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Serious How do you feel when watching Norwegian Stacy get beheaded?

How do you feel when watching it ?

  • Disgusted

  • Angry

  • Indifferent

  • Sweet revenge

  • Aroused

  • Laughing

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Yes, they were bluepilled dumbass roasties.
Yes, they deserved punishment.
But they didn't deserve to get slaughtered like that. Nobody deserves that. Not even an animal deserves that.

Probably true, this was a bit brutal.

I can’t really feel that bad for any white chicks going to Africa by themselves since there’s probably some sort of brown dick fetish behind that, if not just plain stupidity. And they wouldn’t have given me the time of day anyway. But I guess I do feel kinda bad on an emotional level.
I'm a Moroccan myself and I'm pretty disgusted by this, I hope the Moroccan government will kill these guys but as I know the Moroccan government is cucked anyways. Fuck the government and fuck the Moroccan society, someone needs to nuke that fucking shithole I FUCKING HATE THAT COUNTRY AND THOSE PEOPLE, NUKE FUCKING MOROCCO!!!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone who gets "erections or aroused from this" would piss themselves if they put in the same scenario.
I would be rock hard

If only to piss them off
I dont feel anything honestly
my only thought was "damn, she got off easy"
Don’t watch that shit. No one deserves that. Only if you’re a killer yourself.
Society thinks us as worst than child murders bro we r already monsters
indifferent I've been watching g0re since i was a teenager. was surprised at how it didn't seem to hurt that much
i dont care, she would have rejected me for being ugly

Im more disgusted at the amount of white knights in this thread than anything else
If she stayed in her country and married a decent guy, instead of travelling around the world trying to catch all the STDs and exotic chad dicks, this wouldn't have happened to her

beheading is what should happen to all whores like this
my only thought was "damn, she got off easy"
I got off to it
a bit dissapointed tbh. i wish it was filmed with michael bay-esque quality for added pleasure. such a waste. i wouldve loved to have seen her begging and pleading for her life probably offering to suck them off in exchange for their lives. i wanted to see the blade hack through the chunks of flesh in her neck until her head is only hanging by the sinews. i would like to see the death grimmace they do when their mouth is wide open and their eyes rolled all the way back into their head. but no, it had to be filmed on a fucking calculator as usual by a bunch of complete amateurs smh my head.

when i saw the pictures of their decapitated heads it got me pretty excited tbh.
beheadings and dead western females are my favourite so combining the two was a treat. hopefully my wish comes true and isis come out with a 1080p video of a western roastie being beheaded that would be swell.
Yes, they were bluepilled dumbass roasties.
Yes, they deserved punishment.
But they didn't deserve to get slaughtered like that. Nobody deserves that. Not even an animal deserves that.
This tbh.
Erect. Ready to fuck.

I also really want my oneitis to feel this. Pure agony since she causes me pure agony.
i dont care, she would have rejected me for being ugly
Reminder for white knights here.
I hope all the "TEEHEE I LOVE TRAVELING" dumb foids share her same fate tbhtbh
Im more disgusted at the amount of white knights in this thread than anything else
Wojak reddit cuck
I have not watched the video and I refuse to do so. I am angered at those three faggots that decided to rape and behead two innocent travelers. It does not matter to me that they were from an Islamic background because they did exactly what Islam forbids them to: to treat travelers badly, to rape people and to kill people. Those guys need to get stoned for their crimes. Inb4 :bluepill:, I adhere to my religious beliefs. I have watched videos of women getting killed but they deserved it for cheating. Although some kid got his arm chopped off for some odd reason in that same video.
a bit dissapointed tbh. i wish it was filmed with michael bay-esque quality for added pleasure. such a waste. i wouldve loved to have seen her begging and pleading for her life probably offering to suck them off in exchange for their lives. i wanted to see the blade hack through the chunks of flesh in her neck until her head is only hanging by the sinews. i would like to see the death grimmace they do when their mouth is wide open and their eyes rolled all the way back into their head. but no, it had to be filmed on a fucking calculator as usual by a bunch of complete amateurs smh my head.

when i saw the pictures of their decapitated heads it got me pretty excited tbh.
beheadings and dead western females are my favourite so combining the two was a treat. hopefully my wish comes true and isis come out with a 1080p video of a western roastie being beheaded that would be swell.
Awesome bro
Why does someone get angry at the nature of foids? Was not it better to be angry with God or nature?
Disgusted and indifferent. They aren't mutually exclusive. The execution itself was repulsive, and I did feel a touch of sympathy for her: I can't imagine the combination of terror and confusion she must have felt in her final moments. At least it seems as though she died relatively quickly.

At the same time, literally thousands of people die every day and no one gives a shit. What, I'm supposed to break down because it's a young foid? If given the option, I'd rather it hadn't happened. I probably wouldn't pay ten dollars to save her life, though.

Edit: Fuck. Looking at their photos makes me feel a little bit worse. We don't know them; they might have been nice girls. And at least they were out there doing something independent of fucking Chad, which is more than I can say for most Stacies.
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Modern Liberals are worse than child rapists and murderers. There murder is an act of civilisation.
I'd rather see a shitskin/black woman getting beheaded. I'm biased since I nurture such an admiration for the Viking people. Blacks and the lesser races should all perish.

JFL at being a bluepilled cuck for "muh wyte womynzz!!" :soy::soy:
I hope all the "TEEHEE I LOVE TRAVELING" dumb foids share her same fate tbhtbh
Disgusted and indifferent. They aren't mutually exclusive. The execution itself was repulsive, and I did feel a touch of sympathy for her: I can't imagine the combination of terror and confusion she must have felt in her final moments. At least it seems as though she died relatively quickly.

At the same time, literally thousands of people die every day and no one gives a shit. What, I'm supposed to break down because it's a young foid? If given the option, I'd rather it hadn't happened. I probably wouldn't pay ten dollars to save her life, though.

Edit: Fuck. Looking at their photos makes me feel a little bit worse. We don't know them; they might have been nice girls. And at least they were out there doing something independent of fucking Chad, which is more than I can say for most Stacies.
If you're posting here and you seriously think those 6+ females would have been nice to you, or even thought they'd see you as human, you don't belong here.
I have not watched the video and I refuse to do so. I am angered at those three faggots that decided to rape and behead two innocent travelers. It does not matter to me that they were from an Islamic background because they did exactly what Islam forbids them to: to treat travelers badly, to rape people and to kill people. Those guys need to get stoned for their crimes. Inb4 :bluepill:, I adhere to my religious beliefs. I have watched videos of women getting killed but they deserved it for cheating. Although some kid got his arm chopped off for some odd reason in that same video.
Isn't beheading the Kufar part of Islam?
well im not sad or something over this but still no1 deserve to die like this. i would really rather they would get just a shot to the head.
i hope the killers will get executed, fuck those jihadisht goat fuckers.

They separated the body from the head.
It's the head that forbid us to touch the body.
No head...no problem.

They didnt cutted the head of person, they cutted the head of a monster.
I'm actually surprised at how short a time she had to scream, I thought it would be a bit longer than that. How long after her screams were cut off did she actually die, I wonder?
Not gonna lie, shit makes me squeamish. I feel no sympathy for the roastie, barely any empathy, even, but that shit still grossed me out.

Based Isis ethnicels getting rid of Stacies one day at a time.

She died faster because they cut from the back of the neck, thus severing the spinal cord first (nervous system fatal attack). If you cut from the front, usually you'll get 5 or so more seconds because you're cutting the airways and blood vessels first (cardiac/respiratory), which just causes noise and panic and sloshing sounds, but can still leave your nervous system intact until they get to the spinal cord or you bleed out enough.

Cutting from the back is less torturous. What you hear when she rolls over is residual air expiring from her lungs, residual blood pressure, some residual motor function twitching; she was already out.

Also, she's in a thong. They fucked her.
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Don’t watch that shit. No one deserves that. Only if you’re a killer yourself.
shut up cuck... you're a fucking loser even for an incel
Pretty gruesome, I was discucksted, but I just don't like blood. The cuck inside me feels bad that they were hot and died, but the incel inside doesn't care because no way would they have wanted my subhuman dick anyway. I don't like men being killed by mexican cartels either. How do you get used to it? I saw enough of the 4chan pain series to not care about some gore though.
She actually didn't look like she suffered that much.

Once the jugular is cut you lose consciousness pretty quickly due to rapid blood loss.
I was legit laughing.

a bit dissapointed tbh. i wish it was filmed with michael bay-esque quality for added pleasure. such a waste. i wouldve loved to have seen her begging and pleading for her life probably offering to suck them off in exchange for their lives. i wanted to see the blade hack through the chunks of flesh in her neck until her head is only hanging by the sinews. i would like to see the death grimmace they do when their mouth is wide open and their eyes rolled all the way back into their head. but no, it had to be filmed on a fucking calculator as usual by a bunch of complete amateurs smh my head.

when i saw the pictures of their decapitated heads it got me pretty excited tbh.
beheadings and dead western females are my favourite so combining the two was a treat. hopefully my wish comes true and isis come out with a 1080p video of a western roastie being beheaded that would be swell.

You just read my mind boyo. Here is a Christmas gift for you.

anyone got a link to a working video?
I was legit laughing.


You just read my mind boyo. Here is a Christmas gift for you.

Please tell me now where that last image is from. She looks like one of my oneitis.
Please tell me now where that last image is from. She looks like one of my oneitis.

I found that over somewhere over the onion network, right now I can't remember the exact source.
I'd rather see a shitskin/black woman getting beheaded. I'm biased since I nurture such an admiration for the Viking people. Blacks and the lesser races should all perish.

Well, those viking whores will treat you like a piece of turd, I presume that's why you are here.

You won't shag ethnic whores either because you think you are above them, or you are already rejected by them. If the second reason is true then that makes you lower than ethnics. So, which one is true? Just curious.
I have not watched the video and I refuse to do so. I am angered at those three faggots that decided to rape and behead two innocent travelers. It does not matter to me that they were from an Islamic background because they did exactly what Islam forbids them to: to treat travelers badly, to rape people and to kill people. Those guys need to get stoned for their crimes. Inb4 :bluepill:, I adhere to my religious beliefs. I have watched videos of women getting killed but they deserved it for cheating. Although some kid got his arm chopped off for some odd reason in that same video.

Some stuffs in Islam is quite bluepilled and cucked. Those guys did nothing wrong.

Whores should be utilized for sex (that's what they are for) and to be killed after the use.

If you think otherwise, you are a cuck.
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I feel nothing because I'm not Norwegian and I know norfags are cucked.
All I know it could have all been avoided if western eurofags weren't so beta and cucked. It's a shame, it was a good place once.
Made me laugh, she wants her Muslims so bad she could have 'em.
Indifferent, at the same time, made me think - "Islam is currently the only uncucked religion left in existence"

fucking disgusting, the murderers should be hanged to make an example for radicals not to do this shit. that looked very painful for her

I'm starting to wonder if your username is a joke or not
Shame more thots don't meet their end like that.

Still, had a cheeky wank to it.

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