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Serious How do people on this site not have a drivers license?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4999
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Deleted member 4999

Deleted member 4999

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Mar 27, 2018
It’s literally the easiest fucking thing in the world to get.
No reason or motivation to have a car.
It's fairly easy, but it's expensive as fuck.
Ohh another brag thread.
Also @rightfulcel
You do realize we need money to get it? Also, @LastGerman .
as soon as I start trying to read the massive driver's handbook i just go what's the point and go back to rotting. I can't even afford a car right now.
Tenor 19
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Tenor 18
It’s literally the easiest fucking thing in the world to get.

Exactly. Much easier than getting a foid to be with you. Doesnt even compare in difficulty. Although i pity the poorcels who dont have money to get one or buy a car.
I don’t need one.
Of course it is a brag thread. What is the point of this thread in the first place?
Tired of seeing everyone cry over something so easy to get? Seriously if you are neet then you are living off your parents you should just have them pay for you. Is that hard to understand?
Tired of seeing everyone cry over something so easy to get?

It is easy for you, not for me. That is the point. I wish it was easy for me but it is not.

if you are neet then you are living off your parents you should just have them pay for you. Is that hard to understand?

They did not pay for it, I paid for it while I worked within a low-level job.
It is easy for you, not for me. That is the point. I wish it was easy for me but it is not.

They did not pay for it, I paid for it while I worked within a low-level job.
How much does it cost where you are from?
Besides being LOW IQ AS FUCK, I have a really good reason. I'll post about it later probably. Suffice to say that I never even stood a chance and that lacking a driver license at 20+ in America is hellish. If I could get one rn I immediately would
Suffice to say that I never even stood a chance and that lacking a driver license at 20+ in America is hellish. If I could get one rn I immediately would

That is absolutely brutal, not having a driver licence at age 20+ in USA? It is indeed over. Every teenage female is driving.
I'm 42 and don't have a license. I live close to the city and rarely venture out of it, so whats the point? At 5pm the traffic is so slow I can get home in 15 minutes by bicycle where as a car will take 30 minutes+.

Its expensive here in the UK. Your looking at $3500 a year including petrol money to run it. (road tax, insurance, MOT etc)
I want to ride. my dads car tbh.
i cant find the motivation to learn
I don't have a driver's license so I have no valid photo ID for the police check that's required at my new job. HR is suspicious of me and worries that I'm a criminal trying to stay under the radar (which is half true [incels do try to stay under the radar]). Yesterday one of the HR women asked me "what is wrong with you..." and they all talk to me like I'm retarded, and a child. Minutes later when I was in the locker room getting changed, one of my co-workers talked down to me for not having my driver's license because I have to take an Uber to get to work. He was telling me "come on man, you need to get on top of that, it's gonna cost you a lot of money later on." If you don't have your driver's license you're considered an incompetent and freak. It's a red flag for inceldom because you need to have taken the driver's license pill to pick up women, go out drinking with your bros, and so on.

At this point the driver's license pill has done more damage than my ugliness, and it even compounds it. People might overlook soft-spokenness, but when you have no driver's license, they'll run you over.
I don't have a driver's license so I have no valid photo ID for the police check that's required at my new job. HR is suspicious of me and worries that I'm a criminal trying to stay under the radar (which is half true [incels do try to stay under the radar]). Yesterday one of the HR women asked me "what is wrong with you..." and they all talk to me like I'm retarded, and a child. Minutes later when I was in the locker room getting changed, one of my co-workers talked down to me for not having my driver's license because I have to take an Uber to get to work. He was telling me "come on man, you need to get on top of that, it's gonna cost you a lot of money later on." If you don't have your driver's license you're considered an incompetent and freak. It's a red flag for inceldom because you need to have taken the driver's license pill to pick up women, go out drinking with your bros, and so on.

At this point the driver's license pill has done more damage than my ugliness, and it even compounds it. People might overlook soft-spokenness, but when you have no driver's license, they'll run you over.
How is it any of their business? God damn fucking normies & their incessant drive to point out flaws in others & highlight it endlessly.
It's not that hard but it's far from easy tbh. Written tests are already quite difficult and it's expensive as fuck. I paid like 1000 euros for the whole procedure. Then again, you have the license for life pretty much (unless you drinkmaxx and drive) so I guess it's still a bargain.
I have a phobia of driving.
I have one but it wasn't easy to get, you are probably American and they don't even drive manual there
@LastGerman the mogging never stops for us driver's licensecels

They want to destroy us completely at this point. Soonish I will start eating raw chicken hearts in order to overcome this mogg. I will also start consuming a whole bottle of arginine, 100 pills in total.
>How do people on this site not have sex?
>It’s literally the easiest fucking thing in the world to get.
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It's hard for middle class or us basement dwellers to understand. But inceldom translates to personal success too. low status people are more likely not to get past wage slavery. And well Wage slavery you have to take the bus where ever you go.
In Russia you can buy a drivers license without any tests kek
True. I've had mine since I was 19.
Can't drive bro. I tried and couldn't do it. Too hard for me. Not my fault I'm a low IQ retard
I have one. Getting a license in the UK isn't easy if you are poor. Lessons are getting expensive. Once you have a license, insurance is high and some cunt will always scratch your car.
I only have one because my dad literally forced me to.

Failed the first time passed the second.

get mogged licencelets.
I don't have a driver's license so I have no valid photo ID for the police check that's required at my new job. HR is suspicious of me and worries that I'm a criminal trying to stay under the radar (which is half true [incels do try to stay under the radar]). Yesterday one of the HR women asked me "what is wrong with you..." and they all talk to me like I'm retarded, and a child. Minutes later when I was in the locker room getting changed, one of my co-workers talked down to me for not having my driver's license because I have to take an Uber to get to work. He was telling me "come on man, you need to get on top of that, it's gonna cost you a lot of money later on." If you don't have your driver's license you're considered an incompetent and freak. It's a red flag for inceldom because you need to have taken the driver's license pill to pick up women, go out drinking with your bros, and so on.

At this point the driver's license pill has done more damage than my ugliness, and it even compounds it. People might overlook soft-spokenness, but when you have no driver's license, they'll run you over.

Finally an elaborated and good statement about that topic. And it is actually all true. This is what I have been talking about.
And sorry to hear that. You have been mogged by female driving directly.
Also @rightfulcel

In Russia you can buy a drivers license without any tests kek

Moggs me.
2000 Euro+. I would guess most likely around 2200 Euro. In a very bad scenario I would say even 2600 Euro
I paid mine abt 1500€ and studied this shit for a month like crazy.
Now it's just laying in a drawer at home, I only used it once to drive a pick-up at work.
i dont have one
driving is too hard

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