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How do you deal with being a quiet passive aspie at work?



Feb 3, 2018
Even though i'm not bad looking, white, good features, lean face, jawline, muscular body, not a 8/10 or close to but im not ugly I work in warehouse and seems like everyone talks shit to me for no reason, even though I'm respectful and polite to everyone, even the ugly dudes and ugly 3/10 women seem to be condescending to me and boss me around. I think I"m just overly polite and kind and every takes advantage of it or something.
Simple, I don't work.
I think they’re sorta jealous. TBH an aspie shouldn’t be working at a warehouse. Try getting into computers or security
Just don't be a doormat.

Then again, I am too asocial for most jobs today.
BlackPill47 said:
Just don't be a doormat.
Then again, I am too asocial for most jobs today.

This tbh, if they talk shit talk shit back or take the high ground.
Go either full aggro or just meme them.
Don’t work in a warehouse. It’s full of hypermasc bullies. Get a job with ethnicels. That’s what i do.
So I'm polite and quiet, don't make any eye contact with anyone unless needed yeah and a lot of people their are condescending and rude/talk shit to me even though I'm just trying be respectful and do my work in peace especially the ugly 3/10 girls with witch/bird like features, one is literally a midget with a bird nose and bug eyes and constantly bosses me around rudely like Im some bitch and talks down to me yet never says anything or talks down to all the ugly weird looking guys like this balding 40 year old ethnic looking guy, a short old gray hared fat guy with a double chin, a quiet short mexican who never says anything, 2 fat ugly 2/10, mexican guys one guy who had a face like squidward their talkative and obnoxious so maybe that why but yet I don't see them being disrespected or hated on and quite frankly I'd be picking on them if I was some asshole girl or guy due to their ugliness but I would't do that. Though its interesting to note, the pretty girls who are 7/10's are polite and nice to everyone.

I seriously believe in a ugly demon theory, that when a girl is ugly and she looks like some kinda of demon/bird or something she will behave like one...
Work in a field that dont invovle interacting with other.
My only companion is my caculator.
New New Poster said:
Iwantagf said:
I work in warehouse
It's over

Get a new job, OP. Just lol at an aspie guy working in that type of environment

If all else fails you can just be night watch security
I'm a NEET so idk.
Gymcel. It may not get you women but it should get you more respect from other men.
aut said:
Gymcel. It may not get you women but it should get you more respect from other men.

He said he is musclular.

You should work on becoming low inhib. Pick something that scares you the most and slowly work up to confronting it. whatever it may be. You have to learn not to be faraid of anything. It's easy to say but it can be done, trust me.
How do you even get a job as a quiet passive aspie? I've never been motivated to get a job so I have no experience. And the prospect of an interview gives me a heart attack. They ask things like "What sports do you like, what are your hobbies?" Dafuq???
Show up to work every day with a nice buzz going (couple shots) and you'll be fine.

Just remember to chew gum, because even if you don't smell it, all the sober normie co-workers will, and they will rat you out to get rid of your subhuman face
Weirdcel said:
How do you even get a job as a quiet passive aspie? I've never been motivated to get a job so I have no experience. And the prospect of an interview gives me a heart attack. They ask things like "What sports do you like, what are your hobbies?" Dafuq???

worried about this as well

like how the fuck are guys like this supposed to even get jobs being non-NT? i feel like interviews were literally made for specifically filtering people like us out...it's over.
whogivesafucc said:
worried about this as well

like how the fuck are guys like this supposed to even get jobs being non-NT? i feel like interviews were literally made for specifically filtering people like us out...it's over.

its easy becasue at interview very little talk is meaningless chit chat but 95%+ of time is talking about something factual which should be np even as aspie introvert high inhib betacel.
kvn said:
whogivesafucc said:
worried about this as well
like how the fuck are guys like this supposed to even get jobs being non-NT? i feel like interviews were literally made for specifically filtering people like us out...it's over.
its easy becasue at interview very little talk is meaningless chit chat but 95%+ of time is talking about something factual which should be np even as aspie introvert high inhib betacel.

i have no idea how to describe myself, i have legit zero normal hobbies. fuck, actually going to have to plan this out in an autistic manner smh
A miscreant in your situation would continue acting nice and offer them food that is spiked with fox tapeworm eggs or something else that would destroy them from inside. Those are very hard to diagnose and would kill them within 10 years and it would not be traceable to the food you have offered, because it would take a lot of time for symptoms to even take place. But of course this is only a hypothetical scenario and I am not suggesting this or any of that.
Yeah I think the problem is that you work in a warehouse like others said. Those jobs tend to attract low IQ brutes.

I do data entry and it's great for an aspie like me. I rarely ever have to interact with another person and when I do it's only one other guy and one femoid who seem to have no problem with me.
You guys are right, it's impossible to work their...for some reason, for example their's these quiet young Mexican guys that don't talk at all but no one says a thing to them, their's also slow old people who are are slow in their work and rude to me too but no one says shit to them, one time this old guy told a 4 foot 10 ugly bitch that I had missed a box she then proceeded to say "hey guy, guy your missing something here" rudely and tell me rudely what I was missing, instead of being respectful, and would keep making some remark about me every few minutes to me just to be a bitch if I wanted to be rude how they were I would said "Okay bitch my bad I messed up you dumb bitch" and their's these loud fat obnoxious 3/10 ugly fat asses who are obnoxious and no one tells them anything even though they are slow and rude in their work too and these guys are literally ugly they would not get any looks in real life from girls but the ugly girls will still talk to them for some reason.

A lot of people their will be condescending to me and be rude to me telling how to rudely do things, basically bullying me and I don't know how to respond well because I can sense their being bitchy to me but I just reply politely thinking it's just my first few days but I realize their just treating me like shit for no reason.....like I said I'm not ugly I get looks from girls in stores and streets, I've had girls have crushes on me telling me how handsome I am but I"m not an 7 or 8 pprobably just a 5-6/10.
TheRealChincel said:
Simple, I don't work.

This. I was never allowed to enjoy youth, why in the fuck should I go and suddenly be all "adult" now? Normies want to have their cake and eat it too. It's not possible to leapfrog a whole stage of life like that anyway. Of course anyone who doesn't have a choice in terms of working has my sympathy.
I'm not? I talk to people.
iFartAtRoasties said:
This. I was never allowed to enjoy youth, why in the fuck should I go and suddenly be all "adult" now? Normies want to have their cake and eat it too. It's not possible to leapfrog a whole stage of life like that anyway. Of course anyone who doesn't have a choice in terms of working has my sympathy.

Exactly. I’m 30+, never been to a party in my life, never had a friend, and I’m supposed to be happy workcelling?
TheRealChincel said:
iFartAtRoasties said:
This. I was never allowed to enjoy youth, why in the fuck should I go and suddenly be all "adult" now? Normies want to have their cake and eat it too. It's not possible to leapfrog a whole stage of life like that anyway. Of course anyone who doesn't have a choice in terms of working has my sympathy.
Exactly. I’m 30+, never been to a party in my life, never had a friend, and I’m supposed to be happy workcelling?

Better to have a job than no job and no money.

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