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Blackpill How Society is Sociopathic Towards Incels

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
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Definition: Sociopathy or pscyhopathy is best defined by ASPD(anti-social personality disorder). Key characteristics include inability or very limited ability to feel emotion, callous and disregarding of others, pathological lying for personal gain, manipulation of others for personal gain, inability to feel emotional empathy or very low levels of it etc.

Characteristics Which Apply To Societal Treatment of Incels

Callous and disregarding of our plight:

You see this constantly with statements such as "just shower", "man up", "life isn't fair" or be glad you have food and shelter and aren't some starving guy in Africa. These are intended to dismiss our emotional suffering as unimportant and disregard our pain. They bring up a supposedly greater example that is an unreasonable comparison to paint us as privileged whiners. Meanwhile these same people, who dismiss our pain, have had sex and relationships numerous times within their lives and couldn't live without it, especially women. Even those starving guys in Africa have had more emotional and physical intimacy in their lives than we ever will.

Constant lying with bluepilled platitudes and sugar-coating the issue

This is displayed through claims such as "if you do x, y and z you will get laid no matter how you look" or ideas such as "looks don't matter, it's all about personality." Most people know these are lies and the issue is much more complex, yet by making up these lies, they profit off the time and effort of unattractive incels.

Some of this profit is quite direct such as through PUA scammers, who sell the lie that approaching women in a certain way will lead to sex and relationships, incels pay thousands for these bootcamps and end up with no results. The other way they gain from this is by keeping these men oblivious they will continue to contribute to society, through working necessary jobs to provide services, manufacture goods, maintain infrastructure, construct and design stuff or engage in innovative research. They further benefit from the taxes they pay to keep society running and benefit already privileged groups such as single mothers.

Manipulation through gaslighting, scapegoating and media misrepresentation of the incel perspective

Gaslighting involves making a victim doubt their own perceptions, this is done by claiming that the incel blackpill ideology is delusional, toxic, or evil. They often suggest brainwashing through therapy and medication to incels in doubt which does nothing to change our situation and can at best turn us into brain dead zombies coasting numbly through life.

Scapegoating involves blaming someone for things they are not the cause of, incels are blamed for being unable to get sex or relationships with women, our personality, attitudes, ideology or dislike of women is blamed, instead of genetic factors beyond our control which is the cause. They often mix up cause and effect, claiming we are incel because of being hateful instead of becoming hateful due to being forced into celibacy.

Media also constantly misrepresents us, grouping us with those who are already hated, such as pedophiles, Nazis, Alt-Right or misogynists. They display our issue as one of hatred and wanting to enslave women rather than being rejected for our looks and rightfully feeling resentful and angry about it. They have never disproven the blackpill or any of our concepts and cannot argue logicallyl resulting in them using the ad hominem fallacy instead.

These are purposeful forms of manipulation to make incels doubt themselves, feel ashamed of ourselves, vilify incels to the general public to prevent other oppressed men from joining us and prevent us from publicly discussing our oppression. All of these are engaged to continue to oppress and torture incels, while other groups associated with SJW's are not only given basic rights but special privileges, which make their lives easier.

Inability to feel empathy towards incels

Since most of these people cannot imagine living the incel life, we have low status and poor rap , they feel absolutely no empathy for our suffering at all. As such ideas such as exterminating us, bullying us, ridiculing us or driving us to suicide seem appealing to the majority of people. This is especially seen through SJW types such as IT, who seek to destroy and humiliate us. We are the new boogeyman whom everyone wants to eliminate.
The funny thing about cucks telling us it's all about our personalities, is that normies (especially teenagers and ex-bullies) would still make fun of us if we behaved like cuckcels without hate. Making fun of virgins, short men, etc., is socially acceptable and encouraged.
one guy at my first job pretended to be my friend, while treating me like trash. he knew my plights, but he still tried to make me rope.
The funny thing about cucks telling us it's all about our personalities, is that normies (especially teenagers and ex-bullies) would still make fun of us if we behaved like cuckcels without hate. Making fun of virgins, short men, etc., is socially acceptable and encouraged.
Always had this question in the back of my mind,

Is your avi of Sagiri Izumi's thighs?
Just curious.
I'm convinced there is nothing but animosity in their stupid advice.

Think about it. humans are animals, nothing but our biological programming plays a role in what you find sexually attractive.

Nobody can SERIOUSLY believe looks aren't important.
Incels are the new Jews, and the entire world has become Nazi Germany, and people are froathing at the mouths to have us hauled off on trains to the work camps, where our work will set us free.
This thread explains why I'm toughmaxxed
I'm convinced there is nothing but animosity in their stupid advice.
I have observed this a lot actually. When I asked my HS friends, who would later betray me, on how I could make more friends, they gave me advice to act nicer, which basically meant to be more agreeable. This was so I would be less of a threat and they could bully me easier, acting dominant and aggressive works better as a male. Social skills are the most important factor to making friends, which is shit like mimicry and timing .

Whenever people give life advice, it's intended to purposefully make you fail, so they can benefit from your loss. That's why you must never accept advice from others and follow your own path. Use research and facts to guide you instead of the opinions of others.
I have observed this a lot actually. When I asked my HS friends, who would later betray me, on how I could make more friends, they gave me advice to act nicer, which basically meant to be more agreeable. This was so I would be less of a threat and they could bully me easier, acting dominant and aggressive works better as a male. Social skills are the most important factor to making friends, which is shit like mimicry and timing .

Whenever people give life advice, it's intended to purposefully make you fail, so they can benefit from your loss. That's why you must never accept advice from others and follow your own path. Use research and facts to guide you instead of the opinions of others.

A lot of people give advice to simply feel superior to you.

When people give dating advice, it’s mostly incels in denial trying to give themselves a morale boost by giving other incels advice and describe their so called (success).
We are a release valve for everyone else's feelings of inferiority and tension.
We are also completely interchangeable and expendable.
You're completely right. Fuck this gay earth
Have thought about making a post similar to this before. Everything you said I 100% agree with
Emapthy is a meme onto itself.Its so subjective and disappears so easily.
i got banned from a website today for dropping some blackpill, its really over.
i got banned from a website today for dropping some blackpill, its really over.
what website and what blackpill did you drop?
Definition: Sociopathy or pscyhopathy is best defined by ASPD(anti-social personality disorder). Key characteristics include inability or very limited ability to feel emotion, callous and disregarding of others, pathological lying for personal gain, manipulation of others for personal gain, inability to feel emotional empathy or very low levels of it etc.

Characteristics Which Apply To Societal Treatment of Incels

Callous and disregarding of our plight:

You see this constantly with statements such as "just shower", "man up", "life isn't fair" or be glad you have food and shelter and aren't some starving guy in Africa. These are intended to dismiss our emotional suffering as unimportant and disregard our pain. They bring up a supposedly greater example that is an unreasonable comparison to paint us as privileged whiners. Meanwhile these same people, who dismiss our pain, have had sex and relationships numerous times within their lives and couldn't live without it, especially women. Even those starving guys in Africa have had more emotional and physical intimacy in their lives than we ever will.

Constant lying with bluepilled platitudes and sugar-coating the issue

This is displayed through claims such as "if you do x, y and z you will get laid no matter how you look" or ideas such as "looks don't matter, it's all about personality." Most people know these are lies and the issue is much more complex, yet by making up these lies, they profit off the time and effort of unattractive incels.

Some of this profit is quite direct such as through PUA scammers, who sell the lie that approaching women in a certain way will lead to sex and relationships, incels pay thousands for these bootcamps and end up with no results. The other way they gain from this is by keeping these men oblivious they will continue to contribute to society, through working necessary jobs to provide services, manufacture goods, maintain infrastructure, construct and design stuff or engage in innovative research. They further benefit from the taxes they pay to keep society running and benefit already privileged groups such as single mothers.

Manipulation through gaslighting, scapegoating and media misrepresentation of the incel perspective

Gaslighting involves making a victim doubt their own perceptions, this is done by claiming that the incel blackpill ideology is delusional, toxic, or evil. They often suggest brainwashing through therapy and medication to incels in doubt which does nothing to change our situation and can at best turn us into brain dead zombies coasting numbly through life.

Scapegoating involves blaming someone for things they are not the cause of, incels are blamed for being unable to get sex or relationships with women, our personality, attitudes, ideology or dislike of women is blamed, instead of genetic factors beyond our control which is the cause. They often mix up cause and effect, claiming we are incel because of being hateful instead of becoming hateful due to being forced into celibacy.

Media also constantly misrepresents us, grouping us with those who are already hated, such as pedophiles, Nazis, Alt-Right or misogynists. They display our issue as one of hatred and wanting to enslave women rather than being rejected for our looks and rightfully feeling resentful and angry about it. They have never disproven the blackpill or any of our concepts and cannot argue logicallyl resulting in them using the ad hominem fallacy instead.

These are purposeful forms of manipulation to make incels doubt themselves, feel ashamed of ourselves, vilify incels to the general public to prevent other oppressed men from joining us and prevent us from publicly discussing our oppression. All of these are engaged to continue to oppress and torture incels, while other groups associated with SJW's are not only given basic rights but special privileges, which make their lives easier.

Inability to feel empathy towards incels

Since most of these people cannot imagine living the incel life, we have low status and poor rap , they feel absolutely no empathy for our suffering at all. As such ideas such as exterminating us, bullying us, ridiculing us or driving us to suicide seem appealing to the majority of people. This is especially seen through SJW types such as IT, who seek to destroy and humiliate us. We are the new boogeyman whom everyone wants to eliminate.

Very well explained.
what website and what blackpill did you drop?

dxpnet.com ( its an astrology website, yeah... )

i shared 2 (light and actually funny) incel meme on their main page to ruin foids day and got banned like 5 minutes later, :feelshaha::feelsokman::feelshaha:

was worth it. :feelskek:
dxpnet.com ( its an astrology website, yeah... )

i shared 2 (light and actually funny) incel meme on their main page to ruin foids day and got banned like 5 minutes later, :feelshaha::feelsokman::feelshaha:

was worth it. :feelskek:
High IQ, mods pin this please
It's ironic that everyone tells incels to work on their personalities, especially IT. The people on IT have the worst, most toxic and vile personalities. They spend all day mocking a group of lonely virgins on the internet and claiming all the want to do is hurt others when they are just venting on a forum. It doesn't matter if they person is depressed or even suicidal they will still relentlessly bully him.
Normies and Chads are not much better. They have no problem mocking people who are worse off than them and don't even make an attempt to hide it. Hiding their true intentions is also something that they love to do and will never be upfront and genuine about anything. Whatever they say has a double meaning.
Normies are not capable of empathy or reason.
The one I've seen more and more recently that fills me with primal rage is "just be gay bro." There is no way anyone someone with even a shred of empathy for incels' plights would utter that trash.
That's very true. I am currently posting in IncelExit and trying to see what kinds of advice that they give there. It's all bluepilled crap such as go outside or take a shower. It's almost evil what they're saying/doing to incels over there.
That's very true. I am currently posting in IncelExit and trying to see what kinds of advice that they give there. It's all bluepilled crap such as go outside or take a shower. It's almost evil what they're saying/doing to incels over there.
That's just more lying and obfuscating the issue by oversimplifying it.
bumo cuz its a good thread. maybe should be in must read dunno tho
When humans were hunter-gatherers, the lame and crippled were left behind to die. Early humans were too stupid to understand that the cripple just couldn't hunt or spend hours gathering berries. With no knowledge of genetic anomalies that would cause such things, he was a fuck up, probably cursed by the gods, and a hazard to the rest of the tribe.
Normies see this as barbaric and brutal, and are happy that this is no longer done, but they're wrong --- this is still done, but the target of ridicule and scorn has shifted towards another direction ---- incels.

They treat incels the same exact way. Whether it's due to physical appearance or high functioning autistic behavior, people can't understand why he can't just "be himself" and stop being angry.

Humans haven't changed.
It’s quite sad that no one gives a shit about the plight of lonely and disaffected young men until we start killing people, and even then only as a problem to be dealt with, not as people to be helped.
I used to have mini-panic attacks in the past thinking about how being an incel and especially a hebephile could lead me to be attacked or killed violently if some people were to find out about it, even though I never ever hurt anyone. Now I don't have these anymore, thank God. My faith has been so high I just look forward to being with God and Christ after I'm gone from here. This is just a tiny foreword for what's to come.
Our loss is their victory, less competition for cucks and betas to worry about if you go down, and as for foids they pretend to see you as a human so they can benefit from you slaving away, none of this technology and machines that make our life so easy would exist without incels slaving away for all of history
I used to have mini-panic attacks in the past thinking about how being an incel and especially a hebephile could lead me to be attacked or killed violently if some people were to find out about it, even though I never ever hurt anyone. Now I don't have these anymore, thank God. My faith has been so high I just look forward to being with God and Christ after I'm gone from here. This is just a tiny foreword for what's to come.
I'm also a Christian. But I doubt people have sex in Heaven. So if ya' don't have it here you'll never get it for eternity. (Although if you're in Heaven I doubt you'll care about sex anymore). But still, I care now.
I'm also a Christian. But I doubt people have sex in Heaven. So if ya' don't have it here you'll never get it for eternity. (Although if you're in Heaven I doubt you'll care about sex anymore). But still, I care now.
Yeah, Jesus clearly said in Matthew that there will be no marriage/sex in heaven. We'll be like the angels. But just like you said, we won't miss or desire it. The needs of the flesh and slavery to sin will be gone. Amen!
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When you've dehumanized the "other" anything is permissible. This is why it's easy for "normal" people to act like psychopaths.
Empathy is for chads and females only.
Our loss is their victory, less competition for cucks and betas to worry about if you go down, and as for foids they pretend to see you as a human so they can benefit from you slaving away, none of this technology and machines that make our life so easy would exist without incels slaving away for all of history
extreme high IQ
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Yeah, Jesus clearly said in Matthew that there will be no marriage/sex in heaven. We'll be like the angels. But just like you said, we won't miss or desire it. The needs of the flesh and slavery to sin will be gone. Amen!
Life fuel tbh ngl
Yeah, Jesus clearly said in Matthew that there will be no marriage/sex in heaven. We'll be like the angels. But just like you said, we won't miss or desire it. The needs of the flesh and slavery to sin will be gone. Amen!
May we hold out until the day of judgement
I have observed this a lot actually. When I asked my HS friends, who would later betray me, on how I could make more friends, they gave me advice to act nicer, which basically meant to be more agreeable. This was so I would be less of a threat and they could bully me easier, acting dominant and aggressive works better as a male. Social skills are the most important factor to making friends, which is shit like mimicry and timing .

Whenever people give life advice, it's intended to purposefully make you fail, so they can benefit from your loss. That's why you must never accept advice from others and follow your own path. Use research and facts to guide you instead of the opinions of others.

absolutely right, been "agreeable" would make everything worse, believe me i know, i always have been very respectful to people and some how some people see that as an invitation to walk all over you and the worst part is people are more than aware of that but still dont stop with those shitty "advice" that would make your situation worse

Never believe nothing from people if you are kind and gentil they would tell you your problem is that you need to stand for yourself if you do that then they will tell you to be more tolerant and more agreeable, if you are on you own thing them they will tell you need to be more into the thing womens like to have more change to generate conversation or any kind of interaction, if you do that they will tell you you need be more independent and your chances are better if you developed you own interest and while your are listen to this bullshit time is passing by and you never undestood than the problem maybe is not you, maybe society is just unfair with some individuals because the way they look or because they lack some social skills or wathever reason and not matter what you do the result will be the same because the reason of our problems is society have already judge us and have make is decision that we are not worthy

PD: im not a english native speaker and i sure that shows, im trying to do my best to have a better managed of english lenguage
There's a lot to unpack here sweaty :soy:.
Found the incel :soy: .
Yikes :soy:.
Wow . . . just wow :soy:.
The one I've seen more and more recently that fills me with primal rage is "just be gay bro." There is no way anyone someone with even a shred of empathy for incels' plights would utter that trash.
People actually suggest this? Wow.
Yeah, Jesus clearly said in Matthew that there will be no marriage/sex in heaven. We'll be like the angels. But just like you said, we won't miss or desire it. The needs of the flesh and slavery to sin will be gone. Amen!

I hope there are driver licences and cars in heaven otherwise I will kill myself.
When humans were hunter-gatherers, the lame and crippled were left behind to die. Early humans were too stupid to understand that the cripple just couldn't hunt or spend hours gathering berries. With no knowledge of genetic anomalies that would cause such things, he was a fuck up, probably cursed by the gods, and a hazard to the rest of the tribe.
Normies see this as barbaric and brutal, and are happy that this is no longer done, but they're wrong --- this is still done, but the target of ridicule and scorn has shifted towards another direction ---- incels.

They treat incels the same exact way. Whether it's due to physical appearance or high functioning autistic behavior, people can't understand why he can't just "be himself" and stop being angry.

Humans haven't changed.
Not entirely true tbh

If anything, I think modern humans are becoming less and less empathetic than our primitive ancestors. There's evidences of even hominids like Neanderthals taking care of their crippled relatives. They lived in an extreme environment and even though managed to take care of these people. Nowadays, people watch things on TV and (sometimes) get touched, but only for a few seconds, when they see people needing help or screaming out of pain on the streets they just pass through them (the so called bystander effect). So sick.
I'm convinced there is nothing but animosity in their stupid advice.

Think about it. humans are animals, nothing but our biological programming plays a role in what you find sexually attractive.

Nobody can SERIOUSLY believe looks aren't important.
They do hate us, and absolutely find every excuse they can to make us feel miserable.
They treat incels the same exact way. Whether it's due to physical appearance or high functioning autistic behavior, people can't understand why he can't just "be himself" and stop being angry.
They live in a Just World - some fantasy bullshit where everyone gets what they deserve. It would frighten them to no end to realize the world is not such a sunshiney, happy place.
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