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Discussion How did Men became unaware of women's true nature ?



Jul 20, 2023

Literally every scholar in every culture from ancient times clearly states that women are naturally lesser than men, inferior in both intelligence and compassion and creatures of deceit, envy, cruelty and greed and the only way to ensure they don't disrupt society is to put strong social restrictions on them and completely bar them from having any say in the administration of a state or country.

You can go the 'Timeless Quotes on Women' page in Incel wiki and see it for yourself. This thread by partially inspired by this thread.

Tbh I saw Brocels falling to despair and rage at the thread but not me. Why ? Because I already knew women lack all and all empathy and compassion. Every word they say is meant to break you psychologically and exploit your for their own ends. Sometimes they will break you without any ulterior motives just because they can. Here is an example

My mother herself has done so several occassions. One of the most brutal truth about this world for men is that women are not our allies or anything. Our species is not the same as African Buffalos, Wolves or Lion Prides were males and females work together. Nope. The fundamental relation between the two genders of our species is PARASITIC in nature. Men without a doubt infinitely more superior in obtainining resources than women. In no other mammal is the female so much dependent on males like humans. As parasites women obviously have zero reasons to have sympathy for men(their hosts). Women's number one goal regarding us is too completely milk us for whatever we are worth. Since we are obviously creatures of higher intellect women will sometimes abuse and bully men even without any ulterior motives or desire for resources. Expecting empathy from women is like expecting a hungry crocodile not to eat up a juicy lamb. It's simply against the creatures' instincts and biology.

Just look at the Men Loneliness epidemic and women's reaction to it. Women detest us for seeking help for our suffering and constantly belittle and drown out our cries. They can't stand the fact that there are at least some people out there who would show us men some sympathy and paint us as Rapists, murderers and worse(even though Chads are more likely to rape and muder them{which is pretty based tbh}). After interacting with women I have come to the conclusion that not only women have no zero empathy for men, they take active pleasure in causing men harm and damage.

So now that I have concluded that Empathy, compassion and altruism are alien concepts to women I wanna ask how did we men forget about the true nature of women ? Our ancestors clearly were not the simps we are. From Aristotle, to Confucius and Prophet Muhammad it would seem Men in the past were well aware of women's natural inclinations towards disruptive behaviour and advocated for social restrictions which would limit their influence. How the fuck did we forgot this lessons ? The heck happened to us after WW2 ? How did men become so cucked that they allow women any say in how society should function ? Discuss.

Some Interested Folks : @Stupid Clown @AsiaCel @SlayerSlayer
the pussy blinded them
Fun and g4mes until the m4n t4kes her lif3
Extremely well written post. Bravo. :feelsokman: It was either pushed by the elite as to have a more easily controlled population, or men's subconscious simpery led to where we are now.
high iq. will read it all. generation boomer contributed a lot of problems that exist now.
@Fat Link Deserves to be pinned, tbhngl.
Great post. Intelligent men HATE women.

Wise men avoid women all together.

Quote they re all weak all women they re stupid compared to men they shouldn t play chess bobb

Original 1
0 Z1riObFLJ2kQFfEU 2
Read every word, belongs to id
Thats why its over for me.

I cant be this macho man whos never sick or sad.

Actually i cant be anything rn
@Fat Link Modlord can you move this to ID please ?
Probably from the times when women entered workforce en masse and men from the young age see women as teachers, coworkers and many think that 'women are humans, just like me'.
Plus many men are simps naturally.
Extremely well written post. Bravo. :feelsokman: It was either pushed by the elite as to have a more easily controlled population, or men's subconscious simpery led to where we are now.
Biological imperative to reproduce causes simping and thinking highly of holes. Women are extremely harsh inside but soft outside.
View attachment 1042785

Literally every scholar in every culture from ancient times clearly states that women are naturally lesser than men, inferior in both intelligence and compassion and creatures of deceit, envy, cruelty and greed and the only way to ensure they don't disrupt society is to put strong social restrictions on them and completely bar them from having any say in the administration of a state or country.

You can go the 'Timeless Quotes on Women' page in Incel wiki and see it for yourself. This thread by partially inspired by this thread.

Tbh I saw Brocels falling to despair and rage at the thread but not me. Why ? Because I already knew women lack all and all empathy and compassion. Every word they say is meant to break you psychologically and exploit your for their own ends. Sometimes they will break you without any ulterior motives just because they can. Here is an example
View attachment 1042813

My mother herself has done so several occassions. One of the most brutal truth about this world for men is that women are not our allies or anything. Our species is not the same as African Buffalos, Wolves or Lion Prides were males and females work together. Nope. The fundamental relation between the two genders of our species is PARASITIC in nature. Men without a doubt infinitely more superior in obtainining resources than women. In no other mammal is the female so much dependent on males like humans. As parasites women obviously have zero reasons to have sympathy for men(their hosts). Women's number one goal regarding us is too completely milk us for whatever we are worth. Since we are obviously creatures of higher intellect women will sometimes abuse and bully men even without any ulterior motives or desire for resources. Expecting empathy from women is like expecting a hungry crocodile not to eat up a juicy lamb. It's simply against the creatures' instincts and biology.

Just look at the Men Loneliness epidemic and women's reaction to it. Women detest us for seeking help for our suffering and constantly belittle and drown out our cries. They can't stand the fact that there are at least some people out there who would show us men some sympathy and paint us as Rapists, murderers and worse(even though Chads are more likely to rape and muder them{which is pretty based tbh}). After interacting with women I have come to the conclusion that not only women have no zero empathy for men, they take active pleasure in causing men harm and damage.

So now that I have concluded that Empathy, compassion and altruism are alien concepts to women I wanna ask how did we men forget about the true nature of women ? Our ancestors clearly were not the simps we are. From Aristotle, to Confucius and Prophet Muhammad it would seem Men in the past were well aware of women's natural inclinations towards disruptive behaviour and advocated for social restrictions which would limit their influence. How the fuck did we forgot this lessons ? The heck happened to us after WW2 ? How did men become so cucked that they allow women any say in how society should function ? Discuss.

Some Interested Folks : @Stupid Clown @AsiaCel @SlayerSlayer
I learned all this with my mother
World war 2 when the ratty wimps had their turn with women.
OK so I'll give you my take about this. But be warned I'm not a history-buff and I'm still learning about history in-between wageslaving and crying myself to sleep, what I write might not be too credible.

Two parts: first part is about Prohibition, second part is about Baby boomers, sex-ratio, and TV

The dawn of our modern world, this very shitty one we have no choice but to be sexless and discarded in, began after the conclusion of the Second World War. But we need to go a little further back then that. In the nineteen thirties because of prohibition in America, speakeasies prefigured late twentith century clubs, strip-clubs and night-clubs. Speakeasies were to drive change in culture drastically. Boose and jazz and sitting outside of the watchful eye of the government, what happened in speakeasies were talked about only in speakeasies, so behavior that would have been unacceptable in broad daylight would be increasingly less so in the clandestine and disguised establishments.

Blacks and whites united by their outrage at the newest amendment to the US constitution, the 18th, barring the production, sale, consumption or distribution of alcohol, mingled in these places. But it was not only men of either race in speakeasies, women would too become involved. This is where things really started changing.

Women would loose their outerwear, their dresses, upon entering. They would smoke, drink, flirt, not too dissimilar to today you have to imagine. Speakeasies not only built relations between whites and blacks, but allowed women to truly act how they wanted; it revealed their nature that had no other means to express themselves, and safe to say it was also partly freed their sexuality, and that flirting mentioned before undoubtedly sometimes lead to fucking. (Some speakeasies became large like those in major cities, and had bedrooms.)

Prohibition and it's speakeasies were the catalyst that produced the 19th amendment in America, biggest mistake in mankind's history, and the prototype of modern women. It marks where our iron-clad patriarchy eased-off and restrictions, like you put, were lifted from women.

Bellow is a photograph of the resulting developments in culture, taken at some sort of party after the 21st amendment is put into effect.

Do note this is where dresses, the big puffy cowboy-era ones were exchanged for progressively sluttier wear. The 19th amendment may have been inspired by the surrogates in England, but the clothing is key for understanding that this mess we are in started in America and migrated elsewhere.

Now the second part. Picture two things: It's the 1940s and the population of Earth is roughly eight times smaller than today at a billion humans, and it's the end of the bloodiest this planet has seen so far. Countries that send their dangerous msygonists out to kill each other now had a substantially unequal proportion of men to women, and besides some novelty platoons and civilian deaths from city bombings, only men fought and died. Women outnumber vastly right when the war wraps up, so they kindly offer up their uteruses to help the post-war effort. And enter stage-left Baby Boomers.

So two things here. At this point, women's nature had only just been able to be observed, but any observations couldn't be made because of wars and economic recessions at that busy time in the middle twentieth century, and baby boomers were born into such great opportunities, sexual and economic. (I have grandparents that are Boomers and they sit on more money and estate than I'll ever see in my entire life.)

Cathode ray tubes had been invented near this time and the first complete television set could be built when Boomers were at an age where all they would do is sit in front of TV. Hollywood sets out to make the first ever TV shows, movies, etc. that would be sent over the air, they had to set a good example for the country, so they HAD to be virtuous. (Though, I want to note there was one film, possibly the first ever incel media titled 'Marty', at this time.)

These movies would be where the lies started. There had not been enough time to learn exactly how women acted with a dying patriarchy, and the Boomer males were in higher demand because all the men from the previous generation died; they had it artificially easier in the dating market (no more arranged marriages in the West by this time). Because the idea that women want flowers and that they are good natured was suggested to Boomers through the early and virtuous TV shows and movies, and because Boomers had it easier, it didn't matter that these were LIES, it seemly worked for them, and that meant it was time to teach it to their kids.

The contraceptive pill was invented when boomers were having their children, and by the time their kids are ready to have sex, it's the 1960s and 1970s, hippies, drugs, Woodstock, swingers. new wave feminism, fucking SCUM manifesto, if you haven't read this feminist manifesto, it's insane what they can say and get away with it.

Concerts and hippies picked up on where speakeasies left off, now with LSD and no risk of getting pregnant. These were exhibitions of how free-loving, promiscuous women could be.

Hippies went away, but concerts stayed. Besides more feminism and more legal power being handed over to women, divorces, family-courts, the eighties brought another harbinger of men's destruction, globalization and aviation, cheap commercial flights. Finally I'll discuss the boom years and the beginnings of inceldom as we know it, stopping at Mystery Method and PUA.

Women were now able to fly to exotic countries and meet their exotic men, sex tourism becomes a thing, but men become able to be expats and geomaxx.

And lastly the 1990s is where our hero Millennials and Xers who posted on usenet groups, and then on the web forums PUAhate and SlutHate. This is where the story of inceldom really begins.

There was more I wanted to touch on, especially in the nineties, and also my reflections on the history of modelling (somewhat related or at least interesting).
I'll save it for it's own thread, and when I'm not starving. I'm really fucking hungry I need to order pizza.
When men stopped following their instincts. Men should aim for perpetuating suffering on foids rather than getting them back in kitchen. Oh! We are long past that point. Nothing compares to dragging the upperclass to street, not even sea of wealth.
This is why I hate cucks and simps more than foids. We've known the callous nature of foids for as long as we've existed, which is why we restricted their freedom in the past, so that they don't end up wrecking havoc upon us. These faggots not only liberated foids to let them embrace their worst parts, but they're enabling them as well. It's no different than pitbull owners letting their dogs kill other people.
View attachment 1042785

Literally every scholar in every culture from ancient times clearly states that women are naturally lesser than men, inferior in both intelligence and compassion and creatures of deceit, envy, cruelty and greed and the only way to ensure they don't disrupt society is to put strong social restrictions on them and completely bar them from having any say in the administration of a state or country.

You can go the 'Timeless Quotes on Women' page in Incel wiki and see it for yourself. This thread by partially inspired by this thread.

Tbh I saw Brocels falling to despair and rage at the thread but not me. Why ? Because I already knew women lack all and all empathy and compassion. Every word they say is meant to break you psychologically and exploit your for their own ends. Sometimes they will break you without any ulterior motives just because they can. Here is an example
View attachment 1042813

My mother herself has done so several occassions. One of the most brutal truth about this world for men is that women are not our allies or anything. Our species is not the same as African Buffalos, Wolves or Lion Prides were males and females work together. Nope. The fundamental relation between the two genders of our species is PARASITIC in nature. Men without a doubt infinitely more superior in obtainining resources than women. In no other mammal is the female so much dependent on males like humans. As parasites women obviously have zero reasons to have sympathy for men(their hosts). Women's number one goal regarding us is too completely milk us for whatever we are worth. Since we are obviously creatures of higher intellect women will sometimes abuse and bully men even without any ulterior motives or desire for resources. Expecting empathy from women is like expecting a hungry crocodile not to eat up a juicy lamb. It's simply against the creatures' instincts and biology.

Just look at the Men Loneliness epidemic and women's reaction to it. Women detest us for seeking help for our suffering and constantly belittle and drown out our cries. They can't stand the fact that there are at least some people out there who would show us men some sympathy and paint us as Rapists, murderers and worse(even though Chads are more likely to rape and muder them{which is pretty based tbh}). After interacting with women I have come to the conclusion that not only women have no zero empathy for men, they take active pleasure in causing men harm and damage.

So now that I have concluded that Empathy, compassion and altruism are alien concepts to women I wanna ask how did we men forget about the true nature of women ? Our ancestors clearly were not the simps we are. From Aristotle, to Confucius and Prophet Muhammad it would seem Men in the past were well aware of women's natural inclinations towards disruptive behaviour and advocated for social restrictions which would limit their influence. How the fuck did we forgot this lessons ? The heck happened to us after WW2 ? How did men become so cucked that they allow women any say in how society should function ? Discuss.

Some Interested Folks : @Stupid Clown @AsiaCel @SlayerSlayer
birth control.
>how did men let this happen???
the people in charge (chads and jews) didn't really care what would happen to the massive beta populations
The answers to this is, as almost always, the kikes
Our species is not the same as African Buffalos, Wolves or Lion Prides were males and females work together. Nope. The fundamental relation between the two genders of our species is PARASITIC in nature.
I wonder if maybe some other humanoid species have a better relationships between the sexes like elves lol
Fun and g4mes until the m4n t4kes her lif3
Many don't care about male suicides, some of them actually support or seek to increase the numbers.

Even males don't care, look at bros who roped in this forum, most forgotten after a couple months.
You speak in the language of God
Many don't care about male suicides, some of them actually support or seek to increase the numbers.

Even males don't care, look at bros who roped in this forum, most forgotten after a couple months.
There was a member here he had health problems from drinking so much. outherebrothers.... is that his name? Is he still alive?
high iq. will read it all. generation boomer contributed a lot of problems that exist now.
Simps raised by simps. Feminism really kicked into gear once women had so much power over their husbands that they could prevent the transmission of wisdom from father to son.
View attachment 1042785

Literally every scholar in every culture from ancient times clearly states that women are naturally lesser than men, inferior in both intelligence and compassion and creatures of deceit, envy, cruelty and greed and the only way to ensure they don't disrupt society is to put strong social restrictions on them and completely bar them from having any say in the administration of a state or country.

You can go the 'Timeless Quotes on Women' page in Incel wiki and see it for yourself. This thread by partially inspired by this thread.

Tbh I saw Brocels falling to despair and rage at the thread but not me. Why ? Because I already knew women lack all and all empathy and compassion. Every word they say is meant to break you psychologically and exploit your for their own ends. Sometimes they will break you without any ulterior motives just because they can. Here is an example
View attachment 1042813

My mother herself has done so several occassions. One of the most brutal truth about this world for men is that women are not our allies or anything. Our species is not the same as African Buffalos, Wolves or Lion Prides were males and females work together. Nope. The fundamental relation between the two genders of our species is PARASITIC in nature. Men without a doubt infinitely more superior in obtainining resources than women. In no other mammal is the female so much dependent on males like humans. As parasites women obviously have zero reasons to have sympathy for men(their hosts). Women's number one goal regarding us is too completely milk us for whatever we are worth. Since we are obviously creatures of higher intellect women will sometimes abuse and bully men even without any ulterior motives or desire for resources. Expecting empathy from women is like expecting a hungry crocodile not to eat up a juicy lamb. It's simply against the creatures' instincts and biology.

Just look at the Men Loneliness epidemic and women's reaction to it. Women detest us for seeking help for our suffering and constantly belittle and drown out our cries. They can't stand the fact that there are at least some people out there who would show us men some sympathy and paint us as Rapists, murderers and worse(even though Chads are more likely to rape and muder them{which is pretty based tbh}). After interacting with women I have come to the conclusion that not only women have no zero empathy for men, they take active pleasure in causing men harm and damage.

So now that I have concluded that Empathy, compassion and altruism are alien concepts to women I wanna ask how did we men forget about the true nature of women ? Our ancestors clearly were not the simps we are. From Aristotle, to Confucius and Prophet Muhammad it would seem Men in the past were well aware of women's natural inclinations towards disruptive behaviour and advocated for social restrictions which would limit their influence. How the fuck did we forgot this lessons ? The heck happened to us after WW2 ? How did men become so cucked that they allow women any say in how society should function ? Discuss.

Some Interested Folks : @Stupid Clown @AsiaCel @SlayerSlayer
Indoctrination and propaganda from a very young age. Consider how women represent the large majority of teachers and most single parent homes (or even two parent homes) it’s the woman raising the boys typically while the man is at work.

If you look at Hollywood or game studios or anything that produces art people consume or social media (etc) it’s all driven by strict globohomo feminist delusion and men grow up being gaslit and told things that simply aren’t true.

Eg instead of being told the truth men are fed bluepill after bluepill, anyone that’s honest with them is vilified, and when they notice what they’re doing doesn’t work they’re gaslit.

Whoever controls the press, art production, social media, and education controls the people and the vast majority of people accept whatever positions their community teach them. You can see that with various religions for example, if I grew up in Iran id be Muslim but if I grew up in Japan I’d be Buddhist or atheist, and so on. Other beliefs work like that too.
PORN! when did pornography start? all i know is it predates jesus.
View attachment 1042785

Literally every scholar in every culture from ancient times clearly states that women are naturally lesser than men, inferior in both intelligence and compassion and creatures of deceit, envy, cruelty and greed and the only way to ensure they don't disrupt society is to put strong social restrictions on them and completely bar them from having any say in the administration of a state or country.

You can go the 'Timeless Quotes on Women' page in Incel wiki and see it for yourself. This thread by partially inspired by this thread.

Tbh I saw Brocels falling to despair and rage at the thread but not me. Why ? Because I already knew women lack all and all empathy and compassion. Every word they say is meant to break you psychologically and exploit your for their own ends. Sometimes they will break you without any ulterior motives just because they can. Here is an example
View attachment 1042813

My mother herself has done so several occassions. One of the most brutal truth about this world for men is that women are not our allies or anything. Our species is not the same as African Buffalos, Wolves or Lion Prides were males and females work together. Nope. The fundamental relation between the two genders of our species is PARASITIC in nature. Men without a doubt infinitely more superior in obtainining resources than women. In no other mammal is the female so much dependent on males like humans. As parasites women obviously have zero reasons to have sympathy for men(their hosts). Women's number one goal regarding us is too completely milk us for whatever we are worth. Since we are obviously creatures of higher intellect women will sometimes abuse and bully men even without any ulterior motives or desire for resources. Expecting empathy from women is like expecting a hungry crocodile not to eat up a juicy lamb. It's simply against the creatures' instincts and biology.

Just look at the Men Loneliness epidemic and women's reaction to it. Women detest us for seeking help for our suffering and constantly belittle and drown out our cries. They can't stand the fact that there are at least some people out there who would show us men some sympathy and paint us as Rapists, murderers and worse(even though Chads are more likely to rape and muder them{which is pretty based tbh}). After interacting with women I have come to the conclusion that not only women have no zero empathy for men, they take active pleasure in causing men harm and damage.

So now that I have concluded that Empathy, compassion and altruism are alien concepts to women I wanna ask how did we men forget about the true nature of women ? Our ancestors clearly were not the simps we are. From Aristotle, to Confucius and Prophet Muhammad it would seem Men in the past were well aware of women's natural inclinations towards disruptive behaviour and advocated for social restrictions which would limit their influence. How the fuck did we forgot this lessons ? The heck happened to us after WW2 ? How did men become so cucked that they allow women any say in how society should function ? Discuss.

Some Interested Folks : @Stupid Clown @AsiaCel @SlayerSlayer
One thing that should be kept in mind is that due to the media all kinds of bullshit out there, most men have this mentality are innocent in every subject, but that there are AT LEAST some cases where they're obviously bad. The only men who see through this shit are people like us who've been put down by society and told to shut up and take it. The women are massive whores with no shame and remorse? Shut up and take it. The men are porn addicts who know nothing of history or culture? Shut up and take it. As I've said before, these things are only recognized by those who are smart enough to see through the bullshit either because they were outcasted, leading to constant observation and speculation, or they've just been on both sides.
This world is a cursed hell
View attachment 1042785

Literally every scholar in every culture from ancient times clearly states that women are naturally lesser than men, inferior in both intelligence and compassion and creatures of deceit, envy, cruelty and greed and the only way to ensure they don't disrupt society is to put strong social restrictions on them and completely bar them from having any say in the administration of a state or country.

You can go the 'Timeless Quotes on Women' page in Incel wiki and see it for yourself. This thread by partially inspired by this thread.

Tbh I saw Brocels falling to despair and rage at the thread but not me. Why ? Because I already knew women lack all and all empathy and compassion. Every word they say is meant to break you psychologically and exploit your for their own ends. Sometimes they will break you without any ulterior motives just because they can. Here is an example
View attachment 1042813

My mother herself has done so several occassions. One of the most brutal truth about this world for men is that women are not our allies or anything. Our species is not the same as African Buffalos, Wolves or Lion Prides were males and females work together. Nope. The fundamental relation between the two genders of our species is PARASITIC in nature. Men without a doubt infinitely more superior in obtainining resources than women. In no other mammal is the female so much dependent on males like humans. As parasites women obviously have zero reasons to have sympathy for men(their hosts). Women's number one goal regarding us is too completely milk us for whatever we are worth. Since we are obviously creatures of higher intellect women will sometimes abuse and bully men even without any ulterior motives or desire for resources. Expecting empathy from women is like expecting a hungry crocodile not to eat up a juicy lamb. It's simply against the creatures' instincts and biology.

Just look at the Men Loneliness epidemic and women's reaction to it. Women detest us for seeking help for our suffering and constantly belittle and drown out our cries. They can't stand the fact that there are at least some people out there who would show us men some sympathy and paint us as Rapists, murderers and worse(even though Chads are more likely to rape and muder them{which is pretty based tbh}). After interacting with women I have come to the conclusion that not only women have no zero empathy for men, they take active pleasure in causing men harm and damage.

So now that I have concluded that Empathy, compassion and altruism are alien concepts to women I wanna ask how did we men forget about the true nature of women ? Our ancestors clearly were not the simps we are. From Aristotle, to Confucius and Prophet Muhammad it would seem Men in the past were well aware of women's natural inclinations towards disruptive behaviour and advocated for social restrictions which would limit their influence. How the fuck did we forgot this lessons ? The heck happened to us after WW2 ? How did men become so cucked that they allow women any say in how society should function ? Discuss.

Some Interested Folks : @Stupid Clown @AsiaCel @SlayerSlayer
Feminisation of the church through the sexual revolution and gay pride and beloved feminism.
these things are only recognized by those who are smart enough to see through the bullshit either because they were outcasted, leading to constant observation and speculation, or they've just been on both sides.
The epidemic of single motherhood post the mass male purges of WW2.
Probably from the times when women entered workforce en masse and men from the young age see women as teachers, coworkers and many think that 'women are humans, just like me'.
Plus many men are simps naturally.
If men weren't crazy about women, our species would stop continuing. Its in male DNA to be a bluepilled simp. Men still need women to make babies.

Sexual instinct takes over the logical prefrontal cortex. Which is why men are willing to do so many things for women, even if it seems completely insane to do so.

There's this belief that men are the pragmatic gender. I think this is true, but when it comes to sexuality men are anything but pragmatic. Women are the logical, calculative and pragmatic in this regard.

But if men would treat women like women treat men, we would be extinct. In dimorphic species if the males didn't have such a high sex drive then they would die off.
Extremely well written post. Bravo. :feelsokman: It was either pushed by the elite as to have a more easily controlled population, or men's subconscious simpery led to where we are now.
Propably both , there Is definitly some Woman Push " going on .

Some fuck Up there " Loves Woman to much so to speak
OK so I'll give you my take about this. But be warned I'm not a history-buff and I'm still learning about history in-between wageslaving and crying myself to sleep, what I write might not be too credible.

Two parts: first part is about Prohibition, second part is about Baby boomers, sex-ratio, and TV

The dawn of our modern world, this very shitty one we have no choice but to be sexless and discarded in, began after the conclusion of the Second World War. But we need to go a little further back then that. In the nineteen thirties because of prohibition in America, speakeasies prefigured late twentith century clubs, strip-clubs and night-clubs. Speakeasies were to drive change in culture drastically. Boose and jazz and sitting outside of the watchful eye of the government, what happened in speakeasies were talked about only in speakeasies, so behavior that would have been unacceptable in broad daylight would be increasingly less so in the clandestine and disguised establishments.

Blacks and whites united by their outrage at the newest amendment to the US constitution, the 18th, barring the production, sale, consumption or distribution of alcohol, mingled in these places. But it was not only men of either race in speakeasies, women would too become involved. This is where things really started changing.

Women would loose their outerwear, their dresses, upon entering. They would smoke, drink, flirt, not too dissimilar to today you have to imagine. Speakeasies not only built relations between whites and blacks, but allowed women to truly act how they wanted; it revealed their nature that had no other means to express themselves, and safe to say it was also partly freed their sexuality, and that flirting mentioned before undoubtedly sometimes lead to fucking. (Some speakeasies became large like those in major cities, and had bedrooms.)

Prohibition and it's speakeasies were the catalyst that produced the 19th amendment in America, biggest mistake in mankind's history, and the prototype of modern women. It marks where our iron-clad patriarchy eased-off and restrictions, like you put, were lifted from women.

Bellow is a photograph of the resulting developments in culture, taken at some sort of party after the 21st amendment is put into effect.

Do note this is where dresses, the big puffy cowboy-era ones were exchanged for progressively sluttier wear. The 19th amendment may have been inspired by the surrogates in England, but the clothing is key for understanding that this mess we are in started in America and migrated elsewhere.

Now the second part. Picture two things: It's the 1940s and the population of Earth is roughly eight times smaller than today at a billion humans, and it's the end of the bloodiest this planet has seen so far. Countries that send their dangerous msygonists out to kill each other now had a substantially unequal proportion of men to women, and besides some novelty platoons and civilian deaths from city bombings, only men fought and died. Women outnumber vastly right when the war wraps up, so they kindly offer up their uteruses to help the post-war effort. And enter stage-left Baby Boomers.

So two things here. At this point, women's nature had only just been able to be observed, but any observations couldn't be made because of wars and economic recessions at that busy time in the middle twentieth century, and baby boomers were born into such great opportunities, sexual and economic. (I have grandparents that are Boomers and they sit on more money and estate than I'll ever see in my entire life.)

Cathode ray tubes had been invented near this time and the first complete television set could be built when Boomers were at an age where all they would do is sit in front of TV. Hollywood sets out to make the first ever TV shows, movies, etc. that would be sent over the air, they had to set a good example for the country, so they HAD to be virtuous. (Though, I want to note there was one film, possibly the first ever incel media titled 'Marty', at this time.)

These movies would be where the lies started. There had not been enough time to learn exactly how women acted with a dying patriarchy, and the Boomer males were in higher demand because all the men from the previous generation died; they had it artificially easier in the dating market (no more arranged marriages in the West by this time). Because the idea that women want flowers and that they are good natured was suggested to Boomers through the early and virtuous TV shows and movies, and because Boomers had it easier, it didn't matter that these were LIES, it seemly worked for them, and that meant it was time to teach it to their kids.

The contraceptive pill was invented when boomers were having their children, and by the time their kids are ready to have sex, it's the 1960s and 1970s, hippies, drugs, Woodstock, swingers. new wave feminism, fucking SCUM manifesto, if you haven't read this feminist manifesto, it's insane what they can say and get away with it.

Concerts and hippies picked up on where speakeasies left off, now with LSD and no risk of getting pregnant. These were exhibitions of how free-loving, promiscuous women could be.

Hippies went away, but concerts stayed. Besides more feminism and more legal power being handed over to women, divorces, family-courts, the eighties brought another harbinger of men's destruction, globalization and aviation, cheap commercial flights. Finally I'll discuss the boom years and the beginnings of inceldom as we know it, stopping at Mystery Method and PUA.

Women were now able to fly to exotic countries and meet their exotic men, sex tourism becomes a thing, but men become able to be expats and geomaxx.

And lastly the 1990s is where our hero Millennials and Xers who posted on usenet groups, and then on the web forums PUAhate and SlutHate. This is where the story of inceldom really begins.

There was more I wanted to touch on, especially in the nineties, and also my reflections on the history of modelling (somewhat related or at least interesting).
I'll save it for it's own thread, and when I'm not starving. I'm really fucking hungry I need to order pizza.
Completely America-centric. Prohibition was a female power movement. Suffragettes were female supremacist. Europe already had "free love" advocates in the 1800s. It goes way before 1930s.
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Literally every scholar in every culture from ancient times clearly states that women are naturally lesser than men, inferior in both intelligence and compassion and creatures of deceit, envy, cruelty and greed and the only way to ensure they don't disrupt society is to put strong social restrictions on them and completely bar them from having any say in the administration of a state or country.

You can go the 'Timeless Quotes on Women' page in Incel wiki and see it for yourself. This thread by partially inspired by this thread.

Tbh I saw Brocels falling to despair and rage at the thread but not me. Why ? Because I already knew women lack all and all empathy and compassion. Every word they say is meant to break you psychologically and exploit your for their own ends. Sometimes they will break you without any ulterior motives just because they can. Here is an example
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My mother herself has done so several occassions. One of the most brutal truth about this world for men is that women are not our allies or anything. Our species is not the same as African Buffalos, Wolves or Lion Prides were males and females work together. Nope. The fundamental relation between the two genders of our species is PARASITIC in nature. Men without a doubt infinitely more superior in obtainining resources than women. In no other mammal is the female so much dependent on males like humans. As parasites women obviously have zero reasons to have sympathy for men(their hosts). Women's number one goal regarding us is too completely milk us for whatever we are worth. Since we are obviously creatures of higher intellect women will sometimes abuse and bully men even without any ulterior motives or desire for resources. Expecting empathy from women is like expecting a hungry crocodile not to eat up a juicy lamb. It's simply against the creatures' instincts and biology.

Just look at the Men Loneliness epidemic and women's reaction to it. Women detest us for seeking help for our suffering and constantly belittle and drown out our cries. They can't stand the fact that there are at least some people out there who would show us men some sympathy and paint us as Rapists, murderers and worse(even though Chads are more likely to rape and muder them{which is pretty based tbh}). After interacting with women I have come to the conclusion that not only women have no zero empathy for men, they take active pleasure in causing men harm and damage.

So now that I have concluded that Empathy, compassion and altruism are alien concepts to women I wanna ask how did we men forget about the true nature of women ? Our ancestors clearly were not the simps we are. From Aristotle, to Confucius and Prophet Muhammad it would seem Men in the past were well aware of women's natural inclinations towards disruptive behaviour and advocated for social restrictions which would limit their influence. How the fuck did we forgot this lessons ? The heck happened to us after WW2 ? How did men become so cucked that they allow women any say in how society should function ? Discuss.

Some Interested Folks : @Stupid Clown @AsiaCel @SlayerSlayer
The answer is Christianity. Any redpilled Christian is revolting against the textual core of Christianity. Judaism is redpilled, Christianity is bluepilled. Christianity is literally the Religion of Forgiveness (TM).

During the Victorian Period, European men had supressed female nature for so long that they had forgotten why it was supressed, and started believing that the way women behaved then was the true female nature.

Anthropologists in the 1800s made left-wingers more feminist. But that doesn't explain why religious people and conservatives also cucked out. It's because of Christianity, forgiveness, courtly love, etc.
If men weren't crazy about women, our species would stop continuing. Its in male DNA to be a bluepilled simp. Men still need women to make babies.

Sexual instinct takes over the logical prefrontal cortex. Which is why men are willing to do so many things for women, even if it seems completely insane to do so.

There's this belief that men are the pragmatic gender. I think this is true, but when it comes to sexuality men are anything but pragmatic. Women are the logical, calculative and pragmatic in this regard.

But if men would treat women like women treat men, we would be extinct. In dimorphic species if the males didn't have such a high sex drive then they would die off.
:bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
scorpion and frog

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