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SuicideFuel How many of you used to eat lunch alone in HS?

Nah, I was a sort of remotely normal person back then. My friends weren't any cooler than I was but they existed. Now they've moved on to better things.
i cant even eat in the lunch room without having a glass bottle smashed over my head i have to sit outside in the freezing cold
I used to have a small group of friends I would eat with but when I moved schools I ate alone for several months before realizing that my situation wouldn't fix itself and i forced myself to approach some guy who was also sitting alone. We're actually best friends now which is kinda crazy.
I had times were I ate alone, but at my high school, lunch was split into four times, so the actual times where I'd be able to eat lunch was slim. I remember all of freshman year and all of sophomore year I ate alone. Freshman year, I remember some senior foids were sitting next to me to try to virtue signal.

(FYI if you're saying I was a fakecel for ignoring them, I was overweight, had neon yellow glasses, and had a pedo stache).
Had "homeschooling". Still had to go to school, to be teached individually by teachers, so had to spend less time in school each day
I didn’t even eat lunch for over half of my time in high school. I just sat in the library and played games on my phone and if the library was closed for some reason I’d stay in a secluded stall in the bathroom. I actually sat with people during my junior year but in my senior I found myself alone once again
High school was ok for me but in college i ate lunch with someone precisely 4 times in my 6yrs there.
Never. My classmates were pretty good and based.
The worst was when somebody would just come by to grab a chair and not even ask me if its ok

This also happened to me. But there was far worse, like when a group of jocks would take my backpack from the table I set it on and move it onto another so as to claim that table for themselves. While I was out getting food, they would steal my comfy spot at the back of the room and force me to sit in the middle of it, vulnerable and exposed to all angles :feels:

During the period of time in which they were doing this, it was only stopped once: by a group of sympathetic Muslim girls who preempted the evil alpha males by tactically sitting at my table. This act of kindness reinforced my amicable political views towards Muslims and my anti-Zionism generally (they began talking among themselves about how Israel was a colonial entity afterwards, JFL).
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Yes, I eat alone and stare at my oneitis
I did sometimes. Now in college it's the same, sometimes I eat with people, sometimes by myself.
i ate lunch on a bench in the corridor like 80% of the school
ofc we had a canteen but it was expensive

tbh no girl would ever sit next to me and if i sat next to them they would move
4th grade was probably the last time I ate lunch with a friend. 5th-12th all 100% alone. I kind of became numb to it.

I tried sitting with a relative of a friend I used to have in high school but stopped after a few days when I realized the whole group completely ignored me and detested my presence.
I use to go alone to the kebab shop when I have lunch
I sat alone in the 2nd floor hallway listening to the JJBA All Stars Battle soundtrack.
Yes sir, I sat alone for all of 10th and 11th grade every single day
didnt ever eat in school

one time someone pranked me by putting vinegar in my drinking water and i was terrified to ever eat there again for fear of being poisoned.
Thanks for reminding me :feelsrope:
My school had an overcrowding problem so there was never enough room to sit alone. But I just sat with either my sister or a random table. No one ever talked to me anyway though. I just sat there and listened to music while I ate or did homework.
when i got kicked out of my first high school i had to spend my senior year being alone during breaks thankfully i got to leave every day at lunch but i spent every recess in the library reading comic books alone. at my first high school though i had friends.
In highschool i had 2 beta incel like friends who i ate together with. Even walked to the store once with them.
Other than that we were all seen as the outcasts
This happened to me in my freshman year of highschool. My friends and I were not in the same lunch on certain days, so I had to eat outside by myself. During the winter I would just skip lunch and sit in the bathroom stall until lunch was over. One time I decided to be brave and sit with some random people. They got up and started to leave earlier than when lunch was suppose to end, so I started panicking and got up with them like a wierdo and then I hid in the bathroom until lunch was over. I must've looked so weird and pathetic to them.
I remember signing up for classes at the end of Freshman year. One table was full of popular people who were all friends.

The other table was just me and a counselor. The counselor was “helping” me sign up for classes, even though I was perfectly capable of just doing it myself. I know he just felt sorry for me for being a pathetic lonely loser, but I couldn’t see it at the time.

If I had any balls, I would have just told him to go away, that I could handle it myself.
For a while, I had to literally eat my lunch at the toilets out of shame of being a friendless loser with no one to sit with. This happened twice across 2 high schools in different countries before I dropped out from both of them. The more things change...
I also remember seeing some people I recognized from class sitting at a table. So I bought food and sat down with them. They immediately got up and left. I was such a loser, I pleaded with them.

It’s actually better that they did that though. Nothing is more awkward than sitting by people who you know don’t want to be around you. The feeling is palpable.

It’s a shame people care so much about basically what strangers think. Then again we’re all like that. I’m glad I don’t care anymore though. Now I avoid people at all costs. I’ll smile at someone if I know I’m not going to see them, like if I’m just passing by.

I walked by this landwhale Mexican recently at the mall. Apparently I looked at her for too long, so she said: “what the fuck are you looking at?!” I probably noticed her disgusting sharpie eyebrows. I should have just burst out laughing and called her a fat fuck. Next time I’ll know to do that.
I always ate my lunch at home.
I used to eat alone in the bathroom. I was caught by a kid playing hide and seek but I got outta there so fast and could hear the kid yelling that he saw someone eating in the bathroom stall.

When I was at a far distance and in another floor but I can still see the bathroom I walked out of... The kid was bringing in his teacher to the bathroom.

Lol that kid looked like the biggest idiot afterward possibly... Or the teacher believed him? I dunno.

Point is I wasn't caught by anyone in school with some authority... Close call...lol
Thanks god that schools cafeterias often doesn't have enough place for everyone, so people just sit with their classmates and no matter what their social rank.
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:feelsbadman:I shouldn’t have read the title
I sat at a table and people would try to get me to talk, eating alone would’ve been preferable for all the fake talk about slaying and hip-hop culture. Yeah, because a 5’4 Muslim guy at my table was really killin’ it at teen clubs or getting into nightclubs.
I went home for lunch and usually get late to class. I didn't stand watching people in groups around me laughing and having fun.
I spent lunch money on cigarettes
I did for the last 2 years of high school.
All HS, I ate lunch on the floor by my locker, or at a cubicle outside the library. Only time I ever had company, was from special ed kids who'd do the same thing. Thankfully my school didn't care where kids ate.
I've always been a loner in HS a decade ago, never found my group because I didn't have one. I can't really blame anyone as that's just who I am.
I had my friend from Middle School to sit with.
The bathroom was my lunch room.
I would, brutal autist trait. Torture.

This is part of the reason why I will never wageslave, having to do it again in the break room would surely cause workplace violence.
I studied at a private all-boys school, so there wasn't the typical competition for females and most of them were kind enough (not rude) to each other so I wasn't immediately left out, I remember some boys approaching and trying to start a conversation but I have always prefered solitude so I would tell them that I wanted to be alone. So basically yes, but it was my own choice.
I had very high anxiety and agoraphobia, couldn't eat in the hallways because of the rules, couldn't eat in the cafeteria, couldn't eat outside either so the majority of the times i didn't eat, i just waited for the library to open, so i could go read something there.
I only ate with other outcasts/low status ppl
I would hide in the bathroom so no one noticed I was alone
I always knew I was ugly as fuck. On top of that I was norwooding in HS. I couldn't even handle sitting alone in the cafeteria because people would still give me looks of disgust. There was literally no other place you were allowed to eat. During the lunch period, everyone would eat in the cafeteria and then go sit down with their friends in the gym bleachers for the remainder of the period. I would take my tray into the restroom and eat my lunch in a toilet stall that stank like shit and was clogged up with disgusting turds just to avoid people. It smelled awful but it was better than having people look at me. At least I could wear my beanie in peace. People would still make fun of me for eating in the restroom and call me weird.
Easily one of the best indicators if someone is a truecel. I used to spend all of my lunches alone back in HS sitting at those huge round tables like below


I still feel shame whenever I think back to that time, it was humiliating, theres really no other feeling like it. The worst was when somebody would just come by to grab a chair and not even ask me if its ok

I hope I never meet anyone from my high school again IRL, who knows how pathetic they think I am

Thats why I didnt eat lunch. I just walked around alone every time we had a break in between classes and stalked people around the school. Walking behind them from a distance daydreaming of brutally ERing them.

ded srs.

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