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(HOMEWORK HELP) The World Of Ideas - rough draft


Jason Haddad

Sep 22, 2018




I'm taking a 4 credit English 1A class, get easily distracted, already ordered the book but already found a PDF.. need help from fellow incels since I have no IRL friends or supporters

maybe in a bit bro
I need to either handwrite or typewrite, but I'll handwrite on my journal.. I sure need to do a hard copy for my final draft// don't wanna end up with another D or F... and it needs double space
study nigga. post on history subReddit. there are many high IQ soycucjs who can help u there
The Qs listed are:

1. Examine the economic issues Arendt raises that are involved in the establishment and operation of concentration camps in a totalitarian state. Decide whether a totalitarian state, whose goal is to achieve total domination, would be able to derive economic advantage from concentration camps. Why would this be an important issue? If there were a considerable economic advantage to maintaining concentration camps, would that fact make them any less terrifying?

2. Arendt reflected the fears of her own time in this essay. For her the most terrifying and immediate totalitarian governments were those of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. What evidence do you see in our contemporary world that might suggest totalitarianism is not completely “dead”? Do you perceive any threatening totalitarian governments anywhere in the world today? How do they seem to function and to interact with other nations?

3. Should you establish that a government is functioning as a totalitarian state today, do you feel it is a moral imperative that you do everything possible to overthrow that state? Would it be ethical and moral to go to war against such a state even if it did not immediately threaten you? Would it be ethical and moral for you to turn your back on a totalitarian state and ignore its operation so that it could achieve the kind of total domination Arendt describes?

4. CONNECTIONS How would Machiavelli interpret Arendt’s discussion of ends and means in paragraph 8? Would Machiavelli have recommended concentration camps to his prince as a means of maintaining power? If a prince believed that concentration camps would be the means by which a state could achieve stability and power, would he be right in assuming that the stability and power thus achieved were worthwhile ends? Do you think Machiavelli would have accepted a totalitarian prince?

5. CONNECTIONS Cicero is ironic in proposing a defense of injustice (bedfordstmartins.com/worldofideas/epages) because he did not expect his audience to take him seriously. However, it is not always easy for people to detect irony, so it is altogether possible that some readers assumed Philus’s argument was also Cicero’s. Which features of Philus’s argument would the governments described by Arendt have accepted as sound and reasonable? How do governments behave when they treat injustice as necessary and reasonable? John Milton said “necessity is the tyrant’s plea.” Why do tyrants feel injustice is sometimes necessary?

6. SEEING CONNECTIONS What would Arendt’s position be regarding Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People (p. 204)? Would she have applauded the revolutionary action of the painting or would she have ridiculed it as being naive and insufficient to cope with a totalitarian state? Consider her position regarding the use of violence. A number of governments have been recently overthrown, and others threatened, because of the people’s perception that they were oppressive and moving toward totalitarianism. Choose among the following recently overthrown leaders and research their career in order to decide how closely they satisfy Arendt’s conditions of total domination: Muammar Gadaffi, in Libya; Hosni Mubarak, in Egypt; Saddam Hussein, in Iraq. You may also wish to examine the governments of states whose leaders are still in power: Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea); Myanmar; Yemen; Syria. Do any of those countries qualify as totalitarian?
Beyond over if you have to ask for help in a forum full of virgins

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