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Homophobia is Irrational, Immoral, and a Form of Normie-Supremacy

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when I have dug deep into my mind to find out where my distaste towards gays came from I realize it's because the moment I here gay I naturally think of sodomy which disgusts me; thus the thought of a homosexual triggered disgust in me. As rational as it is to hate sodomy, it does not give me the moral right to restrict another's lifestyle for my own subconscious quirks.
with this logic though we have no right to condemn modern degeneracy of women either. a level of control is needed to keep a functional society
Why is it you hate trans people? Do they impact your life in any way? Try to really feel why you don't like them.
Has to do with the type environment I’ve been brought up with. It’s like an immigrant coming into a foreign country, locals are weary and maybe fearful of the unknown.

Transgenderism is used as a form of political tool to manipulate and possibly destabilise the general populace from the global elite. It’s why trans acceptance is at a sky high in recent years through the media with large corporation backing, they control the narrative as they see fit, plus I’m seeing how most transgender people act just pushes me more away with their degeneracy.

Look at 4chan and subs on reddit overran with transgenderism degeneracy, trying to convert impressionable vulnerable isolated lonely men into thinking it’s a way out of this cruel world as a non-chad
When "sexuality" is about shoving your dick into other men's butthole or your mother's vagina, then you need to be hated, ostracized and locked up.

Why should homosexuality mean someone should be ostracized? Because you find it repulsive? Foids think ugly men having sex is repulsive, should that be banned too?
i literally do not care about gay people
with this logic though we have no right to condemn modern degeneracy of women either. a level of control is needed to keep a functional society

I disagree, for the arguments propositioning the control of women's degeneracy do not stem purely from disgust of their oh so whorish ways; they stem from a deep-rooted Conservative philosophy of which promotes traditional values for the benefit of civilization as a whole and to maximize utility within such a society.
I am not advocating for LGBTQ+ promotion, I'm merely advocating for the abstinence of hatred and for decriminalization of homosexuality.
Ok, let's suppose that we stopped hating fags, what do you get? A degenerate society full of abominations like them, by your logic we should also tolerate people like trannies or roast beef cunts.
yeah but their disdain for gays is more to do with their behaviour and not their genetics

there are gays that still live life normally, you'd never guess they were gay, and they don't recieve nearly as much discrimination as incels. On the other hand, we have a hard time hiding our ugliness and obvious virginity.

gays hate us and exclude us too. they shot down our efforts to try and make ILGBT. They deny our struggle. I see gays on the same level as foids for this reason.
ngl the one gay guy I have talked to irl has admitted foids are insanely picky. He even said he would probably never get laid if he was straight.
Also if homosexuality is fine, then incest should be fine as well.
I don’t like homosexuality but I’m ok with incest (as long as there’s no procreation)

Very constructive and informative reply. At least op is giving another “opposition” perspective per se.
Although I disagree with OP on hatred of homos this is kinda right ngl. Didn’t read but it seems like the people arguing with him didn’t read either. Just took it at title value.

I haven’t seen a single actually kind of well thought out post in opposition to OP that debunks his points besides the face value title
Has to do with the type environment I’ve been brought up with. It’s like an immigrant coming into a foreign country, locals are weary and maybe fearful of the unknown.

Transgenderism is used as a form of political tool to manipulate and possibly destabilise the general populace from the global elite. It’s why trans acceptance is at a sky high in recent years through the media with large corporation backing, they control the narrative as they see fit, plus I’m seeing how most transgender people act just pushes me more away with their degeneracy.

Look at 4chan and subs on reddit overran with transgenderism degeneracy, trying to convert impressionable vulnerable isolated lonely men into thinking it’s a way out of this cruel world as a non-chad

Prehaps you are right and I condone you for your hatred if there lies its roots. For me personally I know my hatred of transexuals was exclusively ergo my natural disgust. I thought transexuals were gross freaks, ugly too, and thus I hated them. I was fundamentally lookist when I enrolled that trait.
High-IQ post. If you hate gays hate them for what they do, not for what they are.
In simple words: If you hate homosexuals for what they are (the innate if it is the case) you are no different from a woman who hates and repudiates an incel for what he is (his aspect of birth)
It makes sense to me.
Cool, that's the argument that pops into foids subconscious minds before they vote to criminalize prostitution. "incels are disgusting, i don't want them having sex, ewww the thought of a bewtiful queen fucking an ugly baldcel for money, YUCK! Send in the police!"
There's nothing we can do to change this right? Holes will hate us forever and will continue to be repulsed by the idea of us getting sex.
So if I can't have sex, I won't let anyone have sex either. And as Saint ER beautifully put it "I'll take their sex away from them just like they took it away from me"
One of the things that are sometimes seen in intellectuals is that they often have opposing views to others which might be controversial.

OP did you just came up with this to seem as if you are some sort of intellectual and high IQ person.
I don’t like homosexuality but I’m ok with incest (as long as there’s no procreation)

Although I disagree with OP on hatred of homos this is kinda right ngl. Didn’t read but it seems like the people arguing with him didn’t read either. Just took it at title value.

I haven’t seen a single actually kind of well thought out post in opposition to OP that debunks his points besides the face value title
He compared hating fags with women's hatred at sub8 men which is, at the very least, a clear misconception.
Nigga doesn't realize that fags are by definition mentally ill people, having different sexual orientations is not something that should be accepted anywhere or we slowly end up getting weird shit like bestiality or trannies.
Why should homosexuality mean someone should be ostracized? Because you find it repulsive? Foids think ugly men having sex is repulsive, should that be banned too?

Not only I find it repulsive, every sane human being finds it repulsive. But many "post-modern" people don't anymore because they have been brainwashed.

Human shit is repulsive, that's a natural response to human shit. But there are some people who don't find it repulsive.

"Sexuality" or "whatever new-age term" you use to call it, it's a perversion and needs to be stopped.
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There's nothing we can do to change this right? Holes will hate us forever and will continue to be repulsed by the idea of us getting sex.
So if I can't have sex, I won't let anyone have sex either. And as Saint ER beautifully put it "I'll take their sex away from them just like they took it away from me"

I commend you for your brunt honesty. In fact not only do I shower you in my commencement but I admit you outclassed me. If one is willing to admit luminously admit their philosophy is "crabs in a bucket" then I have no effective rebuttal. I accept and respect your position and believe it is not always irrational for an incel to possess.
I’m ok with incest (as long as there’s no procreation)

Then you are part of the problem as well, sorry to say.

Sexual degeneracy is one of the main reasons for inceldom, specially in the west.
Jfl mods have to go through this debate of thousands words to figure out if they have to ban OP or not
Imagine defending faggots. They are disgusting. And I'll say the same about dykes. They are degenerate pieces of shit too.
I doubt he even cares. I didn't bothering reading because every post he's made is just to stir the pot here.

Just make posts about controversial topics and claim to be an intellectual.
One of the things that are sometimes seen in intellectuals is that they often have opposing views to others which might be controversial.

OP did you just came up with this to seem as if you are some sort of intellectual and high IQ person.

Its just more controversial garbage to stir the pot and garner attention. That's why im never going to bother reading any of it.

He compared hating fags with women's hatred at sub8 men which is, at the very least, a clear misconception.
Nigga doesn't realize that fags are by definition mentally ill people, having different sexual orientations is not something that should be accepted anywhere or we slowly end up getting weird shit like bestiality or trannies.

That's a complete red herring and has nothing to do with the argument. It all comes down to the fundamental question, WHY?

Why does gays being "mentally ill" mean we have to hate them or restrict their lifestyle? As long as they are not causing harm to others around them then we have no right to restrict or condemn them as humans. Us slowly ending up with weirder and weirder shit is just more and more mentally ill people feeling more free to express themselves.

If you want to argue that's a bad thing for society, so be it, but make your argument from a sociological standpoint rather than a hit on their orientation.
I disagree, for the arguments propositioning the control of women's degeneracy do not stem purely from disgust of their oh so whorish ways; they stem from a deep-rooted Conservative philosophy of which promotes traditional values for the benefit of civilization as a whole and to maximize utility within such a society.
isn't it the same for gays really? The same way controlling whoring and hypergamy is part of this utilitarian philosophy, so is controlling the amount of gays. It might hurt them to adopt this philosophy but men created the society we are living in. It's only logical that we get the reins to the horse. I don't want to benefit gays, I want to benefit men, particularly the society building male (average male).
In simple words: If you hate homosexuals for what they are (the innate if it is the case) you are no different from a woman who hates and repudiates an incel for what he is (his aspect of birth)
It makes sense to me.

Homosexuality is not innate, it's developed, now imposed.
One of the things that are sometimes seen in intellectuals is that they often have opposing views to others which might be controversial.

OP did you just came up with this to seem as if you are some sort of intellectual and high IQ person.
Hmmm it depends on how those threads are made. Do you want this forum to become a masturbatory circle?
In simple words: If you hate homosexuals for what they are (the innate if it is the case) you are no different from a woman who hates and repudiates an incel for what he is (his aspect of birth)
It makes sense to me.

I thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post. Users like you do give me hope this place does hold reasonable and well-informed people.
One of the things that are sometimes seen in intellectuals is that they often have opposing views to others which might be controversial.

OP did you just came up with this to seem as if you are some sort of intellectual and high IQ person.

No, I genuinely believe everything I wrote. The fact that it will stir people up and create a great discussion is merely a bonus. Does that make me a troll? If so I proudly embrace the title. But I am not a "larper" for I do hold sincere conviction of which I type.
Do you want this forum to become a masturbatory circle?
Absolutely not, infact it's very good to see new things but I have a gut feeling this post was made to stir up shit tbh ngl.
isn't it the same for gays really? The same way controlling whoring and hypergamy is part of this utilitarian philosophy, so is controlling the amount of gays. It might hurt them to adopt this philosophy but men created the society we are living in. It's only logical that we get the reins to the horse. I don't want to benefit gays, I want to benefit men, particularly the society building male (average male).

This is where I really try to separate hating gays for what they are rather than for what they do. There are a group of thinkers, particularly the alt-right who make the argument that homosexual is inherently degenerate and leads to the decay and downfall of civilization. If that is your reasoning for opposing homosexuality, I see no flaws there, I DISAGREE, but I respect the opinion.

I feel that most homophobia does not stem from this line of thinking and comes purely from a place of emotional disgust. Do you really believe the average 85IQ Southerner who hates gays really has studied history and the relation between sexual freedom and civilizational collapse? The answer is clearly no. The vast majority of homophobic people hate them for purely instinctual reasons.
Homosexuality is not innate, it's developed, now imposed.
This is very subjective but I have to agree, Are we humans biologically programmed with the thought of being attracted to the same sex at birth, no. It’s the type of environment you have been accustomed to that has shaped your reality. Is it a mental disorder? Quite possibly, but there’ so much we can discuss about we can have a conversation for days to come.
That's a complete red herring and has nothing to do with the argument. It all comes down to the fundamental question, WHY?

Why does gays being "mentally ill" mean we have to hate them or restrict their lifestyle? As long as they are not causing harm to others around them then we have no right to restrict or condemn them as humans. Us slowly ending up with weirder and weirder shit is just more and more mentally ill people feeling more free to express themselves.

If you want to argue that's a bad thing for society, so be it, but make your argument from a sociological standpoint rather than a hit on their orientation.
Thing is, why are you going to let them be? They contribute absolutely NOTHING to the world more than just adding excuses for women to not hang around ugly men (trannies be like that as well) while also augmenting degeneracy.
At least have some morals dude, I hate them because they serve as a scapegoat for society to keep incels at bay from women, have u ever heard the words; "just be gay bro"? There you got it, they DO harm us because society sees them as "fine" and normal, and some closeted fags actually take the bait giving a bad example for everyone else and making more and more men to become fags, just like a plague. Their harm may not be direct like you said but idgaf, they are not any different from a woman who likes to fuck dogs and horses.
And btw the sociological aspect makes no sense, what indeed matters is what they cause and propague.
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how did i miss this? @LittleBoy tag me whenever this guy makes a post, i got the popcorn ready
Is it a mental disorder? Quite possibly,

It's not just mental, it's physical disorder too, hormonal imbalance can initiate homosexual tendency, also environment and society plays a huge role. It's a disease and an extremely complex one. May be humans are not advanced yet to fix this problem, but that does not mean it's not a problem.
I feel that most homophobia does not stem from this line of thinking and comes purely from a place of emotional disgust. Do you really believe the average 85IQ Southerner who hates gays really has studied history and the relation between sexual freedom and civilizational collapse? The answer is clearly no. The vast majority of homophobic people hate them for purely instinctual reasons.
Well, the ideas of those 85 IQ southerners isn't exactly relevant to this forum.

I'm sure people here either don't care about gays or hold the same opinion I do and can come up with a justification if pressed to. Who exactly are you targeting with this post?
Thing is, why are you going to let them be? They contribute absolutely NOTHING to the world more than just adding excuses for women to not hang around ugly men (trannies be like that as well) while also augmenting degeneracy.
At least have some morals dude, I hate them because they serve as a scapegoat for society to keep incels at bay from women, have u ever heard the words; "just be gay bro"? There you got it, they DO harm us because society sees them as "fine" and normal, and some closeted fags actually take the bait giving a bad example for everyone else and making more and more men to become fags, just like a plague. Their harm may not be direct like you said but idgaf, they are not any different from a woman who likes to fuck dogs and horses.
And btw the sociological aspect makes no sense, what indeed matters is what they cause and propague.

Why am I going to let them be?

Because I'm not immoral. Putting barriers on people's lives that restrict their ability to achieve self actualization is evil. I know homosexuality is just a gross weird fetish to us, but to them it's a central part of their lives. If taking that away from someone isn't cruel I don't know what is.

Also your reason for hating gays is LAUGHABLE. Who says "just go gay bro". I don't even think BrazilianSoyma says that. Maybe a few inceltears freaks said it, it doesn't affect your life in anyway.
FYI I don't hate faggots, I just don't think they belong in our forum.
Nigga doesn't realize that fags are by definition mentally ill people
Those are strong statements, which are more or less valid.
Technically, we physically have a bad genetics that is not suitable for reproduction, and for this reason we have been isolated to a greater or lesser extent. Long-term inceldom can trigger mental illness or isolation problems (remember about Desmond Morris).
Now, the same can be applied to homosexuals, men who had no luck with the opposite sex and were forced to be homosexual or transgender, this is clearly degenerate behavior, but there must be some understanding of why they took that path, a lot happens in nature.
There are also those who are innately attracted to their own gender, something they cannot control, in the same way that we cannot control our appearance.
This is more about see and objectively understanding the why of something, no matter how bad it appears to the naked eye.
Best bait I've seen in a while :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Well, the ideas of those 85 IQ southerners isn't exactly relevant to this forum.

I'm sure people here either don't care about gays or hold the same opinion I do and can come up with a justification if pressed to. Who exactly are you targeting with this post?

That poses another question. Is your belief that homosexuality causes societial degeneracy and decay a result of purely rational thought, or is it a mere rationalization stemming from your natural disgust.

This is no attack on you as a thinker. I fell victim to this fallacious way of thinking many times in my past. I was alt-right at one point because I believed that blacks were fundamentally harmful to society. Upon deep reflection I didn't really give a damn about "harmful" blacks were to society. I didn't care about societal problems at all until I could pin it on blacks, then that's when I started caring. The conclusion to my deep reflection was that I didn't want blacks around me because I thought they were ugly and scary looking. All my IQ charts, crime statistics, and /pol/ tier arguments were rationalizations for a conclusion I was predetermined by instinct to bear
how did i miss this? @LittleBoy tag me whenever this guy makes a post, i got the popcorn ready

LMAO... I don't think they'll be a next time with this user. TBH.
chads can be fags too. as well as prettyboys. so hating gays is not 1:1 with hating ugly men
yeah. Gay men are sex havers and have NO idea what it is like being incel. even ugly gay men with aids and that are fat and old can still get sex and relationships.
Faggots are just the same as stupid normies
If more men were homosexuals, then there would be less competition for women
not really. I mean yeah we would have a better chance, but not by much. That's like saying "well, if i just go for the lotteries with less people entering, then i'm sure i'll be closer to winning"
you may be right, but your odds are still extremely low
yeah. Gay men are sex havers and have NO idea what it is like being incel. even ugly gay men with aids and that are fat and old can still get sex and relationships.
Faggots are just the same as stupid normies

not really. I mean yeah we would have a better chance, but not by much. That's like saying "well, if i just go for the lotteries with less people entering, then i'm sure i'll be closer to winning"
you may be right, but your odds are still extremely low

Gays are sex havers in todays political environment. My post addressed times and places where homosexuality was criminailized. Homosexuals in those societies had the same experience as incels in todays society.
LMAO... I don't think they'll be a next time with this user. TBH.

This really isn't that bad of a take. I can see where he's coming from.

It's the Nordic model bullshit I think is more egregious.
This really isn't that bad of a take. I can see where he's coming from.

It's the Nordic model bullshit I think is more egregious.

We'll see what the Mods say at least on this.

Yeah. I fucking stomped on that till there was more blood than water pouring out if you catch my drift.
This really isn't that bad of a take. I can see where he's coming from.

It's the Nordic model bullshit I think is more egregious.

Keep in mind when I defended the Nordic Model I defended the PRACTICAILITY of the law not the SPIRIT of the law. I think prohibiting prostitution is immoral and punishing sex buyers is extremely evil for the same reason criminalizing homosexuals is.

I only supported the Nordic model because I believed it would FAIL at what it was meant to do and make it cheaper for those who stayed in the industry after. If I believed the Nordic Model would really punish sex buyers I would not support it.

In my post here I clearly oppose prostitution abolition.
Homosexuals are an abomination. Their existence is abnormal! Don't you see them practicing such acts and spreading diseases like monkeys?

Have you even heard of bug chasing? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugchasing

Their very existence is a mistake, so, no, Homophobia IS RATIONAL AND MORAL!
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