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Hitler was all about genes - He was nasty but above all he was dumb - Don't be like Hitler - The Blackpill is NOT ABOUT GENES

Forget about Hitler himself for a moment. Some of the OP's comments are bit absurd.

Foids are not nasty, and hypocritical, and hypergamous, and Chad-only, because of their genes, but because of how modern culture has led them to behave (through the resurgence of ISHTAR religion).

While it's true that society can encourage or dissuade a foid from acting on her natural, biological impulses, it's silly to think foids are acting simply on cultural cues. This is their biological nature. A functional society has strived to limit and curtail this NATURAL behavior on their part. Foids behave this way due to BOTH their natural genetics, and living in a society that lets them get away with it.

With the Blackpill, it is the same. Genes are not what matters.

Uh, with the blackpill, genes are first and foremost. Perhaps the blackpill has messed your mind up to the point that you're trying to re-bluepill yourself by redefining the blackpill. That way, you can go back to being bluepilled but still feel like you're blackpilled by redefining it in your head. The blackpill simply is. All this talk of Ishtar and the biology/genetics not mattering is your piss-poor attempt at un-blackpilling yourself. But, in your case, no matter how hard you try, the blackpill has already come to collect. Accept it man, stop trying to fight it.

Incels are not incels because of their genes. Facial aesthetics has never been a major factor in finding a mate in the past. Nor was height, or any other physical characteristics. What mattered was social standing (including whether you were part of the nobility),

That's because society FORCED foids to move beyond their biological/genetic nature. In a world where foids have limited power, they need a man for his resources first and foremost in order to survive. They don't have the luxury of giving in to their biological imperative the way they do in the modern world. Foids were acquiescing in order to survive. You are indeed an incel BECAUSE of your genes. Only in societies that subjugate natural foid behavior and leave them no choice but to settle do you have an option to ascend. You're seeing pure, unfiltered, GENETIC foid behavior now in the modern world. Exact opposite of what you're arguing.

ethnicity/religion (people wanted to give their daughters only to members of their in-group).

Yes, and that's precisely what the Jews were. An in-group, biologically speaking, that did not have the interests of the collective at heart, rather their own in-group interests. Sure, if someone was 1/16 Jewish and didn't even know it, putting them in an oven was a bit silly. But this observation negates your main premise. Hitler was trying to exterminate an in-group tribe who's interests were counter to the MAIN Germanic tribe.

Hitler got elected because most Germans were stupid

No, he got elected because Germany was in a sorry state post-WW1. Even normies were getting sick of all the poverty, degeneracy, and fucked-up-ness that was going on. Even if Hitler wasn't the best answer, he was still BETTER than what they were seing in the Weinmar Republic. I don't blame them at all. One EXTREME begets another EXTREME.

If we are incels now because of our "ugliness", it is because a quirk of current Western culture which has hyped up male aesthetics like never before (by very, very far).

Other way around. The quirk of modern society empowers women to revert to their natural, biological. genetic state instead of forcing them to compromise or settle.

If anything, it's modern male normies who have been brainwashed to go against their own interests. That's where your Ishtar worship comes in. Why would so many normies acknowledge this counter-productive belief system? Partly genetic (men are indeed more romantic than women and LOVE the idea of a wonderful foid that's perfect to be theirs and theirs alone). Partly cultural. Men are forced to believe this feminist bullshit in modern society.

You're got the whole thing backwards and are fighting vigorously to deny the blackpill.

Copium won't save you. The blackpill is very, very real. Those of us here don't have the luxury of playing wish-away.
One thing I’ve always admired about Hitler is how he managed to accomplish what Germans struggled thru more than 4 years in WW1 in just two weeks, taking down France and rapidly turning on USSR, I believe if it wasn’t for the winter he would’ve succeeded and humanity would probably be 20-30 years more advanced than what it is now, at least militarily
While it's true that society can encourage or dissuade a foid from acting on her natural, biological impulses, it's silly to think foids are acting simply on cultural cues.
I never said that. What I did say is that human behaviors are conditions by instincts (=genes) + culture. The same instinct can result in very different behaviors and attitudes depending on the kind of culture that channels it. In particular, one instinct can be either repressed or on the contrary encouraged by a given culture. The results are going to be very different.

This is their biological nature. A functional society has strived to limit and curtail this NATURAL behavior on their part.
Exactly. That is what I am saying.

Foids behave this way due to BOTH their natural genetics, and living in a society that lets them get away with it.
Yes. Genes + culture.

Uh, with the blackpill, genes are first and foremost.
Yes, currently, but this is a mistake. The fact that most Blackpill observations are presented as primarily caused by genes is its main weakness. The reason I mentioned Hitler and Nazism is because it made the same mistake. It argued that Germany's problems were caused by Jewish behaviors that were primarily genetic in their cause. That was simply not true.

Presenting the Blackpill as primarily based in genetics is similarly counterproductive. For example, it is true that foids have a strong sexual drive towards the alpha male, like all mammal females. But this can result either in a slutty Chad-only behavior like today or it can result in an hypergamic behavior in which all foids want to marry an aristocrat, like it did until the early XXth century in most of Europe. These are 2 completely different behaviors. In one case, the alpha is a Duke or a Count, and foids will get wet over the title (litterally). In the other, foids will flock to any Chad-surfer type even if he is penniless and is a gardener or plumber in his day job (no social status, no money).

Perhaps the blackpill has messed your mind up to the point that you're trying to re-bluepill yourself by redefining the blackpill.
The Blackpill is correct in its observations. I believe it is wrong in its current overemphasis on genes.

The blackpill simply is.
The observations are there, no doubt. But their genetic "explanation" is only a theory. It can be replaced by a better one.

That's because society FORCED foids to move beyond their biological/genetic nature. In a world where foids have limited power, they need a man for his resources first and foremost in order to survive. They don't have the luxury of giving in to their biological imperative the way they do in the modern world. Foids were acquiescing in order to survive. You are indeed an incel BECAUSE of your genes.
No. I am an incel because today's culture allows (even encourages) foids to behave the way they do. You said it yourself. The fact that they were behaving differently before means that it can be done again. Yes, culture (= society) can FORCE humans to behave differently from what their instincts dictate. That is one of the key aspects of humanity's specificity within nature.

Only in societies that subjugate natural foid behavior and leave them no choice but to settle do you have an option to ascend.
Exactly. So Inceldom is the result in society's (cultural) deficiencies, not our genes.

You're seeing pure, unfiltered, GENETIC foid behavior now in the modern world.
No behavior is ever "pure" or "unfiltered" in a civilized context. For that to happen, we would need to live like cavemen.

What we are seeing today is actually WORSE than natural female instinct. It is AMPLIFIED female instinct. That is what I call ISHTAR religion.

Yes, and that's precisely what the Jews were. An in-group, biologically [culturally] speaking, that did not have the interests of the collective at heart, rather their own in-group interests.
That is perfectly ok and normal. Every human being does that. Every caste in India behaves that way. It is only our stupid Western nonsense that pretends that it is possible for humans to do otherwise. There is always an in-group that we belong to. But it is a matter of culture, not biology. No caste, no tribe, no nation ever had a genetic basis. Many pretended they had one (including the Jews), but it is simply false. Human genes are too inflexible to serve as a basis for an in-group. For that to be the case, the said in-group would have to exist for hundreds of thousands of years in near complete isolation. Only culture reacts fast enough to be used as the "glue" of an in-group at historical time-scales.

Sure, if someone was 1/16 Jewish and didn't even know it, putting them in an oven was a bit silly. But this observation negates your main premise. Hitler was trying to exterminate an in-group tribe who's interests were counter to the MAIN Germanic tribe.
If he had said: "I don't trust Jewish tribal culture and so I will cancel their German citizenship, but if a Jew has been a Christian since birth because his parents converted, he can be a German". It would have made sense. Amalgamating cultural features with genetics is silly. It is a midwit superstition (see above).

No, he got elected because Germany was in a sorry state post-WW1. Even normies were getting sick of all the poverty, degeneracy, and fucked-up-ness that was going on. Even if Hitler wasn't the best answer, he was still BETTER than what they were seing in the Weinmar Republic. I don't blame them at all. One EXTREME begets another EXTREME.
Tell that to all the Germans who died in the War for nothing. In 1945, Germany was far worse off than in 1933.

Other way around. The quirk of modern society empowers women to revert to their natural, biological. genetic state instead of forcing them to compromise or settle.
It is worse. It positively encourages them to be demonic bitches. It goes way beyond what they would have been as cavewomen.

If anything, it's modern male normies who have been brainwashed to go against their own interests.
Only religion can do that. In this case it is a BAD religion. ISHTAR religion.

That's where your Ishtar worship comes in.

Why would so many normies acknowledge this counter-productive belief system? Partly genetic (men are indeed more romantic than women and LOVE the idea of a wonderful foid that's perfect to be theirs and theirs alone).
No, that is absolutely not a genetic male trait. The normal male behavior is Chad pump-and-dump (provided you are the alpha male). Look at dogs, wolves, bisons or elephants. Do they behave any differently?

Other males are just waiting for their turn to become the alpha. That's all. Romanticism is a cultural construct from its very base and it seems it has infected you.

Men are forced to believe this feminist bullshit in modern society.
No one is ever forced to believe anything. What you call "feminist bullshit" is just the dominant religion today in the West. I call it "ISHTAR worship" because it is not new.

You're got the whole thing backwards and are fighting vigorously to deny the blackpill.
If the blackpill continues to be based on genetic pseudo-science, it will have the same fate as Nazism (lifespan: 13 years). The only way to make it durable is to root it in something less simplistic (and therefore less wrong).
Stupid shit.

People hate Hitler because they're A. Pussies. B. Faggots. C. Brown. D. Jewish. Which one are you OP?
I have been personally saying this for years only for it to fall on deaf ears. Glad to see someone else saying this.
It seems obvious, isn't it? But of course genetic "explanations" are appealing bc they appear "smart" while being in fact easy to understand without much of a background in anything.

Have you given a look to that thread?
Sounds like shitskin cope to me
Fuck off, Hitler was a truecel.
What about Eva?
Cloutchased and it was easier to get pussy back then. She still twerked on camera and acted like a sloot JFl. Hitler had no friends in his formative years which is the biggest sign of a truecel.
Racism is not needed on this forum, we need all incels from all backgrounds to be united, divided we fall. Fuck hitler, and fuck him for worshipping the white nordic race.


I have been personally saying this for years only for it to fall on deaf ears. Glad to see someone else saying this.
Good to see that there are at least a few who are farsighted enough to see what we are dealing with here.
you sir are based as fuck
Did you read the book in this thread?
It contains a lot more in the same vein.
Did you read the book in this thread?
It contains a lot more in the same vein.
I'll give it a look some other time, thanks.
Incels are not incels because of their genes. Facial aesthetics has never been a major factor in finding a mate in the past. Nor was height, or any other physical characteristics. What mattered was social standing (including whether you were part of the nobility), money and ethnicity/religion (people wanted to give their daughters only to members of their in-group). If we are incels now because of our "ugliness", it is because a quirk of current Western culture which has hyped up male aesthetics like never before (by very, very far).
That's how marriage worked (and still does in parts of the world), not sexual attraction, you fucking moron. Marriage was done for tribal, political, and economic reasons. Her primal, sexual attraction isn't determined by who her father chooses for her to marry, but by the man's characteristics (physical appearance, dominance behavior etc.). History and the current day is littered with married women fucking men outside of marriage to whom they're attracted to.

@The Enforcer @SlayerSlayer @Caesercel @Dregster @TheProphetMuscle @proudweeb @Fat Link How much more of this guy's blue pilled bullshit are you all going to ignore and let fester on the forum? This is getting absurd.
Genetic studies show that Jews of, say, the Netherlands, and Jews of Moldova are more similarly related genetically than to their local Dutch or Moldovan ethnic groups, respectively. Of course there's always admixture when different groups live near-to one another. But the Jews, and Gypsies for that matter, were heavily isolated in-groups that didn't intermix often with the surrounding populations. The Jews often did this by choice. Sure, a Jew raised by gentiles wouldn't even know he was a Jew, and what you're talking about is mostly cultural. The Jew raised by gentiles would have Jewish (Ashkenazi DNA) but culturally wouldn't have seen himself as a Jew or even know he was ethnically Jewish . But to deny the presence of a genetic component seems silly. I'm not saying their DNA makes them the way they are, I'm saying it reiterates the closed, tribalistic nature of said group.

And, as you said, since this is natural, I fully understand the Jews for looking after their own interests, and Hitler looking after the interests of the greater Germanic population. Perfectly natural, human nature of group vs. group. The Jews weren't a caste, they were an ethnic group that was culturally integrated, but still purposely distinct from, the greater German culture.

An of course a peasant foid would love to marry a duke and get herself out of poverty. Didn't mean she was necessarily sexually attracted to HIM, but rather his resources. Her other alternative was an arranged marriage to some peasant ogre. But in terms of pure sex drive, she was just as sexually attracted to Chad as foids of today. But social constructs put a check on foid behavior then. Culture did NOT redefine basic human biology. You see this a lot with the wives of rich men who are happy to have married into money, don't want to rock the boat, but still don't really desire their rich husbands on a primal BIOLOGICAL level. Your duke example is prime betabuxx, not 'culture defining what foids find attractive.'

As far as romanticism, I think courting rituals are found throughout many species. The Chad-tier animals don't need to go through the trouble. It's an attempt for the normie-tier to curry favor and make thesmelves at least a little more attractive to the foid. The desire for romance is a recognition, on a primal level, that the normie will never be Chad with a harem, so getting and holding on to at least one foid for sexual purposes and hoping she'll be loyal is essential. Romanticism was the construct created AROUND this biological desire in males.

With the Blackpill, it is the same. Genes are not what matters. Foids are not nasty, and hypocritical, and hypergamous, and Chad-only, because of their genes, but because of how modern culture has led them to behave (through the resurgence of ISHTAR religion).

Incels are not incels because of their genes. Facial aesthetics has never been a major factor in finding a mate in the past. Nor was height, or any other physical characteristics. What mattered was social standing (including whether you were part of the nobility), money and ethnicity/religion (people wanted to give their daughters only to members of their in-group). If we are incels now because of our "ugliness", it is because a quirk of current Western culture which has hyped up male aesthetics like never before (by very, very far).
This forum's base is not ready for this truth yet. The real problem was giving women's rights. Which is just a subset of the problems that modernity has created. Users here talk as if they understand anything about genetics or natural selection or how any of that even works. As if their chinlet ass is getting selected out of the genetic pool because chinletism (or short dick. Or short height or dark skin) makes them an unhealthy genetic reject. Which cannot be further from the truth since men with all these features have been reproducing since ages. They've confused hollywood aesthetic with genetic reality.
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That's how marriage worked (and still does in parts of the world), not sexual attraction, you fucking moron. Marriage was done for tribal, political, and economic reasons. Her primal, sexual attraction isn't determined by who her father chooses for her to marry, but by the man's characteristics (physical appearance, dominance behavior etc.). History and the current day is littered with married women fucking men outside of marriage to whom they're attracted to.
You can fool female sexual attraction into wanting her husband inside marriage. This is what farmer marriage ceremonies have been doing for ages in many parts of the world by acting around the newlyweds as if they are "king and queen" for a day. Bottom line, the "queen" is happy to be fucked by the "king", at least on the wedding night. Farmer societies spend a significant amount of resources on such pageantry, which means it must work. Of course, it did work because there was no TV and no TikTok. When these things exist traditional marriage theater cannot work.

This forum's base is not ready for this truth yet.
In its majority, no, I agree. But some are.

The real problem was giving women's rights. Which is just a subset of the problems that modernity has created.

Users here talk as if they understand anything about genetics or natural selection or how any of that even works. As if their chinlet ass is getting selected out of the genetic pool because chinletism (or short dick. Or short height or dark skin) makes them an unhealthy genetic reject. Which cannot be further from the truth since men with all these features have been reproducing since ages.
Like I said before, this is a midwit problem. Misunderstood genetic "explanations" appeal to midwits because they sound "smart" while in fact being oversimplified and ultimately wrong.

They've confused hollywood aesthetic with genetic reality.
Yes. Foids today are driven as much by this Hollywood aesthetics as by their alpha-male seeking instincts. That is why they become Chad-only.
We are INCELS because of our genes ,and most men in the past are just betabux and foids needed us ,
By the way IT agrees with you, which is an additional proof youre a dirty kike and a faggot

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/154nsf9/an_incel_having_a_halfway_sane_thought_hell_no_we/

Thanks for pointing that out to me.

The majority of incels cry about genetics when mostly everything is environment. Every incel has shitty environment (no exception) if you are an incel you were put in a bad environment. Obviously genetics determine some things such as race and gender, but the main point is...


The reason you can't accept and fail to understand is because it hurts more to never have something, than to have something but then have it cruelly taken away from you and never returned to you.

If you lose money you will feel worse than if you never had it in the first place. That's due to your brain trying to correct your behavior. The fact is you failed the game. It wasn't "over from the start" you most likely had a normal life until 12/13/14 when your environment BECAME THE ROOT CAUSE OF YOUR PROBLEMS. You were SABOTAGED and made to become incel.

In some cases it is overly strict parents stopping you from NTmaxxing, in other cases it is going to a bad school or not being socialised enough. I don't want to elab on this part too much, I will just say that I'm better looking than all of my old friend group, yet they had good looking gfs while I had absolutely nothing. They even mocked me for being virgin at one point.

To illustrate how much the environment actually matters, a genetically poor (ethnic + ugly + short) although rich economically person will live a better and fulfilling life than someone of "good" genetics but economically poor; lets say a Chad that has to wageslave at a construction site, there's plenty of those. There should be no debate on this, don't use your cognitive bias to say otherwise because you have treated bad for your looks, the data is out there that richer individuals and more NT people no matter what they look like will live more fulfilling lives, I'm literally repeating water is wet.
I agree.
An of course a peasant foid would love to marry a duke and get herself out of poverty. Didn't mean she was necessarily sexually attracted to HIM, but rather his resources. Her other alternative was an arranged marriage to some peasant ogre. But in terms of pure sex drive, she was just as sexually attracted to Chad as foids of today.
I disagree with that. A peasant girl was attracted to a Duke because he was the alpha male in her area. The alpha does not need to be handsome. Girls today are attracted to Chad because in Hollywood movies, the hero is always a Chad. And so now foids consider that all alpha males must be Chads.

Human females are mammals. Female mammals are not primarily attracted to physical characteristics but to a status: being the alpha. If culture grants that status to someone who is not necessarily attractive (like a Duke, because he is the son of a Duke) foids will be attracted to him because that is their instinct. The alpha is an alpha because he is a winner (originally in a literal sense). If culture makes a winner of someone in another sense (e.g. by granting him a title), foids will get wet for the title because the one who has it is a winner and therefore an alpha.

Culture did NOT redefine basic human biology.
Culture can tell foids who the alpha is. In so doing it does not "redefine" their instincts. It just redirects them.

As far as romanticism, I think courting rituals are found throughout many species.
Not among mammals. Birds yes. Not mammals.

The Chad-tier animals don't need to go through the trouble. It's an attempt for the normie-tier to curry favor and make thesmelves at least a little more attractive to the foid.
Among mammals, it does not work like that. The non-alpha just doesn't get any. There is no point for him to "make himself more attractive"

The desire for romance is a recognition, on a primal level, that the normie will never be Chad with a harem, so getting and holding on to at least one foid for sexual purposes and hoping she'll be loyal is essential.
Those ideas are cultural. They are not rooted in male instincts directly. Again, for a male, what matters is fighting and winning. If you do, you can fuck. Otherwise, you can't.
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Your appearance matter only because of culture. In the past foids did not give a fuck about your face. If you were rich, or noble, or of their religion/ethnicity, they were fine with you fucking them, regardless of your face.
That was generally because foids didn't have much choice

If they did, then they would probably still choose Chads and criminals
Nope. They would get wet over titles of nobility. See above
It would be the same as wealth and fame today

But foids don't change, if given free rein then it doesn't matter what society they are in, they will destroy it and get Chad cock
Nope. Today, there is Hollywood and the media. There was none back then. The only possible winners were the nobles.
So you're suggesting that foids only judge people's genetics based on appearance because of Hollywood and the media?

Do you have any particular reason to believe that human genetics have evolved over the course of a few centuries until foids act completely differently? IMO if previous societies kept foids on a leash, it was for good reason
So you're suggesting that foids only judge people's genetics based on appearance because of Hollywood and the media?

Foids primarily want to have sex with alpha males, i.e. winners. If Hollywood and the Media and TikTok are telling them that winners always look like Henry Cavill, which is what has been happening for the last 60-70 years, they become Chad only. If the equivalent of the media tells them that winners are noblemen, then they want a duke or a count, etc.

But foid do not judge "people's genetics". They just want to fuck the alpha. That is their instinct and it has never changed.

Do you have any particular reason to believe that human genetics have evolved over the course of a few centuries until foids act completely differently?
No. Not at all. Human genes cannot change fast, because they are too complex and humans do not breed rapidly. What changes is culture. Human behavior is the result of genes + culture.
With the Blackpill, it is the same. Genes are not what matters. Foids are not nasty, and hypocritical, and hypergamous, and Chad-only, because of their genes, but because of how modern culture has led them to behave (through the resurgence of ISHTAR religion).
The most idiotic shit you've ever made . I'm surprised this isn't considered as denial of blackpill itself by the forum.
The most idiotic shit you've ever made . I'm surprised this isn't considered as denial of blackpill itself by the forum.
Look at what Caesarcel wrote above.

Apparently, not all mods agree that this is "idiotic shit"
But foid do not judge "people's genetics". They just want to fuck the alpha. That is their instinct and it has never changed.
Foids, who are childbearers, do not naturally judge genetics? Plus foids in noble families often had practically arranged marriages, since families used marriage as a diplomatic way to get influence.
No. Not at all. Human genes cannot change fast, because they are too complex and humans do not breed rapidly. What changes is culture. Human behavior is the result of genes + culture.
If anything, sexual instinct (especially for foids, who are basically mindless, instinctive beings) should be predominantly genetic. Some centuries of cultural change don't necessarily override that. Plus modern Hollywood and media are a result of women having suffrage, the right to work, their sexual revolution, and all kinds of other rights which they shouldn't. So I think you might be putting the cart before the horse. Foids having more independence and choice changed the culture, in part due to their genetics, it isn't primarily a case of culture changing the foids.

There is no need to postulate an evil, nefarious force in the background which forces foids to act evil despite their nature.

The wicked nature of women has been known for centuries, even in the Book of Genesis evil is brought into the world by Eve. That is why they were kept under lock and key. Claiming that they were forced to be that way by 'culture' seems like a stretch

Look at what Caesarcel wrote above.

Apparently, not all mods agree that this is "idiotic shit"
I think you kind of have a point, but if a janniecel agrees with you then maybe not
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Foids, who are childbearers, do not naturally judge genetics?
They do, indirectly by selecting the best fighter in single combat. That is what the alpha male instinct is about (on the female side). But culture can manipulate that instinct and redirect it elsewhere.

Plus foids in noble families often had practically arranged marriages, since families used marriage as a diplomatic way to get influence.
Yes but non-noble girls also wanted to be fucked by them. That is why nobles had many mistresses.

If anything, sexual instinct (especially for foids, who are basically mindless, instinctive beings) should be predominantly genetic. Some centuries of cultural change don't necessarily override that.
It does not override it, it redirects it. Foids are being told : Henry Cavill is a winner, on an endless loop. In the end, they believe it and become Chad-only. That is the power of culture. It can bend instincts.

There is no need to postulate an evil, nefarious force in the background which forces foids to act evil despite their nature.
That is not what I am saying. Culture evolves for lots of reasons, many of which we do not fully understand.
Look at what Caesarcel wrote above.

Apparently, not all mods agree that this is "idiotic shit"
We're just stupid creatures of nature acting on our primal instincts, needs , and primitive desires that have been shaped by evolution over the course of 4 billion years. Do you seriously believe that foids are whores only because they have been influenced by some Neolithic (no body ever heard of )pagan goddess from Mesopotamia? That the observation we can make by studying blackpill are caused by societal or cultist factors rather than being something innate and primal?
This forum's base is not ready for this truth yet. The real problem was giving women's rights. Which is just a subset of the problems that modernity has created. Users here talk as if they understand anything about genetics or natural selection or how any of that even works. As if their chinlet ass is getting selected out of the genetic pool because chinletism (or short dick. Or short height or dark skin) makes them an unhealthy genetic reject. Which cannot be further from the truth since men with all these features have been reproducing since ages. They've confused hollywood aesthetic with genetic reality.
So you're denying all blackpill studies about looks&attraction? Entirety of incels.wiki would like to have a word with you.
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Look at what Caesarcel wrote above.

Apparently, not all mods agree that this is "idiotic shit"
@Caesercel is a Bluepilled SJW cuck , he even literally denies race

@wereq @Murder Mario
@Caesercel is a Bluepilled SJW cuck , he even literally denies race

@wereq @Murder Mario
I'm surprised that a mod can make such a bluepilled soy statement and get away with it.
Hitler got elected because most Germans were stupid (more precisely midwits). Genetic explanations are simple to understand even without much of a cultural background. Midwits love genetic explanations because they sound "smart" while being in fact easy to understand.

But they are almost always wrong.

Jewish GENETICS had nothing to do with Germany's problems. Some things might have been said about the Jewish religion, or the Jewish mindset. But Jewish genes were completely irrelevant. Yet the Nazis put protestants in concentration camps because they were "1/4 Jewish" or "1/8 Jewish". That was insanely stupid.

With the Blackpill, it is the same. Genes are not what matters. Foids are not nasty, and hypocritical, and hypergamous, and Chad-only, because of their genes, but because of how modern culture has led them to behave (through the resurgence of ISHTAR religion).

Incels are not incels because of their genes. Facial aesthetics has never been a major factor in finding a mate in the past. Nor was height, or any other physical characteristics. What mattered was social standing (including whether you were part of the nobility), money and ethnicity/religion (people wanted to give their daughters only to members of their in-group). If we are incels now because of our "ugliness", it is because a quirk of current Western culture which has hyped up male aesthetics like never before (by very, very far).
Please no mods delete this thread.

Its something that provokes discussion and is not intended to undermine the black pill.

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