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Hitler was all about genes - He was nasty but above all he was dumb - Don't be like Hitler - The Blackpill is NOT ABOUT GENES

Don't give me that "It's Da Juice" bullshit again. It was good before the West (including the Jews) lost track of their religious heritage.
I wonder who would push for such a radical departure since their attachment to said religious heritage is non existent
very soon a whole generation will be born that is literally GENETICALLY BRED to go along with all these social trends and feminized thinking and oversocialization, and you're telling me that just a social construct is at fault and that's what really matters
Bullshit. You can't change human genes that fast
I wonder who would push for such a radical departure since their attachment to said religious heritage is non existent
Both Jews and Christians in the West turned their back on religion. The Jews did not do it more than anyone else.
Genetics are the basis of culture. But culture is not only about genes. If you reduce human behavior to genes, you can't understand it.

That is complete bullshit.

They are not "on break". Again, human behavior is a result of genes + culture. You cannot ignore genetics (I am not doing that) but you cannot ignore culture either.

Nope. That is superstition.

this is what you said

>With the Blackpill, it is the same. Genes are not what matters. Foids are not nasty, and hypocritical, and hypergamous, and Chad-only, because of their genes.

now you're comically trying to walk it back, and as expected it looks ridiculous, since not only are genes extremely important... but they are even actively working right now to make women more hypergamous. you are being incredibly dumb.
Both Jews and Christians in the West turned their back on religion. The Jews did not do it more than anyone else.
They do it with other peoples history and religion. In the us most hysterical nigger lovers are jews because they technically didnt participate to salvery. They have no restraint shaming christian americans and humiliating them through hollywood because it doesnt affect them. If you cant see that you’re a dumbass

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLDHoyNKX4o
Nice try kikecel, everyone loves Hitler because he genocided ur fellow tribesmen:dab:
Are u still triggered? It was 80 years ago and ur still hurt? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
very soon a whole generation will be born that is literally GENETICALLY BRED to go along with all these social trends and feminized thinking and oversocialization, and you're telling me that just a social construct is at fault and that's what really matters
It's basically Darwin. Weak genes perish while strong ones procreate.
It's crazy how this OP is allowed to deny such basic biological facts and get away with it without punishment.
"blackpilled" forum my ass.
Bullshit. You can't change human genes that fast
bros does this make any sense to you :feelskek:

literally online dating can change the genetic landscape instantly, we're not animals that fuck each other in a small herd anymore :feelskek:
Nice try kikecel, everyone loves Hitler because he genocided ur fellow tribesmen:dab:
Are u still triggered? It was 80 years ago and ur still hurt? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
giga observational IQ
Your appearance matter only because of culture. In the past foids did not give a fuck about your face. If you were rich, or noble, or of their religion/ethnicity, they were fine with you fucking them, regardless of your face.
That's not true.
From a given pool of men women ALWAYS chose the most handsome one.
It's just that in pre-internet era, their pool to choose from was very, very limited.
It's basically Darwin. Weak genes perish while strong ones procreate.
It's crazy how this OP is allowed to deny such basic biological facts and get away with it without punishment.
"blackpilled" forum my ass.
yeah, he wants to spread some schizo ideology instead, it's all built around that, comical
Nice try kikecel, everyone loves Hitler because he genocided ur fellow tribesmen:dab:
Are u still triggered? It was 80 years ago and ur still hurt? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Yeah he must be jewish and a redditor
Cope. OP, read the descriptions of male beauty by Byzantine princess Anna Comnena.
From a given pool of men women ALWAYS chose the most handsome one.
There is zero evidence of that in the past, while there is plenty of evidence for other selection criteria.
Dumb arguments...
Hitler just wanted to make as much as disturbance in the world as he could.
If he really wanted to win the war, there were countless ways for it ...
For example, he could use those jews for fighting in the war or made them work in the factories for military equipments...
Cope. OP, read the descriptions of male beauty by Byzantine princess Anna Comnena.
Doesn't mean she CHOSE her mates based on that. She thought that some of the crusader lords were handsome but she would never have dreamt of mating with them. She considered them primitive and nasty and had only scorn for them.
this is what you said

>With the Blackpill, it is the same. Genes are not what matters. Foids are not nasty, and hypocritical, and hypergamous, and Chad-only, because of their genes.

now you're comically trying to walk it back, and as expected it looks ridiculous, since not only are genes extremely important... but they are even actively working right now to make women more hypergamous. you are being incredibly dumb.
Quoting out of context, that tired trick. Just read what I have written elsewhere. I ALWAYS insisted that human behavior is GENES + CULTURE
Quoting out of context, that tired trick. Just read what I have written elsewhere. I ALWAYS insisted that human behavior is GENES + CULTURE
what you've written elsewhere is even worse
Your appearance matter only because of culture. In the past foids did not give a fuck about your face. If you were rich, or noble, or of their religion/ethnicity, they were fine with you fucking them, regardless of your face.
Yup, that’s what we now call betabuxxing:feelskek:. In the past, just as today, foids were willing to marry guys able to provide for them, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have preferred better looking guys.

There’s nothing cultural about lookism, it’s so innate to humanity and even animals to prefer good looks that even literal newborns prefer attractive faces to unattractive ones.

Babies can easily differentiate between attractive and unattractive faces - incels.wiki

To demonstrate this, Slater at al. took pictures of a variety of faces and asked adult subjects to rate them for attractiveness on a scale from 1 to 5. The researchers then searched for pairs of photographs that were similar in all respects – in brightness and contrast, for example – but at opposite ends of the attractiveness scale.

They then presented these paired photographs to newborn infants, who ranged in age from one to seven days old. All babies were still in hospital after birth. One researcher held each infant upright about 30 centimetres away from the two photos. Another stood out of view and noted where the babies eyes were directed.

On average, the babies spent 80% of their time looking at the more attractive face than the less attractive one.

This is solid evidence that the social constructionist view of beauty is false.

Cope. OP, read the descriptions of male beauty by Byzantine princess Anna Comnena.
EXACTLY:feelskek::feelsokman:. Wanted to bring this up myself, jfl at believing that women in the past didn’t care about looks when a literal princess spent pages lusting over high T, tall, musclebound Vikings:feelshaha::feelskek:.

J Jonah Jameson Laughing GIF
They do it with other peoples history and religion. In the us most hysterical nigger lovers are jews because they technically didnt participate to salvery. They have no restraint shaming christian americans and humiliating them through hollywood because it doesnt affect them. If you cant see that you’re a dumbass
I never said that there are no opportunistic Jews. Opportunism is indeed part of the Jewish mindset

What I deny is that the Jews are the CAUSE of the West's rejection of its religious heritage. Many Jews indeed exploited that rejection for their own profit. But they did not CAUSE it.
literally online dating can change the genetic landscape instantly, we're not animals that fuck each other in a small herd anymore :feelskek:
Try to get a PhD in genetics based on that idea. See how that goes.

"instantly" LOLOLOLOLOL
Nice try kikecel, everyone loves Hitler because he genocided ur fellow tribesmen:dab:
Are u still triggered? It was 80 years ago and ur still hurt? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
I am not a Jew. I am Japanese + French. No Jewish ancestors as far as I can trace them.
There is zero evidence of that in the past, while there is plenty of evidence for other selection criteria.
There are entire science books full of evidence.
In every pack, the alpha who gets to impregnate is always the biggest and strongest animal (best genetics). It's like that in every species on earth, it's called natural selection.
Try to get a PhD in genetics based on that idea. See how that goes.

"instantly" LOLOLOLOLOL
you think people are breeding like they're birds on a small island, evolving traits very slowly and often stagnating.
meanwhile dating apps and Wizz Air mean you can have genetic change that is fast and aggressive similar to animal breeders doing selective breeding on individual animals, in order to create new breeds in just a few generations.
you are dumb as shit, unfortunately.
hitler was good since he made a plan with one of the muslim shiekh to kill all the jews of the world.
Full official record: What the mufti said to Hitler | The Times of Israel

also bluepilled thread, genetics are the only reason incels are incels.

even living in a religious culture in the past wasn't enough to make women still sleep with men.
strict religious culture was beaten to the pulp today and no woman still want to get arranged marriage to men they're not attracted to.
it's all about genetics buddy boyyo
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It's crazy how this OP is allowed to deny such basic biological facts and get away with it without punishment.
I am more Blackpilled than you midwit.

I do not deny any of the Blackpilled observations. Yes foids today are hypergamous, obsessed with Chad, manipulative, hypocritical, roasties, devious, condescending, treating incels like untermenschen shit, etc.

I just deny that Genetics only is the cause of that. The Genetics-only Blackpill will die, just like Nazism died, because it is nothing more than midwit-friendly pandering. By giving the Blackpill a sounder foundation in cultural and religious analysis, I am ensuring that it will develop and thrive for centuries to come.

The mods understand this and it is why they tolerate my presence here despite the shrieks of midwits like you.

I take @Fat Link and @TheProphetMuscle as my witnesses.
I am more Blackpilled than you midwit.

I do not deny any of the Blackpilled observations. Yes foids today are hypergamous, obsessed with Chad, manipulative, hypocritical, roasties, devious, condescending, treating incels like untermenschen shit, etc.

I just deny that Genetics only is the cause of that. The Genetics-only Blackpill will die, just like Nazism died, because it is nothing more than midwit-friendly pandering. By giving the Blackpill a sounder foundation in cultural and religious analysis, I am ensuring that it will develop and thrive for centuries to come.

The mods understand this and it is why they tolerate my presence here despite the shrieks of midwits like you.

I take @Fat Link and @TheProphetMuscle as my witnesses.
For example, he could use those jews for fighting in the war or made them work in the factories for military equipments...
The idea of gassing them instead of doing that does not appear to me as a sign of genius
it wasn't.
women still cheated on their men even tho the culture was religious and strict.
no amount of religion is going to make women really get attracted to incels.
The idea of gassing them instead of doing that does not appear to me as a sign of genius
Exactly, but the genetic determinism for looks is hella real and he was right on that point
I am more Blackpilled than you midwit.

Genes are not what matters.
Facial aesthetics has never been a major factor in finding a mate in the past. Nor was height, or any other physical characteristics.

You aren't blackpilled at all, pal.
You're denying the most important pillar of blackpill - lookism.

You obese, autistic, schizo from the outback of india come to our blackpilled forum, just to deny blackpill and reverse basic concepts our forum culture was built on.

You're an asshole infiltrator who should've been banned long time ago, but sadly, we lack proper moderation staff.
You're manipulating them by tagging them followed by "yes, mods are so smart and they understand and they're such cool people"
Yea, you fat autistic fuck, keep praising them to manipulate them into not banning you. I see right through you, you fat autistic fucktard.
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You obese, autistic, schizo from the outback of india come to our blackpilled forum, just to deny blackpill and reverse basic concepts our forum culture was built on.
Boohoo. Just let me believe in my midwit nonsense. Ok snowflake.
The idea of gassing them instead of doing that does not appear to me as a sign of genius
Yea. A true genius like yourself would hand over a weapon to your arch nemesis.

Fkn retard, go jump of a rooftop
Jewish GENETICS had nothing to do with Germany's problems. Some things might have been said about the Jewish religion, or the Jewish mindset. But Jewish genes were completely irrelevant. Yet the Nazis put protestants in concentration camps because they were "1/4 Jewish" or "1/8 Jewish". That was insanely stupid.
Most today's Jews don't have a connection to ancient Semites but descended from Khazars in Middle Asia. They were polytheists but decided to accept Judaism.
Boohoo. Just let me believe in my midwit nonsense. Ok snowflake.
That's how you sound. You're the only one who believes your bluepilled christcuck ishtar nonsense.
Keep writing essays (books) that nobody reads because people quickly realize that you're a mentally ill schizo, basement dwelling in the indian outback. It gives me peace that you and your nonsense are completely insignificant and will always be that. Die and be forgotten, please.
I do not deny any of the Blackpilled observations. Yes foids today are hypergamous, obsessed with Chad, manipulative, hypocritical, roasties, devious, condescending, treating incels like untermenschen shit, etc.
Female nature has always been the same, only difference is that foids now have the choice to follow their natural instinct. Humans where always aware of the female nature and that's why in like 99.99% of human history they didn't have rights.

And the problem with the jews is that they along with soys are the main perpetrators of giving foids rights.
There are entire science books full of evidence.
In every pack, the alpha who gets to impregnate is always the biggest and strongest animal (best genetics). It's like that in every species on earth, it's called natural selection.
Exactly. Looks hierarchy is so innate to humans that we can actually smell how (a)symmetrical someone’s face is, and male bodies even lower their production of testosterone when they smell a male with a more asymmetrical face, because he doesn’t present a sexual threat.

Incels are not incels because of their genes. Facial aesthetics has never been a major factor in finding a mate in the past. Nor was height, or any other physical characteristics. What mattered was social standing (including whether you were part of the nobility), money and ethnicity/religion (people wanted to give their daughters only to members of their in-group). If we are incels now because of our "ugliness", it is because a quirk of current Western culture which has hyped up male aesthetics like never before (by very, very far).
I have been personally saying this for years only for it to fall on deaf ears. Glad to see someone else saying this.
Hitler was just very proud of his own race. He was not against other races, but believed in race segregation.

Humanity definitely lost ww2. All world issues regarding the family unit and western society is due to the consequences of ww2. The Nazis lost and we got left with globhono communism.
I have been personally saying this for years only for it to fall on deaf ears. Glad to see someone else saying this.
Like I suspected, there are a few who understand on this website, but not many. That was to be expected.
Humanity definitely lost ww2. All world issues regarding the family unit and western society is due to the consequences of ww2. The Nazis lost and we got left with globhono communism.
Hitler did a lot to make that happen. With his craziness, he gave a lot of credit to the left. And he created this situation where the left can call anyone they disagree with "Nazi"

Not really smart or helpful of him
Hook nose alert

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