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Venting Help me



May 30, 2020
Hello everyone.

I just wanted to vent here for a bit because I don't really have many friends. I have become increasingly sad and depressed and it gets so bad the only thing I can do is just ignore the pain. It literally feels like a physical stress inside of my chest, the pain of my childhood, inceldom, and having no family. My family really has left me fucking broken inside. At first if I start thinking about my childhood and loneliness, I will be very sad and begin to cry. And then when I think for longer of all the fucked up shit my dad did to me, I get furious. And then when I calm down I am back to being sad about my current state, and realizing nobody does or ever will love me just for being me. A family truly is the only people that will ever love you just for being you.

A woman loves you for how you look, or what you provide her. Friends love you for how you act, and the good company you give them. But family loves you because they made you, and you will always be theirs. But mine does not, they cast me out. My entire childhood was absolute TORTURE and I can cry on spot just from even the quickest thought of reminding myself of the shit I had to go through. My dad beat me bloody and my nose is still crooked from that experience. He would torture me and brutally embarrass me. I was am excellent kid when I was young, in 9th grade I would come home and just study math homework for hours. One time he came and attacked me whilst I was doing my math homework, I got him off me then he called my felon stepbrother who is really good at street fighting and told him I attacked him and he came over and tried to hurt me. I was just doing my math homework.

I was never allowed to play videogames, or have any electronics my entire childhood. I never played BO2, Minecraft, watched TV growing up, any of that. I wasn't allowed to eat candy and I was only allowed whole grain bread. I had never eaten fast food until I was 17 and bought it myself. Christmas was especially brutal for me, because see my sister got treated normally, but I did not. My sister had electronics, a car, TV, and a nice laptop my parents bought her. I had nothing. I got a basketball for Christmas she got a new tablet. I have some personality issues that I do my best to hide but I know what causes them. I don't do well under pressure, since Ive had to teach myself everything I know in life thusfar.

When I was 15 I was so lonely that I became religious in hope that if God did exist, he would help me. I read the Bible probably over 8 times in the King James version. I've read the new testament so many times that there's nothing probably else I haven't researched before.

Eventually that fell out because no matter how much I fasted, read my Bible, listened to what it said, and prayed, my prayers were never answered and I lost hope. I'm an agnostic now, it's not that I think God doesn't exist, I just don't know anymore.

The blackpill eventually consumed me, it made my reality make sense. But the constant reminders that I will most likely always be alone, the feeling of loneliness, having nobody to talk to, nobody cares about me, and the shit I already went through, absolutely ruins my day.

If any of you can relate, please tell me how to cope. I need mental shit more than videogames and food, I'm cant dox myself just yet or explain the details of why, but essentially I won't have access to technology for the next month of so, but I still feel lonely when everything around me gets too quiet. I spend my days constantly working my ass off, constantly doing something, so that the loneliness doesn't overtake me.

Thank you for reading this.
If this isn't LARP then this is truly brutal...
All this happened because you post on hateful inkel forums, sweaty
Realistic robotic AI waifus are our only hope at this point, essentially replace foids completely.
Im sorry you have been trough such hardship. I dont know what to tell you, my dad also hated and tortured me and my siblings trough the childhood, i try to forget but i cant. Fuck your father i hope he dies, how do you get along with your mom and sister?
unfortunately as a male you are disposable and society doesn't care about you. the way your family treated you is a reflection of that...although usually family loves you even if you are a sub-8 male. atleast they prepared you for what's to come.

it doesn't get better. there is nothing I can do to help. just keep coping
I read everything. Wish i knew how to help you, your experience sounds horrifying.
So how old are you now? I hope Ur away from that family
I'd like to add that family doesn't always love you for who you are. In my experience, if you don't live up to their expectations, they can become hard to deal with until you do. And that makes it harder to cope if you're not a normie and your family expects you to be one.
Nigga quit whining. Nobody on here was ever loved by anyone. Not friends, not family, not foids. At best people make appearances because they can get something frome us. We will all die alone. You aren't in any way shape or form unique.

If vidya doesn't work, look for a different cope. Try drugs. Learn something. Gymcel.
You need to get out of that family ASAP, you said that your whole family tortures you to the point that they are willing to kill you, you need to either weaponmaxx or get out ASAP. This isn't a joke, this is life or death situation.
When covid ends go for a SEA escortcel trip.

U will have some fun there and then u have at least one good memory
My father was asshole too, i didn´t see him for 11+ years, but he didn´t beat me. Your story is very brutal and sometimes shitty parents blame their own kids for no reason. They blamed me for their "bad" life. Mother blamed me secretly, father told me that i should die when i fell of the tree. When i met him with his girlfriend he said "i don´t know this person".

Stay strong brother, stay safe and comfy. We are not loved by this world and it is what it is. Survive and trying is all we can do.

View: https://coub.com/view/1g7fpb
The blackpill eventually consumed me, it made my reality make sense. But the constant reminders that I will most likely always be alone, the feeling of loneliness, having nobody to talk to, nobody cares about me, and the shit I already went through, absolutely ruins my day.
I can relate this this alot, I never had shit in terms of family, only an alcoholic mother that only gives a fuck about herself.
The Blackpill made me understand why my Social Life was such shit during my school years, Getting Bullied, Talked down to like some child, being Used and Abused for schoolwork and other bullshit, and having ZERO girlfriends and still have ZERO girls, The last time I had a conversation with a girl was in like January.

The only Copes I had was studying from Textbooks and by Fantasizing about how much better my life would be if I had everything I wanted.
I coped by believing that one day I would get back at all the trash normans that marginalized and made my life hell. Shit, I still hold that sentiment right now.
I realized by studying through textbooks I could apply that knowledge for what I wanted to do in the real world, If I wanted to study Guns, I could read a book on Gunsmithing or Ballistics , If I wanted to learn about Finance, I would read a book on Economics and Trading, If I wanted to make explosives, I would read a book on Energetic Materials. You get the point.
I also realized that Rigorous Exercise is a good cope, it made me feel good, Nothing better to building the strength to actually fight back.

Maybe some of these copes will work for you, I don't know. But they work for me.
You need to get out of that family ASAP, you said that your whole family tortures you to the point that they are willing to kill you, you need to either weaponmaxx or get out ASAP. This isn't a joke, this is life or death situation.
^This, You need to get of that nest. Shitty families are poison for anyone who lives with them.
Brutal as fuck
Im assuming you’re gonna be in the outdoors
Try fishing bro
ghost all of them including your extended family. You actually have the rare case of starting over complete and setting fire between your families either way ruin their reputation tell all the extended relatives that try to contact ya what they did if they don’t try to contact ya then you make sure they can’t contact ya.
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I'm mostly independent from my family now, but my mom literally told me I ruined her life and that she hates me. I feel you. Step one is try to become independent
Welcome to the club
Cope by escaping reality. Getting lost in music, movies, television shows. How old are you?
Welcome, bro. I'm sorry you had to experience a shitty upbringing and family.

May you find peace and fortune.
If any of you can relate, please tell me how to cope. I need mental shit more than videogames and food, I'm cant dox myself just yet or explain the details of why, but essentially I won't have access to technology for the next month of so, but I still feel lonely when everything around me gets too quiet. I spend my days constantly working my ass off, constantly doing something, so that the loneliness doesn't overtake me.

Thank you for reading this.
First,welcome,many of us have simmiliar stories to yours,so dont be shy to vent everything here.

For copes that help me that arent connected to technology:cooking,ciggaretes,long walks,playing with my dog,weed
I am afraid if you are searching for something harder than that there isnt much except hard drugs,which might be very risky,especially if you dont have any connections.
unfortunately as a male you are disposable and society doesn't care about you. the way your family treated you is a reflection of that...although usually family loves you even if you are a sub-8 male. atleast they prepared you for what's to come.

it doesn't get better. there is nothing I can do to help. just keep coping
pretty sure i have already seen one of your posts with a similar story before.Learning that a parents love is just as conditional as everything else was a hard lesson to learn.if you don't turn out in a way that appeases them,then they will freak the shit out.I am a catholic,but obviously women are chad only everywhere(you can locationmaxx but who has the money to do that?).One could obviously turn to christ and try to become a monk but it should be absurd to anyone that god intended 85% of man to become monks.We incels got one of shittiest cards possible.Even ww2 soldiers could hope for a better future.We incels can only hope for a swift death.

one could technically fight the forces that "be",but it's obvious that even if we succeed, it will take a long time for the change to appear tangible.

i just hope that god will kill me as soon as possible after i finish some things.Will be sad to die before i finish them.
That's fucked, find copes to distracts yourself or somehow change your thinking to delude yourself that it's not too bad even though it is.

Honestly if you ever pick the rope option & you have the tools necessary if I were you I'd kill that prick & maybe the step bro too.

The way your dad treated you, no one should be allowed to get away with that.
I'd try to sort our the issues that you have with parents. Confront them about the double standard in treatment between you and your sister. Ask your dad for an apology about hitting you. Be honest and frank with them about the state of your well-being. I hope they listen.
That's really reaching, if they treated him like they did they ain't good ppl. Thing is ppl don't change.
Nigga quit whining. Nobody on here was ever loved by anyone. Not friends, not family, not foids. At best people make appearances because they can get something frome us. We will all die alone. You aren't in any way shape or form unique.

If vidya doesn't work, look for a different cope. Try drugs. Learn something. Gymcel.
I doubt we were all getting assaulted by our fathers & had a step bro told to attack us.
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Stay strong OP, how old are you actually?
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Danm this is brutal but I don't think you missed out on unhealthy food as that shit can really fuck you up. Also, how old are you now is it over for you? Have you talked to girls?
Don't you have friends? There's plenty of nerds who would be friends with you.
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Go ER on your parents i guess..
I imagine you to be a curry
Nigga quit whining. Nobody on here was ever loved by anyone. Not friends, not family, not foids. At best people make appearances because they can get something frome us. We will all die alone. You aren't in any way shape or form unique.

If vidya doesn't work, look for a different cope. Try drugs. Learn something. Gymcel.
You don't have to be so blunt to someone who's just trying to vent.

By the way OP have you thought about visiting an escort?
God bless you man, iv heard enough.
may the angels make you better with their healing touch
God bless you brother, it takes a strong man to survive after going through all that, I can't really relate to this since I didn't have a shitty father, and I can't offer any copes, but I'm praying for you.
My dad also used to beat me up when i was a kid and i was always the kid that hated by family and peers. It is definitely because i am ugly therefore different than normal people and thats why i have always been unwanted. I hate my dad and my mom and everyday i wish they were dead. Their negligence contributed my inceldom more than anything. So i have been through similiar things OP but i don't know what to tell you because there is not much else you can do. The best thing you can hope is try to make money and move out asap if you have motivation to accomplish this.
Since my faith diminished I've been doing whatever distracts me from the pain. Luckily, my inspiration to write music came back. Yesterday I spent like 4 hours nonstop working on a song and got so engrossed I forgot about the pain for a little while.
Hello everyone.

I just wanted to vent here for a bit because I don't really have many friends. I have become increasingly sad and depressed and it gets so bad the only thing I can do is just ignore the pain. It literally feels like a physical stress inside of my chest, the pain of my childhood, inceldom, and having no family. My family really has left me fucking broken inside. At first if I start thinking about my childhood and loneliness, I will be very sad and begin to cry. And then when I think for longer of all the fucked up shit my dad did to me, I get furious. And then when I calm down I am back to being sad about my current state, and realizing nobody does or ever will love me just for being me. A family truly is the only people that will ever love you just for being you.

A woman loves you for how you look, or what you provide her. Friends love you for how you act, and the good company you give them. But family loves you because they made you, and you will always be theirs. But mine does not, they cast me out. My entire childhood was absolute TORTURE and I can cry on spot just from even the quickest thought of reminding myself of the shit I had to go through. My dad beat me bloody and my nose is still crooked from that experience. He would torture me and brutally embarrass me. I was am excellent kid when I was young, in 9th grade I would come home and just study math homework for hours. One time he came and attacked me whilst I was doing my math homework, I got him off me then he called my felon stepbrother who is really good at street fighting and told him I attacked him and he came over and tried to hurt me. I was just doing my math homework.

I was never allowed to play videogames, or have any electronics my entire childhood. I never played BO2, Minecraft, watched TV growing up, any of that. I wasn't allowed to eat candy and I was only allowed whole grain bread. I had never eaten fast food until I was 17 and bought it myself. Christmas was especially brutal for me, because see my sister got treated normally, but I did not. My sister had electronics, a car, TV, and a nice laptop my parents bought her. I had nothing. I got a basketball for Christmas she got a new tablet. I have some personality issues that I do my best to hide but I know what causes them. I don't do well under pressure, since Ive had to teach myself everything I know in life thusfar.

When I was 15 I was so lonely that I became religious in hope that if God did exist, he would help me. I read the Bible probably over 8 times in the King James version. I've read the new testament so many times that there's nothing probably else I haven't researched before.

Eventually that fell out because no matter how much I fasted, read my Bible, listened to what it said, and prayed, my prayers were never answered and I lost hope. I'm an agnostic now, it's not that I think God doesn't exist, I just don't know anymore.

The blackpill eventually consumed me, it made my reality make sense. But the constant reminders that I will most likely always be alone, the feeling of loneliness, having nobody to talk to, nobody cares about me, and the shit I already went through, absolutely ruins my day.

If any of you can relate, please tell me how to cope. I need mental shit more than videogames and food, I'm cant dox myself just yet or explain the details of why, but essentially I won't have access to technology for the next month of so, but I still feel lonely when everything around me gets too quiet. I spend my days constantly working my ass off, constantly doing something, so that the loneliness doesn't overtake me.

Thank you for reading this.

er: 26682"]
try shit like benzos weed alcohol hookers or do gymmaxxing all are great copes
Holy fucking shit op, brutal isn't even enough to qualify for this post. I wish you to ascend with a nice femoid, have a nice house and have childrens, you didn't deserve to be mistreated by your shitty familly.
If you live in the UK, I'll hang out with you man. If u still have no device and you want a ps4/switch or whatever I'll get you one.
Its sad that society treats men like shit and as Incels we only have each other to look over our backs.

As for your turning to God, I can see exactly why someone would go agnostic. See Job.
All this happened because you post on hateful inkel forums, sweaty
How old are you?
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Seems like your parents are shit and you need to get away.

Your first step should be to apply for jobs so you can live by yourself alone. Or apply for beer bud. Once you got that in control you’ll have roof and food.

Now you can focus on what you missed out in childhood. Save money and buy video games you didn’t get to play and eat fast food once a week so you can enjoy that. Do physical activity outside your house.

This should bring some happiness
But the constant reminders that I will most likely always be alone, the feeling of loneliness, having nobody to talk to, nobody cares about me, and the shit I already went through, absolutely ruins my day.

I sincerely believe that internet forums are a decent substitute to IRL conversations. In some respect, it's even better. You have the protection of anonymity, you can take your time to discuss topics in depth, and you have access to much, much wider audience than is possible IRL.

As far as family is concerned, I personally believe it matters above all when you're a child, as a it's supposed to provide a safe and supporting environment for your personal development. You didn't have that apparently, but at least now you're an adult, so you don't need it nearly as much. In a way the worse is behind you, now you can try to gain independence and perhaps create a family on your own. I know it sounds difficult, but that's what many people succeed in doing, so it's definitely doable.

It's not going to be easy though and it's going to be a long way. It's up to you to decide if you're willing to take up the challenge or rope immediately.
Brutal. Can relate a bit, my i waste my childhood too.

You need to get out of that family ASAP, you said that your whole family tortures you to the point that they are willing to kill you, you need to either weaponmaxx or get out ASAP. This isn't a joke, this is life or death situation.
unfortunately as a male you are disposable and society doesn't care about you. the way your family treated you is a reflection of that...although usually family loves you even if you are a sub-8 male. atleast they prepared you for what's to come.

it doesn't get better. there is nothing I can do to help. just keep coping
move to the netherlands
The more you wish, the more you suffer. Embrace the rot and relax.
The torture I received from my parents was psychological and on occasions physical. A lot of me not being good enough and not doing enough to be considered a Man. Now my father and mother dote on my sister and they very rarely hold a conversation with me. I hardly even talk anymore anyway. One of my only copes is going to the gym but my mother had to go shopping, shoes, bags and wine won't buy themselves. My father is such a push over now, I would have more respect for him if he abused the Foids of my family the way he abused and continues to abuse me. He abuses me nowadays by just not talking to me and not looking at me, in an attempt to minimise my problems.
If This Is True And Not Fake & Gay, We Have Gone Further Than The Blackpills.

We're Consuming Abysspills Now, Lads.


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