I don't get it honestly. I am 29 and never had sex or a relationship. Only some girls in elementary, middle and high school used to like me or had "crushes" on me, but thats the extent of it.
No one in college, except for a gay black man, showed interest in me. I asked a foid out, but she said no. Most women I tried to talk to during college just smiled and answered my questions. I texted a foid out and she ignored it. Even some Asian foids never showed interest in me. I talked to a Chinese foid, from China, and she left the conversation fora Korean Chad.
I'll be honest, as a fit white man, I could probably fuck some obese black or hispanic lady, but I can't get hard on that. I honestly find it impossible to get with a normal looking person (slightly overweight/overweight just not obese, or normal weight) for world standards.
Yet I see some 5 or 6/10 men with 5 or 6/10 foids. How do they it?