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Discussion How did Female Standards Become so Unrealistically High?



May 25, 2023
We know, from a poll that is now many years old, women think 80% of men are ugly. That number is likely much worse now. For example a woman recently said she only found .02% of men attractive.

Objectively, 80% of men are not ugly. I'm no way in hell gay, and I can tell you, objectively, 80% of men are not ugly.

So why do women think this? Why are their standards so impossibly high?

Keep in mind it's not just Stacys saying this, its Beckys, nigresses, landwhales, etc. The whole lot. Most of these bitches are ugly themselves, even with fakeup, but want to say almost every man is ugly

Just what exactly is going on here?

My guess is it might be due to a personal gross exaggeration of their own appearance.
They all think they are 8s, 9s, 10s.

And to them a 6/10 guy is ugly. A 5/10 guy is ugly. But these guys probably look better then them. Especially without fakeup
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simps,cucks,white knights, social media
Jews + simps + social media
Then they tell us we have unrealistic standards when we want someone who isnt a landwhale
We know, from a poll that is now many years old, women think 80% of men are ugly. That number is likely much worse now. For example a woman recently said she only found .02% of men attractive.

Objectively, 80% of men are not ugly. I'm no way in hell gay, and I can tell you, objectively, 80% of men are not ugly.

So why do women think this? Why are their standards so impossibly high?

Keep in mind it's not just Stacys saying this, its Beckys, nigresses, landwhales, etc. The whole lot. Most of these bitches are ugly themselves, even with fakeup, but want to say almost every man is ugly

Just what exactly is going on here?

My guess is it might be due to a personal gross exaggeration of their own appearance.
They all think they are 8s, 9s, 10s.

And to them a 6/10 guy is ugly. A 5/10 guy is ugly. But these guys probably look better then them. Especially without fakeup
Social media, movies and tv shows
Simps, other foids feeding into eachothers delusions and Overall foids being extremely narcissistic
Social media, thirsty betas, and boredom from having a comparatively idle and easy life compared to decades ago. They also think they have all the time in the world and keep thinking "I can do better". This makes them picky
Basically, because they now have an abundance of men to choose from (this includes the top tier men). Not only within a 10 mile radius from where they live, but men from all over the world.
If an average 18yo girl is able to sign up to Tinder and receive 500 likes within 24 hrs, why would they settle for an average Joe with 40k a year?
Social media and dating apps did a lot of irreversible damage to the dating market.
If I was in charge, I´d ban all dating apps, instagram, Tiktok and snapchat.

Whatsapp, telegram, and online forums like .is are OK, cause you somehow need to keep in touch with others
And also, keep in mind:
pre 1950´s, women´s dating options consisted of the 5/8 guys living in her town.
It was much easier, to compete back then.
This will result in a healthy dating market, with lots of young & motivated men to better themselves in every aspect of their life.
THATS a healthy society, this way it will thrive and prosper.... You simply won´t have that, when females are exposed to literally thousands of potential suitors, from all different cultural/religious and ethnic backgrounds.
For them, dating is a candy store
My issue with the standards is that we are expected to support the system that gives us nothing. It used to be only a small percentage of real Chads, now there are fakes and tallfags that are used as substitutes. We are expected to be productive in this society that mocks us.
boredom from having an idle and easy life
That's the most overlooked cause, but it's a major factor. Since WW2, most of technology has been designed to reduce foid housekeeping roles and push them into the "work"force. So yeah, a foid is idle and bored most of the time, which makes her focus on the pursuit of instant gratification, mostly through promiscuity. And since Chads are always available for promiscuous endeavors, foids assume they are equal to Chads.
Simps, other foids feeding into eachothers delusions and Overall foids being extremely narcissistic
I hate seeing foids rate each other as 10s when in reality even .is users mog them irl. They can't handle reality and these simps feeding their delusions are causing hoeflation to skyrocket.
Social media and dating apps did a lot of irreversible damage to the dating market.

The worst part about dating apps is how useless they are at actually finding a real partner to marry, and not a hookup

YOU CANNOT judge someone as a possible match for you based on a profile photo and a bio. YOU CAN'T.

Just think about how heinous it is

You hear women talking about 'oh I didnt swipe right, he needed a better profile photo'

They are judging people and throwing them to the side based on how good a PROFILE PHOTO looks.

And the Bios? People are having AI or ChatGPT write bios for them now. Or they even have professionals write their bios for them. Its an absolute JOKE.

The result?

Average men getting 0 matches.

Average, even ugly ass women going out on 4-5 dates a week, all of them cycling through and sharing the same top 5% of men, getting rode hard and put away wet. And then they go on forums and complain about the guy they slept with is suddenly distant and hardly returns their texts or calls. Bitch he's onto the next ho already

Its not just that dating apps gave women too many options, it's also how it has fundamentally changed their mindset toward dating and marriage. They now think they deserve a Chad because one hooked up with them. They now can't pair bound because by the time they're 25 they've been a cum dumpster for 5 dozen different men. They now aren't interested in marrying because men are so abundantly available to them. They now think 99% of men are ugly and they are 11/10 because Chad used them for target practice.
Social media and dating apps
Cause they all fuck chads and then think anyone below that is below average
The worst part about dating apps is how useless they are at actually finding a real partner to marry, and not a hookup

YOU CANNOT judge someone as a possible match for you based on a profile photo and a bio. YOU CAN'T.

Just think about how heinous it is

You hear women talking about 'oh I didnt swipe right, he needed a better profile photo'

They are judging people and throwing them to the side based on how good a PROFILE PHOTO looks.

And the Bios? People are having AI or ChatGPT write bios for them now. Or they even have professionals write their bios for them. Its an absolute JOKE.

The result?

Average men getting 0 matches.

Average, even ugly ass women going out on 4-5 dates a week, all of them cycling through and sharing the same top 5% of men, getting rode hard and put away wet. And then they go on forums and complain about the guy they slept with is suddenly distant and hardly returns their texts or calls. Bitch he's onto the next ho already

Its not just that dating apps gave women too many options, it's also how it has fundamentally changed their mindset toward dating and marriage. They now think they deserve a Chad because one hooked up with them. They now can't pair bound because by the time they're 25 they've been a cum dumpster for 5 dozen different men. They now aren't interested in marrying because men are so abundantly available to them. They now think 99% of men are ugly and they are 11/10 because Chad used them for target practice.
and I´m still a firm believer that we are better off, when dating apps are banned. That would be a good step in the right direction.
Sadly enough, that won´t happen cause it´s part of the globalist agenda with the ultimate goal:
population decline.
Women are mentally deranged because these Jewish trash apps. They would gladly reject a guy with these stats:

-5´9 (1.75m)
-Face = Mid Tier Normie
-Owns his own place, mortgage paid off

(pre 1950´s, these guys would be considered a catch/real deal in every womans eyes).
I understand, we live in a different time also economically, but I hope you get what I mean.
Feminism, social media, dating apps
and I´m still a firm believer that we are better off, when dating apps are banned. That would be a good step in the right direction.
Sadly enough, that won´t happen cause it´s part of the globalist agenda with the ultimate goal:
population decline.
Women are mentally deranged because these Jewish trash apps. They would gladly reject a guy with these stats:

-5´9 (1.75m)
-Face = Mid Tier Normie
-Owns his own place, mortgage paid off

(pre 1950´s, these guys would be considered a catch/real deal in every womans eyes).
I understand, we live in a different time also economically, but I hope you get what I mean.

Population decline is going to backfire on them though. It's going to have huge negative economic effects that far outweight the gains of a smaller population

Not only that, with no hope of ever being with a woman tons of men are going to drop out of society. They won't see any point in doing more then entry level jobs, or they'll just go NEET. Basically the male workforce is going to be awful, because they have no motivation in life. This is why women are mogging men in education right now. Men don't have the motivation to better themselves. Their mental health is crap because they are not getting intimacy or even the hope of intimacy.

AI will take the majority of cushy female desk jobs. And that's going to leave you with a real jacked up society.
This is why women are mogging men in education right now.
I swear that´s a hot topic these days, even where I live:
last year, over 72% of college grads were female.
don´t know if it´s that bad in your country.... But I will sit back, relax while being financially stable and watch this society burn from miles away
This is why women are mogging men in education right now.
This will backfire on them cause women often have USELESS garbage degrees, they don´t benefit society in the slightest
dating apps, movies, social approval, porn books, intentionally inflating their smv, normies' and chads' goal being multiple sexual partners instead of a couple, feeling safe and secure, lower sex drive caused by stress and exhaustion with work, social media
The worst part about dating apps is how useless they are at actually finding a real partner to marry, and not a hookup

YOU CANNOT judge someone as a possible match for you based on a profile photo and a bio. YOU CAN'T.

Just think about how heinous it is

You hear women talking about 'oh I didnt swipe right, he needed a better profile photo'

They are judging people and throwing them to the side based on how good a PROFILE PHOTO looks.

And the Bios? People are having AI or ChatGPT write bios for them now. Or they even have professionals write their bios for them. Its an absolute JOKE.

The result?

Average men getting 0 matches.

Average, even ugly ass women going out on 4-5 dates a week, all of them cycling through and sharing the same top 5% of men, getting rode hard and put away wet. And then they go on forums and complain about the guy they slept with is suddenly distant and hardly returns their texts or calls. Bitch he's onto the next ho already

Its not just that dating apps gave women too many options, it's also how it has fundamentally changed their mindset toward dating and marriage. They now think they deserve a Chad because one hooked up with them. They now can't pair bound because by the time they're 25 they've been a cum dumpster for 5 dozen different men. They now aren't interested in marrying because men are so abundantly available to them. They now think 99% of men are ugly and they are 11/10 because Chad used them for target practice.
online dating.
Subhuman females think that 80% of men are unattractive
globalisation, social media and feminism have only mildly exacerbated the issue. truthfully the bulk of it is biology
Social media, dating apps, men also let it happen
I'm sick of ladies picking muscle bound brutes and flash pretty boys over me.

I work hard. I'm good looking. No dates.
Social media, dating apps and female nature. Its mostly female nature let free and dating apps are like steroids for that. Dating apps and social media enable female nature, not the other way around. We are seeing true female nature. Now women dont need a husband so they can date for looks and hotness instead of healthy long term attributes like stable income and good personality. Obviously not many men are hot and sexy so most men get filtered.
Just what exactly is going on here?
Simple: Natural selection is accelerating. The future Greek letter generations like Gen Alpha, Gen Beta... and all the other ones will be moggers because of (1) how Millennial and Gen Z normies aren't reproducing enough—and even if they do, the minority will be from those attractive enough to afford not being divorce-raped after having a child and actually be able to maintain a happy and long-lasting healthy marriage—and (2) unbridled, unrestricted hypergamy. The genes of 80% of men are unfit to be passed on to the next generation, pure and simple. Of course, this also means that due a sort of biological Overton window, the people now considered sevens or eights, for example, will be fives or sixes in the future, where most men will be at a level of a current-day seven or eight.
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Social media, online dating, porno, cucks opening the floodgates of foidism, cucks supplying foids' egos
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Dating apps Neo feminism, Feminism which has told women to know their "worth" and not to settle for anything less then a prince.
They see Chads on whorestagram.
I hate seeing foids rate each other as 10s when in reality even .is users mog them irl. They can't handle reality and these simps feeding their delusions are causing hoeflation to skyrocket.
Pretty much
  • destroyed gender ratio, only getting even worse because many immigrants are thugmaxxed young men that toilets love and most babies born being boys. Seriously, almost always I see a baby, it's a boy
  • the dating market being practically privatized and dominated by an evil profit maximizing company
  • for profit dating apps and paid features in it with algorithms and ai are not banned
  • adultery not being illegal anymore, adultery is a crime worth time in prison
  • media and the soyciety promoting pump and dump culture, only marriage between a man and a woman should be talked in positive tone
  • social media making especially foids believe that everyone can live in Beverly Hills, have insane parties all the time and settle with chad
  • paying for sex being even a felony, that's why onlycucks is alive and well especially in America which is also the home of modern hypergamous trend. There's a trend to criminalize clients but not escorts, Maine adopted that model last year
  • people turning their backs to Lord Jesus Christ which caused a huge moral decline especially starting from greedy boomers generation. The satanic panic was based and truthful
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80s then shit started to crumble
90s is meh
But the 2000s are fucking Hardcore for any outcast ugly men
And this generation too with it's Social Media Trend

Blame any man who had been any classic movie with jawlines and blue eyes and Good pERsonality

Still fucking hate this clown world of ours
fuck off you fucking tranny ill beat ur brakes off cunt
Dating apps and technology

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