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Serious How can anyone here respect (((Jack)))?

It has really nothing to do with your past retard, it has to do with the kind of person you are, there is NO CONTEXT in which I can hear a guy say - "I'm getting my dick wet, you will still be a virgin" or "dude stay mad while I got laid 35 times" and then he can come up to me playing as if he's "one of us".

Notice your response isn't something simple like - "Seriously I'm not lying, I got laid 35 times, stop coping", you went out of your way to VIRGIN SHAME LIKE A STACEY/CHAD but you want to waltz in here and pretend like you are one of us, I would never say the shit you did no matter my lay count, I'd admit to the count, but I wouldn't virgin shame, because I would remember how shitty I felt being a virgin and doing that to another man would basically be like doing that to myself.

Lets say you have a 5 inch penis, and you were about to approach a girl at a bar to try to get her to go home with you, she's talking to a fellow roast, both laughing their asses off, and as you get closer you hear her say - "what a loser he didn't even have 6 inches, small dick bitch". Are you telling me you would even bother to continue your attempt or would you do the logical thing and just avoid her. Guess what, YOU ARE THAT BITCH AT THE BAR, it doesn't matter what you have to say at that point because your very words shows your mindset and the kind of person you are, there is no context in which she could say "5 inches is too small and laughable" and it would make her datable to a man with 5 inches, its an absolute statement. Just like there is no context in which you can virgin shame and it would be "alright" and I could associate with you.

So don't get it confused, people don't hate you really because you have a high lay count, we hate you because you're a virgin shaming prick pretending to be "one of us", when you are one stacey away from going back to virgin shaming us again, that's the kind of person you are.
never said i came here to virgin shame anyone, why dont you fucking listen to what im saying, I been in the incel community for a year now, I started to post my videos on lookism and then moved on to incels, then i got invited to the incel abode discord while getting blackpilled.
'virgin shame', you took everything out of context. Those screenshots did not say anything about the whole story. The people on that discord were trying to say my x amount of lays were made up. Calling me ugly and saying how can a guy like me have done that, While downplaying no such thing as hypergamy. I told them how can a person like me have that amount if i'm so ugly, That is the only reason why i bring up that, because it show's a person of my caliber is greatly affected because of hypergamy and female standards.
Not even that, I also been a victim of feminism in the workplace, because Females have so many rights in this society they can get away with everything.
You my friend have no clue about anything, it shows it by the story you just provided. If you take a girl home, if she is drunk or horny enough she will fuck you no matter what, because she is your only option. This proves you have no clue what you are saying Hence "you never been in a relationship"
I can literally get down to the nitty gritty of things, how female nature is in this society. You cant even provide even a good counter arguement what i have literally said to you, yet ignore every facet of what i have been throwing at you.
My past relates to the dating market as of now. I cant get shit due to hypergamy and female standards, Even if guys to try to get into relationships, females will not last long with the guy. This greatly affects men in the dating scene and shows how female promescuity actually is.
You aren't even incel, what are you doing amongst a bunch of raging vrigins, you're getting your dick wet and were still virgins, were staying mad while you got laid 35 times lol. WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE, KYS.

Holy fuck this will never cease to make me rage. I wouldnt mind seeing him skinned alive cartel style for saying this stuff
at first i was just glad someone came out to represent us. then i realised he completely threw us under the bus to save face and shat all over our credibility. and to top if off "femoid mods"? yeah, good riddance. he isnt even BL, he is normie tier and white. he will probably get laid with his newly acquired status. fuck him.

Me as well, I was so hyped for his interview only to be completely baffled at the shit he was spewing
Holy fuck this will never cease to make me rage. I wouldnt mind seeing him skinned alive cartel style for saying this stuff

Me as well, I was so hyped for his interview only to be completely baffled at the shit he was spewing

There should be a thread about who should be killed first between @catfishman23 and @jackbud JFL
Kek, he really shit all over the blackpilled normie rule.

When its all said and done, Jack's biggest crime was simply being so shit. He could have articulately explained the incel position and the degeneration of dating in modern society - what it is, why it is, how it happened. He could have brought up the race aspect of it, and how women are inherently quite racist, which would have ABSOLUTELY BTFO his interviewers.

But instead he bluepills and apologises and cucks.

What a waste.
I like how even after the interview where he BLATANTLY threw us all under the bus by advocating for foids to be allowed to join and to ban "hate speech" and "misogyny" and said nearly all incels aren't actually ugly (He tore the black pill so badly and threw it in our faces to fuck with us) there were still people sucking his cock, praising him for daring to be so brave and admitting he was an incel on TV, half the people in this thread were fondling his balls for him.

Even after the full interview was released where it was stated that he was 19 and had sex already as well as multiple girlfriends, people still gave his penis a good lickin' because he was "brave enough to represent us."

Only now all of a sudden now that Jack has in no uncertain terms completely denounced the incel community and decided to move on after he got all the attention and status from representing us, only now are you faggots finally coming around to ditching his bitch-ass? What a joke. I wish one of the proper Truecels actually got called upon to do an interview.

Hey CNN or FOX or some shitty news station, if you need someone who will truly represent the bottom of the bottom, the worst incels has to offer for controversial headlines and shit, i'm good to go. I won't betray my brothers like that cuck Jack.

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