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Here's a reason why feminism is progressing faster than red/black pill crowds..

  • Thread starter idkwattodowithlife
  • Start date


Nov 7, 2017
Its because they support each and they don't fight each other. But whilst, men are too busy fighting each other.
RE: Here's a reason why feminism progresses faster than red/black pill crowds..

True. The smarter feminists have long realized that women of all races, religions, sexual orientations must work together if they want to win against men. Meanwhile, men are fighting each other and blaming other men (white men, Jewish men, minority men, beta men, gay men, etc.) for the bad actions of women. As a result, men have to defend themselves against ALL women AND against men of other races/religions/sexualorientiations. Women are increasingly united and attacking us as a united forced. Meanwhile, men are fighting each other over religions and tradcuck nonsense, nationalismus, race, homophobia etc.
RE: Here's a reason why feminism progresses faster than red/black pill crowds..

Red Shambhala said:
True. The smarter feminists have long realized that women of all races, religions, sexual orientations must work together if they want to win against men. Meanwhile, men are fighting each other and blaming other men (white men, Jewish men, minority men, beta men, gay men, etc.) for the bad actions of women. As a result, men have to defend themselves against ALL women AND against men of other races/religions/sexualorientiations. Women are increasingly united and attacking us as a united forced. Meanwhile, men are fighting each other over religions and tradcuck nonsense, nationalismus, race, homophobia etc.
Yes, this is sadly true. For example, a lot of men conjure up conspiracy theories in order to target and blame Jews for controlling the media, dwindling into antisemitism.
Feminism is no longer a cohesive political movement but a term loosely applied to a series of disparate political and philosophical ideologies that ensued from the emancipation of femoids in the Occident. There are very significant ideological rifts between different feminist factions but no one could be blamed for not being privy to their asinine infighting - it rarely generates any substantive arguments about the nature of humanity and of gender politics.

For example, TERFs are particularly reviled among liberal feminists.
They have the media and government with them and against us.
And it's true that men don't support each other by biological design. Ngl, but I see other men as competition first.
dardycunt said:
Feminism is no longer a cohesive political movement but a term loosely applied to a series of disparate political and philosophical ideologies that ensued from the emancipation of femoids in the Occident. There are very significant ideological rifts between different feminist factions but no one could be blamed for not being privy to their asinine infighting - it rarely generates any substantive arguments about the nature of humanity and of gender politics.
For example, TERFs are particularly reviled among liberal feminists.
I'm too dumb to not (or not smart enough to) understand you and I'm not well versed in politics like you.

But I think its interesting how feminists sometime ago tried to make feminism seem palatable to men, by saying that its not only for women rights, but for equal rights. I think they're taking that egalitarian approach in order to garner the most support as possible, as well as widen their demographic, but sadly a lot of men movements fails to do this.

They're straight feminist cis women that despises trans women (MtF), a whole lot though...

FeminismsCancer said:
They have the media and government with them and against us.
And it's true that men don't support each other by biological design. Ngl, but I see other men as competition first.
Well, same could be said when women boast about the media being against them. Everyone, feels like the media is against them, and I don't know whom to believe anymore.

Yes, its part of nature for men to compete with each other, and even if its your kind, or kin.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Its because they support each and they don't fight each other. But whilst, men are too busy fighting each other.

It's because they have vaginas that people want to fuck.

That's why ________ will always garner support if comprised mostly of women.
A Good Friend said:
idkwattodowithlife said:
Its because they support each and they don't fight each other. But whilst, men are too busy fighting each other.
It's because they have vaginas that people want to fuck.
That's why ________ will always garner support if comprised mostly of women.
So is that why most men are destine to lose anyways?
idkwattodowithlife said:
A Good Friend said:
idkwattodowithlife said:
Its because they support each and they don't fight each other. But whilst, men are too busy fighting each other.
It's because they have vaginas that people want to fuck.
That's why ________ will always garner support if comprised mostly of women.
So is that why most men are destine to lose anyways?

Yes, because nobody cares about what a woman or a man thinks, women are just I. fuckable and II. easier to look at

It's what everyone knows deep down inside, even the inceltears lurkers waiting for a screencap. The women reading this know it at the deepest level; No one ever gave a fuck about what you have to say or what you do.

You're a 5/10 phd from Yale?
All men, all men, would rather fuck an 8/10 who works at Burger King. Hell, they'd buy her a house, take her on vacations, whatever, as long as she remains an 8.
FeminismsCancer said:
They have the media and government with them and against us.

This and also academia. And simply a majority, once females are given power that's about 50% [a very small minority of women oppose], add cucks and it's a big majority.
not_here_4_points said:
FeminismsCancer said:
They have the media and government with them and against us.
This and also academia. And simply a majority, once females are given power that's about 50% [a very small minority of women oppose], add cucks and it's a big majority.
They are still fairly right wing universities out here, most of the chancellors, lecturers, researchers, professors, and owners of universities are men.

But universities still do have fairly large left wing bodies.

Its not as left wing as you think. A lot of people in economic department have right wing beliefs and political philosophy is really taught from the foundations or metaphysics of libertarianism, you'd actually be surprised.
RE: Here's a reason why feminism progresses faster than red/black pill crowds..

Red Shambhala said:
True. The smarter feminists have long realized that women of all races, religions, sexual orientations must work together if they want to win against men. Meanwhile, men are fighting each other and blaming other men (white men, Jewish men, minority men, beta men, gay men, etc.) for the bad actions of women. As a result, men have to defend themselves against ALL women AND against men of other races/religions/sexualorientiations. Women are increasingly united and attacking us as a united forced. Meanwhile, men are fighting each other over religions and tradcuck nonsense, nationalismus, race, homophobia etc.

Modern feminism is really only about the empowerment of upper-middle class white western women.....and their token minority allies. I have zero problems with women who want to become doctors or engineers, and receive equal pay for equal work......but today's modern "third wave feminism" was created by cultural Marxists to damage the white nuclear family unit, and is primarily used as a weapon against culturally Christian white western civilizations.

The corrupt wealthy globalists who control the mainstream media just use "feminism" or "racism" or "Islamophobia" as social tools to subjugate or destroy white western civilization. Feminism is a ruthlessly effective cultural propaganda weapon, used by globalists......to reduce the number of whites in ethnically white nations. :S
RE: Here's a reason why feminism progresses faster than red/black pill crowds..

Ceiling Cat said:
Modern feminism is really only about the empowerment of upper-middle class white western women.....and their token minority allies. I have zero problems with women who want to become doctors or engineers, and receive equal pay for equal work......but today's modern "third wave feminism" was created by cultural Marxists to damage the white nuclear family unit, and is primarily used as a weapon against culturally Christian white western civilizations.

The corrupt wealthy globalists who control the mainstream media just use "feminism" or "racism" or "Islamophobia" as social tools to subjugate or destroy white western civilization. Feminism is a ruthlessly effective cultural propaganda weapon, used by globalists......to reduce the number of whites in ethnically white nations. :S

1) Its not always the fault of "corrupt wealthy globalists" or Jews and blaming them would curtail into more antisemitism, almost accomplishing nothing as well.

2) There's many other internal problems in the white race than external problems, e.g. abortions, low birth rates, divorces, differences in political/religious views, ..., etc. But no race is better and everyone has their problems, some nations fall, some nations rise up, its all done in a cyclical fashion.

Fascels and ISIScels shouldn't bother being in this forum. People with their hidden insidious agendas, better go and you guys really don't care about making your points. You only want to use this platform and others to plant your seeds, in order accomplish your agendas.
idkwattodowithlife said:
I'm too dumb to not (or not smart enough to) understand you and I'm not well versed in politics like you.

But I think its interesting how feminists sometime ago tried to make feminism seem palatable to men, by saying that its not only for women rights, but for equal rights. I think they're taking that egalitarian approach in order to garner the most support as possible, as well as widen their demographic, but sadly a lot of men movements fails to do this.

They're straight feminist cis women that despises trans women (MtF), a whole lot though...

My apologies for insufficiently elucidating my perspective.

As another user has commented in this thread, the brand of modern Occidental feminism propagated by mainstream media is predicated on the empowerment of bourgeoisie Europid femoids, assisted with their coterie of token minorities.

Personally, I don't consider construing the history of feminism as occurring in waves - from first wave emancipation to third wave degeneracy - to be an accurate paradigm. I'll note that certain feminist positions are associated with certain époques but nonetheless, as is with general philosophy, the arguments themselves are abstract and not bound to a specific time period, though particular historical conditions and personal experiences may encourage the adoption of certain worldviews.

From my experience catfishing liberal femoids, femoids who identify as "intersectional" or "third-wave" generally do not espouse a consistent set of values nor can they provide a cogent and rational basis for their beliefs. Despite ostensibly devoting a moderate amount of time to performative social justice - otherwise known as virtue-signalling - it appears they have devoted very little thought to considering the historical origins of what they deem to be oppression.

Radical feminists may be a scourge, but at least they are enlightened on the reasons why patriarchy exists, though we evidently have different viewpoints on whether it is justified: femoids have biological resources that are necessary to control in order to progress and maintain civilization.

Cisgender is an interesting shibboleth I wouldn't expect to encounter in this forum.

May I ask if English is your second language?
dardycunt said:
idkwattodowithlife said:
I'm too dumb to not (or not smart enough to) understand you and I'm not well versed in politics like you.
But I think its interesting how feminists sometime ago tried to make feminism seem palatable to men, by saying that its not only for women rights, but for equal rights. I think they're taking that egalitarian approach in order to garner the most support as possible, as well as widen their demographic, but sadly a lot of men movements fails to do this.
They're straight feminist cis women that despises trans women (MtF), a whole lot though...
My apologies for insufficiently elucidating my perspective.
As another user has commented in this thread, the brand of modern Occidental feminism propagated by mainstream media is predicated on the empowerment of bourgeoisie Europid femoids, assisted with their coterie of token minorities.
Personally, I don't consider construing the history of feminism as occurring in waves - from first wave emancipation to third wave degeneracy - to be an accurate paradigm. I'll note that certain feminist positions are associated with certain époques but nonetheless, as is with general philosophy, the arguments themselves are abstract and not bound to a specific time period, though particular historical conditions and personal experiences may encourage the adoption of certain worldviews.
From my experience catfishing liberal femoids, femoids who identify as "intersectional" or "third-wave" generally do not espouse a consistent set of values nor can they provide a cogent and rational basis for their beliefs. Despite ostensibly devoting a moderate amount of time to performative social justice - otherwise known as virtue-signalling - it appears they have devoted very little thought to considering the historical origins of what they deem to be oppression.
Radical feminists may be a scourge, but at least they are enlightened on the reasons why patriarchy exists, though we evidently have different viewpoints on whether it is justified: femoids have biological resources that are necessary to control in order to progress and maintain civilization.
Cisgender is an interesting shibboleth I wouldn't expect to encounter in this forum.
May I ask if English is your second language?
Yes, I think sometimes minorities, and women have a way of pushing the envelope that their "oppressed" down inside everyones throats, this does get a little annoying, and I could why the mainstream PC culture took the precedence in making "feminist fail/rage" videos on Youtube before attending to other things.

Well, as for my shitty English. I was born in a English speaking country and my first language is actually English, but yes I am an ethnic (Black). I kind of always had trouble with reading and writing, growing up over the years. What about yourself (I know you have good talent in writing)?
idkwattodowithlife said:
Yes, I think sometimes minorities, and women have a way of pushing the envelope that their "oppressed" down inside everyones throats, this does get a little annoying, and I could why the mainstream PC culture took the precedence in making "feminist fail/rage" videos on Youtube before attending to other things.

Well, as for my shitty English. I was born in a English speaking country and my first language is actually English, but yes I am an ethnic (Black). I kind of always had trouble with reading and writing, growing up over the years. What about yourself?

For people who are blackpilled about the nature of humanity, I find it incredibly naïve that some individuals on this forum still consider corporate virtue signalling to be a genuine reflection of societal attitudes and not obvious pandering to a recondite yet obstreperous minority. All the executives modifying their products to simulate acceptance of social justice were probably laughing their asses off in the boardroom and doing lines of coke off the breasts of 14 year old Pinays when proposing those changes.

Facilitating the accumulation of capital necessitates the exploitation of the human psyche. Due to their inferior intellect, it was easy to inveigle femoids into consuming frivolous products - skincare items that harm their skin more than ameliorate it (due to widespread scientific illiteracy in the femoid population), shitty entertainment, ridiculous trends, etc.

I'm a kulfishit from Europe.
dardycunt said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]بِسْمِ الیوت الراجر الرَّحِيمِ[/font]

LOL @ your signature ;-)
Feminism does absolutely nothing for us :(
They have the power. We don’t.

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