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Discussion How Do I Fix My Social Anxiety & Awkwardness?



Volcel because I won’t fuck your mum
Sep 30, 2023
Between the ages 15-16, I began to notice I had social anxiety.

I mainly experience discomfort when others are looking/watching me, making me the focal point of their attention. I don’t give a fuck what they’re actually thinking. This seemingly contradicts a primary symptom of social anxiety - a profound fear of judgment. The formal term for this is: ‘Scopophobia’ - an excessive fear of being stared at. [1]

Familiar Individuals
However, around friends and family I would feel normal. Their familiar faces and known personalities offsets my anxiety. This allows me to be borderline extroverted, and I can engage in conversations, feel genuinely connected, and don’t feel any awkwardness.

Unfamiliar People & Surroundings:
However, stepping outside feels like entering a minefield. The anxiety intensifies as I am surrounded by unfamiliar faces and unpredictable situations, making every interaction a daunting task.

The simplest of actions like making small talk with a cashier or asking for directions, making eye contact, walking past others in a corridor/tight space becomes unthinkable. The fear, the uncertainty of how to act or what to say, grips me, rendering me paralysed.

Social anxiety makes me perceive strangers as human-sized wasps – entities that are potentially threatening, unpredictable, and capable of inflicting harm. Despite my rational understanding that they pose no real danger, these intense feelings persistently overthrow my rationality.

Trying to Act Normal:
I’m caught in a catch-22: when I try to emulate conventional behaviour or adopt the mannerisms of normies, I come off as even more awkward, further accentuating the feeling of being an awkward alien.

I've tried mentioning my social anxiety to normies. While they initially show concern, they eventually become hostile and view me as a freak, blaming me for not improving, as though my social anxiety is a chosen state rather than a genuine struggle.

Social Absences:
I was unable to attend my graduation ceremony in 2017. My parents couldn’t understand what social anxiety was - they dismissed it as mere shyness. When my degree certificate arrived by mail, my dad and mum were confused and upset that I cancelled to take them to the ceremony.

I avoided attending my maternal grandfather's funeral due to my discomfort in large gatherings. My parents scolded me, expressing their embarrassment over my absence. Similarly, I often avoided family gatherings, leading to strained relations and animosity with relatives.

I don’t want to take any SSRIs. From what I’ve read it appears akin to applying a bandage to a deep, bleeding wound. I once viewed a video of a guy detailing his experiences with SSRIs. He mentioned that he had to consume multiple doses daily to alleviate his anxiety. The way he was looking at the camera and the way he was talking was very odd - he looked like a zombie whose brain had been fried by the pills.

To manage my anxiety, I opt for muted colours in my attire (usually all black). I wear a cap and position it low to obscure my eyes, and consistently walk longer routes to avoid walking through populated areas. Sometimes I use earbuds to listen to very loud music - the loud noise distracts me from focusing on my anxiety. I also avoid speaking on the phone - preferring text communication.

I have a feeling I probably can’t fix this. I’m doomed to be like this forever. My only hope is that I wasn’t always like this, and I’m not like this with people I know.
That's the neat part you can't
Become chad through softmaxxing or hardmaxxing and none of this shit matters
Phenibut can help
Do you have diagnosed or undiagnosed autism? Silly question but you could get tested. Undiagnosed autism is
actually very common in older people, with personality masking occurring due to negative reinforcement. In
the UK, they don't test much for autism and there is no money in the budget, which would explain why we
have so many failed people in our society.

Apparently the tests cost £1500-£2000 in the UK which shows even more failure of the system.

This won't help true-cels or category 1/2 incels but could help some.
I have severe social anxiety,it can be mitigated with medication.I read the letters of Paul when I feel the most anxiety.As a general rule anxiety seems to increase with adults with autism as they get older.
I have it and there is no cure
To overcome discomfort you have to force yourself to frequently engage in what makes you uncomfortable.
Social gatherings make you uncomfortable? Attend as many as possible.
Cold showers make you uncomfortable? Cold shower for 2 months and it won't be uncomfortable anymore.
discomfort is the only way to grow (sadly)
Last edited:
You're definitely a sperg. Try drugs, but not jewpills like SSRIs
Dnr but you cant fix it
You must start hating anyone. There is no other way.
Do you have diagnosed or undiagnosed autism? Silly question but you could get tested. Undiagnosed autism is
actually very common in older people, with personality masking occurring due to negative reinforcement. In
the UK, they don't test much for autism and there is no money in the budget, which would explain why we
have so many failed people in our society.

Apparently the tests cost £1500-£2000 in the UK which shows even more failure of the system.

This won't help true-cels or category 1/2 incels but could help some.
I don’t think I have full blown autism as only social symptoms match up. This test also suggests I have low signs:

IMG 3003
You're definitely a sperg. Try drugs, but not jewpills like SSRIs
yeah you’re the druggie guy. What drugs do you recommend for a spergie in the United cuckdumb
yeah you’re the druggie guy. What drugs do you recommend for a spergie in the United cuckdumb
It's brutal being in the United Cuckdom, which even makes butter knives illegal.

However, you should be able to obtain phenibut quite easily online as it is not yet illegal in the UK. This will utterly eliminate your anxiety and tension in social settings.
Last edited:
It's brutal being in the United Cuckdom, which even makes butter knives illegal.

However, you should be able to obtain phenibut quite easily online as it is not yet illegal in the UK. This will utterly eliminate your anxiety and tension in social settings.
Yeah even staring at females is now illegal:

IMG 3161
The Light Path: therapy and anxiety medication
The Dark Path: substance use

Therapee is memed here but it's part of the treatment plan for social anxiety. I think it can help for some people, but not help for others. Depends on the therapist too.

Phenibut can help
Phenibut isn't the best for noobs, OP should weedmax and/or alcoholmaxx first. The bar is a great place to overcome your social anxiety because everyone is retardedly drunk.
by being attractive
I relate with every word of this post. For me, the anxiety has only gotten worse as I've aged. I don't know what the fuck to do. Therapists tell me "go outside" issue is I come home and concave my skull inside out to release the adrenaline I've had from being "outside"
I relate with every word of this post. For me, the anxiety has only gotten worse as I've aged. I don't know what the fuck to do. Therapists tell me "go outside" issue is I come home and concave my skull inside out to release the adrenaline I've had from being "outside"
It feels like being burdened with an invisible disability. Have you tried any meds
It feels like being burdened with an invisible disability. Have you tried any meds

SSRI's made my anxiety worse and caused thoughts of wanting to commit mass shootings daily. Ever since I got off of them the thoughts are gone. Also the withdrawl effects are fucking awful.
This is exactly what I'm suffering from and I don't have the darnest idea how to fix it. How old are you now?
This is exactly what I'm suffering from and I don't have the darnest idea how to fix it. How old are you now?
I’m late 20s. Have you tried Phenibut
The Light Path: therapy and anxiety medication
The Dark Path: substance use

Therapee is memed here but it's part of the treatment plan for social anxiety. I think it can help for some people, but not help for others. Depends on the therapist too.

Phenibut isn't the best for noobs, OP should weedmax and/or alcoholmaxx first. The bar is a great place to overcome your social anxiety because everyone is retardedly drunk.
Fuck off. Therapy and jewpills are a scam.
start small like small talk and make a habit out of it.
no fix for your face
I’m late 20s. Have you tried Phenibut
I'm afraid I can't try any meds since I'm poor, living at my mom's. I will have to bear with this pain because now, besides anxiety, I have something I believe to be depression for the first time in my life.

SSRI's made my anxiety worse and caused thoughts of wanting to commit mass shootings daily. Ever since I got off of them the thoughts are gone. Also the withdrawl effects are fucking awful.
:giga: :feelsohgod: I knew it.
Between the ages 15-16, I began to notice I had social anxiety.

I mainly experience discomfort when others are looking/watching me, making me the focal point of their attention. I don’t give a fuck what they’re actually thinking. This seemingly contradicts a primary symptom of social anxiety - a profound fear of judgment. The formal term for this is: ‘Scopophobia’ - an excessive fear of being stared at. [1]

Familiar Individuals
However, around friends and family I would feel normal. Their familiar faces and known personalities offsets my anxiety. This allows me to be borderline extroverted, and I can engage in conversations, feel genuinely connected, and don’t feel any awkwardness.

Unfamiliar People & Surroundings:
However, stepping outside feels like entering a minefield. The anxiety intensifies as I am surrounded by unfamiliar faces and unpredictable situations, making every interaction a daunting task.

The simplest of actions like making small talk with a cashier or asking for directions, making eye contact, walking past others in a corridor/tight space becomes unthinkable. The fear, the uncertainty of how to act or what to say, grips me, rendering me paralysed.

Social anxiety makes me perceive strangers as human-sized wasps – entities that are potentially threatening, unpredictable, and capable of inflicting harm. Despite my rational understanding that they pose no real danger, these intense feelings persistently overthrow my rationality.

Trying to Act Normal:
I’m caught in a catch-22: when I try to emulate conventional behaviour or adopt the mannerisms of normies, I come off as even more awkward, further accentuating the feeling of being an awkward alien.

I've tried mentioning my social anxiety to normies. While they initially show concern, they eventually become hostile and view me as a freak, blaming me for not improving, as though my social anxiety is a chosen state rather than a genuine struggle.

Social Absences:
I was unable to attend my graduation ceremony in 2017. My parents couldn’t understand what social anxiety was - they dismissed it as mere shyness. When my degree certificate arrived by mail, my dad and mum were confused and upset that I cancelled to take them to the ceremony.

I avoided attending my maternal grandfather's funeral due to my discomfort in large gatherings. My parents scolded me, expressing their embarrassment over my absence. Similarly, I often avoided family gatherings, leading to strained relations and animosity with relatives.

I don’t want to take any SSRIs. From what I’ve read it appears akin to applying a bandage to a deep, bleeding wound. I once viewed a video of a guy detailing his experiences with SSRIs. He mentioned that he had to consume multiple doses daily to alleviate his anxiety. The way he was looking at the camera and the way he was talking was very odd - he looked like a zombie whose brain had been fried by the pills.

To manage my anxiety, I opt for muted colours in my attire (usually all black). I wear a cap and position it low to obscure my eyes, and consistently walk longer routes to avoid walking through populated areas. Sometimes I use earbuds to listen to very loud music - the loud noise distracts me from focusing on my anxiety. I also avoid speaking on the phone - preferring text communication.

I have a feeling I probably can’t fix this. I’m doomed to be like this forever. My only hope is that I wasn’t always like this, and I’m not like this with people I know.
That's why I like wearing sunglasses in the summer
Do crazy shit in public and purposely do things that give you anxiety, sounds counterintuitive but if you do the things that scare you enough eventually they won’t anymore. That’s how I eliminated most of my social anxiety
Before you try phenibut try something lighter, in case it works. Like apigenin
Do crazy shit in public and purposely do things that give you anxiety, sounds counterintuitive but if you do the things that scare you enough eventually they won’t anymore. That’s how I eliminated most of my social anxiety
This has been suggested but those actions would induce traumatic cringe for life
stop being such a fucking bitch and get off the forum. might help. too bad you are too stupid to figure that out
I have some ideas, but eventually you'll need to make effort yourself:
  • You drink (not to the point of blackout) and try to talk to other drunk people. You'll get more and more used to this and then start removing alcohol;
  • Therapy;
  • Dance classes (highest effort solution, but with strongest effect).

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