Here- most people have no cold-approach experience. I have shitloads of cold-approach experiece and it is extremely inefficient and shit at the end of the day.
I have approached around 200 hundred women in my daygame misadventures in a variety of malls in johannesburg, pretoria and centurion in South africa. Pure cold- approach. All in malls. In 2013, Between 25 August 2013 and 10 janaury 2014. Also another daygame-effort period in 2016. The average number of approaches for each "Sarge" was just 5 approaches with the heavy approach-anxiety and the mindless numbing zombie "lapping" around the mall
. I attemted to use the tom terrero/Nick krauser model or "london daygame model" where you would "stack" --you turn those generic quesions like "what are you doing today" or "whats your job" into these creative assumptions about the girl. guess the girls job. make up something super witty. And then you would "hook" the girl --then you " flip the script" and then she chases you with questions and maintaining the conversation. check this out
Most conversations with the girls were just polite rejections" i have a boyfreind" or "nice to meet you" ,chit-chatti timewasters who became flakes. very few harsh rejections. Actually the first Daygame approach was a very very harsh one. but the majority- the girls were quite polite actually.
ONLY 2 girls were defintely intrested out of hundreds of approaches. They"hooked" they asked lots of questions, i had a rock hard boner on the first one, i felt the electricity. The first one was a part-time university soccor player, skinny. she lost her phone so i lost her
The second one was a 29 year old charted accountant. I whatsapp her like 10 days after i met her- she responded and we had a chat but she knew i was 19 years old (at the time) and i did not want to pursue that, i flaked out.
Now i think the london daygame model is complete fucking bullshit.-- the girl must see you like you are physically attractive or decent. Good-looks or looks/money/status will beat any fucking bullshit model. The normal succes rate of daygame,cold-approaches is around 2 percent.
check out this pussy beggers stats Pussy begging in malls is a fucking shit hobby.