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SuicideFuel How come so many of you guys are in college?



The Senator of Suffering & Minister of Misery
Jun 8, 2022
I get mogged hard IQ wise here. It seems like every other incel is in college pursuing high IQ degrees with a lot of heavy sciences. Atleast you guys have a future, something to occupy yourselves with, something you can be proud of even if you aren't doing extremely well in school. Hell, maybe you'll betabuxx a girl that is semi-decent to you.

I have nothing. Not a single thing in my life going for me. Being ugly and low IQ in the west is like being spawn trapped in real life. Legitimately hardstuck with no hopes of it ever getting better. I can't even land a basic wagie job due to my autism and low IQ so I am condemned to rot forever.
College is useless. you can see how many people have degrees but dont work with their degree. its better to work and invest your money into yourself. Also youd be surprised how many dumb autists are in college especially dumb foids. they rely on their friends and sucking off the professor to pass
Living off of welfare is superior to wagecucking anyway when you're a low IQ untermensch
Just recently got into welfare its fantastic

IDK I feel like I am above average intelligence, maybe thats just duning kruger effect and I am an idiot, but I have never had school smarts, I could not possibly finish a uni degree ever I just cant do it idk why yet foids seem to breeze through it and stuff.
I have nothing. Not a single thing in my life going for me. Being ugly and low IQ in the west is like being spawn trapped in real life. Legitimately hardstuck with no hopes of it ever getting better. I can't even land a basic wagie job due to my autism and low IQ so I am condemned to rot forever.
same, but besides education even more important is socialization, you have to know many people and have connections to achieve more.
College is useless. you can see how many people have degrees but dont work with their degree. its better to work and invest your money into yourself. Also youd be surprised how many dumb autists are in college especially dumb foids. they rely on their friends and sucking off the professor to pass
I think college is like the gym, both are useless in a sense for job and dating market, however its bare minimum just to be considered to apply these days, whereas a few decades ago these things were not base requirements, but attributes that would make you stand out.

It's like everything has undergone some sort of inflation in life, money inflation, degree inflation, gym inflation etc. this world feels fucked and only the top 10% or so of people succeed in life and get to be happy.
Just recently got into welfare its fantastic

IDK I feel like I am above average intelligence, maybe thats just duning kruger effect and I am an idiot, but I have never had school smarts, I could not possibly finish a uni degree ever I just cant do it idk why yet foids seem to breeze through it and stuff.
especially dumb foids
sucking off the professor to pass
yes, they either give them sex or money. Around 7 years ago when I was picking up my papers from college, I had to wait before entering the most important dude office cabinet, young woman around 18-22 y.o in a short skirt walked in in front of me and she was there for about 15, 20 minutes, she probably sucked him off.
I think college is like the gym, both are useless in a sense for job and dating market, however its bare minimum just to be considered to apply these days, whereas a few decades ago these things were not base requirements, but attributes that would make you stand out.

It's like everything has undergone some sort of inflation in life, money inflation, degree inflation, gym inflation etc. this world feels fucked and only the top 10% or so of people succeed in life and get to be happy.
yeah exactly. The Jews have made it increasingly hard for a man to acquire happiness and fulfillment
Possibly is IDK I have gotten above average on online IQ tests but im pretty sure everyone gets crazy scores on those online ones, however I have had success in other areas of life just not academically (esports which is IQ based which is why ricecels are so good at them) so Idk
Key components in completing cuckllege are discipline and socialisation.

Think most users here that are successful in STEM are ethnics with a very good discipline and work ethic which override lack of socialisation.
I have never had socilisation but I have had discipline for gym so i dont even know.
Even read reply to guy above I have had success in other areas of life just never even came close academically and I never have the motivation for it, I have always really despised school and stuff and i dont even know anymore im gonna be broke and live off welfare forever now lol
Key components in completing cuckllege are discipline and socialisation.

Think most users here that are successful in STEM are ethnics with a very good discipline and work ethic which override lack of socialisation.
Theyve now made it impossible to be independent in college even in STEM :reeeeee:. Literally every fucking assignment was group work and most of the grade is made up from group assignments which is then peer assessed (ovER if you didnt have friends to begin with in the course or if no one on the course really cares about you) . 2nd year and ive decided to leave college
It's normal. Having a high IQ typically correlates with low test, it's pussy repellent.
Do you get NEETbux at least?

Living off of welfare is superior to wagecucking anyway when you're a low IQ untermensch

Depends on the welfare system, wagecucking can give significantly more money, even with a minimum wage. In the Netherlands no welfare can exceed 60% of a minimum wage, so wagecucking actually increases your income by a significant amount.
I am definitely not proud of my future career because my life sucks and I want to rope every day its absolutely worthless. also IQ is correlated with inceldom so brutal IQpill
Collegecucks aren't especially skilled or high IQ at all

I'm in college to be a finance jew and it takes no effort
I dropped out of high school and got my GED never even saw college as an option.
College is useless. you can see how many people have degrees but dont work with their degree. its better to work and invest your money into yourself. Also youd be surprised how many dumb autists are in college especially dumb foids. they rely on their friends and sucking off the professor to pass
I had the option to go to college but didn't because the nigger and jew propaganda pissed me off.

Every college forces you to support BLM and faggots and all that garbage.
Having good education is not the same as having high IQ
I dropped out,after completing 5 semesters I just couldn't take it anymore. If I could just go on for 1.5 years I would be a college graduate now lol.
I have a "Fachhochschulreife mit Deltaprüfung" here in germany which gives me access to all free universities but i wageslaved afterwards instead cause i was to depressed from school and seeing other people my age be happy and have sex 24/7 while i just went home to rot alone.
Ill go to uni in october but I dont know how long i can do it iam just extremely lazy and unmotivated about everything but if i have to wageslave

i want to make good money idgaf about anything <50k€ after i have my economics bachelors
I had the option to go to college but didn't because the nigger and jew propaganda pissed me off.

Every college forces you to support BLM and faggots and all that garbage.
Every time I would walk into the library thered be a BLM or a LGBT event going on.
Cuckllege is the only thing keeping a roof over my head but I really want to quit, turbobrutal being mogged and ignored by everyone there.

NEETing would not be an option so I would have to get a truecel job, are you NEETing or?
Currently im NEET at parents house but it wont last long, I need to find a job and leave. They know Im going to fail cuckllege cuz i didnt attend any lectures
Don't worry I'm a dropout
I’m literally non NT and don’t give a fuck about uni. I’m always late and I just do other shit in class instead of focusing, I don’t do any work, etc because I literally can’t. This is why NT pill is important I mentally am incapable of initiating tasks, paying attention, studying, getting on time, etc. I can only rot
I get mogged hard IQ wise here. It seems like every other incel is in college pursuing high IQ degrees with a lot of heavy sciences.
I can somewhat relate to you on this a bit: Whilst I am a collegecel, I know I am mogged by the tons of the others on here in terms of IQ, since they are pursuing stuff heavy in the sciences & math.
Atleast you guys have a future, something to occupy yourselves with, something you can be proud of even if you aren't doing extremely well in school.
Tbh, I see what you mean: I am not doing too well right now, I have an A, a B, a C, and I am failing a course. :dafuckfeels:

it is nice to have something to keep me distracted, but with the exception of a few assignments, I find it so monotonous & draining tbh.
Hell, maybe you'll betabuxx a girl that is semi-decent to you.
I think that this is maybe one of the reasons I keep going with things tbh, and why deep-down I just have that small sliver of hope, but I think my humanistic survival instincts also play a role.
I have nothing. Not a single thing in my life going for me. Being ugly and low IQ in the west is like being spawn trapped in real life.
I know Europe isn't too great, but just take my word, the US would be much worse.
Legitimately hardstuck with no hopes of it ever getting better. I can't even land a basic wagie job due to my autism and low IQ so I am condemned to rot forever.

If you want, since I am knowledgeable about resumes, interviews, hirings, etc. I could possibly offer some help: I recall you said you were thinking of working so you could save-up for a PC to cope, so maybe that could be a motivator.
Look, I graduated from a higher college of IT (that is what it is called in English, I am not trying to flex), but I don't feel intelligent. Often times I feel inferior to others even. I feel like passing school is very dependent on luck.

There are teachers who don't care and those who do too much, teachers who are good at explaining the topic they are trying to teach and those who explain it in a way that only makes sense to them, there are teachers you can manipulate into feeling sorry for you and treating you less harsh when it comes to grading, ...

One teacher might look at your exam thinking that you know enough to pass, while the other thinks you're a retard.

TLDR; Just because someone graduated from a high-status school, doesn't mean they are intelligent. Maybe they were just lucky, or they painfully memorized everything they needed to know for their exams.

In my case, I was probably just very lucky.

Before I had to change schools, I was good at Math. I had a what would be an A in America. When I got transferred to the other school, where I got a new (female) Math teacher, I was relieved about barely passing.

Also, Corona happened, my mental health was shitty, and I used that (and the fact that my female Math teacher was straight up bullying me for being bad at Math) to get my main-teacher to treat me like a SPED when it came to grading, there were teachers who didn't care about teaching, sometimes it was enough to just look busy, ...
I failed college
You don't need high IQ to go to college. Buying a house is higher IQ.
Waste of time.
Didn't make a single friend and make just as much money now as I probably would have if I finished.
You don't need high IQ to go to college. Buying a house is higher IQ.
U just need to be NT tbh. But plenty of legit retards in america get through uni since it’s kinda mandatory nowadays
I get mogged hard IQ wise here. It seems like every other incel is in college pursuing high IQ degrees with a lot of heavy sciences. Atleast you guys have a future, something to occupy yourselves with, something you can be proud of even if you aren't doing extremely well in school. Hell, maybe you'll betabuxx a girl that is semi-decent to you.

I have nothing. Not a single thing in my life going for me. Being ugly and low IQ in the west is like being spawn trapped in real life. Legitimately hardstuck with no hopes of it ever getting better. I can't even land a basic wagie job due to my autism and low IQ so I am condemned to rot forever.
Imagine beta buxxing a goddamn vile hole stupid stretch out by 100000 guys at crazy parties (I’ve been to some, didn’t get any pussy because I’m 5’4) this is crazy fucking i Have tons of $$$$ and I’d rather die by electric chair or hanging than let some vile non virgin cunt leech my $$$ this is why I go to hooker
Why do you think you are low-iq? I don't understand this attitude of some incels of treating themselves as mentally retarded when they can write perfectly well and manage to enter a hidden forum like this.
You can still do trades
In my case I dropped out because there is not a shred of motivation in me left anymore. Thinking about the long term is pointless because I don’t envision myself living a long life.
I get mogged hard IQ wise here. It seems like every other incel is in college pursuing high IQ degrees with a lot of heavy sciences. Atleast you guys have a future, something to occupy yourselves with, something you can be proud of even if you aren't doing extremely well in school. Hell, maybe you'll betabuxx a girl that is semi-decent to you.

I have nothing. Not a single thing in my life going for me. Being ugly and low IQ in the west is like being spawn trapped in real life. Legitimately hardstuck with no hopes of it ever getting better. I can't even land a basic wagie job due to my autism and low IQ so I am condemned to rot forever.
I'm in college and struggle at work due to autism too
probably because post secondary educaion is particularly brutal for people like us, so we have to come here for solace. think of all the ethnic incels studying engineering/computer science in the universe. there's no way half of them aren't at least aware of the term "incel".

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