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Blackpill How Statutory Rape Laws are a Subsidy on Female Sexual Market Value.

Whatever, foids wouldn't fuck you when you were both 16, why would they in your 20s/30s?
Where exactly is it stolen from, can you link the thread? I don't go on fagmaxx.org, so I have no idea.
.is jannies will really pin a stolen shitpost from looksmax jfl
You think the person who wrote this was “shitposting”?
Good read mate — men today have little reason to support the rape laws because men only care about rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men simply don’t have those things and are sexually frustrated and cast down by society and women they will grow to resent society and women generally and thus lose sympathy for their suffering.

This is the part where normies and women go “but muh moral argument! Rape is worse than crucifixion!” — ethical standards are made by people to maximize happiness and minimize suffering but these get very very distorted quickly when some groups have too much power and others not enough. It’s why wars are fought and revolts happen then new orders are established. Ironically enough sharia law and arranged marriages actually have a vastly more equitable outcome than what the west produces today (because women simply have far far too much power over sex and relationships). Funny how women are all leftists who masquerade as if they care about equity — until it comes to something that actually fucking affects them.

And side note, no it’s absolutely is not as bad as real torture, murder, or anything like it’s conflated with by women in the modern day. Having to have vaginal sex with someone you don’t want to isn’t that big of deal — especially if compared against the suffering of never being able to have sex in all your life. I don’t say that hypocritically I truly don’t — if some ugly land whale raped me it would be unpleasant but life would go on. Yet the west treats it as the most heinous crime in the world and people have this severe emotional reaction to it. Women because deep down they know it’s the source of their power and leverage (sex) and men because we’re shamed for questioning the sacred crime and we’re indoctrinated from an early age. Few people think it through for themselves honestly.

People are fucking delusional to pretend that sex and love is not a core human need. It very obviously is. What happens then when most men are denied sex and a stable relationship despite their best efforts?

Well, in other countries with less top down force you’d see revolt and an increase in rape gangs basically. Men will simply take by force. Here where the system has total power and consequences are extremely high instead men drop out of society, stop going to university, neet if they can etc. They simply stop contributing en masse or do the very bare minimum to get by. That’s likely much less effective but until the blackpill reaches more men and our cohort grows I don’t know more can be done. Personally I would drop out right now except I must work or be homeless.

amazing. you added a lot of depth to this great thread.
Btw it’s worth noting this thread was about statutory rape, which isnt even rape. So the “unwanted sex” isn’t even a real factor here, as the teens want sex. This thread is basically pointing out how having an age of consent at 18 benefits women compared to 14 since they don’t have to deal with competition from JBs. The “crime” here is that women are pressured into settling down early and lose value from sleeping around. That’s what it boils down to.

good summary. you hit the nail on the head.
Women after they find out roe v wade got revised


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1qOY2CugKM
I think we all know by now the (((incestuous caucuskike elites))) don't give a fuck about statutory rape. Those laws exist only to keep their debt slaves from the young cooch
Good read mate — men today have little reason to support the rape laws because men only care about rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men simply don’t have those things and are sexually frustrated and cast down by society and women they will grow to resent society and women generally and thus lose sympathy for their suffering.

This is the part where normies and women go “but muh moral argument! Rape is worse than crucifixion!” — ethical standards are made by people to maximize happiness and minimize suffering but these get very very distorted quickly when some groups have too much power and others not enough. It’s why wars are fought and revolts happen then new orders are established. Ironically enough sharia law and arranged marriages actually have a vastly more equitable outcome than what the west produces today (because women simply have far far too much power over sex and relationships). Funny how women are all leftists who masquerade as if they care about equity — until it comes to something that actually fucking affects them.

And side note, no it’s absolutely is not as bad as real torture, murder, or anything like it’s conflated with by women in the modern day. Having to have vaginal sex with someone you don’t want to isn’t that big of deal — especially if compared against the suffering of never being able to have sex in all your life. I don’t say that hypocritically I truly don’t — if some ugly land whale raped me it would be unpleasant but life would go on. Yet the west treats it as the most heinous crime in the world and people have this severe emotional reaction to it. Women because deep down they know it’s the source of their power and leverage (sex) and men because we’re shamed for questioning the sacred crime and we’re indoctrinated from an early age. Few people think it through for themselves honestly.

People are fucking delusional to pretend that sex and love is not a core human need. It very obviously is. What happens then when most men are denied sex and a stable relationship despite their best efforts?

Well, in other countries with less top down force you’d see revolt and an increase in rape gangs basically. Men will simply take by force. Here where the system has total power and consequences are extremely high instead men drop out of society, stop going to university, neet if they can etc. They simply stop contributing en masse or do the very bare minimum to get by. That’s likely much less effective but until the blackpill reaches more men and our cohort grows I don’t know more can be done. Personally I would drop out right now except I must work or be homeless.
This was also an extremely pleasant read.
Btw it’s worth noting this thread was about statutory rape, which isnt even rape. So the “unwanted sex” isn’t even a real factor here, as the teens want sex. This thread is basically pointing out how having an age of consent at 18 benefits women compared to 14 since they don’t have to deal with competition from JBs. The “crime” here is that women are pressured into settling down early and lose value from sleeping around. That’s what it boils down to.
Thanks for clarifying I hear yah. Yeah, I know I kinda just went on a side tangent.
Bro, never stop posting.
Thanks man :feelsYall: Honestly I feel like this is the only place in the world I can actually be honest about what I really think.

Sort of a tangent rant thinking on it — the west doesn’t have anything even remotely resembling free speech or free expression and most people are incredibly intolerant of positions they find offensive or that go against their own interests which is why everyone tries to ruin your life/get you fired etc for talking about this kind of stuff IRL. We on the other hand are very used to other people expressing views that we disagree with — we’ve had everyone disagreeing with us and rejecting us for years after all. I used to be in the free speech absolutist camp but the problem is if your opponents censor you and try to ruin your life then logically you should give them the same exact treatment. It’s funny how people quickly reveal themselves as hypocrites when given a taste of their own medicine (eg when Elon took over Twitter suddenly then all the wokies claimed they cared about free speech lol).

The powers that be are committed fully to the status quo which means keeping men down and keeping the black pill/the truth about what women are broadly like and critical thinking about subjects like rape off the table.

It honestly sucks so bad seeing the problems that are present — knowing what’s wrong in society — but being powerless to change anything for the better because we lack power. Forget the LGBTQXWYZ+++ mafia, they’re not oppressed — they are defended by the state with force now and even our speech surrounding them is compelled. Yet we’re supposed to pretend they’re oppressed? Really? Lol — everybody now is pretending to be part of that “in” group because it gives them status with normies in current year :feelshaha:

Nigga incels are actually oppressed. Low status ugly men are the most oppressed group on planet earth. Anyone can say whatever horrible shit they want even wishing genocide upon us and no one bats an eye. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Other men who bluepilled incels actively attack us and refuse to admit they’re an incel because the stigma in the west for us is so severe. And women are so self absorbed with their own interests they’ve made it clear as a group they do not care at all about male issue and male suffering. They only care about their own privileges and their own power. That being the case it’s only logical that men should retaliate and work against female interests at every turn. If we want change and want any of our demands to ever be met then we need more power, we need more reach. I don’t know how we can achieve that though. The wokies only got their foot in the door seems to me with their nonsense because big players helped them.
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amazing. you added a lot of depth to this great thread.
Thanks man, your videos on YT are excellent by the way. Sorry to hear your first channel got canned. Sadly no one is more hated than he who speaks the truth and all that jazz.
This was also an extremely pleasant read.
You know, you guys are quite honestly the only people in my life to say something kind like this :feelsbadman: Nobody normal values people like us — they want us to just suffer and die — all because we perceive actual mass suffering and mistreatment and want a return to a system where more of us can have a decent life.

But oh no that would mean women and Chads and Uber richies would have a less overwhelming power so god forbid that. Oh no can’t have that :feelsseriously:

Something normies don’t get is that women today when you poll them are fucking miserable. Shockingly it turns out fucking an army of chads while they climb the corporate ladder ultimately leaves women feeling empty and unfulfilled. The older structure where most women are wives and mothers those generations were happier and it was a great gig contrary to what we’re taught.

How many of us wouldn’t kill to be a stay at home parent having to work? Its just crazy how deep the propaganda goes.
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Why tf haven’t mods banned an obvious infiltrator? Over 1000 posts in less than 2 months :feelskek:
Yeah, the infils who very obviously don’t share our experiences (some of whom are probably just seething women from Reddit) and who clearly just want to cross post content to mock us on “their real” forums should be removed. Not because I’m opposed to them arguing with us about our ideas — I’m not. What I am opposed to is bad faith arguing where they don’t really have any interest in engaging with our ideas and are only here to further destroy and misrepresent us to other groups. At that point allowing them to stay is just going against our self interest.

Now, that said — if “their” sites like LeReddit (etc) stopped banning us then I’d be happy to allow them. But we all no that’ll never happen in a million years. Then we could go there and actually defend ourselves and our positions without being removed. So you have this other group that hates us who started banning us first en masse but then they have the gall to cry foul when we ban them back in retaliation. Clown world :feelsclown:

Ideally I’d love a world with a lot more free speech and free expression but since it’s obvious to the Nth degree our opposition will not agree to such terms for our kind and actively try to dox and ruin us at every turn then we should not extend grace to them either and we should treat them how they treat us. Fair is fair.
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you want to have sex with underage girls? you are a fucking predator
Women go like this:
1) Baby
2) Toddler
3) Child
4) Pre-teen
5) Teenager
6) Young woman
7) Woman
8) Past prime/walling
9) Middle aged
10) Old
11) Ancient
12) Decrepit -> Dead

Maybe there are some in between steps there but that’s the gist.

Almost everyone agrees that being sexually attracted to a child is mental illness and that acting on said attraction is unethical. But the controversy comes when women start puberty and begin developing sex characteristics. Mountains of men are hebephiles — this is very very common, far too common to be considered mental illness.

I would argue the “prime” peak woman is whatever age they have just finished puberty and become their prime young woman self. From there it’s all downhill.

But some women have the indicators of sexy voluptuous women even in their early teens. It just depends. Part of why a lot of men find the anime aesthetic attractive is because it combines the faces of young women with the bodies of massive perky tits/baby birthing hips/a razer thin waistline etc and the Japanese give them demure voices. That is a combo tons of men find attractive.

Anyway all that to say don’t come on here preaching at people about the “sins” of daring to be attracted to a woman under the age of 18 or whatever :feelsseriously: it’s legitimately blue pilled nonsense and age of consent laws hurt men only because nobody in the west cares about when old women bang underage men. It is a law that quite literally only targets men and thus I don’t care about it and neither should you.
Women go like this:
1) Baby
2) Toddler
3) Child
4) Pre-teen
5) Teenager
6) Young woman
7) Woman
8) Past prime/walling
9) Middle aged
10) Old
11) Ancient
12) Decrepit -> Dead

Maybe there are some in between steps there but that’s the gist.

Almost everyone agrees that being sexually attracted to a child is mental illness and that acting on said attraction is unethical. But the controversy comes when women start puberty and begin developing sex characteristics. Mountains of men are hebephiles — this is very very common, far too common to be considered mental illness.

I would argue the “prime” peak woman is whatever age they have just finished puberty and become their prime young woman self. From there it’s all downhill.

But some women have the indicators of sexy voluptuous women even in their early teens. It just depends. Part of why a lot of men find the anime aesthetic attractive is because it combines the faces of young women with the bodies of massive perky tits/baby birthing hips/a razer thin waistline etc and the Japanese give them demure voices. That is a combo tons of men find attractive.

Anyway all that to say don’t come on here preaching at people about the “sins” of daring to be attracted to a woman under the age of 18 or whatever :feelsseriously: it’s legitimately blue pilled nonsense and age of consent laws hurt men only because nobody in the west cares about when old women bang underage men. It is a law that quite literally only targets men and thus I don’t care about it and neither should you.
I was attracted to adult women as an adolescent, and if one had let me have sex with her, she would not have been a predator

but the other way round is very different
I was attracted to adult women as an adolescent, and if one had let me have sex with her, she would not have been a predator

but the other way round is very different
This is how we know you’re a troll. Not gonna respond to any of your bullshit after this.
Statutory rape laws as we know them are a product of the Victorian period. These laws were originally made to protect the economically valuable virginity of unmarried young women. It was also a reaction of working class men to the force of hypergamy — the female instinct to select men of higher status. It was a way to prevent wealthier, more powerful men from monopolizing young working class women in rapidly growing urban areas.

As the 20th century progressed, virginity was no longer a prerequisite for marriage. The original justifications for expanded statutory rape laws became obsolete and forgotten… but they remained for a reason.

Female power in society was growing rapidly as the industrial world matured. The old laws very much benefited women of reproductive age. Females 18-35 found themselves miraculously protected from the depredations of their fiercest competitors — the up and coming ones. The temporal conveyor belt that ruthlessly cycled women out of the market was effectively slowed down by 3-4 years.

Females have always been able to benefit more from cooperation while males have had to spend more of their energy on competition. This is the natural result of a zero sum situation in which one man can fertilize countless women. The sex that has to break ranks first and compete among itself ‘loses.’ The party that can cooperate more effectively for longer is able to dictate the terms.

However, statutory rape laws have distorted the biological game even more strongly in favor of women.

We might call the resulting trend ‘hyper-hypergamy.’

Though females have always been the gatekeepers of human reproduction, their enormous power had a major limiting factor. They had only a handful of years at peak value in which they had to settle with the best mate they could find. If they did not hurry, their opportunity would be squandered and a new generation of young women would be taking their pick of the richest, most desirable men.

Indeed, it does much to explain our present world if we understand how statutory rape laws and other pro-female policies have changed society. Feminism and the overall decline in female standards of behavior can be explained by a shift in the balance of power. Females now simply have fewer restraints on their behavior.

Unfortunately for women, the present distorted order is unsustainable:

1) A group that adopts Victorian-style statutory rape laws will experience a drop in overall fertility and an increase in birth defects.

If a society tries to keep its most fertile and desirable women from reproducing while promoting the interests of women who are in the twilight of their reproductive years, the rate of fertility and the quality of offspring must fall relative to those societies that subscribe to biological reality.

2) Historically, it often takes a man a decade or two after reaching adulthood to get established.

It’s sink or swim — of all the men who ever lived, only a minority managed to have kids. The male’s main advantage is more time — nearly twice as much as a female has. Hyper-hypergamy encourages women to hold out for an additional 3-4 years before bearing children. Meanwhile, men must compete more intensely than ever to secure women with fewer remaining reproductive years.

When older women have artificially high value, the man who can finally afford a family at age 35-40 is going to have difficulty achieving reproductive success when the most fertile women are out of his range. At present, a 35 year-old man is going to be lucky to find a mate more than a few years younger. A woman past age 30 is already beyond her best reproductive years. The probability of genetic defects in any resulting children is much higher, assuming the female is still able to conceive. Thus, we predictably see ‘fertility therapy’ growing into a huge industry in the Westernized world.

Where hyper-hypergamy reigns, the only men deemed fit for fertile wombs are those born into wealth, and a handful of ‘naturals,’ lucky celebrities and entrepreneurs who make it big while they’re young.

3) When women are approaching the height of their beauty in their later teens, they are one of society’s most powerful means of motivating men to aspire to great things.

Great civilizations are those that find constructive ways to channel the abundant energies of their men. The right incentives must be there. Not only does a great reward spur men on to great deeds, men who perceive that the best is given to the corrupt and undeserving will rebel and look for ways to undermine the system. Societies that fail to offer their men sufficient incentives to act in the collective interest perish.

This said — we might look at who the present society rewards with many of its best young women…

An assortment of high school athletes, class presidents, and homecoming kings who have yet to accomplish or contribute anything. They are showered with society’s greatest gifts early in life for throwing balls around, attending parties, and generally acting as thugs.

In short, high school football teams get a steady supply of young virgins while all other males are expected to work hard for their leavings for the rest of their lives.

What message is sent to the majority of high school males who see these thugs monopolizing the sexual market as part of their formative experience? Will they be predisposed towards trusting or helping the society that demands their effort and productivity? Most will not think any of this out on a conscious level, but they will follow their self-interest all the same. Where might we predict that a society like this is headed?


Victorian-style statutory rape laws may seem a sweet deal for many women, but both men and women lose in the long term.

Women 18-35 enjoy heightened social status, but they lose some of their most valuable reproductive years in their teens — before environmental factors have had a chance to damage the supply of eggs they carry with them from birth. Thus, the two years from 16-18 are far more biologically valuable to her than are the years from 33-35 in which she’s spending thousands of dollars on fertility therapy and dealing with exponentially greater odds of conceiving a child with Down syndrome.

With biology already heavily skewed in favor of women, further inflation in the sexual market creates an untenable situation for men. The resulting cutthroat competition interferes with the ability of men to cooperate and accomplish goals that further the aims of society. Society becomes less stable and less innovative. Social unrest and upheaval become inevitable.

Ultimately, an understanding of underlying sexual politics gives one a much better model for predicting the crowd’s behavior than does focusing on individual movements and ideologies.
In some culutres non western, male clan members seek out younger post puberty fertile girls, as the chance of having healthy babies are higher at peak fertile age
@Fat Link @Robtical must read content?
age cuck laws are simply a way to separate men into betabux or chadrone.

foid drank this jewish coolaid because it's their retirement plane

chadrone male feminists drank that coolaid, because they know a loli will not snitch on them

some drank that coolaid because of crabbucket mentality, not realizing these innocent angels have their cunnies blown regularly.

and there is also the bluepilled betabux fathers of bastard daughters group who think foids
only become adults at 25yo.

as a result we have a nation of single mothers, and foids who are too used up and old to be able to pairbond.

Women go like this:
1) Baby
2) Toddler
3) Child
4) Pre-teen
5) Teenager
6) Young woman
7) Woman
8) Past prime/walling
9) Middle aged
10) Old
11) Ancient
12) Decrepit -> Dead

Maybe there are some in between steps there but that’s the gist.

Almost everyone agrees that being sexually attracted to a child is mental illness and that acting on said attraction is unethical. But the controversy comes when women start puberty and begin developing sex characteristics. Mountains of men are hebephiles — this is very very common, far too common to be considered mental illness.

I would argue the “prime” peak woman is whatever age they have just finished puberty and become their prime young woman self. From there it’s all downhill.

But some women have the indicators of sexy voluptuous women even in their early teens. It just depends. Part of why a lot of men find the anime aesthetic attractive is because it combines the faces of young women with the bodies of massive perky tits/baby birthing hips/a razer thin waistline etc and the Japanese give them demure voices. That is a combo tons of men find attractive.

Anyway all that to say don’t come on here preaching at people about the “sins” of daring to be attracted to a woman under the age of 18 or whatever :feelsseriously: it’s legitimately blue pilled nonsense and age of consent laws hurt men only because nobody in the west cares about when old women bang underage men. It is a law that quite literally only targets men and thus I don’t care about it and neither should you.
Based bro. I agree with you on this.
:feelsYall: Mah thanks
Thank you too bro. The world needs more high t men who don't get shamed by weirdo cucks and rosties obsessed about what we do with their dicks.
Just a follow up to my last comment, women act like men should just innately care about their needs and what’s best for them even if they offer us nothing in return and even if our own needs are not met. And this is seen by basically everyone in the west as “normal”. Men who question are shamed and labeled as monsters.

That is crazy — it’s honestly crazy. If Group 1 hates Group 2 and treats group 2 badly without any shred of sympathy and no attempts to help them WHY ON EARTH would you EVER expect Group 2 to care about and sacrifice for Group 1 (where group 1 is women and group 2 is men)? I swear to god dude people don’t fucking think, women don’t think. They’re just entitled.

They say we’re not entitled to sex or love? Well bitch maybe you’re not entitled to men’s protection or sympathy. Quid pro quo etc etc.

If men by and large had half a brain cell to run together they would do absolutely nothing to help women that they’re not married to our that aren’t their kids. It’s the only way men have leverage if we continue to just provide women with benefits in return for nothing then men are fools. In fairness though men are indoctrinated severely from birth in the west so there is that. Most people don’t really question what they grow up believing so long as their needs are met. Then many more cave to peer pressure and the top down narrative to fit in more even if it’s clearly wrong.
All your other comments here are great and a pleasure to read, but this one is the best. It highlights all that is wrong with men today. We don't even have our basic needs met, normies included, and we still care for women. Mean while women hate us and wouldn't do 1% of what we do for them.
All your other comments here are great and a pleasure to read, but this one is the best. It highlights all that is wrong with men today. We don't even have our basic needs met, normies included, and we still care for women. Mean while women hate us and wouldn't do 1% of what we do for them.
Thanks man :feelsYall: It’s nice having a place where I can be honest and people actually really understand and don’t think I’m some kind of evil monster. I’m not a monster. But anytime you ever even hint at blackpill truths IRL people look at you like you just killed their dog. At this point I have no hope — I’ve seen the truth for many things but I am powerless to change things and help my people :feelsbadman: I don’t know how the low status men can win. I’m at the point though where I hate my life so much and am so hopeless that I wish I had something to believe in.

I imagine many of us feel that way. Nobody cares about us and we lack the institutional power to change our lives or to fix society — sort of related I rewatch Fight Club all the time because it’s one of those movies that reaches you if you’re a hopeless man in modern society. Since it’s release I’d argue things have only gotten worse. But I digress :feelsclown:
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Thanks man :feelsYall: It’s nice having a place where I can be honest and people actually really understand and don’t think I’m some kind of evil monster. I’m not a monster. But anytime you ever even hint at blackpill truths IRL people look at you like you just killed their dog. At this point I have no hope — I’ve seen the truth for many things but I am powerless to change things and help my people :feelsbadman: I don’t know how the low status men can win. I’m at the point though where I hate my life so much and am so hopeless that I wish I had something to believe in.

I imagine many of us feel that way. Nobody cares about us and we lack the institutional power to change our lives or to fix society — sort of related I rewatch Fight Club all the time because it’s one of those movies that reaches you if you’re a hopeless man in modern society. Since it’s release I’d argue things have only gotten worse. But I digress :feelsclown:
I agree. I was event thinking of leaving because a lot of content here is bad, but this is the only place where we can talk about our problems. I also feel hopeless and sadly I don't think life will get better for millenial or zoomer men. I just try to avoid problems with the feminist woke crowd and cope.

I haven't watched Fight Club in a while, but today that movies strikes as a boomer idea of being a failure (movie is set in the 90s), which to us does sound pretty good because he has loads of things men have extreme difficulty getting today: stable job, house and he even gets a woman later. If I had his life I wouldn't be lashing out at society.
I agree. I was event thinking of leaving because a lot of content here is bad, but this is the only place where we can talk about our problems. I also feel hopeless and sadly I don't think life will get better for millenial or zoomer men. I just try to avoid problems with the feminist woke crowd and cope.

I haven't watched Fight Club in a while, but today that movies strikes as a boomer idea of being a failure (movie is set in the 90s), which to us does sound pretty good because he has loads of things men have extreme difficulty getting today: stable job, house and he even gets a woman later. If I had his life I wouldn't be lashing out at society.
You make good points here. You’re right about how things have gotten much worse since the 90s. If I could get a good job that didn’t make me want to kill myself like my current one that by itself would be a huge improvement in quality of life. I don’t it would be enough to reach a place of happiness since on some level people are programmed I think to “need” a relationship or at least sex with the opposite sex but copes and some money can go a decent way. It’s like the old phrase “Better to cry in a Mercedes”.

It is a bummer so much content here kinda sucks, but that may be down to us having a very small niche online community here and there not really being content organization/ranking in place? Sort of reminds me of Reddit because “if” a website like Reddit was just politically neutral and allowed free speech it would be a great platform imo. Sadly of course Reddit is horrible because of their top down bias.
You make good points here. You’re right about how things have gotten much worse since the 90s. If I could get a good job that didn’t make me want to kill myself like my current one that by itself would be a huge improvement in quality of life. I don’t it would be enough to reach a place of happiness since on some level people are programmed I think to “need” a relationship or at least sex with the opposite sex but copes and some money can go a decent way. It’s like the old phrase “Better to cry in a Mercedes”.

It is a bummer so much content here kinda sucks, but that may be down to us having a very small niche online community here and there not really being content organization/ranking in place? Sort of reminds me of Reddit because “if” a website like Reddit was just politically neutral and allowed free speech it would be a great platform imo. Sadly of course Reddit is horrible because of their top down bias.
Definitely better to cry in a Mercedes, but all aspects of life are fucked.

I meant those low effort post and comments that don't say anything worthwhile or that just focus on rotting. Even water is wet post are good because they may offer different perspectives.

Yeah, reddit could've been amazing. And for a while it was, now it's a tool of censorship. I haven't left it completely though because I can still find good content related to dating there. It's not as pure as here though.
Definitely better to cry in a Mercedes, but all aspects of life are fucked.

I meant those low effort post and comments that don't say anything worthwhile or that just focus on rotting. Even water is wet post are good because they may offer different perspectives.

Yeah, reddit could've been amazing. And for a while it was, now it's a tool of censorship. I haven't left it completely though because I can still find good content related to dating there. It's not as pure as here though.
I hear you mate — I eventually got admin IP banned on Reddit and I didn’t even do anything bad lol. If you dare disagree even in good faith discussion where you’re careful to use inoffensive language it really doesn’t matter in the end. They will make something up and claim you broke a rule you didn’t to get rid of you. Modern leftist woke ideology is a disease — it has become an actual religion for these people and if you dare suggest that maybe just maybe we shouldn’t be giving children hormones to make them trans or if you dare suggest something like that pronouns are meant to convey what sex a person is (or unknown/group with they) than these fucking fascistic admins lose their marbles and ban you out. They are truly pathetic mentally weak people. They’re even more pathetic than we are because at least we understand what it’s like to live as the minority when it comes to ideology and many of us understand the value of free expression.

The problem with sites like Reddit is they are controlled with an iron fist by turbo wokies — and the sad thing is the platform is so popular that they’re propaganda and harsh controlling of the narrative really has affected public opinion. That’s what’s so pernicious about big tech California social media — most people today get their news and info from it so how they approach “””content moderation””” and what their algo puts in front of people really does influence people. I’ve seen it with my own eyes watching family members get on Reddit than over time their viewpoints slowly warp to match the hive mind and to hate the “other”.
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I hear you mate — I eventually got admin IP banned on Reddit and I didn’t even do anything bad lol. If you dare disagree even in good faith discussion where you’re careful to use inoffensive language it really doesn’t matter in the end. They will make something up and claim you broke a rule you didn’t to get rid of you. Modern leftist woke ideology is a disease — it has become an actual religion for these people and if you dare suggest that maybe just maybe we shouldn’t be giving children hormones to make them trans or if you dare suggest something like that pronouns are meant to convey what sex a person is (or unknown/group with they) than these fucking fascistic admins lose their marbles and ban you out. They are truly pathetic mentally weak people. They’re even more pathetic than we are because at least we understand what it’s like to live as the minority when it comes to ideology and many of us understand the value of free expression.

The problem with sites like Reddit is they are controlled with an iron fist by turbo wokies — and the sad thing is the platform is so popular that they’re propaganda and harsh controlling of the narrative really has affected public opinion. That’s what’s so pernicious about big tech California social media — most people today get their news and info from it so how they approach “””content moderation””” and what their algo puts in front of people really does influence people. I’ve seen it with my own eyes watching family members get on Reddit than over time their viewpoints slowly warp to match the hive mind and to hate the “other”.
Based. Modern woke leftists really have the behavior of the most fanatical religious people. They will bring society down. Reddit mods are the most pathetic group of loser there are, much more than us. They've let this ridiculously small amount of power go to their heads so they enforce their shitty opinions down on everyone. It doesn't even matter because people can just create another account. Even IP bans can be circumvented.

In the last few days reddit has really shot itself in the foot. They have started asking for money to connect to their API, or something like that, and most subs have gone private or stopped activities in protest.
Based. Modern woke leftists really have the behavior of the most fanatical religious people. They will bring society down. Reddit mods are the most pathetic group of loser there are, much more than us. They've let this ridiculously small amount of power go to their heads so they enforce their shitty opinions down on everyone. It doesn't even matter because people can just create another account. Even IP bans can be circumvented.

In the last few days reddit has really shot itself in the foot. They have started asking for money to connect to their API, or something like that, and most subs have gone private or stopped activities in protest.
I hope Reddit crashes and burns at this point tbh. It would be a net good for broader society not to have that platform warping public opinion for the worse.

Yeah, the meltdown over the past few days has been great to behold :feelshaha: but I don’t have high hopes it’ll last.

>fanatical religious people”
Indeed, that’s an accurate way of describing it — would good for a laugh except these people have real influence now. And yeah if I wanted to I could get round the ban but I realized reddit just made me more miserable and made me feel even more outcast because I don’t fit in there at all — you either conform there or you’re probly gonna have a bad time as this ideological muck is constantly shoved everywhere even when it’s not relevant at all to the sub.

There are good niche subs but they seem to always get banned eventually. At some point I just conceded the platform isn’t for me anymore and moved over to 4chan. Which has its own issues in terms of content organization for sure but I have a strong preference for more open platforms.
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@Moroccancel2- @DarkStarDown agree this should be must read content?
JFL at all of those incels back in mid 2022 who advocated for lower AOC's in hopes that a foid would fuck them

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