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NSFW How can you cope with the unthinkable atrocities that Israel is doing?



twisted mind
Nov 23, 2020

Every single day I open Aljazeera hoping to see an end to this only to be faced with a new atrocity, with more destruction and with more support for Israel from whites. It's beyond all imagination just how much control they have over media. They are blocking EVERYTHING. They are hunting down everyone who makes even the lightest critique of Israel. Banning all accounts. Limiting "political" content. You don't even see this shit in sci-fi movies.

It's just insane the amount of pain and suffering they are causing and how much support from white people they have. Of course white people support them because this ravaging and genocide is their business they have been doing it for 400 years. It is their history, their culture. Genocide and atrocity is the very root of America. It is the culture of Western Europe. So if you are a mainstream white who supports the Jewish colonizers I am not surprised, my question is for the minority good whites with a conscience and browncels here, particularly Arab and Muslimcels, how do you guys even cope with this?

How the fuck do you even cope. How am I supposed to go fucking eat lunch after watching that shit?
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So called "Israel" is a colony of Jews that is recognized by the international community as a country.
For the past 60 years they have been destroying the indigenous population in every way possible. The exact thing the whites did to Indians in America they are doing to the Palestinians but in 2024!

They have destroyed everything and are killing everyone literally starving 2 million people to death in broad daylight and nobody is saying anything.

I didn't even know how bad they had it in the West Bank before this was.

I thought okay they made peace with Israelis and the fact that their land is lost but oh God they have nothing even in the West bank. They can be legally arrested by Israelis at any time without a court and for an unlimited period of time. They land can be taken away from them at any time by a "settler". They get killed and tortured by "settlers" with no repercussions. Evey day new "settlements" are built in their lands, their farms are taken away on a daily basis, they are systematically getting separated and torn apart by the way the Israelis design the settlements and the roads. It's an actual apartheid and slow death. It's like Gaza but slower.
@Destroyed lonely @svgmn1 how do you cope?

Tag other sandcels I genuinely want to know.
I stand with Israel :chad:
I would feel sorry but as a curry (lowest lifeform) there is nobody that ever felt sorry for me or helped me in this life, so I don't think I can sympathise with any atrocity that is happening in this world. I can keep eating knowing that whatever is happening would have definitely happened to me if I lived in another time period and nobody else would feel sorry for me, I was just lucky enough to be born at a different time.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/zihk1b/people_shrunk_to_their_skeletons_man_made_famine/?rdt=49089&force_seo=1

Sure we are curries we deserve it because we are subhuman. However sands also put this fate upon themselves, they aren't near as subhuman, but they can't cooperate together and form an alliance to tell the West to fuck off, it is a weakness in them. The Indian subcontinent failed to do the same thing when the East India Company came to do business and monopolised the trade by defeating every single kingdom in the region, only in a span of 200 years, then systematically drained as much resources as they can through collaboration with local Zamindars (land owners). Similarly, keeping the Middle East destabilised is fulfilling America's lust for hegemony, it is simply a profitable region so having it out of their control is not good enough to them. They want to subvert any potential competition and hoard as much key resources as possible (oil, trading ports and potential competition), they do this by destroying any potential regime that could hurt them and install puppet rulers in their place. Same story in Latin America, but I won't dive into that.

But there isn't an excuse for any of this because the Chinese were able to defend their country from the same fate. The Americans tried again and again to infiltrate their country, made up countless fabrications about them, but these Chinks are too cooperative and coordinated to allow that. They built a firewall and ban websites through extreme censorship so it's more difficult for moles and foreigners to infiltrate into local matters, making sure all the popular websites are reverse engineered and locally produced (Whatsapp - > WeChat, Google - > Baidu etc), no Chinese database would be in the hand of foreigners. Every technology transferred to them, they are able to build on their own, cars, phones, computers etc. Lesser reliance on foreign technology means it's difficult to infiltrate them, or hit them hard through sanctions. Chinks are able to work together to prevent an infiltration of their country, something Sands failed to do, the proof is that there was an alliance to defeat Israel but Israel somehow beat all of them and the West is somehow able to install all these puppet rulers all over the Middle East, similar to what they did in India during the colonial era, but they were never able to this in China, not even during the century of Humiliation.

I'm more mad at my people's incompetence and behaviour which is what caused our fate, because if they acted better, if they were cooperative, if they weren't prideful and arrogant, we wouldn't have been humiliated this badly centuries ago and fallen to the prey of the West's hegemony.
it's ok when Israel does it. They even occupied Golan Heights and no one cares
I have much much bigger problems to deal with in my personal life.

And even if i didnt, what can i do?
Genocide and atrocity is the very root of America. It is the culture of Western Europe
:yes: Whites and their Jew masters are bloodthirsty incarnations of devil
browncels here, particularly Arab and Muslimcels, how do you guys even cope with this?
There will be an all-out war in 2028 which will either end the Jews, anti-Jews or the world
SexhavER problems, don't care
It's very stressful and I like every pro Palestine post I can to atleast increase the reach of pro Palestine content on social media

Oh and the ongoing boycott of all white business is also hurting the profits of Starbucks mcdonalds and all.

Life as a Muslim is just hell tbh.
sandcel thread jfl
As a Middleeast & Europecel I can tell you that, until recently, everyone was defending everything Israel did (in Europe/West). Things are changing now, but only slowly.

It's like the big brother book
You can just give another name to the same thing and everything is resolved.
It's that easy
Women do it always
I want so suck child dick = I am a nice person and I stay with him only to help him poor guy , it's just happened he is 6'4
they are doing to the Palestinians but in 2024!
I thought okay they made peace with Israelis and the fact that their land is lost
Oh how forget the religious excuse to steal another 's land ? Always used in history
"Is just god bro"
I wonder why country with more than 100 million population ( Egypt ) and with relatively good economy for a North African country can't do anything.

Every single day I open Aljazeera hoping to see an end to this only to be faced with a new atrocity, with more destruction and with more support for Israel from whites. It's beyond all imagination just how much control they have over media. They are blocking EVERYTHING. They are hunting down everyone who makes even the lightest critique of Israel. Banning all accounts. Limiting "political" content. You don't even see this shit in sci-fi movies.

It's just insane the amount of pain and suffering they are causing and how much support from white people they have. Of course white people support them because this ravaging and genocide is their business they have been doing it for 400 years. It is their history, their culture. Genocide and atrocity is the very root of America. It is the culture of Western Europe. So if you are a mainstream white who supports the Jewish colonizers I am not surprised, my question is for the minority good whites with a conscience and browncels here, particularly Arab and Muslimcels, how do you guys even cope with this?

How the fuck do you even cope. How am I supposed to go fucking eat lunch after watching that shit?
Sadly ethnics don't cope we suffer
circus thread :y'all:
I would feel sorry but as a curry (lowest lifeform) there is nobody that ever felt sorry for me or helped me in this life, so I don't think I can sympathise with any atrocity that is happening in this world. I can keep eating knowing that whatever is happening would have definitely happened to me if I lived in another time period and nobody else would feel sorry for me, I was just lucky enough to be born at a different time.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/zihk1b/people_shrunk_to_their_skeletons_man_made_famine/?rdt=49089&force_seo=1

Sure we are curries we deserve it because we are subhuman. However sands also put this fate upon themselves, they aren't near as subhuman, but they can't cooperate together and form an alliance to tell the West to fuck off, it is a weakness in them. The Indian subcontinent failed to do the same thing when the East India Company came to do business and monopolised the trade by defeating every single kingdom in the region, only in a span of 200 years, then systematically drained as much resources as they can through collaboration with local Zamindars (land owners). Similarly, keeping the Middle East destabilised is fulfilling America's lust for hegemony, it is simply a profitable region so having it out of their control is not good enough to them. They want to subvert any potential competition and hoard as much key resources as possible (oil, trading ports and potential competition), they do this by destroying any potential regime that could hurt them and install puppet rulers in their place. Same story in Latin America, but I won't dive into that.

But there isn't an excuse for any of this because the Chinese were able to defend their country from the same fate. The Americans tried again and again to infiltrate their country, made up countless fabrications about them, but these Chinks are too cooperative and coordinated to allow that. They built a firewall and ban websites through extreme censorship so it's more difficult for moles and foreigners to infiltrate into local matters, making sure all the popular websites are reverse engineered and locally produced (Whatsapp - > WeChat, Google - > Baidu etc), no Chinese database would be in the hand of foreigners. Every technology transferred to them, they are able to build on their own, cars, phones, computers etc. Lesser reliance on foreign technology means it's difficult to infiltrate them, or hit them hard through sanctions. Chinks are able to work together to prevent an infiltration of their country, something Sands failed to do, the proof is that there was an alliance to defeat Israel but Israel somehow beat all of them and the West is somehow able to install all these puppet rulers all over the Middle East, similar to what they did in India during the colonial era, but they were never able to this in China, not even during the century of Humiliation.

I'm more mad at my people's incompetence and behaviour which is what caused our fate, because if they acted better, if they were cooperative, if they weren't prideful and arrogant, we wouldn't have been humiliated this badly centuries ago and fallen to the prey of the West's hegemony.

I hope this latest carnage which as far as I know is the worst of them all will put some sense into middle eastern leaders to create an alliance, because any middle eastern country could become like this in an instant if America, Israel or Europe wishes it.

As a Middleeast & Europecel I can tell you that, until recently, everyone was defending everything Israel did (in Europe/West). Things are changing now, but only slowly.

They will forget. They have no access to free media and Israel controls literally everything. White people will never ever support brown people in a war.

I wonder why country with more than 100 million population ( Egypt ) and with relatively good economy for a North African country can't do anything.
The ideal solution to this brutality is for the UN to pass a resolution for all world countries to attack Israel and stop it. Which it will never do.
The next solution is for middle eastern countries to stop Israel by force which they cannot do.
The last choice which is only a remedy for the Palestinian's suffering is letting them into a country which means Israel will take all of Gaza with no consequence and 2 million starved and brutalized mentally destroyed Palestinians will be a responsibility for the said country and no country is willing to do that.
idc it's just rando Palestinian sandniggers w/e
I hate the Jews anyway, whatever Israel does

so I don't pay much attention to Israel's pseudo-wars
Tbh I dont really care about world politics too much since I will always be an inkwell at the end of the day.
I guess I do feel bad for all the brocels getting bombed there tho.
Sit back and watch as Israel copies Russia’s two wars in Chechnya; Israel will likely win, but absolutely tank its international reputation in said victory due to the fact that they’re utterly shameless in their hatred for the Palestinian goyim.
Sit back and watch as Israel copies Russia’s two wars in Chechnya; Israel will likely win, but absolutely tank its international reputation in said victory due to the fact that they’re utterly shameless in their hatred for the Palestinian goyim.
Chechens are privileged in Russia now; while Palestinians always were and always will be second class people in Israel.
Chechens are privileged in Russia now; while Palestinians always were and always will be second class people in Israel.
Doesn’t stop the fact that the Chechens and the Russians war-crimed the hell out of each other during the wars
I would feel sorry but as a curry (lowest lifeform) there is nobody that ever felt sorry for me or helped me in this life, so I don't think I can sympathise with any atrocity that is happening in this world. I can keep eating knowing that whatever is happening would have definitely happened to me if I lived in another time period and nobody else would feel sorry for me, I was just lucky enough to be born at a different time.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/zihk1b/people_shrunk_to_their_skeletons_man_made_famine/?rdt=49089&force_seo=1

Sure we are curries we deserve it because we are subhuman. However sands also put this fate upon themselves, they aren't near as subhuman, but they can't cooperate together and form an alliance to tell the West to fuck off, it is a weakness in them. The Indian subcontinent failed to do the same thing when the East India Company came to do business and monopolised the trade by defeating every single kingdom in the region, only in a span of 200 years, then systematically drained as much resources as they can through collaboration with local Zamindars (land owners). Similarly, keeping the Middle East destabilised is fulfilling America's lust for hegemony, it is simply a profitable region so having it out of their control is not good enough to them. They want to subvert any potential competition and hoard as much key resources as possible (oil, trading ports and potential competition), they do this by destroying any potential regime that could hurt them and install puppet rulers in their place. Same story in Latin America, but I won't dive into that.

But there isn't an excuse for any of this because the Chinese were able to defend their country from the same fate. The Americans tried again and again to infiltrate their country, made up countless fabrications about them, but these Chinks are too cooperative and coordinated to allow that. They built a firewall and ban websites through extreme censorship so it's more difficult for moles and foreigners to infiltrate into local matters, making sure all the popular websites are reverse engineered and locally produced (Whatsapp - > WeChat, Google - > Baidu etc), no Chinese database would be in the hand of foreigners. Every technology transferred to them, they are able to build on their own, cars, phones, computers etc. Lesser reliance on foreign technology means it's difficult to infiltrate them, or hit them hard through sanctions. Chinks are able to work together to prevent an infiltration of their country, something Sands failed to do, the proof is that there was an alliance to defeat Israel but Israel somehow beat all of them and the West is somehow able to install all these puppet rulers all over the Middle East, similar to what they did in India during the colonial era, but they were never able to this in China, not even during the century of Humiliation.

I'm more mad at my people's incompetence and behaviour which is what caused our fate, because if they acted better, if they were cooperative, if they weren't prideful and arrogant, we wouldn't have been humiliated this badly centuries ago and fallen to the prey of the West's hegemony.

Chinks are the true master race
Doesn’t stop the fact that the Chechens and the Russians war-crimed the hell out of each other during the wars
It shows difference between Russians and Jews.
Jews will always treat others like inferior beings.
Sit back and watch as Israel copies Russia’s two wars in Chechnya; Israel will likely win, but absolutely tank its international reputation in said victory due to the fact that they’re utterly shameless in their hatred for the Palestinian goyim.
Russia never had the entire major media outlets under its control, but America and the Jews do. They will get away with everything.

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