You guys are right, it's impossible to work their...for some reason, for example their's these quiet young Mexican guys that don't talk at all but no one says a thing to them, their's also slow old people who are are slow in their work and rude to me too but no one says shit to them, one time this old guy told a 4 foot 10 ugly bitch that I had missed a box she then proceeded to say "hey guy, guy your missing something here" rudely and tell me rudely what I was missing, instead of being respectful, and would keep making some remark about me every few minutes to me just to be a bitch if I wanted to be rude how they were I would said "Okay bitch my bad I messed up you dumb bitch" and their's these loud fat obnoxious 3/10 ugly fat asses who are obnoxious and no one tells them anything even though they are slow and rude in their work too and these guys are literally ugly they would not get any looks in real life from girls but the ugly girls will still talk to them for some reason.
A lot of people their will be condescending to me and be rude to me telling how to rudely do things, basically bullying me and I don't know how to respond well because I can sense their being bitchy to me but I just reply politely thinking it's just my first few days but I realize their just treating me like shit for no I said I'm not ugly I get looks from girls in stores and streets, I've had girls have crushes on me telling me how handsome I am but I"m not an 7 or 8 pprobably just a 5-6/10.