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Blackpill Having to date a non-white woman as a white man is absolutely disgusting and repulsive.

Just lol @ this coping curry. America has always been a White (North West European) nation. Making America brown through the mass importation and invasion of street shitters, beaners, and ricels is a new phenomenon. And before you say "bu-but muh Native Americans!", the United States of America =/= Cherokee/Chawtah/*insert native region here* nation
America will be brown. The white will be bred out. Like it or not.
Old and Brown: America in 50 Years | Civic | US News
https://www.usnews.com › 2012/12/12
Exactly, it's different if the guy can fuck white woman but chooses to fuck other races, and a guy that has no choice and can only get other races.
ITT, proof that all white """incels""" need to just fucking go
Asians are OK, but fucking a nigger femoid as a white dude is kinda like fucking a monkey or another animal.
lol racist whitecel cope
Racist yes, whitecel yes, cope not so much. I don't even fuck black whores, even though I could get high-class nigresses for cheaper than white whores.
Racist yes, whitecel yes, cope not so much. I don't even fuck black whores, even though I could get high-class nigresses for cheaper than white whores.
Getting blacked as a white male is the lowest of the low.
Yea, it depends,


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America will be brown. The white will be bred out. Like it or not.
Old and Brown: America in 50 Years | Civic | US News
https://www.usnews.com › 2012/12/12
Just don't get upset when you start getting murdered and /or thrown in concentration camps.
Racemixing is degenerate. It leads to suffering, a la Elliot Rodger.
Also consider that every white man who has an asian gf is essentially dooming an asian man to celibacy, since most asian men do not have sexual appeal outside their race. For those reasons I won't racemix.
This is all cope though; no woman of any race is interested in me.
JFL at this extreme cherrypicking, Also the bottom ones look the 'whitest' except for the blacks. They look so out of place.
Kek, because OP was doing the same.
Racemixing is degenerate. It leads to suffering, a la Elliot Rodger.
Also consider that every white man who has an asian gf is essentially dooming an asian man to celibacy, since most asian men do not have sexual appeal outside their race. For those reasons I won't racemix.
This is all cope though; no woman of any race is interested in me.
>eliot rodger
That's breeding a literal kid. I highly doubt anyone here is interested in having a kid. They just want a woman to fuck.
It's an assumption but I am willing to bet if you made a poll or thread on this most of the userbase will say they don't want children. Wanting a relationship =/= having the burden of children
It's an assumption but I am willing to bet if you made a poll or thread on this most of the userbase will say they don't want children. Wanting a relationship =/= having the burden of children
I don't know. Pretty much the only reason I am interested in women is children. They are not worth the effort otherwise.
highly doubt anyone here is interested in having a kid
i do
in my opinion, a wife and children is the only thing that can really give meaning to a mans life as a civilian
I don't know. Pretty much the only reason I am interested in women is children. They are not worth the effort otherwise.
i do
in my opinion, a wife and children is the only thing that can really give meaning to a mans life as a civilian
A thread should really be made about this. I would be highly interested in the results.
Legit post OP, but my choices are genetically reduced. That's why i like asian women, that's my subhumanity screams inside me, because i can't get white femoid as a small framed manlet, it was truly over, if it ever began some day, but (un)fortunately it didn't.
I couldn't care less about white women. I honestly think they're disgusting, I even avoid physical contact with them. But they're nice hearted usually though. They still treat me better than ethnics do.
Black girls, Chinese girls, Hispanic girls, Indian girls, all girls. I would. Pickycels are staying virgins forever :feelsgah:
This is the problem with you incels, especially the self hating ethnic ones such as 13k and tellem. They suffer from an actual mental debillitation commonly refered to as "Victim hood mentality". All of his life he most likely blamed every issue on his being black. If you converted your being to your white equal you'd still be incel no doubt. Or maybe some self hating rice foid would harbor your hapa baby. Scratch that, she'd 100% beg you to have her kid. But maybe that's what you want in which case I can't judge. At the end of the day we are ALL incels.
Deathniks are the biggest cucks on this forum. You're not alone brother. Just lol at having standards as an incel.
White women are overrated just like white men are on this forum. Now gtfo.
Your race caused this, including mixedcels like me who didn't inherit enough white features. Other races are uglier on average, but you're ugly too. Luckily for you you're white so you actually have the option to fuck foids of other races near your looksmatch, instead of a 1/10 white foid. Ethnicels don't have that option.
No lol I would be happy.to date a cute Japanese / Korean girl
I couldn't care less about white women. I honestly think they're disgusting, I even avoid physical contact with them. But they're nice hearted usually though. They still treat me better than ethnics do.
Lmao if a blonde female offered you free sex you would bend down on your knees to thank her.
Lmao if a blonde female offered you free sex you would bend down on your knees to thank her.
Huge cope bro, I'm anti-degeneracy. I used to be attracted to white women when I was in high school because I went to a mostly white high school but ever since I left, I've lost all attraction to white women.
Huge cope bro, I'm anti-degeneracy. I used to be attracted to white women when I was in high school because I went to a mostly white high school but ever since I left, I've lost all attraction to white women.
That's a big cope lol.

No man on earth would reject free sex from a hot blonde female.
I swear to God.. I would turn it down.

I am so envious of you white men.

Not only the most attractive women you have
but your women are also THE most racist group of foids. they would rather put a bullet through their brain than date a curry or sandcel

I am so fucking envious.
Your skin and eye colour
I want it.
Trust me. I have green eyes and they're probably my most subhuman trait. If you don't have colored eyes that "glow" under any light condition then it's over.


Trust me. I have green eyes and they're probably my most subhuman trait. If you don't have colored eyes that "glow" under any light condition then it's over.
You're deluded if you think there aren't anti-degeneracy people. If you said something about marriage I would have considered.
You're deluded if you think there aren't anti-degeneracy people. If you said something about marriage I would have considered.
I am anti degeneracy and would prefer marriage, but surely no man would reject free sexual favors from a PRIME blonde stacy.
you would turn it down because muh islam muh zina

you can't tell me they are not the most attractive foids out there

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white stacey is simply UNMOGGABLE
Exactly I would turn her down if she offered a one night stand because degenERacy, but if she wanted to marry me I'd probably say yes. I see foids like the one you posted daily. They do not phase me. You should know as a German. Dutch girls mog German girls into oblivion.
I am anti degeneracy and would prefer marriage, but surely no man would reject free sexual favors from a PRIME blonde stacy.
My anti-degeneracy is rooted in religion. Yours probably isn't. That's the difference.
True those girls are dime a dozen.
the first and last girl are nobodies from western europe

it goes to show how fuckign attractive european STACEY is

They are definitely attractive from an objective viewpoint, and like I said, I see girls like that 24/7. But I am just not attracted to them anymore like I was in high school. Change of taste, I suppose. I'd rather be with a black woman TBH.
And that's exactly why nazicel is volcel. I'd fuck that asian foid +100lbs.
lol @incel scum browsing the thread

I laughed so hard yesterday when you called me "mentally ill arab stikes again"

you have lost it, you finally cracked

inceldom claims yet another victim
I mean it. White women can be nice but are often judgemental, black women are never mean, always nice. Wife material TBH.
JFL, none of the "non"-whites (most have some European in them, especially groids) come close to 8/10+ white foids. No need to be delusional, ethnics.


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If you have to fuck a non-European female as a European male (racially), then it's truly over for you.
This act basically signals that you are not fit to reproduce within your own race, hence being rejected by your own women.

Imagine having to resort to females like this:

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Instead of THIS:

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ALL because of your subhumanity.

This must be the most suicide fuel feeling as a white sub8 man. Females of your own race reject you and hate you.
We are literally being rejected by our own race.
UK women are ugly and do not represent the average white woman. Come here to America and you'll be surprised how non-fat and prime young white women are.
Americans are decended mainly from the British you utter numbskull, you think other races are subhuman yet you’re mind is stuck at a lesser ape level tribalism. You can tell a stupid person by how tribalistic they are, generally. As it’s a base animal instinct embossed into the mind by millennia of evolution only counterbalanced by the evolution of logic, which is what sets humans apart from animals. Whenever a man is a slave to his primordial tribalistic tendencies he is barely human - you are SO tribalistic that you go beyond racism and into nationalism whilst failing to recognise that the nation you’re offsetting against another on genetic grounds (having better looking women) is genetically decended (for the most part) from said other nation. This shows you to be a babbling monkey who just desperately wants to feel like he’s part of the best group and that everyone else’s sucks. Low IQ.
oh shit:feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega:



tfw not white and by default dont have access to 76%of white women no matter how goodlooking I am.

this shit aint fair, they are so fucking beatiful

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That barely above average white hoe mogs 90% of non-white women.
It's a fact that pure non-whites peak at 7.5/10 and up to 8.5/10 with some White admixture . Whites go up to 10/10. It's true that average people of all races don't look that great, but I'm talking about attractive foids and attractive white roasts mog attractive non-white roasts. Everything else is delusion and cope.


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White women are by far the most attractive and ethnic women are extremely overrated.
And blonde women in particular are extremely underrated.
In fact, one of the reasons why blonde women might be so underrated is that many people associate "blonde women" NOT with real blondes but with ethnic bottle blondes.
But blonde and blue eyed are by far the most attractive. Like a golden wheat field with a blue dream of a sky and something warm and pink in the middle.
Lmao, are currycels and their women even part of the same race?

Racist yes, whitecel yes, cope not so much. I don't even fuck black whores, even though I could get high-class nigresses for cheaper than white whores.

whites are volcels

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