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SuicideFuel Having friends is the number 1 step to escaping inceldom.



Dec 9, 2017
A social circle is vital to meeting females and establishing a connection with them.
To meet women you need to have an existing social circle, most normies establish their social circle in their childhood/teen years where they make friends in situations that they are forced to participate in(school, extra curricular activities, clubs etc.) This is why it is increasingly difficult to make friends as you age as people aren't forced to do anything, and making friends at work usually doesn't extend to being anything more than acquaintances outside of work. Normies meet "new people" through expanding their existing social circle, they rarely (if ever) meet new people on their own.

This leaves incels in a catch-22 situation, unable to make new friends due to their lack of friends.

INB4 "muh tinder" The tinder/online dating game only works for 8+ males, with most normie men getting gfs from their social circle.
the best way to make friends is to have freinds in the first place. but when you are ugly and getting bullied no one wants to have anything to do with you. when you get bullied you will also develop social anxiety. boom incel.
the best way to make friends is to have freinds in the first place. but when you are ugly and getting bullied no one wants to have anything to do with you. when you get bullied you will also develop social anxiety. boom incel.
Wrong. The first step towards escaping inceldom is moneymaxxing for plastic surgeries.
No. The first thing is be good looking.
I would agree with you but knowing you are a fakecel prettyboy I won't.
You're a pathetic beta male.
I’m at college rn and it’s my first day. I hope I can meet some kind folk.

So far this obviously feminist girl purposely walked right in front of where I was walking expecting me to get out of the way. I stood there as a rock and she moved out of my way. Dumb bitch I have no hope to make any friends considering that I’m such a targeted manlet.
A social circle is vital to meeting females and establishing a connection with them.
To meet women you need to have an existing social circle, most normies establish their social circle in their childhood/teen years where they make friends in situations that they are forced to participate in(school, extra curricular activities, clubs etc.) This is why it is increasingly difficult to make friends as you age as people aren't forced to do anything, and making friends at work usually doesn't extend to being anything more than acquaintances outside of work. Normies meet "new people" through expanding their existing social circle, they rarely (if ever) meet new people on their own.

This leaves incels in a catch-22 situation, unable to make new friends due to their lack of friends.

INB4 "muh tinder" The tinder/online dating game only works for 8+ males, with most normie men getting gfs from their social circle.

High IQ thread.
Wrong. The first step towards escaping inceldom is moneymaxxing for plastic surgeries.

This too.
not in 2018
the best way to make friends is to have freinds in the first place. but when you are ugly and getting bullied no one wants to have anything to do with you. when you get bullied you will also develop social anxiety. boom incel.

No. The first thing is be good looking.
Online dating is slowly taking over m8
Sounds great, doesn't work.

And I'm not even talking about people whose irl social circle is only made of fellow incels.
I have some collegemates and I wish I never got cloose to them. Things in my friend circle is so fucked now because they dragged in some femoids who I fucking despise. Its hard and im forced to be around them to avoid awkwardness. Theyre college exclusive people we dont do shit anything outside of school.
Wrong. The first step towards escaping inceldom is moneymaxxing for plastic surgeries.
If this guy can get laid running the social circle game, so can you.
you need freinds to make more friends
the best way to make friends is to have freinds in the first place. but when you are ugly and getting bullied no one wants to have anything to do with you. when you get bullied you will also develop social anxiety. boom incel.
the best way to make friends is to have freinds in the first place. but when you are ugly and getting bullied no one wants to have anything to do with you. when you get bullied you will also develop social anxiety. boom incel.
i can make male friends easily

i just choose not to because they are all cucks who will betray me in the sight of pussy or money
i can make male friends easily

i just choose not to because they are all cucks who will betray me in the sight of pussy or money
I mean, it's always worth a shot, you've tried cold approaching to no avail, but have you tried to run the social circle game with a large social circle that has a lot of women in it?
A guy in the looksmax discord that bragged about getting laid with a 6/10.
He also posted a video of a female kissing him and a picture of him laying his head on the legs of some female (surprisingly, she wasn't repulsed by him)
A guy in the looksmax discord that bragged about getting laid with a 6/10.
He also posted a video of a female kissing him and a picture of him laying his head on the legs of some female (surprisingly, she wasn't repulsed by him)

is it confirmed that he got laid?
Go fuck yourself, @VST , you utter dipshit! Thousands of incels have active social lives but CANNOT GET LAID BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING UGLY! ONE ANECDOTE DOES NOT PROVE SHIT!!!

average to ugly guys gets gfs from having social circles and friends.

its the way it is. "all sub-8 men are incel" is cope for the biggest loser pissing contest.

being average/below average is only a death sentence if you're 1.)butt fucking ugly, 2.) a mentalcel/weirdo.

"looks are everything" is cope. "chad can rape girls and get away with it" is cope
average to ugly guys gets gfs from having social circles and friends.

its the way it is. "all sub-8 men are incel" is cope for the biggest loser pissing contest.

being average/below average is only a death sentence if you're 1.)butt fucking ugly, 2.) a mentalcel/weirdo.

"looks are everything" is cope. "chad can rape girls and get away with it" is cope

you need to be mentalcel AND below average to be incel. autist chad will get foid attention.
This. SOcial circles are a must in 2018. If you don't have one, you will die alone. JFL at incels denying this. Even if you ascended to a 5 or 6 when you are 25, without an established social life, you are as screwed as a truecel
You only need this if you are subhuman. If you have decent looks you dont need a social circle. And if you are introverted trying to change your personality might be harder than changing your looks.
You only need this if you are subhuman. If you have decent looks you dont need a social circle. And if you are introverted trying to change your personality might be harder than changing your looks.

introversion and social anxiety usually follow bullying or other forms of abuse during childhood. forget about ever getting rid of it.
Just have friends theory.
the best way to make friends is to have freinds in the first place. but when you are ugly and getting bullied no one wants to have anything to do with you. when you get bullied you will also develop social anxiety. boom incel.
No. The first thing is be good looking.
This. Nobody wants to be friends with ugly people unless they can take advantage of you in some way, in which case they aren’t really friends.
One dude here made a thread exposing him by posting his photo and he didn't deny the authenticity of the photo.
Is there somewhere I can see the photo?
Few things

1. If you're the ugliest in your group of friends females are going to despise you and feel sorry for you bc of your subhuman genes. You won't get anything lol. It's about having social circle AND staying near the top of the guys looks-wise

2. If you are ugly you probably got rejected by groups of popular boys already and they probably don't even care about you

3. If your friends are uglier than you and you're already very ugly, you and your friends probably don't go out and socialize because females just see you as the failure group and they don't want anything to do with you.

4. social circles mean shit when u're a 5'5 balding 20 y.o. with or with them no one will like you and anyone will mog you.
the best way to make friends is to have freinds in the first place. but when you are ugly and getting bullied no one wants to have anything to do with you. when you get bullied you will also develop social anxiety. boom incel.
I agree with you to some extent. Online dating is impossible for the bottom 80 % of men. And most couples do meet each other via mutual friends. Most men out on the street managed to get their girl friends using social circle game, sure.


There is a reason you're friendless. It could be the way you look. And "friends" can also be shitty people who cock block you. Happens a lot.
average to ugly guys gets gfs from having social circles and friends.

its the way it is. "all sub-8 men are incel" is cope for the biggest loser pissing contest.

being average/below average is only a death sentence if you're 1.)butt fucking ugly, 2.) a mentalcel/weirdo.

"looks are everything" is cope. "chad can rape girls and get away with it" is cope
high IQ avi

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