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Serious Having "The Political Left" In Power Is More Favourable Than Having "The Political Right" With Current Social & Economic Dynamics



Feb 28, 2018
The right worships women more, the left just gives women more privileges and rights.

If the right has their way, women will be at home all day doing nothing, getting pampered by their chad husbands (or beta providers)

If the left have their way women will have an extremely high SMV but will still have to slave away working like the rest of us, they won't do much heavy lifting jobs, but they'll still have to work.

In a world where women don't have to work, and they can only be a home maker, literally their only task all day is to go around looking for chads to fuck and potential beta providers to become husbands (or maybe they marry a chad).

If you actually think if the "modern right" take over its going to be better than the left you aren't considering all the factors. Women will still keep all the shit they have that the left has given them, so now they have all the privileges and now men are lining up to marry and pamper them, giving them work free lives, whether they are a virgin or whore who has sucked 20 different cocks.

At least with the left there is a trade off, also if the right was in power, less bad things would happen to them, because men on the right are more cautious and protective. Do you really want a bunch of 2nd amendment guys walking around when its time for you to "go ER".

There will be less chances to go ER
There will be less opportunities to rape a woman because she'll either be accompanied by a man at night, or has a concealed carry license and has a gun

Having the right fully take power at this point, this late in the game, is only to our detriment, the right is too late to reverse women's whoredom and restore teh natural balance, and a lot of men on the right these days are just tradcon cucks willing to bend over backwards for women, its too late, I say left the left hold on to the mantle, at least then women can suffer a bit.
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Women being home would be fine with me if they had no rights or freedoms and were forced to obey their husbands' authority.
Women being home would be fine with me if they had no rights or freedoms and were forced to obey their husbands' authority.

Its too late for the political right to make that happen, if anything they'll adopt some pseudo liberal BS. Women won't be forced to not work, but a lot will choose not to, why not, you can just relax at home and do nothing and still fuck chad.

Where?, which part?, give me a quote?, because it doesn't seem like you guys didn't even read the thread, more like you're just going off of the title
I somewhat agree with you, but for the wrong reasons. The left is necessary to the extent that they hurry the collapse. Once the collapse arrives, the existing order will be overthrown, and supreme men of action will take their place
I somewhat agree with you, but for the wrong reasons. The left is necessary to the extent that they hurry the collapse. Once the collapse arrives, the existing order will be overthrown, and supreme men of action will take their place
yes bro
The left is necessary to the extent that they hurry the collapse.
Also this, anybody who wants to accept women back "with arms wide open" is cucked and coping, I want this shit to fall apart so I can get some revenge.
Challenger Deep IQ
OP is Black, it's no secret he'd prefer the Left. After all, Leftists give Blacks more Gibs (welfare).

A. I don't even live in america

B. You are an idiot that obviously lacks logic so you are unable to come up with an original argument, heck even an argument that pertains to the topic at hand seems beyond your reach, you are grasping for straws.

You've yet to address two things that are a benefit to us mentioned in my post that can only be facilitated by the left

1. Low security and strict gun control laws - The less security and the more gun control, the more effective our mass shootings will be

2. Women are less safe under liberal rule because instead of saying - "men want to fuck me by force, I should keep myself safe" society tells them - "Its the rapists job not to rape you". That creates more opportunities for them to suffer

Last but not least, your name is fitting, you are just some random maycel, and you've proven you have nothing of importance to say.
A. I don't even live in america

B. You are an idiot that obviously lacks logic so you are unable to come up with an original argument, heck even an argument that pertains to the topic at hand seems beyond your reach, you are grasping for straws.

You've yet to address two things that are a benefit to us mentioned in my post that can only be facilitated by the left

1. Low security and strict gun control laws - The less security and the more gun control, the more effective our mass shootings will be

2. Women are less safe under liberal rule because instead of saying - "men want to fuck me by force, I should keep myself safe" society tells them - "Its the rapists job not to rape you". That creates more opportunities for them to suffer

Last but not least, your name is fitting, you are just some random maycel, and you've proven you have nothing of importance to say.

1) I'm a marchcel

2) Doesn't matter if you live in America. You obviously live in a first-world nation were there's a political dichotomy between Leftism and Right-wing parties. In summation, Leftism = more Gibs + preferential treatment towards minorities at the expense (literally and figuratively) of the native White peoples.

3) Not every Incel/volcel here supports mass murder. I don't care if you call me a moralfag or whatever, but that shit is evil AND I wouldn't want to die at the hands of some deranged psychopath.
Doesn't matter if you live in America. You obviously live in a first-world nation were there's a political dichotomy between Leftism and Right-wing parties.

You see that grey tinge in your name, combine that with a post like this, and that sets my paranoia off into thinking you're trying to narrow down my location. I have enough heat on me as it is with the news sites my posts are on so fuck off with this line of questioning.

Not every Incel/volcel here supports mass murder. I don't care if you call me a moralfag or whatever, but that shit is evil AND I wouldn't want to die at the hands of some deranged psychopath.

Thanks for showing your colours, JFL at some weak hearted half assed incel (assuming you even are) trying tell me off.


>Black pilled
>Still subscribes to conventional morality and thinks "good" and "evil" are nothing more than social concepts

Pick One

GTFO the site, we don't need or want you here, you clearly have nothing to contribute to any arguments, so even if you weren't so weak hearted you'd still be useless to the site. You being weak hearted just amplifies your worthlessness as an incel.
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Alien level high IQ post. We are suffering because of capitalism, capitalist economy runs on human urges. Capitalism fuels degeneracy, hypergamy, promiscuity, vanity, extreme materialism and all sorts of shit that are responsible for fucking everything up.
Nonsense. Feminism by definition is a left wing ideology.
I somewhat agree with you, but for the wrong reasons. The left is necessary to the extent that they hurry the collapse. Once the collapse arrives, the existing order will be overthrown, and supreme men of action will take their place
The collapse is here already. It’s in the terminal stages rn
Nonsense. Feminism by definition is a left wing ideology.

I going to go out on a limb here, and assume you didn't properly read my post JFL.

Please actually take the time to read it, I litearlly addressed what you were saying here, i'll save you the time and explain

The right worships women more, the left just gives women more privileges and rights.

Having the right fully take power at this point, this late in the game, is only to our detriment, the right is too late to reverse women's whoredom and restore teh natural balance, and a lot of men on the right these days are just tradcon cucks willing to bend over backwards for women, its too late, I say left the left hold on to the mantle, at least then women can suffer a bit.

Still go read it over, but my point is, yeah the left is about giving women more rights and priviledges, but its less about protecting them, and in that sense women will still suffer. But if the right (traditionalists) step in now, they will be a half assed version of the right, because they can't legally strip women of all the rights and priviledges that the left already gave them. So now women will have all the benefits that came from the left, and all the benefits that comes from the right.

They'll be able to vote, own property, be whores, get abortions, effortlessly make false rape charges, etc, and now they'll have all the pampering and protection that a traditionalist society provides for women. Those traditionalist perks were a tradeoff women got because they were relegated to the home and had no rights or ability to earn resources and own property, if we let them have those perks now on top of all the leftist perks they already have, we are fucked, female SMV will fly through the clouds and into space, they will be part of an ultimate class.

All the perks of the left and all the perks of the right, the ultimate tutorial mode. Right now they only really have leftist perks, which is why we can still kill them in ER's, and why european countries are getting invaded by ethnics and their women are being raped. That's all due to the left, if the right steps on now, they'll get to have all their perks and no punishment.

Like I said in my post for this thread:
Do you really want a bunch of 2nd amendment guys walking around when its time for you to "go ER".

Letting the right get power now is stupid, its too late for them to balance the scale, it will only tilt the scale in the favor of women even further, they will be a class that has both special privileges AND is also a protected class, a TRULY protected class. Right now the political left have left women to the wolves so to speak with their BS "women are strong too" propaganda, that gives us many opportunities to fuck with their lives.

I hate white knights more than I hate feminists, so its no wonder I hate the right more than I hate the left, I much prefer the enemy that gives women an inflated ego and urges them to make self deprecating choices, than the enemy that protects women and gives them advice that actually empowers them and keeps them safe.
Ridiculous. The left wants us destroyed
Ridiculous. The left wants us destroyed
I guess the right is completely alright with our existence and they want us around, they don't want us destroyed like the left does.
Women must become property.
Women must become property.
True, but first society has to collapse. Conservatives offer too much stability to society, I want to let the left have power just long enough for them to fuck society up to the point where it can't just be restored and has to now be completely reformed.
When I see how rampant womens hypergamy is in society, it really makes sense why religion would shame slutty behavior. They had it right.
JFL at thinking the right is gonna enforce women to stay at home and leave the workforce. That isn't happening either way.
True, but first society has to collapse. Conservatives offer too much stability to society, I want to let the left have power just long enough for them to fuck society up to the point where it can't just be restored and has to now be completely reformed.
Never gonna happen. Society's collapse will be slow as a snail and mediated by a lack of reproduction. Humanity will be frogs boiled alive, just like Japan is right now. The species will go silently into oblivion, a quiet march no one acknowledges or attempts to remedy before it is too late.

Modern nations will prop themselves up with more immigration from less modern nations. Maybe the less modern nations will learn something before it is too late for them, or maybe it will be so inevitable no one in the whole world will be able to turn the tide.

The rat utopia experiments always led to total extinction. I am not convinced that won't be our fate as well.

If "the right" took over, that would mean a restoration of the traditional culture, you know the culture where there were hardly any incels...

If "the right" took over, there would intense stigma against women slutting around and being non-monogomous. Disgusting whores would be ostracized, and women would know they have to keep their hypergamy in check or risk their own destruction.

If "the right" took over we'd see the return of stable, rational group structures that are based on stuff like loyalty. Sure you might be an ugly manlet but you're a hard worker, besides you're part of our community and you've always helped me out. There's an ugly widower in our church group, she's your looksmatch, let's set her up with you. Etc. Left-wing power dynamics break all the rules and then the lack of rules leads to this insane hyper-competitive winner takes all game, and then if you're not the winner you're fucked. That's what being an incel is. Right-wing power dynamics are all about stability and cohesion, finding a space for everybody to fulfill a function.

Personally I've even been considering trying some kind of religious conversion (becoming a Catholic, JW, Mormon, etc) if my current long-term effortmaxxing attempt doesn't pay off.
JFL at thinking the right is gonna enforce women to stay at home and leave the workforce. That isn't happening either way.

I never said they'd enforce it, in fact my point is that they won't enforce it, women will have all the perks of the left and all the perks of the right, I don't even want them to have the option to stay home and not work, because due to the changes in male and female SMV it'll be due to betabuxing a husband they barely if ever fuck, or being able to marry Chad out of their league.

Never gonna happen. Society's collapse will be slow as a snail and mediated by a lack of reproduction.

Society's collapse will only be slow, if guys like you sit back and do nothing to push it along. I always hate when people say - "well this is how X is going to happen in society". Yeah no shit, you aren't doing anything to affect it, its a self fulfilling prophecy.

I imagine before the ThotAudit there were guys saying "e-whores are just going to keep doing this with no fear of repercussions". Now they are hiding and deleting their accounts. If we do nothing, then nothing happens.
If "the right" took over, that would mean a restoration of the traditional culture, you know the culture where there were hardly any incels

Wrong, its too late for that, you can't just step in and magically undo decades of societal and legal changes. If they tried to make women stay home and not work they'd rebel, along with white knights, not only that but the modern economic structure only functions with a large work force, we've built global economies based on this structure, its too late to put women back in the house.

You also can't magically just change the collective unrealistic standards women have, its set in stone now.

If the right steps in now, it will only give women more protection and privileges, they will have all the perks that the left created for them, and now all the perks that the right will give them.

Personally I've even been considering trying some kind of religious conversion (becoming a Catholic, JW, Mormon, etc) if my current long-term effortmaxxing attempt doesn't pay off.

The only one worth considering is the islamic faith, the rest have already been invaded and corrupted and are now half assed versions of themselves that are lax on hypergamy and female sexuality, they aren't strict with women. I don't like the islamic faith but if I was going to use a religion as a means to have access to a stable family structure, and have access to women and sex, I would become a muslim, its just the better more trustworthy deal.
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I never said they'd enforce it, in fact my point is that they won't enforce it, women will have all the perks of the left and all the perks of the right, I don't even want them to have the option to stay home and not work, because due to the changes in male and female SMV it'll be due to betabuxing a husband they barely if ever fuck, or being able to marry Chad out of their league.

Society's collapse will only be slow, if guys like you sit back and do nothing to push it along. I always hate when people say - "well this is how X is going to happen in society". Yeah no shit, you aren't doing anything to affect it, its a self fulfilling prophecy.

I imagine before the ThotAudit there were guys saying "e-whores are just going to keep doing this with no fear of repercussions". Now they are hiding and deleting their accounts. If we do nothing, then nothing happens.

Wrong, its too late for that, you can't just step in and magically undo decades of societal and legal changes. If they tried to make women stay home and not work they'd rebel, along with white knights, not only that but the modern economic structure only functions with a large work force, we've built global economies based on this structure, its too late to put women back in the house.

You also can't magically just change the collective unrealistic standards women have, its set in stone now.

If the right steps in now, it will only give women more protection and priviledges, they will have all the perks that the left created for them, and now all the perks that the right will give them.

Well as I stated here:

I don't necessarily think the thot audit serves any purpose long term except further progressing the animosity, distrust, and fear of sexuality between the genders by gender war attrition. I think it is justifiable in response to the shit women throw at us constantly.

But I agree with Jordan Peterson that humanity has thrived and survived when there is fundamental trust and cooperation between the genders, and that as that breaks down, it will only lead further to failure of the species.

I don't see better gender relationships, openness to sex and sexual advances of men, or a reduction of standards for women as realistic things to happen. I think it is inevitable that the genders will continue to fight over sex until everyone is so afraid to have sex, or the standards to do it are so high, that no one is, just like Japan.

I don't think it's a choice issue. I think it's a natural consequence of "progress" and having too much wealth and time on one's hand to fight for "justice" and "equality" which don't exist IRL. The fact that this is happening in parallel to all advanced nations suggests it is just part of becoming "socially advanced."
Too bad the current (((right))) is gigacucked and will do nothing for our cause.

My point exactly, the current right would not do what it takes, they are basically a "pseudo-right", so instead of bringing back the patriarchy, well just end up with a society that is worse for us, where women have both the powers of the left and the protection of the right.
I agree, i am in favor of any politcal ideology that doesn't give women rights
Involuntary celibacy will be a political talking point within the next 20 years, I guarantee it
The right worships women more, the left just gives women more privileges and rights.

If the right has their way, women will be at home all day doing nothing, getting pampered by their chad husbands (or beta providers)

If the left have their way women will have an extremely high SMV but will still have to slave away working like the rest of us, they won't do much heavy lifting jobs, but they'll still have to work.

In a world where women don't have to work, and they can only be a home maker, literally their only task all day is to go around looking for chads to fuck and potential beta providers to become husbands (or maybe they marry a chad).

If you actually think if the "modern right" take over its going to be better than the left you aren't considering all the factors. Women will still keep all the shit they have that the left has given them, so now they have all the privileges and now men are lining up to marry and pamper them, giving them work free lives, whether they are a virgin or whore who has sucked 20 different cocks.

At least with the left there is a trade off, also if the right was in power, less bad things would happen to them, because men on the right are more cautious and protective. Do you really want a bunch of 2nd amendment guys walking around when its time for you to "go ER".

There will be less chances to go ER
There will be less opportunities to rape a woman because she'll either be accompanied by a man at night, or has a concealed carry license and has a gun

Having the right fully take power at this point, this late in the game, is only to our detriment, the right is too late to reverse women's whoredom and restore teh natural balance, and a lot of men on the right these days are just tradcon cucks willing to bend over backwards for women, its too late, I say left the left hold on to the mantle, at least then women can suffer a bit.
The (actual)right also wants women to be married, wants no abortions, no divorces, no birth control, they simply want to restrict the foid's sexuality like we have always done while the left wants absolute sexual freedom for them.

But as you say it's probably too late to just reverse it all and restore order so it's probably best if the left were to win so that the collapse will come sooner.
Very high IQ thread. Not only that but the right isn't going to take away women's rights. Sure, they might put a hamper on third-wave feminism and maybe make things like abortion a bit more difficult, but foids will not be affected much and they definitely won't fuck incels. Any small inconvenience the right can cause to women do not outweigh the right's massive pussy-worshipping of women. The right would make laws FAR harsher than the left - imagine if a woman made a false rape allegation against you and you got sent to prison, under a left-wing government they would give you maybe a few years in prison, whilst right-wing cucks would put you in prison for life or execute you (especially since they always clamor for bringing the death penalty back).

Especially considering that this has happened before, how many men, especially black men, were lynched by right-wing cucks in the 19th and 20th centuries for supposedly raping white women. The right-wing is worse in virtually every way than the left, and I do hope they lose in every election in the West.

The (actual)right also wants women to be married, wants no abortions, no divorces, no birth control, they simply want to restrict the foid's sexuality like we have always done while the left wants absolute sexual freedom for them.

But as you say it's probably too late to just reverse it all and restore order so it's probably best if the left were to win so that the collapse will come sooner.

Who is the actual right? Trump? UKIP? FN? AfD? SD? None of these right-wing parties are in favor of restricting women's rights to that degree. None of them want to take away women's right to work, vote or slut around. Only the fringes of the far-right like bonafide white supremacists and Neo-Nazis are more in favor of such measures, and even then they are not very keen on them (since they pussy-worship white women).

The entire right-wing political spectrum in the West is uber-cucked, and would do considerably more harm than good for incels with their insistence on uplifting women as some holy paragons of virtue. And like you said, it's better for the left to win so that they can collapse society more quickly with their retarded policies.
Who is the actual right? Trump? UKIP? FN? AfD? SD? None of these right-wing parties are in favor of restricting women's rights to that degree. None of them want to take away women's right to work, vote or slut around. Only the fringes of the far-right like bonafide white supremacists and Neo-Nazis are more in favor of such measures, and even then they are not very keen on them (since they pussy-worship white women).

The entire right-wing political spectrum in the West is uber-cucked, and would do considerably more harm than good for incels with their insistence on uplifting women as some holy paragons of virtue. And like you said, it's better for the left to win so that they can collapse society more quickly with their retarded policies.
Traditionalism that is the actual right, none of those popular parties embraces traditionalism to that degree that they are right, they may propose certain traditional ideas but not so much that they are essentially right. So no there is probably zero chance to win anything in a political way, they are all conservatives that wants to preserve some traditions while discard others, leading to a completely unbalanced society that would be better off if all traditions were dead. All these institutions and doctrines depend on each other, for example you can't discard a woman's duty such as monogamous marriages and still expect men to do theirs like fighting for their country, these conservatives are blind and do not see the bigger picture.

I think the best way is to live egoistically and let the world die, there are no copes left.
Traditionalism that is the actual right, none of those popular parties embraces traditionalism to that degree that they are right, they may propose certain traditional ideas but not so much that they are essentially right. So no there is probably zero chance to win anything in a political way, they are all conservatives that wants to preserve some traditions while discard others, leading to a completely unbalanced society that would be better off if all traditions were dead. All these institutions and doctrines depend on each other, for example you can't discard a woman's duty such as monogamous marriages and still expect men to do theirs like fighting for their country, these conservatives are blind and do not see the bigger picture.

I think the best way is to live egoistically and let the world die, there are no copes left.

Precisely. The last time we had traditionalism, true traditionalism and actual patriarchy, was over 200 years ago. The fact that women now have the right to vote means no political party will dare to suggest the removal of women's rights. Thus, the only solution for incels is to hope Western civilization collapses.

The policies of the right-wing would slow down and ultimately prevent a societal collapse, while the left-wing's policies would accelerate and ultimately cause a societal collapse. Hence, I agree with BlkPillPres that the left-wing should win over the right as much as is possible, especially when considering that the right would do very little or nothing to reverse women's rights anyway. And like you and BlkPillPres said, the right would probably cause a fucked up situation where women keep all of their perks gained from feminism while men get all the burdens of a traditional civilization (betabuxxing for whores, dying in wars for women, keeping foids safe, etc).
The current left is against free speech. If they ever got into power, they would make hate speech an actual crime that people could be arrested for. I don't see how having them in power benefits anyone.

Well don't say anything, do. Play the game, the left is strong in word, policing peoples thoughts, but they are weak in actions. This is why ER's are even possible, shit like that is only possible in a political climate where the left is in control, if the right is in control, they'd still police our speech, maybe not criminalize, but they'd make laws to invade our privacy and put us on a registry, and worse yet they'd police our actions, no ER's would be able to take place with a bunch of gun toting white knights walking around.

I much rather someone trying to police my thoughts, than someone trying to police my actions, I can always pretend to think a certain way, but I'd prefer to still be able to act as I want in my personal life.
You're way off here OP. The left is so much worse than the right when it comes to the most important issues incels are facing.

In a world where women don't have to work, and they can only be a home maker, literally their only task all day is to go around looking for chads to fuck and potential beta providers to become husbands (or maybe they marry a chad).

A sufficiently right-wing, anarcho-capitalist society naturally prevents this though by disincentivizing women from being slutty. Consider the following:

1. There's no welfare state for foids to fall back on should they cheat on their husbands and get thrown out of the house.
2. There's no public healthcare (aka Foidcare) that subsidizes foids' birth control, abortions, and STD treatments
3. There's a competitive job market that doesn't have hiring quotas and so women can't compete with men in the workplace, and are thus dependent on men (often ugly ones) to provide for them.

Note that all 3 of these also make it less appealing for Chad to "pump and dump" since he might find himself--rather than the government--having to provide for the offspring. Chads would hate this, and incels would love it of course.
The current left is against free speech. If they ever got into power, they would make hate speech an actual crime that people could be arrested for. I don't see how having them in power benefits anyone.

Aside from libertarians, both the left and right are in favor of expanded government and policing behavior online (whether by hate speech legislation or other legal means). The difference is that the right usually favors harsher punishments and more stringent enforcement of the law than the left, which means the consequences of being prosecuted for hate speech would be greater under right-wingers than left-wingers.

The only real difference is that right-wingers would probably not care as much about hate speech against homosexuals, feminists or ethnic minorities, while left-wingers would prioritize these groups. However, I find it unlikely the right would tolerate hate speech against women in general which incel sites focus on (rather than merely criticizing third-wave feminism as most right-wing groups do), so they would probably wish to crack-down on incels as well.

The skepticism of the right is quite widespread in the manosphere, even Roosh V and redpillers often distance themselves from right-wingers and conservatives, and I think a huge deal has to do with the fact that the right would be a lot harsher in terms of legal punishments.
Aside from libertarians, both the left and right are in favor of expanded government and policing behavior online (whether by hate speech legislation or other legal means). The difference is that the right usually favors harsher punishments and more stringent enforcement of the law than the left, which means the consequences of being prosecuted for hate speech would be greater under right-wingers than left-wingers.

The only real difference is that right-wingers would probably not care as much about hate speech against homosexuals, feminists or ethnic minorities, while left-wingers would prioritize these groups. However, I find it unlikely the right would tolerate hate speech against women in general which incel sites focus on (rather than merely criticizing third-wave feminism as most right-wing groups do), so they would probably wish to crack-down on incels as well.

The skepticism of the right is quite widespread in the manosphere, even Roosh V and redpillers often distance themselves from right-wingers and conservatives, and I think a huge deal has to do with the fact that the right would be a lot harsher in terms of legal punishments.

It sounds like you're mistaking "Centrist-left" and "Centrist-right" for the Left and the Right.

Anarcho-capitalists are the far right. To describe the right as anything other than libertarians such as Rand Paul, Larry Sharpe, etc. else is effectively strawmanning, since it would be like calling the left "Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, etc." when, in actuality, the left is socialists like Bernie Sanders Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, etc.
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You're way off here OP. The left is so much worse than the right when it comes to the most important issues incels are facing.

A sufficiently right-wing, anarcho-capitalist society naturally prevents this though by disincentivizing women from being slutty. Consider the following:

1. There's no welfare state for foids to fall back on should they cheat on their husbands and get thrown out of the house.
2. There's no public healthcare (aka Foidcare) that subsidizes foids' birth control, abortions, and STD treatments
3. There's a competitive job market that doesn't have hiring quotas and so women can't compete with men in the workplace, and are thus dependent on men (often ugly ones) to provide for them.

Note that all 3 of these also make it less appealing for Chad to "pump and dump" since he might find himself--rather than the government--having to provide for the offspring. Chads would hate this, and incels would love it of course.

I can't see how the reduction of the welfare state would hurt foids in a significant way, since they have a legion of betabuxxers and cucks who are willing to donate money to them. If anything, incels would be the greatest hurt by the loss of welfare, because no one other than our parents (if even that) would be interested in helping us out, especially since so many incels have mental illnesses or other problems which makes it difficult for them to work.

As for the job market, although in America it is different, in many European countries there are no hiring quotas and women still dominate in the workforce, because women have already wormed their way into being over 90% of HR jobs and thus are usually the ones who control who gets employed. Not only that, but the majority of companies are run by cucks who will keep hiring women.

The only people who would really win out by the removal of welfare would be rich men (including rich Chads). Foids would just flock to fucking rich men even more so than they already are doing if social welfare and public healthcare were removed. Incels, who are so often on the bottom of society, would lose out big-time.

It sounds like you're mistaking "Centrist-left" and "Centrist-right" for the Left and the Right.

Anarcho-capitalists are the far right. To describe the right as anything other than libertarians such as Rand Paul, Larry Sharpe, etc. else is effectively strawmanning, since it would be like calling the left "Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, etc." when, in actuality, the left is socialists like Bernie Sanders Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, etc.

Fair enough but the vast majority of the self-described right are either centre-right wingers or middle-of-the-way right-wingers. Anarcho-capitalists are extremely rare. Even the policies of more solidly right-wing figures such as Trump are very far from anarcho-capitalist, or even libertarians.
The left allow women not to work, as the idealistic left representative would use women's freedoms as a major selling point of their party. The left supports us working, and leaving the women to be able to do whatever they want and still have an income because that's the basis of the left wing: people freeload the system.
You're way off here OP. The left is so much worse than the right when it comes to the most important issues incels are facing.

A sufficiently right-wing, anarcho-capitalist society naturally prevents this though by disincentivizing women from being slutty. Consider the following:

1. There's no welfare state for foids to fall back on should they cheat on their husbands and get thrown out of the house.
2. There's no public healthcare (aka Foidcare) that subsidizes foids' birth control, abortions, and STD treatments
3. There's a competitive job market that doesn't have hiring quotas and so women can't compete with men in the workplace, and are thus dependent on men (often ugly ones) to provide for them.

Note that all 3 of these also make it less appealing for Chad to "pump and dump" since he might find himself--rather than the government--having to provide for the offspring. Chads would hate this, and incels would love it of course.

I keep seeing people making arguments that I have addressed and even other users have addressed in my place too, like lessthanhuman said:

Very high IQ thread. Not only that but the right isn't going to take away women's rights. Sure, they might put a hamper on third-wave feminism and maybe make things like abortion a bit more difficult, but foids will not be affected much and they definitely won't fuck incels. Any small inconvenience the right can cause to women do not outweigh the right's massive pussy-worshipping of women. The right would make laws FAR harsher than the left - imagine if a woman made a false rape allegation against you and you got sent to prison, under a left-wing government they would give you maybe a few years in prison, whilst right-wing cucks would put you in prison for life or execute you (especially since they always clamor for bringing the death penalty back).

Especially considering that this has happened before, how many men, especially black men, were lynched by right-wing cucks in the 19th and 20th centuries for supposedly raping white women. The right-wing is worse in virtually every way than the left, and I do hope they lose in every election in the West.

Who is the actual right? Trump? UKIP? FN? AfD? SD? None of these right-wing parties are in favor of restricting women's rights to that degree. None of them want to take away women's right to work, vote or slut around. Only the fringes of the far-right like bonafide white supremacists and Neo-Nazis are more in favor of such measures, and even then they are not very keen on them (since they pussy-worship white women).

The entire right-wing political spectrum in the West is uber-cucked, and would do considerably more harm than good for incels with their insistence on uplifting women as some holy paragons of virtue. And like you said, it's better for the left to win so that they can collapse society more quickly with their retarded policies.

And like you and BlkPillPres said, the right would probably cause a fucked up situation where women keep all of their perks gained from feminism while men get all the burdens of a traditional civilization (betabuxxing for whores, dying in wars for women, keeping foids safe, etc).

You keep repeating stuff that has already been "debunked", you say a "A sufficiently right-wing, anarcho-capitalist society", alright i'll agree with you, just to show you how pointless this argument is.

Give me specifics of how you get such a society to come into being based on the current social and cultural climate

Voting? - women can currently legally vote, so if you allow people to vote on women being able to vote, guess what happens JFL.

Please, give us some specifics, enough with the BS "well theoretically X system would work", yeah were all aware of that, you are leaving out the most important part, IS IT FEASIBLY POSSIBLE TO BRING SUCH A SYSTEM INTO EXISTENCE?.

THE ANSWER IS NO, there is nothing you can do to create that system, it will be opposed in every manner, if you resort to physical force the nation will treat it as a "coup", other nations will become involved to "defend the rights of women", you can't fight the entire world, and its the entire world that's cucked.

Bringing the right into power "this late in the game" will only be to WOMEN'S BENEFIT, were decades too late for that shit.

The left allow women not to work

JFL are you serious, feminsim literally tries to shame stay at home mothers, the pushes women to work to the point that shit like this happens - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ork-out/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.9b0dabd77be3
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I can't see how the reduction of the welfare state would hurt foids in a significant way, since they have a legion of betabuxxers and cucks who are willing to donate money to them. If anything, incels would be the greatest hurt by the loss of welfare, because no one other than our parents (if even that) would be interested in helping us out, especially since so many incels have mental illnesses or other problems which makes it difficult for them to work.

The true cucks will always exist of course, but keep in mind that, right now, foids are cheating on their ugly non-cuck betabuxxers with absolutely no repercussions whatsoever; in other words, right now every single betabuxxer is doomed to cuckoldry even if he would prefer his woman didn't cheat. This is because the foids know they can fall back on the welfare state, public healthcare, government-enforced divorce laws, etc.

As for the job market, although in America it is different, in many European countries there are no hiring quotas and women still dominate in the workforce, because women have already wormed their way into being over 90% of HR jobs and thus are usually the ones who control who gets employed. Not only that, but the majority of companies are run by cucks who will keep hiring women.

This bloated, female-dominated HR department epidemic is a direct result of too much government-intervention; HR departments don't need to be cost-effective right now since there's an overall lack of competition throughout the entire economy (too many regulations, too many taxes, etc.). Get government out of the picture, and companies that must remain competitive won't be able to afford hiring women even if the cucks doing the hiring want them to.

The reason cucks seem to have so much power right now is because the government is one huge enabler and subsidizer of cuckoldry. Gut it, and the cucks become virtually powerless.

The only people who would really win out by the removal of welfare would be rich men (including rich Chads). Foids would just flock to fucking rich men even more so than they already are doing if social welfare and public healthcare were removed. Incels, who are so often on the bottom of society, would lose out big-time.

Chads are perhaps even bigger losers than foids if welfare is removed. Chads depend on welfare, public healthcare, public education, etc. to pay for their and their baby mommas' offspring. If foids are forced to face the possibility of homelessness, the allure of being pumped and dumped by Chad becomes a lot less potent.

Incels never used to be at the bottom of society. The reason they are now is not because they're stupid or incapable of working, but because the government is so entrenched in our economy such that most of the "jobs" are being given to foids and cucks through sheer force rather than by merit. Gut all the cucked public programs and elminate government as much as possible and suddenly you'd find that it's the foids and cucks at the bottom of society.
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The true cucks will always exist of course, but keep in mind that foids are cheating on their ugly non-cuck betabuxxers with absolutely no repercussions whatsoever; in other words, right now every single betabuxxer is doomed to cuckoldry even if he would prefer his woman didn't cheat. This is because the foids know they can fall back on the welfare state, public healthcare, government-enforced divorce laws, etc.

The issue I find is that there are too many thirsty men who would be willing to betabuxx used up foids even in the worst of situations. The betabuxx cucked man is the last line of defence for women. Even with all legal and government support for foids removed, they will still have a legion of other thirsty men to swing to if they ever get tired of their husband. Divorce-rape would end (although this would need laws specifically biased in favor of men - even if you had no alimony, no child support and assets were split 50/50, it would still benefit the woman), but the core problem of women being sluts would remain.

Previous civilizations were in this conundrum before. I don't think anything short of having laws executing women for adultery or premarital sex will work to stop them from being whores, since this is what every past civilization had to resort to. Especially today in a time of economical prosperity and plenty, it's difficult to conceive that economical pressure would be enough to make women relent on being whores.

Remember that women risk being abused, living in terrible squalid conditions, and being murdered all so that they can have a chance of fucking a Chad. They'll continue with this behavior, and they will only stop being whores if laws executing them for being whores are passed (which there is no chance of in the current political atmosphere). Economical pressure may help, but not by much I feel, and would benefit rich men considerably more than incels.

This bloated, female-dominated HR department epidemic is a direct result of too much government-intervention; HR departments don't need to be cost-effective right now since there's an overall lack of competition throughout the entire economy (too many regulations, too many taxes, etc.). Get government out of the picture, and companies that must remain competitive won't be able to afford hiring women even if the cucks doing the hiring want them to.

The reason cucks seem to have so much power right now is because the government is one huge enabler and subsidizer of cuckoldry. Gut it, and the cucks become virtually powerless.

I completely agree with you on this point, if government support for feminist and cucked companies were removed then we would know they would be crippled, because women are inferior in every way to men especially in the workforce. That depends on anarcho-capitalists being elected to power though, and their level of support even in the right is very low so I don't think it's plausible for them to win.

Chads are perhaps even bigger losers than foids if welfare is removed. Chads depend on welfare, public healthcare, public education, etc. to pay for their and their baby mommas' offspring. If foids are forced to face the possibility of homelessness, the allure of being pumped and dumped by Chad becomes a lot less potent.

Incels never used to be at the bottom of society. The reason they are now is not because they're stupid or incapable of working, but because the government is so entrenched in our economy such that most of the "jobs" are being given to foids and cucks through sheer force rather than by merit. Gut all the cucked public programs and elminate government as much as possible and suddenly you'd find that it's the foids and cucks at the bottom of society.

There are a lot of wealthy Chads, and as a rule of thumb, attractive, taller people do better than shorter, uglier people because companies are more likely to hire them (halo effect). I do agree low-class Chads and criminal Chads will suffer greatly without government assistance, but the rich Chads would simply gain an even bigger advantage (than they already have), and many Chads ascend to being rich by the virtue of being good-looking.
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I keep seeing people making arguments that I have addressed and even other users have addressed in my place too, like lessthanhuman said:

You keep repeating stuff that has already been "debunked", you say a "A sufficiently right-wing, anarcho-capitalist society", alright i'll agree with you, just to show you how pointless this argument is.

Give me specifics of how you get such a society to come into being based on the current social and cultural climate

Arguing about "how system x or y can come into existence" is very different than arguing whether system x or y would work." You seem to think I'm making a prediction that anarcho-capitalism will come to fruition. I'm not doing that though; I believe a socialist takeover is underway in the U.S. and the rest of the West and that everything is going to shit and that mass starvation will occur, as this is what always happens when socialists take over.

I'm merely saying that what would be best for incels and society as a whole would be anarcho-capitalism.

Voting? - women can currently legally vote, so if you allow people to vote on women being able to vote, guess what happens JFL.

Please, give us some specifics, enough with the BS "well theoretically X system would work", yeah were all aware of that, you are leaving out the most important part, IS IT FEASIBLY POSSIBLE TO BRING SUCH A SYSTEM INTO EXISTENCE?.

Of course it's possible, but again that's irrelevant. Your OP wasn't about predicting the future, it was about whether right-wing or left-wing political systems are better or worse for incels.

THE ANSWER IS NO, there is nothing you can do to create that system, it will be opposed in every manner, if you resort to physical force the nation will treat it as a "coup", other nations will become involved to "defend the rights of women", you can't fight the entire world, and its the entire world that's cucked.

Bringing the right into power "this late in the game" will only be to WOMEN'S BENEFIT, were decades too late for that shit.

I disagree. The far-right has much better principles than the far-left across the board.

JFL are you serious, feminsim literally tries to shame stay at home mothers, the pushes women to work to the point that shit like this happens - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ork-out/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.9b0dabd77be3

You're paying too much attention to narratives rather than the actual actions and intentions of the left and the right. The far left worships women and hates men. The far right is not like that. It's simple, really.

The issue I find is that there are too many thirsty men who would be willing to betabuxx used up foids even in the worst of situations. The betabuxx cucked man is the last line of defence for women. Even with all legal and government support for foids removed, they will still have a legion of other thirsty men to swing to if they ever get tired of their husband. Divorce-rape may go down, but the problem would remain.

Previous civilizations were in this conundrum before. I don't think anything short of having laws executing women for adultery or premarital sex will work to stop them from being whores, since this is what every past civilization had to resort to. Especially today in a time of economical prosperity and plenty, it's difficult to conceive that economical pressure would be enough to make women relent on being whores.

Remember that women risk being abused, living in terrible squalid conditions, and being murdered all so that they can have a chance of fucking a Chad. They'll continue with this behavior, and they will only stop being whores if laws executing them for being whores are passed (which there is no chance of in the current political atmosphere). Economical pressure may help, but not by much I feel, and would benefit rich men considerably more than incels.

The goal isn't to change the nature of women; that's of course impossible without some distant future technology. The goal is to incentivize women to behave better. Economic pressure is by far the best means of doing that. More laws are not the answer, as the enforcement of laws requires bigger government, and bigger government always leads to more cucks and foids joining said government, and more cucks and foids in charge always leads to laws eventually changing in favor of cucks and women, such as what we see now.

The only way to change this vicious cycle is to gut and remove all government and accept that things will never be perfect, but they'll be as good as they can be. Foids will always be sluts. That's a given.

I completely agree with you on this point, if government support for feminist and cucked companies were removed then we would know they would be crippled, because women are inferior in every way to men especially in the workforce.. That depends on anarcho-capitalists coming to power though, and their numbers are very few so I don't think it's plausible for them to win.

I don't think it's plausible either, since we're seeing more and more socialists in power. The West has chosen the road to full-blown socialism and it will suffer the catastrophic consequences that come with that choice.

There are a lot of wealthy Chads, and as a rule of thumb, attractive, taller people do better than shorter, uglier people because companies are more likely to hire them (halo effect).

Most of this effect (and perhaps all of it when it comes strictly to hiring for a job that requires skill in a competitive economy) is due to what I mentioned earlier: female and cuck-dominated HR departments and management hierarchies. Trace back the causes though and you'll find that it always comes from bigger government, since bigger government systematically eliminates merit-based competition and replaces it with looks-based competition.

I can't emphasize enough that in a sufficiently competitive (mostly or completely governmentless) economic environment, people can't afford to hire based on looks; raw production matters too much.

I do agree low-class Chads and criminal Chads will suffer greatly without government assistance, but the rich Chads would simply gain an even bigger advantage (than they already have), and many Chads ascend to being rich by the virtue of being good-looking.

Only in professions that directly reward looks do Chads ascend to being rich by virtue of being good-looking. Chads always have the opportunity to make good money by going into acting, modeling, sales, etc. but they will never be able to compete with ugly people that are smarter than them at jobs in which looks don't help (things that require higher levels of intellectual rigor and little to no emotional manipulation). At least not in an economy that the government hasn't sufficiently intervened in and thus warped in favor of lookism.

Sadly, in our fucked up economy, Chads are getting jobs that require math, intellect, etc. because the government has turned into the nightmare that capitalists have long feared: HR departments and our public institutions are so exremely foid-heavy that they'll prioritize looks over literally everything, since the costs of such poor business decisions are so socialized that they're basically paid in full by us incels in the form of heavy taxes. Competition and merit are being completely replaced by corruption, politics, and lookism.
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The goal isn't to change the nature of women; that's of course impossible without some distant future technology. The goal is to incentivize women to behave better. Economic pressure is by far the best means of doing that. More laws are not the answer, as the enforcement of laws requires bigger government, and bigger government always leads to more cucks and foids joining said government, and more cucks and foids in charge always leads to laws eventually changing in favor of cucks and women, such as what we see now.

The only way to change this vicious cycle is to gut and remove all government and accept that things will never be perfect, but they'll be as good as they can be. Foids will always be sluts. That's a given.
We don't need to change the nature of women. We just need to take inspiration from every past civilization that has existed. We should want a return of patriarchy, where women have no right to work, vote or be educated. And where women having premarital sex or adultery results in the death penalty for them. This has worked throughout history.

I do agree though that anarcho-capitalism is infinitely preferable to the current way of things, but patriarchy would be the best solution to our problems as it has been throughout history. Alternatively, patriarchy could be combined with anarcho-capitalism, most ancient systems had an element of anarcho-capitalism. There was no safety net for women cast out in the street, she would be reduced to a starving beggar, although this was in a time when material prosperity was far less than today.

Most of this effect (and perhaps all of it when it comes strictly to hiring for a job that requires skill in a competitive economy) is due to what I mentioned earlier: female and cuck-dominated HR departments and management hierarchies. Trace back the causes though and you'll find that it always comes from bigger government, since bigger government eliminates merit-based competition and replaces it with looks-based competition.

I can't emphasize enough that in a sufficiently competitive environment, people can't afford to hire based on looks; raw production matters too much.

Only in professions that directly reward looks do Chads ascend to being rich by virtue of being good-looking. Chads always have the opportunity to make good money by going into acting, modeling, sales, etc. but they will never be able to compete with ugly people that are smarter than them at jobs in which looks don't help (things that require higher levels of intellectual rigor). At least not in an economy that the government hasn't sufficiently intervened in and thus warped in favor of lookism.

Sadly, in our fucked up economy, Chads are getting jobs that require math, intellect, etc. because the government has turned into the nightmare that capitalists have long feared: HR departments and our public institutions are so exremely foid-heavy that they'll prioritize looks over literally everything. Ccompetition and merit are being completely replaced by corruption, politics, and lookism.

The number of jobs where looks are important (e.g CEO, or salesman, or manager, or any people skills job) will always be bigger than the number of Chads (who are probably about 5% of the male population, 20% with Chadlites). I think every Chad could get a fairly well-paying job if they had no other options. The reason why Chads get into crime and act like lowlives is because they see an easy shortcut to getting rich and boosting their street cred, but via normal employment they can still be well-off without being rich. So I don't think any Chads would really struggle badly under anarcho-capitalism unless they are drug-addicted/have mental illnesses, but I do agree that there would be more incels overtaking Chads and leaving them in the dust, which would be good.

On all the other points, I fully agree. Women in particular would lose hard in an unrestrained work force. But I have to wonder if these things will benefit incels, or if they will just benefit wealthy men instead. Regardless, I still think the best way at forcing women to fuck us and locking them down is through patriarchy, because we have done it this way throughout history until the last century or so. But, like I said before, I do agree anarcho-capitalism is preferable to the current state of things.

Keep in mind when I criticize the right, and when most people criticize the right, we usually aren't thinking of libertarians or anarcho-capitalists, but of tradcucks, cuckservatives and other such people, who are usually in favor of bigger government and also women's rights. These people also, unfortunately, constitute the vast majority of the right.
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