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Brutal Homeless-pill demoralizes me, i don't want to become a homelesscel



Disciple Of Saint Hamudi
Apr 8, 2022
Probably the most brutal pill possible is when you don't have a home to go back to. When you have no home base, no resources, no savings, no copes, nothing. When you are just a hobo and a vagrant and a bum. If you live in the street begging, nobody cares about you, especially if you are a disgusting repulsive incel. The incel to homeless pipeline is real. There are probably way more incels who are homeless than any other demographic but soyciety doesn't give a single solitary shit about them. To the normies they probably wish that the homeless and poor died so that they wouldn't have to look at them begging on the side of the street.

Personally I am not homeless yet but I am certainly able to see a potential future (one of many) in which I could become homeless and kicked out. Being a poorcel is almost an inevitable fate but at least then I'd be able to have some copes. If I became a homelesscel it would be beyond over and I would probably just rope at that point. When you are homeless the pit you're in is so damn deep that trying to dig out just makes you fall back down again and go further in.

If you are a richcel with much money and many copes then you should he very thankful for what you have because at least you don't have to worry about meeting the basic needs of your survival. Please be grateful for what you have. I feel so terrible when I see homelesscels post on here because deep down I know that I could very well be in their position someday.
I had two near misses with homelessness. But it’s always there lurking
Just jail or suicidemaxx at that point tbh
1st miss: finished university and went a few months being unable to find a job

2nd miss: quit the job, tried to find something else but came crawling back to previous job. Only had 2 months of savings left
Probably the most brutal pill possible is when you don't have a home to go back to. When you have no home base, no resources, no savings, no copes, nothing. When you are just a hobo and a vagrant and a bum. If you live in the street begging, nobody cares about you, especially if you are a disgusting repulsive incel. The incel to homeless pipeline is real. There are probably way more incels who are homeless than any other demographic but soyciety doesn't give a single solitary shit about them. To the normies they probably wish that the homeless and poor died so that they wouldn't have to look at them begging on the side of the street.

Personally I am not homeless yet but I am certainly able to see a potential future (one of many) in which I could become homeless and kicked out. Being a poorcel is almost an inevitable fate but at least then I'd be able to have some copes. If I became a homelesscel it would be beyond over and I would probably just rope at that point. When you are homeless the pit you're in is so damn deep that trying to dig out just makes you fall back down again and go further in.

If you are a richcel with much money and many copes then you should he very thankful for what you have because at least you don't have to worry about meeting the basic needs of your survival. Please be grateful for what you have. I feel so terrible when I see homelesscels post on here because deep down I know that I could very well be in their position someday.
ive been homeless
but i just stayed in shelter for 9 months
we had to leave in morning and come back at night
I'm the opposite. I wanna be homeless so I can rope...that's what happened to someone I knew
ive been homeless
but i just stayed in shelter for 9 months
we had to leave in morning and come back at night
Brutal. They made you leave the shelter during the day so you had to go out and find a job?

How were the conditions in the shelter? Did you guys have any privacy, bathrooms, heating, food?
1st miss: finished university and went a few months being unable to find a job

2nd miss: quit the job, tried to find something else but came crawling back to previous job. Only had 2 months of savings left
Horrific I couldn't imagine having to crawl back to your old job like that. Must have been humiliating I feel very bad for you.
Thankful to my own wageslaving money. Fuck this shit.
Wageslaving is hell too. But at least you don't aimlessly wander out in the street being gawked at and being outcast like a leper. The wageslave life is shit but it is the only barrier between most people's last shred of dignity and respect and a shitty life relegated to begging for food.
Brutal. They made you leave the shelter during the day so you had to go out and find a job?

How were the conditions in the shelter? Did you guys have any privacy, bathrooms, heating, food?
no. I had to suck dick every day.
just kidding :lul: :lul: :lul:

basically no, during the day we had to stay outside and do whatever we wanted.
They do not force you to get job, but they offer that you can join a rehabilation group.
It also doubles as halfway house, because theres a prison here.

When i became homeless my intention was to die within few months after running out of money.
But after 1 day of sleeping outside in abandoned train station that was full of broken glass and leftover drug shit (smelled like piss, old rotting rags on ground, trash everywhere), I went to shelter.

I thought shelter would be like giant room with army bed and I would be raped on first night.
But I got lucky, it was only 2 bunks, 4 beds total.
Only 2 were occupied.

They had a toilet room with a shower. If you paid 2 bucks you could do laundry.
Food, no, unless you pay.
On tuesdays christianbros were giving out food at train station. That included basic groceries, a cup of warm food,
and basic amenities if you asked, like soap, toothbrushes, clothes.

So yeah. I had bad run in with a criminal that lasted few months, he tried to blackmail me and shit.
But that passed.

Nobody asked me to get job but they put me in this apartment and room after 9 months because they said I cant stay in the shelter forever.
Then I asked for help from mental health services and now I am on welfare and have social workers because im legit retarded and incapable of working (last job was why i tried to sui and became homeless).
Probably the most brutal pill possible is when you don't have a home to go back to. When you have no home base, no resources, no savings, no copes, nothing. When you are just a hobo and a vagrant and a bum. If you live in the street begging, nobody cares about you, especially if you are a disgusting repulsive incel. The incel to homeless pipeline is real. There are probably way more incels who are homeless than any other demographic but soyciety doesn't give a single solitary shit about them. To the normies they probably wish that the homeless and poor died so that they wouldn't have to look at them begging on the side of the street.

Personally I am not homeless yet but I am certainly able to see a potential future (one of many) in which I could become homeless and kicked out. Being a poorcel is almost an inevitable fate but at least then I'd be able to have some copes. If I became a homelesscel it would be beyond over and I would probably just rope at that point. When you are homeless the pit you're in is so damn deep that trying to dig out just makes you fall back down again and go further in.

If you are a richcel with much money and many copes then you should he very thankful for what you have because at least you don't have to worry about meeting the basic needs of your survival. Please be grateful for what you have. I feel so terrible when I see homelesscels post on here because deep down I know that I could very well be in their position someday.
It's fairly easy to live very cheap.

Main thing is a roof over your head.

You can work 20 hours a week and easily do that
Been there before. It's not good. If you have a car it's easier, since you go to work and such, but if your literally on the street -- depending on time of year and place you are it's brutal.
I'm not clear on the homeless situation in the US but it seems to me like they have the gov programs that basically support you only if you can't support yourself and you have nothing left, making you completely dependent on them. I think you only go tent-city homeless if you fall through those programs from being mentally ill/drugaddict, or maybe they take too long to send benefits who knows. Correct me if im wrong but they give you a certain amount of money to be poor basically, and section 8 housing and EBT food and other things like that. I can't get those benefits because I am not poor enough, but I AM too poor to do things, and live as a wageslave saving money that i mostly lose on rent. And since I cant do things/go places that cost money its way harder to make friends to crash with. If I go truly homeless which feels like its always just around the corner at least i have my guitar to entertain myself and camp near the beach.
I'm not clear on the homeless situation in the US but it seems to me like they have the gov programs that basically support you only if you can't support yourself and you have nothing left, making you completely dependent on them. I think you only go tent-city homeless if you fall through those programs from being mentally ill/drugaddict, or maybe they take too long to send benefits who knows. Correct me if im wrong but they give you a certain amount of money to be poor basically, and section 8 housing and EBT food and other things like that. I can't get those benefits because I am not poor enough, but I AM too poor to do things, and live as a wageslave saving money that i mostly lose on rent. And since I cant do things/go places that cost money its way harder to make friends to crash with. If I go truly homeless which feels like its always just around the corner at least i have my guitar to entertain myself and camp near the beach.
Yes, in the United States you must be fully and completely destitute or very damn close to it in order to actually receive benefits. On top of that most of the people who are on benefits or are NEETs had to fight really hard to get them for months or even years. And many of those people are literally disabled. A lot of places in the USA won't give you benefits at all unless you're completely mutilated or disabled such as not having any limbs. And even then you must be completely dependent on the government, if you even have one parent or family member or friend that the government considers as a "caretaker", they will try to list you a dependent on them and take away the benefits.

It's extremely disgusting and horrific that as an incel you are built to simply be a wageslave and a mindless corporate drone to work for your wealthy masters who live in their ivory towers and get million dollar bonuses all year. And all the while you get zero pussy and zero life fulfillment, while foids can bascially leech and get a free ride. It's a fucked up system for us.

And if you even try just a little to escape the system or not pay your taxes or "game" the system a little, the IRS and every other shitty government organization comes cracking down on you.
I would never tolerate being homeless, not while others have "vacation homes"
I would just pick a mansion and take it. My ancestors fought and bled to own a piece of America, I deserve a piece too.
Well its impossible to get a good job as an incel without connections so thats your fate or 80 hours a week at mcdonalds dishwasher

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