tiny skull is probably the reason for my less-than-stellar IQ, too.

How can I cope? I tried video games, porn, movies, anime etc. and they all work for a while but then the episode/video/movie/dopamine rush ends and I'm once again faced with the cold reality of my poor development and subhuman genetics.
Can somebody out here please help me?

you're more or less like me, although i dropped out of college (but i already started to work in the IT field). i probably IQmog you a bit too, but that doesn't make me any less of a virgin tho
scoliosiscel said:
My favourite cope is religion. Just go live in an orthodox/buddhist monastery!

One of the problems with religions is that if you don't REALLY believe in it, but just try to use it as a psychological trick (and don't care what's true and what's not, whether it's Orthodox Christianity or Tibetan Buddhism), it doesn't work anymore. At least not for a very long time. What you then get are these channers who are Buddhists for two months, devouring all kinds of youtube videos about it, then they are suddenly SSPX Catholics, then Orthodox, then Neo-Pagans binge-watching Varg, then they consider giving atheism another chance, and one and one it goes. They are not motivated by a quest for the truth but by just looking for a way to cope and to justify their right-wing beliefs. Ironically, this disregard for truth is the quintessence of modernism they otherwise claim to despise so much. Catholic poet Charles Péguy once defined a "modernist" as someone who "doesn't believe what he believes" - and this definition of modernism fits to a t to all these Return-of-Kings-8-chan-frogtwitter "reactionaries" and "converts" to Orthodoxy...
Red Shambhala said:
scoliosiscel said:
My favourite cope is religion. Just go live in an orthodox/buddhist monastery!
One of the problems with religions is that if you don't REALLY believe in it, but just try to use it as a psychological trick (and don't care what's true and what's not, whether it's Orthodox Christianity or Tibetan Buddhism), it doesn't work anymore. At least not for a very long time. What you then get are these channers who are Buddhists for two months, devouring all kinds of youtube videos about it, then they are suddenly SSPX Catholics, then Orthodox, then Neo-Pagans binge-watching Varg, then they consider giving atheism another chance, and one and one it goes. They are not motivated by a quest for the truth but by just looking for a way to cope and to justify their right-wing beliefs. Ironically, this disregard for truth is the quintessence of modernism they otherwise claim to despise so much. Catholic poet Charles Péguy once defined a "modernist" as someone who "doesn't believe what he believes" - and this definition of modernism fits to a t to all these Return-of-Kings-8-chan-frogtwitter "reactionaries" and "converts" to Orthodoxy...

Legit. Legit this x 100, the reason why religion isn't a good cope.
Abomination said:
Thank you for your input kind sir. My complaint about my IQ is twofold: 1) that my career (since I'm a STEM major who will probably get a Ph.D.) is heavily contingent on having a high IQ; I can't backtrack at this point in my academic career and become some cuckold accountant; and 2) every possible cope hobby I can think of - reading Shakespeare, playing piano, learning physics - all require a high IQ to truly get good at.

I may be able to get bimax surgery this summer if the surgeon I am seeing agrees to operate on me, but even then, even if my face were GLing, I'd never be attractive because my skull is LITERALLY PEANUT-SIZED. You don't understand - my skull width is literally 1.7th percentile for a male - just a little bit less, and I'd be diagnosed with microcephaly.

Ok, so you will not be the top of your field, just like if you were a 5/10 you won't be an 8/10, although you can still compete.  But, you have a fucking PHD you are going to gain some type of legitimate and decent paying employment which opens opportunities for status and money.  So you can still compete in the real world job market.

This is so much more than the majority of incels will EVER get.  Lowiqcels like myself as destined for retailing wageslaving or neetrotting.

Never able to beta bux
Never able to have disposable income
Never afford surgeries in the first place
Never have decent paying job to apply for loans for PS

You have it easy fucker
Abomination said:
I've never had a beautiful girl be attracted to me and it's very easy to understand why after a simple look at my underdeveloped face. I'm not ugly per se but I have a severe babyface with a tiny peanut skull - I look like a 7 year old's skull growth was frozen as it went through puberty. My tiny skull is probably the reason for my less-than-stellar IQ, too.

How can I cope? I tried video games, porn, movies, anime etc. and they all work for a while but then the episode/video/movie/dopamine rush ends and I'm once again faced with the cold reality of my poor development and subhuman genetics.
Can somebody out here please help me?

Beautiful girl? Please. Us subhumans can't even have ugly girl's attraction.

Every cope comes to end unfortunately. You have to keep them in some sort of rotation to keep the satisfaction going. Cope less today so that you can cope tommorow.
womenwillpay4this said:
Abomination said:
Thank you for your input kind sir. My complaint about my IQ is twofold: 1) that my career (since I'm a STEM major who will probably get a Ph.D.) is heavily contingent on having a high IQ; I can't backtrack at this point in my academic career and become some cuckold accountant; and 2) every possible cope hobby I can think of - reading Shakespeare, playing piano, learning physics - all require a high IQ to truly get good at.
I may be able to get bimax surgery this summer if the surgeon I am seeing agrees to operate on me, but even then, even if my face were GLing, I'd never be attractive because my skull is LITERALLY PEANUT-SIZED. You don't understand - my skull width is literally 1.7th percentile for a male - just a little bit less, and I'd be diagnosed with microcephaly.
Ok, so you will not be the top of your field, just like if you were a 5/10 you won't be an 8/10, although you can still compete. But, you have a fucking PHD you are going to gain some type of legitimate and decent paying employment which opens opportunities for status and money. So you can still compete in the real world job market.
This is so much more than the majority of incels will EVER get. Lowiqcels like myself as destined for retailing wageslaving or neetrotting.
Never able to beta bux
Never able to have disposable income
Never afford surgeries in the first place
Never have decent paying job to apply for loans for PS
You have it easy fucker

Whoa there buddy, I'm still in undergrad, I'm nowhere near getting my Ph.D. and I'm not sure I'll even be able to get one - that was purely speculative. I would like to get one, absolutely. But the jobs I will be competing for are very competitive and require >=50 hours per week of work, and by the time I get my Ph.D., I'll be in my 30s. So I'll have almost no income for the entirety of my 20s, all of this while the USA continues to decline and I suffer in inceldom.
Abomination said:
Whoa there buddy, I'm still in undergrad, I'm nowhere near getting my Ph.D. and I'm not sure I'll even be able to get one - that was purely speculative. I would like to get one, absolutely. But the jobs I will be competing for are very competitive and require >=50 hours per week of work, and by the time I get my Ph.D., I'll be in my 30s. So I'll have almost no income for the entirety of my 20s, all of this while the USA continues to decline and I suffer in inceldom.

If you were not able to get one or able to do university you would not be there in the first place. You want to self fulfill your own prophecy it seems and in the mean time you will join in on the incel suffering you can easily escape from.  Bragging about your above average IQ and "love" for math. Now you complain about having to work 50 hours per week. 

womenwillpay4this said:
Abomination said:
Whoa there buddy, I'm still in undergrad, I'm nowhere near getting my Ph.D. and I'm not sure I'll even be able to get one - that was purely speculative. I would like to get one, absolutely. But the jobs I will be competing for are very competitive and require >=50 hours per week of work, and by the time I get my Ph.D., I'll be in my 30s. So I'll have almost no income for the entirety of my 20s, all of this while the USA continues to decline and I suffer in inceldom.
If you were not able to get one or able to do university you would not be there in the first place. You want to self fulfill your own prophecy it seems and in the mean time you will join in on the incel suffering you can easily escape from. Bragging about your above average IQ and "love" for math. Now you complain about having to work 50 hours per week.

I cannot escape from inceldom wtf. Inceldom is defined as the inability to acquire romantic or sexual relationships with at least a personal 4/10 for a period of at least 6 months. I've been an incel for well over 2 years now; I've only gotten laid twice, and both of those times were just by luck, 5/10s that never wanted to see me again.

My subhumanity is FACTUAL dude, many PSLers have confirmed this
Abomination said:
I cannot escape from inceldom wtf. Inceldom is defined as the inability to acquire romantic or sexual relationships with at least a personal 4/10 for a period of at least 6 months. I've been an incel for well over 2 years now; I've only gotten laid twice, and both of those times were just by luck, 5/10s that never wanted to see me again.

My subhumanity is FACTUAL dude, many PSLers have confirmed this

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] with at least a personal 4/10. wtf are you talking about?[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]you will escape inceldom when you get your phd, high paying job, you have a high iq which you brag about[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]that definition is retarded you had sex before [/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]nice troll[/font]
womenwillpay4this said:
Abomination said:
I cannot escape from inceldom wtf. Inceldom is defined as the inability to acquire romantic or sexual relationships with at least a personal 4/10 for a period of at least 6 months. I've been an incel for well over 2 years now; I've only gotten laid twice, and both of those times were just by luck, 5/10s that never wanted to see me again.
My subhumanity is FACTUAL dude, many PSLers have confirmed this
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] with at least a personal 4/10. wtf are you talking about?[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]you will escape inceldom when you get your phd, high paying job, you have a high iq which you brag about[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]that definition is retarded you had sex before [/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]nice troll[/font]

Oh come on man. Sex with anything less than a 4/10 is disgusting and should be considered a worse state than inceldom. Ugly women are disgusting and I'd rather do nothing at all than fuck or make out with a subhuman landwhale.

I'm not bragging about my IQ, and I think you overrate my ability to obtain a Ph.D., and the career prospects for Ph.D. holders. You may want to look this up yourself.
Abomination said:
Legit. Legit this x 100, the reason why religion isn't a good cope.

At least when it comes to religion, you can find a nice Christian girl to settle down with. Atheism just has a bunch of fedora wearing intellectuals. I'm not religious, sadly.
>had sex for free at least once

Go to foreveralone. This is not the place for you.
CopingGymcel said:
At least when it comes to religion, you can find a nice Christian girl to settle down with

Just LOL if you think that religious girls are any less slutty, hypergamous, degenerate or disgusting than any other member of their vile, wicked species. You're delusional if you think so.

pm_me_ur_metatarsals said:
>had sex for free at least once
Go to foreveralone. This is not the place for you.

Such a load of bullshit. This is incels.is, not truecels.me, and I have had severe struggles with women BECAUSE of how I look. I'm a classic incel, not a womb-to-tomber, but an incel nonetheless
Abomination said:
Just LOL if you think that religious girls are any less slutty, hypergamous, degenerate or disgusting than any other member of their vile, wicked species. You're delusional if you think so.

Such a load of bullshit. This is incels.is, not truecels.me, and I have had severe struggles with women BECAUSE of how I look. I'm a classic incel, not a womb-to-tomber, but an incel nonetheless

Never said they weren't slutty. But they'll usually want to settle down with another Christian.

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