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Discussion How can escortceling even compare to genuine relationship and sex?

itsOVER made me hopeful

He has a very young face(mogs the above guy), somewhat feminine(its important for SEA foids, maybe because almost all SEA chads are highly feminine) I rate him at a solid 6.5..7.0 for SEA and mediocre 5..5.5 for white foids. Basically he can easily slay attractive white scin foids in SEA with some game(game will def. work for him) for free or with very little compensations like buying something cheap as a formality from time to time.
He has a very young face, somewhat feminine(its important for SEA foids, maybe because almost all SEA chads are highly feminine) I rate him at a solid 6.5..7.0 for SEA and mediocre 5..5.5 for white foids. Basically he can easily slay attractive white scin foids in SEA with some game(game will def. work for him) for free or with very little compensations like buying something cheap as a formality from time to time.
I've been told I have a masculine face because my eyebrows are super thick and I have dark hair. That's a bit of a blow tbh
The cucked laws are the least thing to worry about. The main problem in my way is the high prices they charge.
110 per hour is too much for you?
It's just like paying for 4d porn.
How can escortceling even compare to genuine relationship and sex?

How can grocery shopping even compare to hunting and gathering?

I will never be able to enjoy sex with an escort.

It's not the same when you give a girl money to fuck. Chad gets free and passionate sex from foids while you pay and the moment you cum it's over you have to go now but when Chad is done he is snuggling with the foid.

There is a difference of day and night. Escortceling will never compare to genuine attraction. We need more than just a fuck, we need companionship. Something you can't get out of a escort.

I don't want one hour of sex for $300. What I want is a genuine relationship and companionship of a foid.

Stop being an egoist, did you hunt for any of the food you've eaten in life, or did you just conveniently buy it or have it bought for you at some food outlet

Sex is just another commodity, the only reason you want to see it any differently is because you want to take pride in the act, notice you don't take pride on how your food was attained, try and think more objectively

The reason why men who advocate for paying for sex get hate is because the men who are against it ARE EGOISTS, they want to "feel desired", "feel special" or "better than" other people, so they can never truly give up on the concept of egotistically based sexual pursuits.

There are two kinds of hunters:

OBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts for survival and/or personal gain, he values:
Food (eats the meat of the hunted animal)
Selling meat and/or various animal parts for money

SUBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts "for sport", he values:
Amount of kills
Size/quality of the animal killed
Handicaps used during the hunt to show off his hunting prowess - "I used X rifle with no scope"

The so called incels and black pillers against paying for sex, are blinded by their ego, they are stuck in the "subjective hunter" mindset and they don't seem to get that such a mindset is only "maintainable" by attractive men. PUA culture is all about the "subjective hunt", that is why they treat looks like its a "handicap mechanic" that allows them to show off their "hunting prowess".

"Look at me, I'm short and balding........... but if I have "game" and I use the right social queues, say the right words, wear the right clothes, approach the right way, etc I can overcome all that and still get laid, because I'm so skilled"

Its all BS, all these guys against prostitution need to stop wasting their time here and go join looksmax.org or some PUA forum or something because they are still blue pilled and they'll find more like minded egotistical idiots on such sites

I bid them farewell, enjoy the hunt, enjoy the endless quest to bask in your own greatness, and revel in your skill.
It can't, it's over.
90% of today's relationships are both without love and attraction(towards man) which results in non passionate s*x once every 1..2 weeks, etc.
In fact a lot of cucks cheat with their wifes with whores just to put at least some quality in their pathetic s*x lifes.
Carl Jung IQ
How can grocery shopping even compare to hunting and gathering?
Grocery shopping and hunting and gathering will give you the same thing. They don't carry emotions with them they are inanimate objects. Both an apple you buy and apple you gather will not hate or love you, it has no emotions.

Whereas sex is something which is between two humans and has feelings attached to it.

When you have sex with an escort she is just putting up an character, in reality she is full of disgust for you. She knows she only has to do so for sometime after which it is over. After you are done she wants you to fuck off. How can you even enjoy sex with a girl when you know she hates you and is disgusted from you but is acting as if she is interested in you because you paid her money. If you didn't pay her money and it was in a normal setting, she wouldn't even acknowledge your existence worse she would be disgusted by you. The best feeling she could have for you is the same feeling a wagecuck in McDonald's has while flipping burgers.

When Chad has sex with a foid she genuinely wants it. There is love and affection. Chad doesn't need to fuck off after he is done and will snuggle with the foid afterwards.
I don't know any that pay enough to get escorts.
If you're super duper autistic like I am, you can make a couple thousand dollars in a few months on them, even with their low payouts.
If you're super duper autistic like I am, you can make a couple thousand dollars in a few months on them, even with their low payouts.
Can you explain how? I need some $100 for something. I'm sort of autistic too. I have spent around 20% of my total time on this forum since last 6 months, guess I can put this time to good use.
Can you explain how? I need some $100 for something. I'm sort of autistic too. I have spent around 20% of my total time on this forum since last 6 months, guess I can put this time to good use.
I PM'd you.

How can grocery shopping even compare to hunting and gathering?
Grocery shopping and hunting and gathering will give you the same thing. They don't carry emotions with them they are inanimate objects. Both an apple you buy and apple you gather will not hate or love you, it has no emotions.

Unlike grocery shopping, hunting and gathering fulfills the power process, which results in psychological satisfaction.

If you make finding food into your ultimate objective, and it requires a high level of difficulty, then the sense of pleasure that you get in achieving it is highly satisfying. There are species of monkeys which literally just gather and chew on grass/leaves all day, and this massive expenditure of effort coupled with the reward of nourishment is complete lifefuel for them.

As applied to sexuality, if you make finding foids into your ultimate objective, then perhaps the process of finding romantic love is more challenging than prostitution, and thus has a higher mental reward if you achieve it (but catching feelings is also very risky, and results in severe withdrawal symptoms if you get cucked and your heart gets broken, which prostitution avoids).

Or maybe that's not exactly true. I think that the preoccupation many on this forum have with romantic love has to do with the fact that they are shy in sexual matters, and want things to "proceed slowly" rather than get to the point because of their fear of embarrassing themselves (but would then paradoxically claim that all foids are good for is sex).

I should know. I've diagnosed this contradiction in my own mind.
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What's worse is escorts are very restrictive on what you can do with them. Can't even kiss them properly ffs!

Meanwhile Chad can fuck every damn hole of a girl including her eye socket.
Why the fuck would you wanna kiss an escort who probably only an hour or so ago had a guy's dick in her mouth.
Why the fuck would you wanna kiss an escort who probably only an hour or so ago had a guy's dick in her mouth.

Also, fucking an escort is empty and soul destroying. The times I've fucked escorts you just see their eyes glaze over. They're just imagining chad and the nice pocket change you're gonna give em. Plus, fucking with a condom just ruins the sensation, if you can feel anything at all what with their pussy stretched like a wizards sleeve.
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I will never be able to enjoy sex with an escort.

It's not the same when you give a girl money to fuck. Chad gets free and passionate sex from foids while you pay and the moment you cum it's over you have to go now but when Chad is done he is snuggling with the foid.

There is a difference of day and night. Escortceling will never compare to genuine attraction. We need more than just a fuck, we need companionship. Something you can't get out of a escort.

I don't want one hour of sex for $300. What I want is a genuine relationship and companionship of a foid.
JFL at people who want women to be "passionate". They have NO humanity or personality compared to men and only exist to look desirable and make babies, there's no way around this fact
JFL at people who want women to be "passionate". They have NO humanity or personality compared to men and only exist to look desirable and make babies, there's no way around this fact
True but you get to snuggle with her everday and fall asleep with her. You come home everday and kiss and snuggle a foid who actually loves you.

You don't have intellectual discussion with a foid.
If you're super duper autistic like I am, you can make a couple thousand dollars in a few months on them, even with their low payouts.

PM me the sites, I've been looking for survey sites that I could do this with, finally something useful to learn from this forum JFL

Unlike grocery shopping, hunting and gathering fulfills the power process, which results in psychological satisfaction.

Depends on what you find power in, I also discussed this in my post about grocery shopping (quoted a previous post):

The reason why men who advocate for paying for sex get hate is because the men who are against it ARE EGOISTS, they want to "feel desired", "feel special" or "better than" other people, so they can never truly give up on the concept of egotistically based sexual pursuits.

There are two kinds of hunters:

OBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts for survival and/or personal gain, he values:
Food (eats the meat of the hunted animal)
Selling meat and/or various animal parts for money

SUBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts "for sport", he values:
Amount of kills
Size/quality of the animal killed
Handicaps used during the hunt to show off his hunting prowess - "I used X rifle with no scope"

The so called incels and black pillers against paying for sex, are blinded by their ego, they are stuck in the "subjective hunter" mindset and they don't seem to get that such a mindset is only "maintainable" by attractive men. PUA culture is all about the "subjective hunt", that is why they treat looks like its a "handicap mechanic" that allows them to show off their "hunting prowess"

I don't "find power" in the hunt, I find power in ownership, in claim, the hunt doesn't make sense to me, I never got a thrill out of approaching, and the thought of "wooing" a woman never made me feel anything, I really just wanted sex. In that same sense I don't get the thrill of people who hunt "for sport", there are grocery stores stocked with food, I'd much rather just buy and own some food and consume it at my leisure

Same with women

Grocery shopping and hunting and gathering will give you the same thing. They don't carry emotions with them they are inanimate objects. Both an apple you buy and apple you gather will not hate or love you, it has no emotions.

Whereas sex is something which is between two humans and has feelings attached to it.

When you have sex with an escort she is just putting up an character, in reality she is full of disgust for you. She knows she only has to do so for sometime after which it is over. After you are done she wants you to fuck off. How can you even enjoy sex with a girl when you know she hates you and is disgusted from you but is acting as if she is interested in you because you paid her money. If you didn't pay her money and it was in a normal setting, she wouldn't even acknowledge your existence worse she would be disgusted by you. The best feeling she could have for you is the same feeling a wagecuck in McDonald's has while flipping burgers.

When Chad has sex with a foid she genuinely wants it. There is love and affection. Chad doesn't need to fuck off after he is done and will snuggle with the foid afterwards.

I don't see why this matters, again like I keep saying this only matters to an egoist, and people like you don't realize that you SELECTIVELY find things in life to revolve your ego around, and its only because you were raised to see these things as things that you should stake your ego in, in the same way that you don't stake your ego in your ability to hunt for food and you use stores, I have that same mindset towards sex and women

Ironically a lot of you would not feel a loss of pride in being a neet, but not being able to woo a woman hurts your pride, that is ridiculous, you being literally worthless and lacking resources doesn't make you feel bad, but lacking the thing you need resources to claim (a woman) does, its backwards logic in my book

Its very ironic that incels who go on and on about how less than human women are, how robotic and NPC they are, and yet you value their evaluation of you so much, I've talked about this very contradiction in a thread before:

How can you devalue women as an existence, speak of them as illogical, emotional, less intelligent, etc, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?)


One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says about women, then by valuing female validation, you are putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, that you yourself deem as incompetent (OBVIOUS CONTRADICTION)
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PM me the sites, I've been looking for survey sites that I could do this with, finally something useful to learn from this forum JFL

Depends on what you find power in, I also discussed this in my post about grocery shopping (quoted a previous post):

The reason why men who advocate for paying for sex get hate is because the men who are against it ARE EGOISTS, they want to "feel desired", "feel special" or "better than" other people, so they can never truly give up on the concept of egotistically based sexual pursuits.
This is true, I have a ego whenever a foid related matter comes up.
Change the present tense into past tense then
I don't think I can

This ego developed as I became more and more blackpilled. Now, I can't even think of a girl as a functional member of society. Their brains are wired to discriminate and they don't have capacity to reason and think logically. I can't look at the opposite gender and see them as lower and idiotic creatures. Maybe it's my hate towards them.

It will be very tough to make this ego go away.
This ego developed as I became more and more blackpilled. Now, I can't even think of a girl as a functional member of society. Their brains are wired to discriminate and they don't have capacity to reason and think logically

You are seriously confusing me right now, if you look down on women so much, then why is your ego staked in their judgements of you, that's my entire point, do you care about if a homeless man thinks you are a great person, I doubt it, do you get the point?

I can't look at the opposite gender and see them as lower and idiotic creatures. Maybe it's my hate towards them

Dude what are you even saying, your post is all over the place, how can you say that "they don't have the capacity to reason and think logically" and also say that "I can't look at the opposite gender and see them as lower and idiotic creatures", if you see them as lacking the capacity to reason and think logically then you already see them as lower idiotic creatures

It also doesn't make anysense that your hate towards them prevents you from seeing them as "lower idiotic creatures", if you hated them then you'd more likely see them as such

Is english your first language, I'm starting to wonder if is?
You are seriously confusing me right now, if you look down on women so much, then why is your ego staked in their judgements of you, that's my entire point, do you care about if a homeless man thinks you are a great person, I doubt it, do you get the point?

Dude what are you even saying, your post is all over the place, how can you say that "they don't have the capacity to reason and think logically" and also say that "I can't look at the opposite gender and see them as lower and idiotic creatures", if you see them as lacking the capacity to reason and think logically then you already see them as lower idiotic creatures

It also doesn't make anysense that your hate towards them prevents you from seeing them as "lower idiotic creatures", if you hated them then you'd more likely see them as such

Is english your first language, I'm starting to wonder if is?
English isn't my first language sorry for my English. I usually re-read my posts but this time didn't and also wrote it in a hurry. I'm sorry for this you had to read that :forcedsmile: .

Tbh I can't explain why I have this ego. All I can say as I became my blackpilled, this ego became even greater.
It also doesn't make anysense that your hate towards them prevents you from seeing them as "lower idiotic creatures", if you hated them then you'd more likely see them as such
My hate does make me more likely to see woman as lower creatures.

Tbh I'm actually having trouble expressing my thoughts here.
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You're still here aren't you? There are guys that have had sex shit loads of time with prostitutes and they're still here. Don't see any Chads or romantically successful people here.
there should be a default category of thise may "escortreport" incel.co would be so much fucking better if it has categories like the old Sluthate website, most posts on the inceldom discussion are garbage bacause there is no solid categories
English isn't my first language sorry for my English. I usually re-read my posts but this time didn't and also wrote it in a hurry. I'm sorry for this you had to read that :forcedsmile: .

Tbh I can't explain why I have this ego. All I can say as I became my blackpilled, this ego became even greater.

My hate does make me more likely to see woman as lower creatures.

Tbh I'm actually having trouble expressing my thoughts here.

Oh ok, either way its still amazing to be able to speak multiple languages, I can only speak one, though I've never tried to learn another
It also doesn't make anysense that your hate towards them prevents you from seeing them as "lower idiotic creatures", if you hated them then you'd more likely see them as such
My hate does make me more likely to see woman as lower creatures.

Tbh I'm actually having trouble expressing my thoughts here.
Oh ok, either way its still amazing to be able to speak multiple languages, I can only speak one, though I've never tried to learn another
It's not a big deal really

I think @FinnCel knows 3+ and @SryMyEnglish also knows three languages.
Oh ok, either way its still amazing to be able to speak multiple languages, I can only speak one, though I've never tried to learn another
I accidentally replied you twice with an older Post. Sorry for that.
If you're super duper autistic like I am, you can make a couple thousand dollars in a few months on them, even with their low payouts.
Hi dude, can you PM me about this survey thing too?
I think @FinnCel knows 3+ and @SryMyEnglish also knows three languages.
It's true
A lot of people miss the point about escorting. It's not about having a genuine relationship, it's about sex. So of course the two aren't comparable, they're different things.

In a lot of cases sex with an escort is probably a lot better than sex with a gf. There are a lot of very attractive escorts. Would you rather have sex with a hot escort that you pay or a disgusting land whale who maybe is your gf? Granted most of us can't even get the land whale as a gf, but do any of us really fantasize about coming home and having a genuine relationship and sex with a land whale or really ugly girl? Escorts won't provide the relationship part of the fantasy, but they can fulfill the sexual fantasy.
It can't & it won't ever.

On a side note she's allowing her Chad clients to fuck her freely no doubt.

However supporting the criminalization of escorting & by extension escortcelling is as cucked as fuck...

I wish I had access to Stacy escorts.
I wish I had access to Stacy escorts.
A lot of people miss the point about escorting. It's not about having a genuine relationship, it's about sex. So of course the two aren't comparable, they're different things.

In a lot of cases sex with an escort is probably a lot better than sex with a gf. There are a lot of very attractive escorts. Would you rather have sex with a hot escort that you pay or a disgusting land whale who maybe is your gf? Granted most of us can't even get the land whale as a gf, but do any of us really fantasize about coming home and having a genuine relationship and sex with a land whale or really ugly girl? Escorts won't provide the relationship part of the fantasy, but they can fulfill the sexual fantasy.
It's better than nothing though.
Depends on what you find power in, I also discussed this in my post about grocery shopping (quoted a previous post):

The reason why men who advocate for paying for sex get hate is because the men who are against it ARE EGOISTS, they want to "feel desired", "feel special" or "better than" other people, so they can never truly give up on the concept of egotistically based sexual pursuits.

There are two kinds of hunters:

OBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts for survival and/or personal gain, he values:
Food (eats the meat of the hunted animal)
Selling meat and/or various animal parts for money

SUBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts "for sport", he values:
Amount of kills
Size/quality of the animal killed
Handicaps used during the hunt to show off his hunting prowess - "I used X rifle with no scope"

The so called incels and black pillers against paying for sex, are blinded by their ego, they are stuck in the "subjective hunter" mindset and they don't seem to get that such a mindset is only "maintainable" by attractive men. PUA culture is all about the "subjective hunt", that is why they treat looks like its a "handicap mechanic" that allows them to show off their "hunting prowess"

I don't "find power" in the hunt, I find power in ownership, in claim, the hunt doesn't make sense to me, I never got a thrill out of approaching, and the thought of "wooing" a woman never made me feel anything, I really just wanted sex. In that same sense I don't get the thrill of people who hunt "for sport", there are grocery stores stocked with food, I'd much rather just buy and own some food and consume it at my leisure

Same with women

I don't see why this matters, again like I keep saying this only matters to an egoist, and people like you don't realize that you SELECTIVELY find things in life to revolve your ego around, and its only because you were raised to see these things as things that you should stake your ego in, in the same way that you don't stake your ego in your ability to hunt for food and you use stores, I have that same mindset towards sex and women

Ironically a lot of you would not feel a loss of pride in being a neet, but not being able to woo a woman hurts your pride, that is ridiculous, you being literally worthless and lacking resources doesn't make you feel bad, but lacking the thing you need resources to claim (a woman) does, its backwards logic in my book

Its very ironic that incels who go on and on about how less than human women are, how robotic and NPC they are, and yet you value their evaluation of you so much, I've talked about this very contradiction in a thread before:

All based.
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