I know the feeling. I went to college. Not really because I wanted to. Mostly because my family pressured me, also, I thought of it as a chance to try again with the getting a girlfriend thing. I'd say at least 60% of my high school was having sex. That's AT LEAST, probably higher for those who didn't tell everyone. But yes I definitely agree, high school, school in general was the most likely time that you'd meed someone. That's where most people lose their virginity.
Now, everyone told me. Don't worry, in college everyone is having sex (almost true, like over 90 something percent) and even I will be able to find a girl... hahah yeah right. I do say I got close... when I say close I mean a girl touched my arm and shoulder during a group project. ... I've already graduated. I transferred from community college to a university and got my BS degree... And I've never thought so much about the idea of suicide than I have now.
Once you get a job... Especially a job like mine where 90% of your colleges are other men. Good freaken luck finding a gf. And now that I'm in my late 20s, it seems like all the girls my age are all married, with kids, etc. I have my own car, a house... I feel so lonely and there is no way out. I could go into all of my tries and failures if you want to hear. I held out with hope so many times... Like it feels like there was literally a magical force field that literally repelled girls away. It's so painful and lonely now. I made a few friends, ironically they're also incels in denial.
Well one friend has had a gf and had sex but that was years ago in high school. He says he just is "waiting for the right girl" but it's been almost ten years for him. I keep telling him the game is rigged, and each year that goes by makes it even harder to find a girl. He doesn't believe me, he's kind of arrogant, I guess he has the right to considering he's not a virgin but I can tell he's lost whatever made him attractive to girls before. My other friend is in more of a similar situation. Also a virgin, however he's at least had multiple dates, and once turned down a girl years ago. So, he might be more like a Volcel or something despite his complaints that he hasn't had a gf. Like hell.... I would have dated the fat girl he turned down. Fat girls don't even like me. I'm pretty sure it's because they don't give me a chance.