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How can some incels actually pay for an escort WHERE IS YOUR DIGNITY



Aug 4, 2021
@blackpillpres @PPEcel
Man I'm just waiting for @BlkPillPres to type up a medium size novel in response. :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice:
Depends on how much you make - how much effort it takes and how much you spending relative to your savings and investments and assets.

Also depends where you escort - how much you for the quality etc ....

If you have money but have time to travel with your career...

Than you are LOW-IQ for doing escorts.

The better thing is to go to sex hotels in Europe where you pay only once and fuck as long you like for 24 hours.

They exist.

America is not sexually "liberated"... :feelskek:

It's actually just pretending to be....

While putting expectation for ugly males to be non-sexual and only sexual if the foid asks because she is looking to use your money and resources and the sex will be garbage any...

You gotta get your bang for the buck is what I am telling you.

If you wipe out all your money at the strip club - you are retarded.
High IQ. Also fucking a whore for money automatically revokes your incel status and brands you as a filthy sexhaver
But generally...

If you are incel....

It's best to just not even bother with even porn....

Fuck women completely. Try no fap.

And you can't just fap without thinking of them - just relieving the urges and nothing more. Do not watch porn.

It's fruitless to window shop or salivate yourself crazy over something that can never exist for you and even if it would exist for you... The whore will never like or respect you....

Truecels - need to just like a monk but self-serving completely since this society has nothing to offer but damage to ugly men...
Also fucking a whore for money automatically revokes your incel status and brands you as a filthy sexhaver

I think it depends man. and no I never fucked a prostitute....

If you are an incel and let's say you young or naive or just not yet too blackpilled enough....

You decide let me fuck a whore and pay cash....

If you are treated like trash again again again and you keeping going back

or If you spending all your money and your budget is being ruined and you keeping going back....

The thing is your not BLACKPILLED ENOUGH!!! :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

It's not that you are not "incel"....

You are just no blackpilled enough and at the sometime you do not have enough self-respect to stop handing over hard-earned cash that Chad & Tyrone and even normies sometimes get for free.

Fuck this earth...

All these COVID problems started as the blackpilled progressed into the maintstream.

God is very angry.

And many sex-havers will fucking die from calamities on earth or diseases brought by God.
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Depends on how much you make - how much effort it takes and how much you spending relative to your savings and investments and assets.

Also depends where you escort - how much you for the quality etc ....

If you have money but have time to travel with your career...

Than you are LOW-IQ for doing escorts.

The better thing is to go to sex hotels in Europe where you pay only once and fuck as long you like for 24 hours.

They exist.

America is not sexually "liberated"... :feelskek:

It's actually just pretending to be....

While putting expectation for ugly males to be non-sexual and only sexual if the foid asks because she is looking to use your money and resources and the sex will be garbage any...

You gotta get your bang for the buck is what I am telling you.

If you wipe out all your money at the strip club - you are retarded.
@Subhuman Currycel holy shit, is this you when you get laid and removed the cel label?
High IQ. Also fucking a whore for money automatically revokes your incel status and brands you as a filthy sexhaver
Man I'm just waiting for @BlkPillPres to type up a medium size novel in response. :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice:
:feelskek: indeed.

Prostitution is the most ancient profession for a reason OP. It has nothing to do with what you have described.

Losing your virginity to a hooker is pretty sad though.
idk i haven't escorted yet but i really want to cuddle a big thicc mommy :worryfeels::feelsmage::feelsmage::feelsmage::feelsmage:
Losing your virginity to a hooker is pretty sad though.
Man I'm just waiting for @BlkPillPres to type up a medium size novel in response. :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice:
His nigger brain automatically assumes that more words = he's more right = he automatically wins the discussion. No matter how many logical fallacies and how much nonsense plague his words, he won't ever give up on writing paragraphs because the bigger the paragraph the more right he's
"Only western countries exist in my mind and I refuse to leave my shitty life behind and travel to poorer countries where I can exploit poor women for cheap sex, because I am ironically an emotional hypocrite that calls normies blue pilled and illogical for acting on their emotions when its to their detriment.

Even though I'm afraid to leave my life behind due to emotional attachments to whatever "friends" or "family" that I perceive to "make my life better", I still come online everyday to complain about how suicidal I am, which ironically refutes how much "better" I think these attachments/relationships make my life, and proves they are actually worthless to me, but I'm afraid of "change" and I'm not willing to put in the effort required to change my life anyways

So all that's left for me to do is talk down to other incels that are actually willing to take action rather than complain everyday and do nothing"
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@Subhuman Currycel holy shit, is this you when you get laid and removed the cel label?


Nah bro.

I never got laid. I'm not lying.

Telling the truth.

And what do you mean by "is this you when get and removed the cel label?"

Going to strip clubs and escorts does not invalid an incel.

It just validated that maybe they are not blackpilled enough. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

That does not mean they are not "incel"....

Incel = Ugly and unable to get laid. Regardless of the person's beliefs or behavior = they are incel regardless because they are SUBHUMAN! PERIOD!

Blackpill = Aware of the situation of being an incel and how mates are really chosen - LOOKS and nothing else and how foids are just by nature uncontrollable perverts for big dicks - multiple going in all their holes...

BluePill = You gotta work on yourself bro.. You gotta get a job bro. You gotta get a haircut bro. You gotta wear cologne bro. You gotta fix your posture bro. You gotta learn how to talk =:feelskek:= The fuck does that shit even mean? = "Learn how to talk to people" =:feelskek:

It's basically implying that your looks is not because of it, it's your verbal communication....

What these stupid fuckers do not get ?

Socialization does NOT start with verbal communication or ANY form of "communication"....

Socializations begins with LOOKS AND AESTHETICS....

And socialization ENDS with COMMUNICATION!

Ask yourself, how many ugly fucks went up to some 10/10 whore in a club and said "Hi, my name is blah blah blah, you are ?"

And they either get a dirty looks or she turns around or she ignores you saying nothing or she says I am busy.?

Many times they get no response or nasty one to get lost.

Did they not try to socialize?

lol = There is no such thing as "trying" to socialize....

It's either going to happen or not.

Communication is NOT a part of it.

GENETICS is the determining factor on whether people will socialize with you or not. Communication is just the end result of successful socialization.
"Only western countries exist in my mind and I refuse to leave my shitty life behind and travel to poorer countries where I can exploit poor women for cheap sex, because I am ironically an emotional hypocrite that calls normies blue pilled and illogical for acting on their emotions when its to their detriment.

Even though I'm afraid to leave my life behind due to emotional attachments to whatever "friends" or "family" that I perceive to "make my life better", I still come online everyday to complain about how suicidal I am, which ironically refutes how much "better" I think these attachments/relationships make my life, and proves they are actually worthless to me but I'm afraid of "change" and not willing to put in the effort to change my life anyways"

MASSIVE IQ! You guys gotta learn to exploit back, they way they are trying to exploit you....
Losing your virginity to a hooker is pretty sad though.
It was a normal thing for a lot of men in the past, and men didn't shame eachother for it

Once again, a lot of you are adhering to the modern feminized standard of masculinity, which ironically revolves around acquiring mates/sex in the way that women do (mutual consensual sexual attraction)

Men did not really give a fuck about this shit in the past


Men in the past have usually acquired women through these three methods:
1. Conquest - (Rape, taking over enemy lands and claiming their women, claiming a defeated kings queen, etc)
2. Diplomacy - (Arranged marriages, political deals, merging dynasties, ending wars, etc)
3. Payment - (Paying a father a "bride price" to wed his daughter, prostitution, buying a slave, etc)

This is what "REAL MEN" did in the past

Not doll themselves up and pick clothes that "goes well with their eyes", or wear jeans that "makes their butt look cute", or wear a hairstyle that "accentuates their jaw line and warrior skull" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Men today are feminine as fuck, I want no part of this, never have, never will!

One thing that so many men (especially incels) express shame about IS SOMETHING MEN IN THE PAST DID AS A NORM (prostitution)

It was a normal thing for even Kings and Lords to fuck whores for payment, BECAUSE THAT WAS PART OF AN ACTUAL "MASCULINE STANDARD" FOR MASCULINITY

MASSIVE IQ! You guys gotta learn to exploit back, they way they are trying to exploit you....
Too many incels are ego obsessed and they ironically still want to play mind games with themselves and tell themselves "I'm a good person", while in other threads they are laughing about some woman getting beaten, raped, killed, acid faced, etc

They want to play both sides like fucking hypocrites and that's why they are going to fail completely at life

When you fail to optimize towards a direction in life, when you try to be a "jack of all trades" you end up being a "master of none", in other words you are a failure in the normie aspects of life and a failure in the subhuman aspects of life, because you didn't accept your role as a subhuman and work on the knowledge and skills required to thrive in that kind of life

This is what is going to happen to most incels
How can you be so stupid? Legalizing prostitution literally lowers the societal value of sex, it´s a direct attack towards the "pussy cartel", you dummie.
How can you be so stupid? Legalizing prostitution literally lowers the societal value of sex, it´s a direct attack towards the "pussy cartel", you dummie.
This retard is one of those illogical/emotional types that romanticizes sex, and doesn't realize that its just another resource that is at the mercy of the law of "supply and demand"

When sex becomes easily accessible to all men, the price of pussy will go down, that's just a fact, this is why women are afraid of prostitution being decriminalized, because more and more brothels and services would open up, and then competitive pricing would begin and things would get cheaper and cheaper

This is why its better to go to places like Thailand that have a large and active sex market, not only is the cost of living low in such countries and the dollar value is low too, but there is a lot of competition so the women have to price themselves low to compete
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All women are whores, there are just some more honest than others. Of course nothing is wrong with hating whores - you can even hate them and still use their services because they are essential for you. Most people hate lawyers or workers in jobs associated with shit/piss/rubbish/death but still need their services for funerals, legal battles or basic sanitary conditions. I don't respect whores, but I need them.
Most here also hate so(y)ciety and still contribute to it in some way simply by the consumption of necessary goods like food/water. This is why "Politics is cope" is also bullshit because even as someone socially rejected your (material) wellbeing is still dependent on the wellbeing of so(y)ciety. For me whores are a necessary evil and the only sexual outlet available for unattractive males.

The rest are just whores for good looking men, women always want something because they are parasitic leeches with a monopoly for a hole almost every man wants to insert something into - and they know it.
To gain access to it you either provide money or looks - in the West money doesn't matter, so only looks are of importance. Except for the honest whores.
I wish all women could just be swain with money, would give me more motivation to work, because I don't give the slightest fuck about what they want or need, too complicated, reduce it to "Give me that and I give you that", I want sex and the rest (genuine emotional connections/love) is only for those who had the privilege of being born with good looks.
If this world is a degenerate hellhole I see no problem in enjoying the few carnal pleasures available to me. My singular choice won't make a difference but would only restrict myself in the pursuit of pleasure. This is the same reason why I see no problem with fat males anymore, if you have nothing else, why should you restrict yourself? Socially established morals are dead, create your own. Everything a man wants is for him justified in the moment he deems it to be as such.
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This is why its better to go to places like Thailand that have a large and active sex market, not only is the cost of living low in such countries and the dollar value is low too, but there is a lot of competition so the women have to price themselves low to compete

so once a year at best I can travel to SE asia for 2 weeks of sex, with aids infested hookers.

also like $2000 USD in air fare, not counting accommodation.

that isn't ascending as an incel, it's cope, only the biggest male losers have to resort to third world hookers.
so once a year at best I can travel to SE asia for 2 weeks of sex
This is exactly why I only paid once to lose my virginity, I don't see the point in a "temporary escape"

I'm going to focus on wealthmaxxing and then one day move (not travel, but move permanently) to a place of my choosing

If you look at this as some kind of low investment instant gratification thing then of course you'll come to the conclusions that you have, because once again like I said, most incels are ironically attached to their shitty lives that they profess to hate so much, so the idea of moving to a different country and leaving their entire life behind (family, friends, etc) is inconceivable to them, to the point that they don't even see it as an option

If you lived in Thailand you wouldn't have to spend any more to do all that traveling now would you?

Doesn't have to be Thailand though:
You can move to Sousa in the Dominican Republic
Czech Republic in Eastern Europe
If you are wililng to pay more you can move to Amsterdam (there's a completely legal red light district)

with aids infested hookers.
I like how you guys always have to exaggerate with strawman arguments like this, it only shows that you are desperate to invalidate the option so you don't feel like you are "missing out" :feelskek:

"Why would I want to fuck a 45 year old 4/10 single mom with aids bro, i'll pass :soy:"

Also do you know how hard it is to even get aids?

Go check out @11gaijin escortcel thread and look at the stats, stds (especially aids) is extremely overblown:

only the biggest male losers have to resort to third world hookers.
JFL at being an incel and still letting your ego and emotions control you :feelskek:

Retard you are already a loser, your entire concept of being a "bigger loser" is completely subjective, you are depriving yourself of a lifetime of pleasure for no logical reason at all, its all in your head

Get over yourself
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I like having sex and the only way I can have it is by paying for it

sue me
I like having sex and the only way I can have it is by paying for it

sue me
A lot of them would rather spend money to sue you than to have sex :feelskek:
Nah bro.

I never got laid. I'm not lying.

Telling the truth.

And what do you mean by "is this you when get and removed the cel label?"

Going to strip clubs and escorts does not invalid an incel.

It just validated that maybe they are not blackpilled enough. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

That does not mean they are not "incel"....

Incel = Ugly and unable to get laid. Regardless of the person's beliefs or behavior = they are incel regardless because they are SUBHUMAN! PERIOD!

Blackpill = Aware of the situation of being an incel and how mates are really chosen - LOOKS and nothing else and how foids are just by nature uncontrollable perverts for big dicks - multiple going in all their holes...

BluePill = You gotta work on yourself bro.. You gotta get a job bro. You gotta get a haircut bro. You gotta wear cologne bro. You gotta fix your posture bro. You gotta learn how to talk =:feelskek:= The fuck does that shit even mean? = "Learn how to talk to people" =:feelskek:

It's basically implying that your looks is not because of it, it's your verbal communication....

What these stupid fuckers do not get ?

Socialization does NOT start with verbal communication or ANY form of "communication"....

Socializations begins with LOOKS AND AESTHETICS....

And socialization ENDS with COMMUNICATION!

Ask yourself, how many ugly fucks went up to some 10/10 whore in a club and said "Hi, my name is blah blah blah, you are ?"

And they either get a dirty looks or she turns around or she ignores you saying nothing or she says I am busy.?

Many times they get no response or nasty one to get lost.

Did they not try to socialize?

lol = There is no such thing as "trying" to socialize....

It's either going to happen or not.

Communication is NOT a part of it.

GENETICS is the determining factor on whether people will socialize with you or not. Communication is just the end result of successful socialization.
I was just joking about your name to a fellow brocel.
Escortceling is one of the ways to tell yourself that you have given up on the romantic notions of love, sex, woman in your life. No need to piss on it.

For some it is the mind and for some it has to be physically asserted by giving up the virginity you so valued in the opposite sex. The letting go.

It's all painful but in the end, it doesn't even matter
Escortceling is one of the ways to tell yourself that you have given up on the romantic notions of love, sex, woman in your life. No need to piss on it.
I like how its inconceivable for some men that your mindset and goals in life can change based on how you see reality, when the notions that we had about women, "love" and romanticism were things we were raised to believe to begin with

You see it as someone "telling themselves", I think its the same for a lot of men like it was in my case, I saw reality for what it was and I saw that the things I once valued were fake (fools gold) and was never real to begin with, so I stopped seeing value in it, and I started to value other things

That doesn't sound like this unbelievable crazy step in logic that should make you think that men have to "tell themselves" they've given up on something

Look at it this way, every child probably wanted super powers at some point and hoped for it, but then one day you grow up and you realize that having super powers isn't possible

You would never say that getting a job and "becoming an adult" is one of the ways to tell yourself that you've given up on having super powers :feelskek:

You didn't see that as "giving up" now did you?

It was just you acknowledging reality and moving on with your life, choosing from the options that you know are available to you
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The only dignity that we get it not being soyboy beta-cucks and fall for a landwhale. After that there is not much "dignity" in inceldom, we are already the lowest of the low, subhumans.
I mean... What else am i supposed to do? Lol
I mean... What else am i supposed to do? Lol
Exactly, I’m not dying a virgin which is what would happen if it didn’t see an escort

also these escort threads are really getting tiresome
How can you be so stupid? Legalizing prostitution literally lowers the societal value of sex, it´s a direct attack towards the "pussy cartel", you dummie.
This, legal clean prostitution with good service would stop men from being so pussy hungry.
You didn't see that as "giving up" now did you?
Love and relationship are somewhere so close to the psyche compared to other delusions. Why else would you see men and women in their 40s, 50s register in dating sites?
Love and relationship are somewhere so close to the psyche compared to other delusions. Why else would you see men and women in their 40s, 50s register in dating sites?
More socialization and social pressure goes into trying to get males and females to pair up into monogamous relationships, that's why

Its mostly socializationg, humans defy our biology in place of socialize beliefs all the time, else we wouldn't be using birth control methods when we have sex because reproducing would be such a strong urge that is "close to the psyche"
A lot of incels would rather cuddle than have sex, in which case escortcelling doesnt work.




Guys like you need to stop conflating "incel" with "inlon"



They're not the same thing, again, don't confuse the PREREQUISITE with the GOAL

You need to not be lonely (have someone) in order to have sex, and many incels are confusing that yearning for sex with "something deeper" (its sexual yearning that drives their loneliness)

You want to cuddle WITH A WOMAN because of your sex drive, that's the underlying reason, if it was really about "cuddling period" (intimacy, affection, validation, etc) YOU'D JUST GET A DOG and you'd be satisfied with that

I'll say it again:

You THINK its something "deeper" and you want "something special" but that's no different that the oxytocin that your brain releases during sex that makes you THINK you are "in love". Its just your biological programming doing what it always does to artificially create a sense of urgency to make you want to find a woman and reproduce

Stop being deluded and speaking as if humans are some special angels, were animals too, were just self aware animals (well at least some of us are self aware)

This is why men who get laid often PUMP AND DUMP, they are having their needs met so they don't have the DELUSION many incels have of "its more than just sex"

A lot of incels have pretty much CO-OPTED what inceldom is about in the same way that trolls and trapfags took over 4chan/r9k and then "that's all people saw it for"

Obviously sex and romantic love are complexly intertwined
No they aren't, people have one night stands all the time these days and never see eachother again, and they don't care

Incels like to romanticize sex too much when to everyone else its just a "fun thing to do"

But to me "involuntary celibate" has an assumed romantic love component.
That's you injecting your personal preferences into it

When taken at face value its always just been about sex

I'll also say once again, you are conflating the PREREQUISITE with the GOAL

For average men being in a romantic relationship (PREREQUISITE) is our sole legal means of gaining access to sex (GOAL)

So you mentally conflate the two and being "intertwined" when they are separate

In the past men had no problem attaining sex in other ways (prostitution including) and they definitely did not feel shame about it or shame other men for not getting sex "the right way", because in those times those methods were "the right way", we adhered to a "masculine standard" of masculinity

To day we adhere to a "feminized standard" of masculinity

Men in the past have usually acquired women through these three methods:
1. Conquest - (Rape, taking over enemy lands and claiming their women, claiming a defeated kings queen, etc)
2. Diplomacy - (Arranged marriages, political deals, merging dynasties, ending wars, etc)
3. Payment - (Paying a father a "bride price" to wed his daughter, prostitution, buying a slave, etc)

This is what "REAL MEN" did in the past

Not doll themselves up and pick clothes that "goes well with their eyes", or wear jeans that "makes their butt look cute", or wear a hairstyle that "accentuates their jaw line and warrior skull" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

No, expense and legality matters (were not all rich)

Could you afford $200 a week for sex? (I couldn't afford $200 a month for sex right now much more a week)

Would you risk going to jail every single week? (I doubt "if you don't risk jail time you aren't incel" is a logical position to hold lol)

If a man was in a country where sex was legal and well priced I'd say he's no longer an incel
Most incels want to be loved (sexually loved) of which sex is only a part.
A lot of you try to just gloss over this but I'll keep repeating it lol:

Most incels (men period) were raised to adhere to a modern day FEMINIZED standard of masculinity. By your logic we were all raised to think "personality matters" and "just be confident" works, so we should keep believing that shit and adhering to the standard we were raised to believe, right?

Obviously NO!

That's the thing about you guys, you want to conveniently pick and choose which blue pills you throw away, and which blue pills you hold onto because they make you feel "all warm and fuzzy inside" lol

I'll say it again:


Men in the past have usually acquired women through these three methods:
1. Conquest - (Rape, taking over enemy lands and claiming their women, claiming a defeated kings queen, etc)
2. Diplomacy - (Arranged marriages, political deals, merging dynasties, ending wars, etc)
3. Payment - (Paying a father a "bride price" to wed his daughter, prostitution, buying a slave, etc)

This is what "REAL MEN" did in the past

Not doll themselves up and pick clothes that "goes well with their eyes", or wear jeans that "makes their butt look cute", or wear a hairstyle that "accentuates their jaw line and warrior skull" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Men today are feminine as fuck, I want no part of this, never have, never will!

One thing that so many men (especially incels) express shame about IS SOMETHING MEN IN THE PAST DID AS A NORM (prostitution)

It was a normal thing for even Kings and Lords to fuck whores for payment, BECAUSE THAT WAS PART OF AN ACTUAL "MASCULINE STANDARD" FOR MASCULINITY
No they aren't, people have one night stands all the time these days and never see eachother again, and they don't care

Incels like to romanticize sex too much when to everyone else its just a "fun thing to do"

That's you injecting your personal preferences into it

When taken at face value its always just been about sex

I'll also say once again, you are conflating the PREREQUISITE with the GOAL

For average men being in a romantic relationship (PREREQUISITE) is our sole legal means of gaining access to sex (GOAL)

So you mentally conflate the two and being "intertwined" when they are separate

In the past men had no problem attaining sex in other ways (prostitution including) and they definitely did not feel shame about it or shame other men for not getting sex "the right way", because in those times those methods were "the right way", we adhered to a "masculine standard" of masculinity

To day we adhere to a "feminized standard" of masculinity

No, expense and legality matters (were not all rich)

Could you afford $200 a week for sex? (I couldn't afford $200 a month for sex right now much more a week)

Would you risk going to jail every single week? (I doubt "if you don't risk jail time you aren't incel" is a logical position to hold lol)

If a man was in a country where sex was legal and well priced I'd say he's no longer an incel
A lot of you try to just gloss over this but I'll keep repeating it lol:

Most incels (men period) were raised to adhere to a modern day FEMINIZED standard of masculinity. By your logic we were all raised to think "personality matters" and "just be confident" works, so we should keep believing that shit and adhering to the standard we were raised to believe, right?

Obviously NO!

That's the thing about you guys, you want to conveniently pick and choose which blue pills you throw away, and which blue pills you hold onto because they make you feel "all warm and fuzzy inside" lol

I'll say it again:


Men in the past have usually acquired women through these three methods:
1. Conquest - (Rape, taking over enemy lands and claiming their women, claiming a defeated kings queen, etc)
2. Diplomacy - (Arranged marriages, political deals, merging dynasties, ending wars, etc)
3. Payment - (Paying a father a "bride price" to wed his daughter, prostitution, buying a slave, etc)

This is what "REAL MEN" did in the past

Not doll themselves up and pick clothes that "goes well with their eyes", or wear jeans that "makes their butt look cute", or wear a hairstyle that "accentuates their jaw line and warrior skull" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Men today are feminine as fuck, I want no part of this, never have, never will!

One thing that so many men (especially incels) express shame about IS SOMETHING MEN IN THE PAST DID AS A NORM (prostitution)

It was a normal thing for even Kings and Lords to fuck whores for payment, BECAUSE THAT WAS PART OF AN ACTUAL "MASCULINE STANDARD" FOR MASCULINITY
Honestly I see where you're going. You want to promote your own pleasure to the fullest extent possible by abandoning the ego and conventional moral systems, and are willing to exploit and manipulate people by any means necessary so long as the resulting pleasure is worthwhile and the punishment minimal. You idealize humanity's ancestors, who took, killed and destroyed whatever they wanted in accordance with their desires. And honestly, it's easy to see why.

They didn't take any bullshit and cared little for words, all that mattered was who's fist was bigger, or who's wits were sharper. Returning to our ancestral roots means not having to worry so much about the complex and increasingly unpredictable moral structures built over millennia. it means accumulating the necessary resources, and directly obtaining what you want, and being able to directly skip over the convoluted, often partial, mazes of persuasion and courtship in matters related to sex. Very appealing to individuals who aren't treated well by the partiality of said mazes.

But, directly tying with that, it also can mean ignoring the consequences of promoting such a way of life, out of a desire to reduce all the wants, needs and aspirations of humanity into the intellectual and physical comfort of our primitivity:

"Men begin to doubt the gods; they mourn the tragedy of knowledge, and seek refuge in every passing delight."

"A nation is born stoic, and dies Epicurean."

- Will Durant

First came the beginning of the collapse of the universal value system and pillar of the patriarchy provided by religion.

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderer of all murderers?"

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Then came the tragedy of our enlightenment, leading to widespread moral relativism. And, how exactly do we comfort ourselves?

By seeking refuge in "every passing delight" without a care for the future beyond our little life.

And so every man goes about, returning to primitivity in their own way. Finding what empty solace they can in blindly consuming, and finding ways pleasure themselves until they expire. Accumulating resources to that end, working only to experience greater pleasure. Not realizing by not instilling a sense of morality and fellowship beyond it's manipulative applications, they gave the world to those far greedier and talented than them, who will use all the things you contributed to creating in your pursuit of pleasure against you, and the generations after to enslave, torture or eradicate them.
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And so every man goes about, returning to primitivity in their own way. Finding what empty solace they can in blindly consuming, and finding ways pleasure themselves until they expire. Accumulating resources to that end, working only to experience greater pleasure. Not realizing by not instilling a sense of morality and fellowship beyond it's manipulative applications, they gave the world to those far greedier and talented than them, who will use all the things you contributed to creating in your pursuit of pleasure against you, and the generations after to enslave, torture or eradicate them.
There is no reason for men to care about a society that doesn't care about men

When society is ready and willing to come back to the negotiating table and REPENT to what it has done to average men and give us some kind of compensation, THEN it would make sense for men to care about "the greater good"

Until then the only logical path is for a man to live solely for himself and his own enjoyment, anything else is illogical emotional garbage

What you want is for men to continue to be the sacrificial lambs of the humans species without any of the perks we had before, to just "take one for the team" for the sake of "the greater good"

Sorry, that's illogical, it doesn't make sense, only an idiot or a MASOCHIST would go along with that line of thinking

I'll leave you to it lol (but I won't take part in a society like that, I'll build my wealth, opt out of society, and live for myself)
What's wrong with wanting to feel the touch of a woman
F9FB8DD9 E293 47FE 92DE B98C8ECEB76A
Absolutely bluepilled

You just know op is a virgin
i want to see hot naked women sucking my dick, i'm an ugly manlet, i can't have any woman, even ugly ones, for free, hence i pay, it's called pragmatism

Don't have anything to add to what you said but just wanted to say I totally agree OP. Mods need to wisen up and starts banning escortcels.
There is no reason for men to care about a society that doesn't care about men

When society is ready and willing to come back to the negotiating table and REPENT to what it has done to average men and give us some kind of compensation, THEN it would make sense for men to care about "the greater good"

Until then the only logical path is for a man to live solely for himself and his own enjoyment, anything else is illogical emotional garbage

What you want is for men to continue to be the sacrificial lambs of the humans species without any of the perks we had before, to just "take one for the team" for the sake of "the greater good"

Sorry, that's illogical, it doesn't make sense, only an idiot or a MASOCHIST would go along with that line of thinking

I'll leave you to it lol (but I won't take part in a society like that, I'll build my wealth, opt out of society, and live for myself)
You have it backwards, the reason society doesn't care about men is because men don't care enough to fight for change, or maintain the values of past patriarchies through teaching other men and enforcing it. The majority of men have given up on resolving problems on the macro level, and just want to get their own piece of the pie to satisfy their immediate desires, hoping their societies don't collapse and their wealth isn't seized in their lifetime. It's not just cowardly, it's entirely illogical. Because by instilling an amoral world where everyone just fights for what benefits they can nab from each other, you're contributing to your own doom by virtue of being a person at the bottom of the social-ladder.

Not only that, but assuming you can even approach the top of the competence hierarchy to the extent of overriding you current status in the dominance hierarchy, you're limiting the potential of humanity by only caring about your pleasure in that position of power. Not realizing, like many currently in that position, that by bettering the lives of others, through the use of your status and economic power, and actively contributing to a culture that makes people want to help resolve macro problems, you'd help advance humanity to the extent of them finding resolutions to impending, and presently standing, existential threats to yourself, like cancer and aging, and possibly help pull us out of the despair unique to sentient animals that we all experience on some level.

The entirety of humanity's great achievements are built off altruism. From the scientific to the artistic, everything was built through collective effort. Everything that we are, physically and intellectually, is a byproduct of oceans of blood, tears and sweat of our predecessors, most of it, condemned to be forever forgotten and misconstrued. In centuries past, fear of divine wrath was widespread, as well as the belief that suffering and toiling on earth would be rewarded in an afterlife like heaven. Patriarchal structure was essentially enforced by divinity. People worked like mad dogs, in the belief that a god was watching from their throne on high. It's what gave them the ability to endure physical and psychological conditions, far worse then what we can even imagine, to advance humanity to this stage.

Our reasoning and knowledge bases have caught up with religion. So we need to actively brainstorm, and find a way to integrate a new, even better, universal value structure that rewards altruism and practical contributions to humanity in spades, and punishes greedy self-interest that threatens the fulfillment of our responsibility to the advancement and prosperity of the human species with reform and reintegration; while ensuring that every individual, regardless of their competence, is always given the benefit of the doubt and a measure of kindness in the form of the government paying for their education and health care, and being allowed things like advanced surgeries, genetic therapies, nootropics and training programs to ensure they can find reproductive opportunities and make contributions without needing to resort to barbarism.
idk i haven't escorted yet but i really want to cuddle a big thicc mommy :worryfeels::feelsmage::feelsmage::feelsmage::feelsmage:

I did today for 40$. Was 4 months pregnant. Thicc phat ass with veiny bazoongas.
i want to see hot naked women sucking my dick, i'm an ugly manlet, i can't have any woman, even ugly ones, for free, hence i pay, it's called pragmatism
Noticing that even fat gyals didn't give an opportunity was what push me to escortcelling.
I did today for 40$. Was 4 months pregnant. Thicc phat ass with veiny bazoongas.
sounds hot i love pregnant women
infact it might be gross but i could go raw in a pregnant women and never have to worry about getting her pregnant
but disease is still a risk

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