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The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
The four years you experience in high school is without a doubt, the four most important years of your life. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Subsequently, the four years you have in college afterwards are the second most important. But really. If you can't fucking get high school right, it WILL traumatize you for the rest of your fucking life. You fucking kids don't understand is that the teen faces and flippant attitudes in high school-- it will STICK WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Nothing else feels right. Nothing is more RAW. Nothing is more REAL.

Every other place is just a revolving door. Even college. College is too big, too filtered demographically, people come and go, and nobody leaves a big impression. Every other place has ways for oddballs like us to simply opt out. But not high school. High school truly challenges you socially, by throwing you into a deep end, see how a maladjusted weirdo like you would fare among a pool of borderline psychotic normies, while your hormones are going insane. It's an insane, foolish experiment you will never suffer at any other point in your life, and that's why it's so traumatizing.

Like prison, it's the only social challenge that you are completely forced to confront with all your humanity. It's the ultimate litmus test of survival. And it's fucking proof that if you failed here-- and of course I'm not talking academically. I'm talking socially. If you failed in high school SOCIALLY, then you have failed as a person. And it's unlikely you will course correct, unless you highly game the system in your favor thru money or connections you have obtained passively outside of high school.

In high school, WHEN YOU ARE A TEEN, and your hormones are raging, and your competitiveness is at an all time high, you fucking FEEL the power of the social hierarchy in your bones, and it just fucking imprints in your brain demonically. IM FUCKING IN MY 40s and I CANT LET IT GO. It makes me want to throw a chair in a wall EVERY FUCKING DAY, the frustration and not having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. To never have a cool and popular moment as a TEEN like doing cocaine, or ditching school to shoot up heroin by a fence with my buddies and vandalize some wall. To bully some DORK beneath you. This is what makes life great. And I fucking want it, I WANTED to have peaked in high school, because peaking at any other time in life is simply LESS.

Only in high school, will you will never forget, who had sex, and who didn't have sex. IN HIGH SCHOOL. Who was popular, and who wasn't?? Who was smartest in the class?? What COLLEGE they went to? What were the cliques? All these stupid power games at the neighborhood MATTERED. And they will matter, because it leaves a huge scar in your brain that leaves you absolutely unsatisfied. All these stupid teen high school hijinks you know you missed out on. YOU CANT ERASE IT FROM YOUR FUCKING MIND IF YOU WERE A VIRGIN THE ENTIRE TIME. Of course, if you had teen sex as a teen, that's a different story. Then of course high school is just a fleeting goalpost you breeze past, non-virgins have normie aspirations like money, power, or hedonism. And they will say I'm crazy. BUT IM ONLY CRAZY BECAUSE I WAS A VIRGIN IN HIGH SCHOOL, and if you are gonna be a virgin thru high school ( and likely past college), I don't fucknig care if you move on to be able to afford 200 whores a year, I don't care if you ascend at 30 and lose your virginity to a high quality woman; at the end of the day, you will end up exactly like ME, if you never knew what it was like to peak in high school.
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Unfortunately true. If you had a terrible experience in high school, it will affect your entire life.

In high school, socializing starts to become important. If you miss out on that, it will be really hard to start from 0 at college.

And not just socializing in general, but socializing and interacting with girls specifically. Maybe you can manage to mimic some normie smalltalk in college, but it's over with the girls.

If you get bullied in high school, the hit to self-esteem will haunt you for the rest of your life.

High school is the last chance to ever experience taking away a girl's virginity. Or if not, the last chance to ever experience teen pussy.

And on the other hand, if you did well in high school, everything will snowball from there and you will statistically have a better life.
Do you think teen sex as an adult would be an antidote for you?
If you had a terrible experience in high school, it will affect your entire life.
That has been the case for me so far, left school 5 years ago now and still affects me.
If you get bullied in high school, the hit to self-esteem will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Yep, I have never felt confident and in part due to my high school
High school is the last chance to ever experience taking away a girl's virginity. Or if not, the last chance to ever experience teen pussy.
This too, over for me.
And on the other hand, if you did well in high school, everything will snowball from there and you will statistically have a better life.
Yeah it sets you up well, sure its not EVERYTHING and by the time you are like 50 high school does not really fucking matter at all but by 50 your life is over anyway you just settle down with some foid or idk do whatever you do at 50
Didn't the White High School Chad who bullied you end up roping? Clearly it means his experience wasn't all that great as you're expecting it to be, all this masturbation from the Chad experience numbs at a certain point
The four years you experience in high school is without a doubt, the four most important years of your life. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Subsequently, the four years you have in college afterwards are the second most important. But really. If you can't fucking get high school right, it WILL traumatize you for the rest of your fucking life. You fucking kids don't understand is that the teen faces and flippant attitudes in high school-- it will STICK WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Nothing else feels right. Nothing is more RAW. Nothing is more REAL.

Every other place is just a revolving door. Even college. College is too big, too filtered demographically, people come and go, and nobody leaves a big impression. Every other place has ways for oddballs like us to simply opt out. But not high school. High school truly challenges you socially, by throwing you into a deep end, see how a maladjusted weirdo like you would fare among a pool of borderline psychotic normies, while your hormones are going insane. It's an insane, foolish experiment you will never suffer at any other point in your life, and that's why it's so traumatizing.

It's the only thing you are completely forced to confront with all your humanity. It's the ultimate litmus test of survival. And it's fucking proof that if you failed here-- and of course I'm not talking academically. I'm talking socially. If you failed in high school SOCIALLY, then you have failed as a person. And it's unlikely you will course correct, unless you highly game the system in your favor thru money or connections you have obtained passively outside of high school.

In high school, WHEN YOU ARE A TEEN, and your hormones are raging, and your competitiveness is at an all time high, you fucking FEEL the power of the social hierarchy in your bones, and it just fucking imprints in your brain demonically. IM FUCKING IN MY 40s and I CANT LET IT GO. It makes me want to throw a chair in a wall EVERY FUCKING DAY, the frustration and not having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. To never have a cool and popular moment as a TEEN like doing cocaine, or ditching school to shoot up heroin by a fence with my buddies and vandalize some wall. To bully some DORK beneath you. This is what makes life great. And I fucking want it, I WANTED to have peaked in high school, because peaking at any other time in life is simply LESS.

Only in high school, will you will never forget, who had sex, and who didn't have sex. IN HIGH SCHOOL. Who was popular, and who wasn't?? What was smartest in the class?? What COLLEGE they went to? What were the cliques? All these stupid power games at the neighborhood MATTERED. And they will matter, because it leaves a huge scar in your brain that leaves you absolutely unsatisfied. All this stupid teen high school hijinks you know you missed out on. YOU CANT ERASE IT FROM YOUR FUCKING MIND IF YOU WERE A VIRGIN THE ENTIRE TIME. Of course, if you had teen sex as a teen, that's a different story. Then of course high school is just a fleeting goalpost you breeze past, non-virgins have normie aspirations like money, power, or hedonism. And they will say I'm crazy. BUT IM ONLY CRAZY BECAUSE I WAS A VIRGIN IN HIGH SCHOOL, and if you are gonna be a virgin thru high school ( and likely past college), I don't fucknig care if you move on to be able to afford 200 whores a year, I don't care if you ascend at 30 and lose your virginity to a high quality woman; at the end of the day, you will end up exactly like ME, if you never knew what it was like to peak in high school.
its not the only time that matters but it mirrors where u will rank on the social ladder the rest of your life.
Fuck high school. The only thing I miss is being around the prime foids.
The only thing I miss is being around the prime foids.
Yeah it was nice being around all the prime 14-16 year old pussy, occasionally I would see them in yoga pants and stuff.
its not the only time that matters but it mirrors where u will rank on the social ladder the rest of your life.
honestly dont know why i ever cared about what those retardds thought of me. should have trolled more.
Didn't the White High School Chad who bullied you end up roping? Clearly it means his experience wasn't all that great as you're expecting it to be, all this masturbation from the Chad experience numbs at a certain point
What you fail to understand is that he killed himself because he already won, and got bored. Whereas I'm stuck here alive, because I'm traumatized into yearning for something better to happen.
What you fail to understand is that he killed himself because he already won, and got bored. Whereas I'm stuck here alive, because I'm traumatized into yearning for something better to happen.
Oh I think I remember seeing someone post a chad on here that said he did not know what else to do other than have sex or something :feelshaha:
Do you think teen sex as an adult would be an antidote for you?
absolutely not. It's just not the same thing. And I hate that I instinctively adhere to this idea, because it IS feminist, but it IS true that having a power imbalance, in sex, takes away from the experience.

Adult on teen sex simply isn't good because it's looked at by society as predatory. It's simply not socially respectable. You can't go to a bar and brag about how you fucked a teen when you are 50, because people will look at you like a pedo and spread rumors about you. Also I don't like the idea of a teen girl attracted to an older man with power. I don't like the idea that an older man had all these years to acquire wisdom, wealth, and worldliness for some young nubile skank to hop along and take a shortcut in life. The ultimate lust pairing is teen sex as a teen with the girl next door due to genetic physical attraction. Two teens in lust AT THE POTENTIAL.
absolutely not. It's just not the same thing. And I hate that I instinctively adhere to this idea, because it IS feminist, but it IS true that having a power imbalance, in sex, takes away from the experience.
Speak for yourself. Even foids get off to the power imbalance. They want to feel submissive and be raped. You're fantasizing about a domme gf, but they don't exist unless they're a tranny.
You can't go to a bar and brag about how you fucked a teen when you are 50, because people will look at you like a pedo and spread rumors about you.
Depends on the bar you go, I guess.
The ultimate lust pairing is teen sex as a teen with the girl next door due to genetic physical attraction. Two teens in lust AT THE POTENTIAL.
I wouldn't stop driving a new Aston when I am older just because I wasn't able to drive a prime Mustang in my teenage years. But I agree with you to some extend. It would be a different feeling to drive that brand new Mustang during your high school years with your girl sitting next to you.
I felt completely defeated and powerless while being in [high] school. With a broken mind and will.
I look lost now.
School is supposed to be the best time of someone's life but for me it was a time of humiliation and [psychological] torture.
Civilization is a scam. Majority of people are violent, abusive animals.
but it IS true that having a power imbalance, in sex, takes away from the experience.
Do you suggest the 6'8 basketballchad didn't have a power imbalance between the girls he had during school, and him?
Do you suggest the 6'8 basketballchad didn't have a power imbalance between the girls he had during school, and him?
what matters mostly is the social permissability of it. And society loves THAT kind of power imbalance, so it's okay.
The four years you experience in high school is without a doubt, the four most important years of your life. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Subsequently, the four years you have in college afterwards are the second most important. But really. If you can't fucking get high school right, it WILL traumatize you for the rest of your fucking life. You fucking kids don't understand is that the teen faces and flippant attitudes in high school-- it will STICK WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Nothing else feels right. Nothing is more RAW. Nothing is more REAL.

Every other place is just a revolving door. Even college. College is too big, too filtered demographically, people come and go, and nobody leaves a big impression. Every other place has ways for oddballs like us to simply opt out. But not high school. High school truly challenges you socially, by throwing you into a deep end, see how a maladjusted weirdo like you would fare among a pool of borderline psychotic normies, while your hormones are going insane. It's an insane, foolish experiment you will never suffer at any other point in your life, and that's why it's so traumatizing.

Like prison, it's the only social challenge that you are completely forced to confront with all your humanity. It's the ultimate litmus test of survival. And it's fucking proof that if you failed here-- and of course I'm not talking academically. I'm talking socially. If you failed in high school SOCIALLY, then you have failed as a person. And it's unlikely you will course correct, unless you highly game the system in your favor thru money or connections you have obtained passively outside of high school.

In high school, WHEN YOU ARE A TEEN, and your hormones are raging, and your competitiveness is at an all time high, you fucking FEEL the power of the social hierarchy in your bones, and it just fucking imprints in your brain demonically. IM FUCKING IN MY 40s and I CANT LET IT GO. It makes me want to throw a chair in a wall EVERY FUCKING DAY, the frustration and not having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. To never have a cool and popular moment as a TEEN like doing cocaine, or ditching school to shoot up heroin by a fence with my buddies and vandalize some wall. To bully some DORK beneath you. This is what makes life great. And I fucking want it, I WANTED to have peaked in high school, because peaking at any other time in life is simply LESS.

Only in high school, will you will never forget, who had sex, and who didn't have sex. IN HIGH SCHOOL. Who was popular, and who wasn't?? Who was smartest in the class?? What COLLEGE they went to? What were the cliques? All these stupid power games at the neighborhood MATTERED. And they will matter, because it leaves a huge scar in your brain that leaves you absolutely unsatisfied. All these stupid teen high school hijinks you know you missed out on. YOU CANT ERASE IT FROM YOUR FUCKING MIND IF YOU WERE A VIRGIN THE ENTIRE TIME. Of course, if you had teen sex as a teen, that's a different story. Then of course high school is just a fleeting goalpost you breeze past, non-virgins have normie aspirations like money, power, or hedonism. And they will say I'm crazy. BUT IM ONLY CRAZY BECAUSE I WAS A VIRGIN IN HIGH SCHOOL, and if you are gonna be a virgin thru high school ( and likely past college), I don't fucknig care if you move on to be able to afford 200 whores a year, I don't care if you ascend at 30 and lose your virginity to a high quality woman; at the end of the day, you will end up exactly like ME, if you never knew what it was like to peak in high school.
All objectively true.
You assume just because we're incel everyone would like to be on top of the social hierarchy. Even if I was born with chad-looks I would hate the degenerate subhumans that were popular in my highschool.

I would much rather have the entire social hierarchy destroyed instead of joining my enemy. Thats woman behaviour.
Finally a pinned post that actually deserves to be pinned and not just because a mod wrote it. I fucking felt this, even as a guy that went to an almost all-male high school, I completely feel this post, since even there it mattered who was getting laid daily with girls from other schools (not me) and who wasn’t (me.)

Thanks for a great post that perfectly captures and succintly explains how I feel about high school and why it’s so important:yes::yes::yes:.
I felt completely defeated and powerless while being in [high] school. With a broken mind and will.
I look lost now.
School is supposed to be the best time of someone's life but for me it was a time of humiliation and [psychological] torture.
Civilization is a scam. Majority of people are violent, abusive animals.
If our parents had functional brains instead of turd juice inside their heads, they might have cared to prepare us as well as possible for these most important formative years.

My parents instead went with the potato approach to child rearing, where you plant the child somewhere and see how it's growing from time to time, like it's a fucking garden plant.

The worst part is that the people who had success during those years will never be able to understand how it feels like to only fail during your introduction to adult life and remain a lonely, unloved, unliked, undesired, mentally-damaged kissless virgin. Once they make it, they think everyone should, and since they made it... people precieve unfair and rigged games as fair, as long as they are allowed to win.
HS is the essential period of time to determine whether or not you, the man, are going to "make it" or fall through the cracks. Not just with foids, tho it has a lot to do with it, but your overall social status in the upcoming years. It's the last real time you have to control your life. I took a downward spiral nosedive into absolute hell before HS ended, so.. seeing how others had claimed relationships and had buddies, all graduating together, going to the same college, etc.. these people you'll never see or hear from again, they more-than-likely are successful 10 years down the road. Others, like myself, 10 years later... I'm still figuring shit out. That's what separates the winners and the losers. People who claim otherwise are full of shit.
Three years of high school and five years of uni cemented in me the fact that I'm physically undesirable for girls and that teenage love as well as uni sex will always an unobtainable mirage.
Fuark, I want to take this entire essay and print it out onto the street for all the bluepilled cucks. Too fucking brutal. 4 years of being a friendless talentless ethnic NPC loser. Muh high school doesn't matter though, only losers peak there, go to uni and be a loser there for 4 years too except it's an even more open environment and literally nothing will change! High school is fucking everything. :blackpill:
And on the other hand, if you did well in high school, everything will snowball from there and you will statistically have a better life.
Not by a longshot. I remember the most popular people in my high school class. Some went to prison, most are nobodies working some shit-for-brains job. This is nothing more than a myth from the inkwell chad-worship religion.
School is supposed to be the best time of someone's life but for me it was a time of humiliation and [psychological] torture.
If school was the best time of you're life, it's because you grew up to be a loser. This right here defeats the chad-worship mythology. Everyone out there who says high school was the best time of their lives is a loser. Why would they say it was the best time of their lives if they went on to have even better lives?
Civilization is a scam. Majority of people are violent, abusive animals.
Yes. Laws are bullshit, civilization is a joke, and the only losing move is to follow the rules. In other eras, laws were enforced harshly enough that people would behave. What we see in Thailand, for example, that sort of general decency is the product of a harsh justice system that doesn't let shit fly.

The west is a land without justice. Even when the justice system does work as intended, being a felon gets you pussy-bombed by the disgusting whores we call women. Non-criminals get tattoos so they can look like criminals, that's how much of a joke our justice system is. So the only losers here are those who obey the law.
High school is a cruel human experiment, a model of social defeat/stress model but in humans.

The chronic social defeat stress paradigm induces depression by repeatedly exposing naïve mice to aggressor mice
(Beta Male/Incels/Incels in denial vs Chad/Normie/Stacy

The SD stress model is based on the resident-intruder paradigm, in which the resident animal will attack the intruder in its home cage. This aggressive behavior is generated by territoriality and can be exacerbated by the presence of a female.
During adolescence, chronic stress exposure can increase the susceptibility to develop various psychiatric disorders, such as depression
Basically, all the humiliations, stressful situations beyond our control, our inability to find a partner etc, letf us with serious consequences (depression, LDAR inactivity, addictions, anhedonia, irritability, diminished ability to think or concentrate, disturbances in appetite and sleep, and recurrent thoughts of death) These traits are present in the users here, including me

How can this be solved, what awaits me after these unpleasant experiences? No Solution for your place in the Social Hierarchy
Medical Solution: They will medicate you until you stop experiencing physical or emotional pain.
Cheap Solution: This forum , any cheap cope you can afford, porn, alcohol, etc

That's why I don't understand people who underestimate the importance of high school, it will dictate what awaits you in the next few years of your life.
Getting laid wasn't even my priority I just wanted to have friends and not be bored to death sitting alone in EVERY FUCKING CLASSROOM
Not by a longshot. I remember the most popular people in my high school class. Some went to prison, most are nobodies working some shit-for-brains job. This is nothing more than a myth from the inkwell chad-worship religion.

If school was the best time of you're life, it's because you grew up to be a loser. This right here defeats the chad-worship mythology. Everyone out there who says high school was the best time of their lives is a loser. Why would they say it was the best time of their lives if they went on to have even better lives?
I don't quite understand what do you mean. I didn't write that school was the best time of my life but supposed to be best time.
It's hardly possible to deny that 12-18 age range is one's best time in life because during those years you're supposed to form serious friendships and start to show interest in the opposite sex.
These years are crucial for forming one's worldview and to be prepared for an adult life in which socialization and ability to enter romantic relationships is extremely important.
fucking I am extremely attracted to high school girls younger i don’t actually find attractive I want 15 or 16 yr old gf (in mein craft)
Finally a pinned post that actually deserves to be pinned and not just because a mod wrote it. I fucking felt this, even as a guy that went to an almost all-male high school, I completely feel this post, since even there it mattered who was getting laid daily with girls from other schools (not me) and who wasn’t (me.)

Thanks for a great post that perfectly captures and succintly explains how I feel about high school and why it’s so important:yes::yes::yes:.
I would imagine going to an all-male school exacerbates the virgin shaming, especially a catholic male high school, because the inter-male competition of transcending the moral boundaries setup by the authority figures around you is exacerbated.
Fuark, I want to take this entire essay and print it out onto the street for all the bluepilled cucks. Too fucking brutal. 4 years of being a friendless talentless ethnic NPC loser. Muh high school doesn't matter though, only losers peak there, go to uni and be a loser there for 4 years too except it's an even more open environment and literally nothing will change! High school is fucking everything. :blackpill:
if you print it and staple it on some telephone post or a construction wall and take a photo that would make my day. I would pin that post for sure
Fuck high school. The only thing I miss is being around the prime foids.
That was the worst. Being around bitchy egotistical twigs that talk down on you and you are held at gunpoint by the cops to just accept it, knowing full well that you could just grab them and rape them or beat them to death with your bare hands.
Foids are too egotistical for how fragile they really are.
That was the worst. Being around bitchy egotistical twigs that talk down on you and you are held at gunpoint by the cops to just accept it, knowing full well that you could just grab them and rape them or beat them to death with your bare hands.
Foids are too egotistical for how fragile they really are.
I don't care about that part since I never interacted with them to begin with. I just liked looking at their young, tight bodies. Especially the ones that had 25 year old ass and tits.
I shunned socialising in high school tbh
In high school someone spread a false rumour about me that I jacked off in the bathroom and that followed me until I graduated. I was forever known as the guy who jacked off in the bathroom.
My parents forced me to go to a private all-boys high school where I was wildly out of place. I begged them to let me go to my neighborhood school. High school was pretty much a lost four years for me, and I never recovered.
it WILL traumatize you for the rest of your fucking life. You fucking kids don't understand is that the teen faces and flippant attitudes in high school-- it will STICK WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE.
I pooped in the toilet and the shit won't flush
My parents forced me to go to a private all-boys high school where I was wildly out of place. I begged them to let me go to my neighborhood school. High school was pretty much a lost four years for me, and I never recovered.
you were probably better off at the all boys school tbh
In high school someone spread a false rumour about me that I jacked off in the bathroom and that followed me until I graduated. I was forever known as the guy who jacked off in the bathroom.
we are off to a great start greycel
I didn't go to highschool. Spent those years NEETing with video games.
The four years you experience in high school is without a doubt, the four most important years of your life. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Subsequently, the four years you have in college afterwards are the second most important. But really. If you can't fucking get high school right, it WILL traumatize you for the rest of your fucking life. You fucking kids don't understand is that the teen faces and flippant attitudes in high school-- it will STICK WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Nothing else feels right. Nothing is more RAW. Nothing is more REAL.

Every other place is just a revolving door. Even college. College is too big, too filtered demographically, people come and go, and nobody leaves a big impression. Every other place has ways for oddballs like us to simply opt out. But not high school. High school truly challenges you socially, by throwing you into a deep end, see how a maladjusted weirdo like you would fare among a pool of borderline psychotic normies, while your hormones are going insane. It's an insane, foolish experiment you will never suffer at any other point in your life, and that's why it's so traumatizing.

Like prison, it's the only social challenge that you are completely forced to confront with all your humanity. It's the ultimate litmus test of survival. And it's fucking proof that if you failed here-- and of course I'm not talking academically. I'm talking socially. If you failed in high school SOCIALLY, then you have failed as a person. And it's unlikely you will course correct, unless you highly game the system in your favor thru money or connections you have obtained passively outside of high school.

In high school, WHEN YOU ARE A TEEN, and your hormones are raging, and your competitiveness is at an all time high, you fucking FEEL the power of the social hierarchy in your bones, and it just fucking imprints in your brain demonically. IM FUCKING IN MY 40s and I CANT LET IT GO. It makes me want to throw a chair in a wall EVERY FUCKING DAY, the frustration and not having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. To never have a cool and popular moment as a TEEN like doing cocaine, or ditching school to shoot up heroin by a fence with my buddies and vandalize some wall. To bully some DORK beneath you. This is what makes life great. And I fucking want it, I WANTED to have peaked in high school, because peaking at any other time in life is simply LESS.

Only in high school, will you will never forget, who had sex, and who didn't have sex. IN HIGH SCHOOL. Who was popular, and who wasn't?? Who was smartest in the class?? What COLLEGE they went to? What were the cliques? All these stupid power games at the neighborhood MATTERED. And they will matter, because it leaves a huge scar in your brain that leaves you absolutely unsatisfied. All these stupid teen high school hijinks you know you missed out on. YOU CANT ERASE IT FROM YOUR FUCKING MIND IF YOU WERE A VIRGIN THE ENTIRE TIME. Of course, if you had teen sex as a teen, that's a different story. Then of course high school is just a fleeting goalpost you breeze past, non-virgins have normie aspirations like money, power, or hedonism. And they will say I'm crazy. BUT IM ONLY CRAZY BECAUSE I WAS A VIRGIN IN HIGH SCHOOL, and if you are gonna be a virgin thru high school ( and likely past college), I don't fucknig care if you move on to be able to afford 200 whores a year, I don't care if you ascend at 30 and lose your virginity to a high quality woman; at the end of the day, you will end up exactly like ME, if you never knew what it was like to peak in high school.
Mods pinning their own threads should be illegal
I didn't write that school was the best time of my life but supposed to be best time.
Who decided this? Boomer losers whose life went downhill after graduation. Look at the history of schooling, it's surprisingly short, these things you take as eternal facts are very young traditions.
It's hardly possible to deny that 12-18 age range is one's best time in life because during those years you're supposed to form serious friendships and start to show interest in the opposite sex.
Why would it be? I can see why it's the best time in a woman's life, it's when she's the most attractive she's ever going to be. But why would it be the best time in a man's life? You're the least physically developed, least wealthy, least skilled you'll ever be. It's so far from the truth for men, it's a form of psychological abuse to spread this lie.

Speaking of these serious friendships, how many survive into adulthood? Usually zero. Kids who have paper routes carry much more from that into adulthood than kids with huge friend circles in high school. Unless, of course, they are losers who never escape their home town, then they get to continue high school into adulthood with all the other losers who never escaped.
These years are crucial for forming one's worldview and to be prepared for an adult life in which socialization and ability to enter romantic relationships is extremely important.
Did you read that on psycholocringe today? This sort of normie drivel is what mentalcels are made of. Western beliefs about development and socialization are laughable. Societies that raise >99% of their women to be whores don't get to have opinions on socialization. Societies that put children on mind-destroying drugs for (gasp) behaving like children don't get to have opinions on socialization.

Westernism is what made you an incel. Why do you still worship at its altar? Free your mind and your body will follow.
if your a incel what really matters :feelshaha:

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