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Blackpill How Statutory Rape Laws are a Subsidy on Female Sexual Market Value.



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
Statutory rape laws as we know them are a product of the Victorian period. These laws were originally made to protect the economically valuable virginity of unmarried young women. It was also a reaction of working class men to the force of hypergamy — the female instinct to select men of higher status. It was a way to prevent wealthier, more powerful men from monopolizing young working class women in rapidly growing urban areas.

As the 20th century progressed, virginity was no longer a prerequisite for marriage. The original justifications for expanded statutory rape laws became obsolete and forgotten… but they remained for a reason.

Female power in society was growing rapidly as the industrial world matured. The old laws very much benefited women of reproductive age. Females 18-35 found themselves miraculously protected from the depredations of their fiercest competitors — the up and coming ones. The temporal conveyor belt that ruthlessly cycled women out of the market was effectively slowed down by 3-4 years.

Females have always been able to benefit more from cooperation while males have had to spend more of their energy on competition. This is the natural result of a zero sum situation in which one man can fertilize countless women. The sex that has to break ranks first and compete among itself ‘loses.’ The party that can cooperate more effectively for longer is able to dictate the terms.

However, statutory rape laws have distorted the biological game even more strongly in favor of women.

We might call the resulting trend ‘hyper-hypergamy.’

Though females have always been the gatekeepers of human reproduction, their enormous power had a major limiting factor. They had only a handful of years at peak value in which they had to settle with the best mate they could find. If they did not hurry, their opportunity would be squandered and a new generation of young women would be taking their pick of the richest, most desirable men.

Indeed, it does much to explain our present world if we understand how statutory rape laws and other pro-female policies have changed society. Feminism and the overall decline in female standards of behavior can be explained by a shift in the balance of power. Females now simply have fewer restraints on their behavior.

Unfortunately for women, the present distorted order is unsustainable:

1) A group that adopts Victorian-style statutory rape laws will experience a drop in overall fertility and an increase in birth defects.

If a society tries to keep its most fertile and desirable women from reproducing while promoting the interests of women who are in the twilight of their reproductive years, the rate of fertility and the quality of offspring must fall relative to those societies that subscribe to biological reality.

2) Historically, it often takes a man a decade or two after reaching adulthood to get established.

It’s sink or swim — of all the men who ever lived, only a minority managed to have kids. The male’s main advantage is more time — nearly twice as much as a female has. Hyper-hypergamy encourages women to hold out for an additional 3-4 years before bearing children. Meanwhile, men must compete more intensely than ever to secure women with fewer remaining reproductive years.

When older women have artificially high value, the man who can finally afford a family at age 35-40 is going to have difficulty achieving reproductive success when the most fertile women are out of his range. At present, a 35 year-old man is going to be lucky to find a mate more than a few years younger. A woman past age 30 is already beyond her best reproductive years. The probability of genetic defects in any resulting children is much higher, assuming the female is still able to conceive. Thus, we predictably see ‘fertility therapy’ growing into a huge industry in the Westernized world.

Where hyper-hypergamy reigns, the only men deemed fit for fertile wombs are those born into wealth, and a handful of ‘naturals,’ lucky celebrities and entrepreneurs who make it big while they’re young.

3) When women are approaching the height of their beauty in their later teens, they are one of society’s most powerful means of motivating men to aspire to great things.

Great civilizations are those that find constructive ways to channel the abundant energies of their men. The right incentives must be there. Not only does a great reward spur men on to great deeds, men who perceive that the best is given to the corrupt and undeserving will rebel and look for ways to undermine the system. Societies that fail to offer their men sufficient incentives to act in the collective interest perish.

This said — we might look at who the present society rewards with many of its best young women…

An assortment of high school athletes, class presidents, and homecoming kings who have yet to accomplish or contribute anything. They are showered with society’s greatest gifts early in life for throwing balls around, attending parties, and generally acting as thugs.

In short, high school football teams get a steady supply of young virgins while all other males are expected to work hard for their leavings for the rest of their lives.

What message is sent to the majority of high school males who see these thugs monopolizing the sexual market as part of their formative experience? Will they be predisposed towards trusting or helping the society that demands their effort and productivity? Most will not think any of this out on a conscious level, but they will follow their self-interest all the same. Where might we predict that a society like this is headed?


Victorian-style statutory rape laws may seem a sweet deal for many women, but both men and women lose in the long term.

Women 18-35 enjoy heightened social status, but they lose some of their most valuable reproductive years in their teens — before environmental factors have had a chance to damage the supply of eggs they carry with them from birth. Thus, the two years from 16-18 are far more biologically valuable to her than are the years from 33-35 in which she’s spending thousands of dollars on fertility therapy and dealing with exponentially greater odds of conceiving a child with Down syndrome.

With biology already heavily skewed in favor of women, further inflation in the sexual market creates an untenable situation for men. The resulting cutthroat competition interferes with the ability of men to cooperate and accomplish goals that further the aims of society. Society becomes less stable and less innovative. Social unrest and upheaval become inevitable.

Ultimately, an understanding of underlying sexual politics gives one a much better model for predicting the crowd’s behavior than does focusing on individual movements and ideologies.
read every word
high IQ thread
They can change either two things. They can either lower the AOC, or they can make it illegal for a foid under 18 to have sex.
Well written article.
It’s nice to read coherent writings on here, from time to time, instead of misspelled and disorganized garbage.

It is very true that a thousand years ago most females already had children at 16.

But, I don’t see society ever going back to that.

Look at the Leonardo DiCaprio mess. Many calling him a pedophile even though his girlfriend is legally old enough.

Right now, people are trying to make age gap relationships taboo. Even when no laws are being broken.

If anything, the age of consent will be raised. Not lowered.
statutory rape laws saying women can rape adolescent boys are ridiculous
They can change either two things. They can either lower the AOC, or they can make it illegal for a foid under 18 to have sex.
They can’t do the second it’s impossible.
Statutory rape laws don't make sense at all if the minors are having sex among themselves.
you want to have sex with underage girls? you are a fucking predator
Don’t deflect. You were saying that a woman can’t rape an underage boy but a man can rape an underage girl.
Well written article.
It’s nice to read coherent writings on here, from time to time, instead of misspelled and disorganized garbage.

It is very true that a thousand years ago most females already had children at 16.

But, I don’t see society ever going back to that.

Look at the Leonardo DiCaprio mess. Many calling him a pedophile even though his girlfriend is legally old enough.

Right now, people are trying to make age gap relationships taboo. Even when no laws are being broken.

If anything, the age of consent will be raised. Not lowered.
its old foids seething at the fact that high status men wont touch em even with 6 ft long stick
Don’t deflect. You were saying that a woman can’t rape an underage boy but a man can rape an underage girl.
this faggot @General Alek isnt even straight and he JoinedApr 22, 2023 :feelskek: so theres no point of arguing with him. pretty sure he would suck ERs dick if he found a way to ressurect him
0% - Verbal
this faggot @General Alek isnt even straight and he JoinedApr 22, 2023 :feelskek:so theres no point of arguing with him. pretty sure he would suck ERs dick if he found a way to ressurect him
oh i'm certainly straight

but I would spiritually suck ER's dick
why are you here when you are clearly a little kiddy

ban this 6 year old here please
I’m not a kid, even though that’s your desired sexual partner faggot.
yes you are, can tell by how you are having a hissyfit over nothing
If you think I’m having a bossy fit you’re giga autistic, just like the moron in your avi who is rotting in prison.
With biology already heavily skewed in favor of women, further inflation in the sexual market creates an untenable situation for men. The resulting cutthroat competition interferes with the ability of men to cooperate and accomplish goals that further the aims of society. Society becomes less stable and less innovative. Social unrest and upheaval become inevitable.

Ultimately, an understanding of underlying sexual politics gives one a much better model for predicting the crowd’s behavior than does focusing on individual movements and ideologies.
Mouse Utopia experiment IRL.
They belong on the mantle more than bucks or fowl.
They are so fucking precious.
age cuck laws are simply a way to separate men into betabux or chadrone.

foid drank this jewish coolaid because it's their retirement plane

chadrone male feminists drank that coolaid, because they know a loli will not snitch on them

some drank that coolaid because of crabbucket mentality, not realizing these innocent angels have their cunnies blown regularly.

and there is also the bluepilled betabux fathers of bastard daughters group who think foids
only become adults at 25yo.

as a result we have a nation of single mothers, and foids who are too used up and old to be able to pairbond.
Like omg, creep. Scientists say 30.5 years old is when a woman is the most fertile. I’m totally picking up predator vibes from this
They lose like half their eggs at that age lmao
Statutory rape laws as we know them are a product of the Victorian period. These laws were originally made to protect the economically valuable virginity of unmarried young women. It was also a reaction of working class men to the force of hypergamy — the female instinct to select men of higher status. It was a way to prevent wealthier, more powerful men from monopolizing young working class women in rapidly growing urban areas.

As the 20th century progressed, virginity was no longer a prerequisite for marriage. The original justifications for expanded statutory rape laws became obsolete and forgotten… but they remained for a reason.

Female power in society was growing rapidly as the industrial world matured. The old laws very much benefited women of reproductive age. Females 18-35 found themselves miraculously protected from the depredations of their fiercest competitors — the up and coming ones. The temporal conveyor belt that ruthlessly cycled women out of the market was effectively slowed down by 3-4 years.

Females have always been able to benefit more from cooperation while males have had to spend more of their energy on competition. This is the natural result of a zero sum situation in which one man can fertilize countless women. The sex that has to break ranks first and compete among itself ‘loses.’ The party that can cooperate more effectively for longer is able to dictate the terms.

However, statutory rape laws have distorted the biological game even more strongly in favor of women.

We might call the resulting trend ‘hyper-hypergamy.’

Though females have always been the gatekeepers of human reproduction, their enormous power had a major limiting factor. They had only a handful of years at peak value in which they had to settle with the best mate they could find. If they did not hurry, their opportunity would be squandered and a new generation of young women would be taking their pick of the richest, most desirable men.

Indeed, it does much to explain our present world if we understand how statutory rape laws and other pro-female policies have changed society. Feminism and the overall decline in female standards of behavior can be explained by a shift in the balance of power. Females now simply have fewer restraints on their behavior.

Unfortunately for women, the present distorted order is unsustainable:

1) A group that adopts Victorian-style statutory rape laws will experience a drop in overall fertility and an increase in birth defects.

If a society tries to keep its most fertile and desirable women from reproducing while promoting the interests of women who are in the twilight of their reproductive years, the rate of fertility and the quality of offspring must fall relative to those societies that subscribe to biological reality.

2) Historically, it often takes a man a decade or two after reaching adulthood to get established.

It’s sink or swim — of all the men who ever lived, only a minority managed to have kids. The male’s main advantage is more time — nearly twice as much as a female has. Hyper-hypergamy encourages women to hold out for an additional 3-4 years before bearing children. Meanwhile, men must compete more intensely than ever to secure women with fewer remaining reproductive years.

When older women have artificially high value, the man who can finally afford a family at age 35-40 is going to have difficulty achieving reproductive success when the most fertile women are out of his range. At present, a 35 year-old man is going to be lucky to find a mate more than a few years younger. A woman past age 30 is already beyond her best reproductive years. The probability of genetic defects in any resulting children is much higher, assuming the female is still able to conceive. Thus, we predictably see ‘fertility therapy’ growing into a huge industry in the Westernized world.

Where hyper-hypergamy reigns, the only men deemed fit for fertile wombs are those born into wealth, and a handful of ‘naturals,’ lucky celebrities and entrepreneurs who make it big while they’re young.

3) When women are approaching the height of their beauty in their later teens, they are one of society’s most powerful means of motivating men to aspire to great things.

Great civilizations are those that find constructive ways to channel the abundant energies of their men. The right incentives must be there. Not only does a great reward spur men on to great deeds, men who perceive that the best is given to the corrupt and undeserving will rebel and look for ways to undermine the system. Societies that fail to offer their men sufficient incentives to act in the collective interest perish.

This said — we might look at who the present society rewards with many of its best young women…

An assortment of high school athletes, class presidents, and homecoming kings who have yet to accomplish or contribute anything. They are showered with society’s greatest gifts early in life for throwing balls around, attending parties, and generally acting as thugs.

In short, high school football teams get a steady supply of young virgins while all other males are expected to work hard for their leavings for the rest of their lives.

What message is sent to the majority of high school males who see these thugs monopolizing the sexual market as part of their formative experience? Will they be predisposed towards trusting or helping the society that demands their effort and productivity? Most will not think any of this out on a conscious level, but they will follow their self-interest all the same. Where might we predict that a society like this is headed?


Victorian-style statutory rape laws may seem a sweet deal for many women, but both men and women lose in the long term.

Women 18-35 enjoy heightened social status, but they lose some of their most valuable reproductive years in their teens — before environmental factors have had a chance to damage the supply of eggs they carry with them from birth. Thus, the two years from 16-18 are far more biologically valuable to her than are the years from 33-35 in which she’s spending thousands of dollars on fertility therapy and dealing with exponentially greater odds of conceiving a child with Down syndrome.

With biology already heavily skewed in favor of women, further inflation in the sexual market creates an untenable situation for men. The resulting cutthroat competition interferes with the ability of men to cooperate and accomplish goals that further the aims of society. Society becomes less stable and less innovative. Social unrest and upheaval become inevitable.

Ultimately, an understanding of underlying sexual politics gives one a much better model for predicting the crowd’s behavior than does focusing on individual movements and ideologies.
Good read mate — men today have little reason to support the rape laws because men only care about rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men simply don’t have those things and are sexually frustrated and cast down by society and women they will grow to resent society and women generally and thus lose sympathy for their suffering.

This is the part where normies and women go “but muh moral argument! Rape is worse than crucifixion!” — ethical standards are made by people to maximize happiness and minimize suffering but these get very very distorted quickly when some groups have too much power and others not enough. It’s why wars are fought and revolts happen then new orders are established. Ironically enough sharia law and arranged marriages actually have a vastly more equitable outcome than what the west produces today (because women simply have far far too much power over sex and relationships). Funny how women are all leftists who masquerade as if they care about equity — until it comes to something that actually fucking affects them.

And side note, no it’s absolutely is not as bad as real torture, murder, or anything like it’s conflated with by women in the modern day. Having to have vaginal sex with someone you don’t want to isn’t that big of deal — especially if compared against the suffering of never being able to have sex in all your life. I don’t say that hypocritically I truly don’t — if some ugly land whale raped me it would be unpleasant but life would go on. Yet the west treats it as the most heinous crime in the world and people have this severe emotional reaction to it. Women because deep down they know it’s the source of their power and leverage (sex) and men because we’re shamed for questioning the sacred crime and we’re indoctrinated from an early age. Few people think it through for themselves honestly.

People are fucking delusional to pretend that sex and love is not a core human need. It very obviously is. What happens then when most men are denied sex and a stable relationship despite their best efforts?

Well, in other countries with less top down force you’d see revolt and an increase in rape gangs basically. Men will simply take by force. Here where the system has total power and consequences are extremely high instead men drop out of society, stop going to university, neet if they can etc. They simply stop contributing en masse or do the very bare minimum to get by. That’s likely much less effective but until the blackpill reaches more men and our cohort grows I don’t know more can be done. Personally I would drop out right now except I must work or be homeless.
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Just a follow up to my last comment, women act like men should just innately care about their needs and what’s best for them even if they offer us nothing in return and even if our own needs are not met. And this is seen by basically everyone in the west as “normal”. Men who question are shamed and labeled as monsters.

That is crazy — it’s honestly crazy. If Group 1 hates Group 2 and treats group 2 badly without any shred of sympathy and no attempts to help them WHY ON EARTH would you EVER expect Group 2 to care about and sacrifice for Group 1 (where group 1 is women and group 2 is men)? I swear to god dude people don’t fucking think, women don’t think. They’re just entitled.

They say we’re not entitled to sex or love? Well bitch maybe you’re not entitled to men’s protection or sympathy. Quid pro quo etc etc.

If men by and large had half a brain cell to run together they would do absolutely nothing to help women that they’re not married to our that aren’t their kids. It’s the only way men have leverage if we continue to just provide women with benefits in return for nothing then men are fools. In fairness though men are indoctrinated severely from birth in the west so there is that. Most people don’t really question what they grow up believing so long as their needs are met. Then many more cave to peer pressure and the top down narrative to fit in more even if it’s clearly wrong.
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Good read mate — men today have little reason to support the rape laws because men only care about rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men simply don’t have those things and are sexually frustrated and cast down by society and women they will grow to resent society and women generally and thus lose sympathy for their suffering.

This is the part where normies and women go “but muh moral argument! Rape is worse than crucifixion!” — ethical standards are made by people to maximize happiness and minimize suffering but these get very very distorted quickly when some groups have too much power and others not enough. It’s why wars are fought and revolts happen then new orders are established. Ironically enough sharia law and arranged marriages actually have a vastly more equitable outcome than what the west produces today (because women simply have far far too much power over sex and relationships). Funny how women are all leftists who masquerade as if they care about equity — until it comes to something that actually fucking affects them.

And side note, no it’s absolutely is not as bad as real torture, murder, or anything like it’s conflated with by women in the modern day. Having to have vaginal sex with someone you don’t want to isn’t that big of deal — especially if compared against the suffering of never being able to have sex in all your life. I don’t say that hypocritically I truly don’t — if some ugly land whale raped me it would be unpleasant but life would go on. Yet the west treats it as the most heinous crime in the world and people have this severe emotional reaction to it. Women because deep down they know it’s the source of their power and leverage (sex) and men because we’re shamed for questioning the sacred crime and we’re indoctrinated from an early age. Few people think it through for themselves honestly.

People are fucking delusional to pretend that sex and love is not a core human need. It very obviously is. What happens then when most men are denied sex and a stable relationship despite their best efforts?

Well, in other countries with less top down force you’d see revolt and an increase in rape gangs basically. Men will simply take by force. Here where the system has total power and consequences are extremely high instead men drop out of society, stop going to university, neet if they can etc. They simply stop contributing en masse or do the very bare minimum to get by. That’s likely much less effective but until the blackpill reaches more men and our cohort grows I don’t know more can be done. Personally I would drop out right now except I must work or be homeless.
Just a follow up to my last comment, women act like men should just innately care about their needs and what’s best for them even if they offer us nothing in return and even if our own needs are not met. And this is seen by basically everyone in the west as “normal”. Men who question are shamed and labeled as monsters.

That is crazy — it’s honestly crazy. If Group 1 hates Group 2 and treats group 2 badly without any shred of sympathy and no attempts to help them WHY ON EARTH would you EVER expect Group 2 to care about and sacrifice for Group 1 (where group 1 is women and group 2 is men)? I swear to god dude people don’t fucking think, women don’t think. They’re just entitled.

They say we’re not entitled to sex or love? Well bitch maybe you’re not entitled to men’s protection or sympathy. Quid pro quo etc etc.

If men by and large had half a brain cell to run together they would do absolutely nothing to help women that they’re not married to our that aren’t their kids. It’s the only way men have leverage if we continue to just provide women with benefits in return for nothing then men are fools. In fairness though men are indoctrinated severely from birth in the west so there is that. Most people don’t really question what they grow up believing so long as their needs are met. Then many more cave to peer pressure and the top down narrative to fit in more even if it’s clearly wrong.
Btw it’s worth noting this thread was about statutory rape, which isnt even rape. So the “unwanted sex” isn’t even a real factor here, as the teens want sex. This thread is basically pointing out how having an age of consent at 18 benefits women compared to 14 since they don’t have to deal with competition from JBs. The “crime” here is that women are pressured into settling down early and lose value from sleeping around. That’s what it boils down to.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed, IMHO.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
.is jannies will really pin a stolen shitpost from looksmax jfl
.is jannies will really pin a stolen shitpost from looksmax jfl
Where exactly is it stolen from, can you link the thread? I don't go on fagmaxx.org, so I have no idea.
Good read mate — men today have little reason to support the rape laws because men only care about rape to protect their wives and daughters. If men simply don’t have those things and are sexually frustrated and cast down by society and women they will grow to resent society and women generally and thus lose sympathy for their suffering.

This is the part where normies and women go “but muh moral argument! Rape is worse than crucifixion!” — ethical standards are made by people to maximize happiness and minimize suffering but these get very very distorted quickly when some groups have too much power and others not enough. It’s why wars are fought and revolts happen then new orders are established. Ironically enough sharia law and arranged marriages actually have a vastly more equitable outcome than what the west produces today (because women simply have far far too much power over sex and relationships). Funny how women are all leftists who masquerade as if they care about equity — until it comes to something that actually fucking affects them.

And side note, no it’s absolutely is not as bad as real torture, murder, or anything like it’s conflated with by women in the modern day. Having to have vaginal sex with someone you don’t want to isn’t that big of deal — especially if compared against the suffering of never being able to have sex in all your life. I don’t say that hypocritically I truly don’t — if some ugly land whale raped me it would be unpleasant but life would go on. Yet the west treats it as the most heinous crime in the world and people have this severe emotional reaction to it. Women because deep down they know it’s the source of their power and leverage (sex) and men because we’re shamed for questioning the sacred crime and we’re indoctrinated from an early age. Few people think it through for themselves honestly.

People are fucking delusional to pretend that sex and love is not a core human need. It very obviously is. What happens then when most men are denied sex and a stable relationship despite their best efforts?

Well, in other countries with less top down force you’d see revolt and an increase in rape gangs basically. Men will simply take by force. Here where the system has total power and consequences are extremely high instead men drop out of society, stop going to university, neet if they can etc. They simply stop contributing en masse or do the very bare minimum to get by. That’s likely much less effective but until the blackpill reaches more men and our cohort grows I don’t know more can be done. Personally I would drop out right now except I must work or be homeless.
Just a follow up to my last comment, women act like men should just innately care about their needs and what’s best for them even if they offer us nothing in return and even if our own needs are not met. And this is seen by basically everyone in the west as “normal”. Men who question are shamed and labeled as monsters.

That is crazy — it’s honestly crazy. If Group 1 hates Group 2 and treats group 2 badly without any shred of sympathy and no attempts to help them WHY ON EARTH would you EVER expect Group 2 to care about and sacrifice for Group 1 (where group 1 is women and group 2 is men)? I swear to god dude people don’t fucking think, women don’t think. They’re just entitled.

They say we’re not entitled to sex or love? Well bitch maybe you’re not entitled to men’s protection or sympathy. Quid pro quo etc etc.

If men by and large had half a brain cell to run together they would do absolutely nothing to help women that they’re not married to our that aren’t their kids. It’s the only way men have leverage if we continue to just provide women with benefits in return for nothing then men are fools. In fairness though men are indoctrinated severely from birth in the west so there is that. Most people don’t really question what they grow up believing so long as their needs are met. Then many more cave to peer pressure and the top down narrative to fit in more even if it’s clearly wrong.
Bro, never stop posting.

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