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Serious How can I fuck a foid from my gym? (My plan to ascend on July)



involuntary incel
Nov 8, 2017
I have vacations on July and I'm gonna go back to gymceling. I don't leave my house except for going to the gym, so the only chance of meeting a foid is at the gym. I will start next week, I need you to tell me how can I make a girl in the gym fall in love with me so I can ascend with her
You're going to get expelled from the gym.
Don't even bother unless she gives you some iois.
Fakecel if true. I remember people saying you were 6'2 and high tier normie on braincels
  1. Go to the cardio section
  2. Find the fattest ugliest femoid you can tolerate
  3. Go up to her and tell her she's pretty
  4. Talk to her for about 5 minutes about stupid bullcrap and ask for her number
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until you get a number that isn't fake
  6. Take fatty out on dates; pretend you like her for her personality and her looks
  7. Repeat step 6 until you smash
The above is way too much work for me, as I despise the gym as an environment and would only ever use it for its intended purpose, so this is purely conceptual on my part.

Only good-looking femoids use the weightlifting section so don't bother.
I can't tolerate fat ugly femoids
Just go the lowest you can tolerate. If you can't tolerate anything below a 5/10, you're a standardcel, and you need to do a porn detox to lower your standards.
Just hit the gym brutally until you feel nothing but agony.
Don't even bother unless she gives you some iois.
literally this dude

Ive been in enough situations with my chad cousin to know what body language looks like when a woman is interested in him, in shocking contrast to the absolute indifference they show me. To me its short, monosyllabic, monotone responses. To him, its active, engaged conversation. INITIATING deep, probing questions.. Driving the conversation forward. Laughing at seemingly unfunny things (This is cliche that sounds like bs but I promise u its not, ive seen it first hand). Literal physical touching, almost in an inviting sense. I watched all this unfold right infront of me as my cousin was flirting with a girl I was interested in myself. They were holding hands, and she was stroking is forearms as they spoke and I sat there like a dumbfuck immediately next to them. He said "You know what? I think youre really pretty, and a lot of fun. I can tell you know how to have fun. Why dont you give me your number, and I'll text you to organize some drinks sometime?"

And yea that just happened, her voice went super sultry like "pls fuck me now" voice or something, and she leaned in and they started KISSING WHEN I WAS RIGHT THERE like fuck add some more salt to the wound motherfucker lmao

They were both drunk but eh

Yea and I just awkwardly stood there for the rest of that night then I went home and he took that girl home. Was his girlfriend for a few months
You are not helping me boyos. I want advice not more ropefuel
Advice? Go up to her and say hi. If she doesn't immediately tell you to fuck off then just ask her some questions and try to get a conversation going. At some point, you ask her number. Rinse and repeat until you get someone.

There's no point overthinking anything. The second she saw you she already made the decision.
"You're a strong foid"

"Your butt looks magnificent in those tights."

"Avoid squatting another set. Save your strength for later when you squat on my dick."

"Hi you look sympathetic."
dude don't do it, seriously.

the gym is like the worst place to approach foids, even chads have it harder there, unless it's like a gigachad.

landwhale, becky, stacy, it doesn't matter.

an incel hitting on girls in the gym just makes him look like a desperate creep in the eyes of the typical gym whore. they will just secretly snap a pic of you and post it on her Jewstagram or Snapshit or something and say "omg, this creep came up to me in the gym and hit on me while I was trying to work out. I hate ugly men like this who think they have a shot with me. Why can't a handsome Chad come up to me instead???"

Don't do it bruh. You will be humiliated.
dude don't do it, seriously.

the gym is like the worst place to approach foids, even chads have it harder there, unless it's like a gigachad.

landwhale, becky, stacy, it doesn't matter.

an incel hitting on girls in the gym just makes him look like a desperate creep in the eyes of the typical gym whore. they will just secretly snap a pic of you and post it on her Jewstagram or Snapshit or something and say "omg, this creep came up to me in the gym and hit on me while I was trying to work out. I hate ugly men like this who think they have a shot with me. Why can't a handsome Chad come up to me instead???"

Don't do it bruh. You will be humiliated.

You can literally replace "gym" with any other location.
Making foids fall in love with you is a myth. They decide in the first 15 seconds of looking at you if they'll fuck you or not.
Making foids fall in love with you is a myth. They decide in the first 15 seconds of looking at you if they'll fuck you or not.

i feel like it's literally 5 seconds or less
>"I need you to tell me how can I make a girl in the gym fall in love with me so I can ascend with her"
not sure if you are being sarcastic or if you are actually this bluepilled. either way, kys
Just be white, bro!
rape is your only option tbh.
You are not helping me boyos. I want advice not more ropefuel
you're asking an incel board for dating advice. Are you fucking retarded? Also if dating advice could help you you're definitely a fakecel. Go get ripped of by one of those redpill scam-artists.
You gotta be fucking delusional bro.
Only Chad is allowed to even look at gymroasties.

If you see a hot girl, ask yourself "Where is her Chad?" and within seconds you'll see a 6'4 muscular titan strut around a corner, looking down on you like the fucking maggot you are. We're not even the same species as these people.
I need you to tell me how can I make a girl in the gym fall in love with me so I can ascend with her
I think that ALL OF US want to know how to do that.

Ask somewhere else. This is incels.is.
Just be chad bro
Did you really just come to an incel forum for advice on picking up girls lmao.
Also, why the fuck would you choose the gym to do it in when you're going to be surrounded by vastly superior Chads? You're upping the difficulty on an already impossible to win game.

Your best bet is to go to a place drunk girls are at and lead one away.
Wear shoe lifts while you're at it.
why the fuck would you choose the gym to do it in when you're going to be surrounded by vastly superior Chads?
I already explained it. I'm on vacations and I don't leave my house besides for going to the gym
If she doesn't approach and gets on her knees and sucks your dick while you do your squats it's over bro
i have some advice for u

1) go up to her
2) ask her if she's promiscuous
3) if she says no then walk away
4) if she says yes then force her to work in the coal mines

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