As I’ve said before it will be amusing seeing designer babies grow up to absolutely MOG everyone before them, and for the subsequent test tube babies to MOG them, and again and again etc.
We will watch the normies get into an arms race and it will be absolute gold. We will see 8ft6inch beasts with 200 IQs and lantern jaws walking around everywhere, along with health problems that come with that. Obviously the cucktears users are completely above this and would stick to their 5'10 dweeb sons who would get MOGGED into the next dimension in this new age.
Honesty my post sounds deranged or like I’m trolling but it seems obvious to me. LOL at cucked normies who say “oh it’ll never go that far, people will remain happy with what they’re given.” There are countries RIGHT NOW where no children with down syndrome are born because medical devices can detect these children in the womb very early now. The genetic arms race has begun, the disabled babies will be the first to go, and the train won’t stop there.
Don’t know about 2028, but in a few decades it will be HELL out there.