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Have you guys ever been inlove?



Feb 21, 2018
I have. I fell inlove with this older chick i met online and she just stopped responding. Took about a year and a half of pain to get over her lol.
Yeah. I could not stop thinking about a girl in my class in high school, was really unhealthy because i even lost my appetite. I had to ask her out and get rejected because that was the only way i could go back to normal, and i did.
Never had romantic feelings for anyone, no.
I've never believed in 'true love' in the hopeless romantic blue pilled sense but yes I've had a few oneitises I deeply lusted for.
I had a oneitis back when I was in college. Never did anything to try and get her. Haven't seen her in 16 months and I still think about her from time to time. I know that's cucked to shit but what can you do?
Yeah. I could not stop thinking about a girl in my class in high school, was really unhealthy because i even lost my appetite. I had to ask her out and get rejected because that was the only way i could go back to normal, and i did.
atleast you got some sort of closure. this bitch just left me after telling me she'd always be there for me and that she cares about me. It's just funny to me now. She probably has issues i wasnt aware of at that time.:feelsbadman:
I had a oneitis back when I was in college. Never did anything to try and get her. Haven't seen her in 16 months and I still think about her from time to time. I know that's cucked to shit but what can you do?
But did you love her?
Never loved?
Love doesn't exist, it's a sugarcoating around lust. When you say "I want sex with that girl" you sound bad but when you say "I really love her" normies somehow believe that's a more noble idea even though the desired outcome is identical.
Love doesn't exist, it's a sugarcoating around lust. When you say "I want sex with that girl" you sound bad but when you say "I really love her" normies somehow believe that's a more noble idea even though the desired outcome is identical.
I believe that love isn't the same as sex. Obviously you want to have sex with that person, but loving them is something else.. something "special". It's not like lust.
But did you love her?
Hard to say. Never felt anything like that other than that. There was definitely lust: I wanted to fuck the shit out of her.
Yeah. I could not stop thinking about a girl in my class in high school, was really unhealthy because i even lost my appetite. I had to ask her out and get rejected because that was the only way i could go back to normal, and i did.
Damn... Afkomst?
I believe that love isn't the same as sex. Obviously you want to have sex with that person, but loving them is something else.. something "special". It's not like lust.
I believe that love isn't the same as sex. Obviously you want to have sex with that person, but loving them is something else.. something "special". It's not like lust.
Aaaand more blue pill. I suspect a cucktears infiltrator.
Before the blackpill, yes.

Then when I realised that the type of girl I want to cherish is extremely rare, it hasn’t happened since. Femoids are so easy to predict, you can walk in a room and just know which guys the femoids are going to orbit.

I just expect the worse from girls now and every seemingly kind action they do towards me I can find an alterior motive for.

I’ve yet to be proven wrong with the blackpill. I really hope that some girl surprises me one day but that’s just a cope of the highest magnitude
aren't you like.. really attractive?
I'm in love every single year. And every single year my feelings are getting crushed by rejection. Do not recommend.
Van het meisje is Nederlands, ik ben Marokkaans.
Ouch. Je weet toch wel dat een Nederlands meisje niet met een Marokkaan thuis kan komen, tenzij ze haar ouders wilt treiteren? Serieus, ik zat op een school waar bijna alleen maar Nederlanders op zaten, en hun ouders waren gewoon racistisch. Dus ligt ook deels aan hun ouders.
Ouch. Je weet toch wel dat een Nederlands meisje niet met een Marokkaan thuis kan komen, tenzij ze haar ouders wilt treiteren? Serieus, ik zat op een school waar bijna alleen maar Nederlanders op zaten, en hun ouders waren gewoon racistisch. Dus ligt ook deels aan hun ouders.
De grap is dat zij niet eens racistisch was. Ze was duidelijk geïnteresseerd in een vriend van me die ook een arabier is, maar hij had al een vriendin. En ja ik ben gewoon lelijk helaas.
I had a oneitis back when I was in college. Never did anything to try and get her. Haven't seen her in 16 months and I still think about her from time to time. I know that's cucked to shit but what can you do?
Facebook bro

time to tell her how you feel/felt
I had a oneitis back when I was in college. Never did anything to try and get her. Haven't seen her in 16 months and I still think about her from time to time. I know that's cucked to shit but what can you do?
But did you love her?

you're either a faggot a fem incognito to ask shit like this
No, I always knew there was no chance for me
I had a oneitis, useless to say she fucked a tall low inihibit Chad who was in our circle.
Needless to say the girl was also in a four year relationship before meeting this Chad.
Now they are a couple.
I deactivated fb because everytime I logged, I see them and everytime I was closer to tie a nice knot around my subhuman neck.
The bitch who I was in love with got me sent to prison
I have. I fell inlove with this older chick i met online and she just stopped responding. Took about a year and a half of pain to get over her lol.

I only consider something to be "love" if those feelings are reciprocated, otherwise it's just having a crush on someone.
I once had a crush on a girl that was so bad it led me to me having to skip school for two weeks to take part in outpatient care in my freshman year of high school. And this was in spite of this chick having some major red flags (she told me on Facebook that she wasn't in class lately because she cut herself and attempted suicide, on top of being a smoker and having a boyfriend). And then I had some violent rants on Facebook that pissed her and her friends off after she said no when I asked her out after she broke up with her bf (who was not a Chad but some normie Latino kid). And had a status that resulted in over 100 replies in drama. Oh and outpatient therapy sucked: every one hated me because they thought my problems weren't shit compared to their shit like drug addiction or whatever. Had a big dude threaten to beat me up and had some other degenerates mock me in group therapy resulting in a shouting match. Was glad to leave. So glad.

I had a crush on this girl after having a dream about her that we were in a relationship. I only liked her because she was part of my social group (of which I never hung out with outside of school) of unpopular kids, was cute, and because we danced at homecoming (of which I didn't have a date but I did dance with a few girls). She was a cute little emo girl. Apparently I was kissed on the cheek by her according to my mom because she thought I told her that, but I have zero recollection. I still cringe when I look back on it.

I've since apologized and we're cool now, but I felt embarrassed every time I saw her after that. Even her saying hi would make me cringe.

I have since had a few minor crushes from another girl that was a sister of a former close friend of mine plus some girls at work that I liked talking to. But I don't really get crushes anymore.
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Aaaand more blue pill. I suspect a cucktears infiltrator.
I mean I personally differentiate between girls I'd just fuck and girls I like to go out with.
I don't know what love is
I'm too ugly to be loved by women that aren't landwhales.
I don't know what love is
Same. My favorite singer once sang "I'll never know love," and he's got a good voice so it gives me heartaches. Saw a landwhale on YouTube talking about how she cries when she hears that line because she can relate. Kek.
Love doesnt exist. Youre nowadays only in love wit his/her looks.
Incels don't even know what love is they think it is lust
Same. My favorite singer once sang "I'll never know love," and he's got a good voice so it gives me heartaches. Saw a landwhale on YouTube talking about how she cries when she hears that line because she can relate. Kek.
meanwhile she receives 100+ notifications on her phone
I was in love with my 11th grade lightskin african teacher. She was from Zimbabwe I think, but she married a white guy lol, it's over
meanwhile she receives 100+ notifications on her phone

I was in love with my 11th grade lightskin african teacher. She was from Zimbabwe I think, but she married a white guy lol, it's over
Some lifefuel for you. In elementary school, 6th grade (which is the last grade in elementary school in the Netherlands) we had this Dutch co-teacher who was in her early 20s. Every boy in my class thought she was hot. She had a nice body as well, cute face but unfortunately a mole around her chin area, but that didn't matter. Her boyfriend was a Turkish guy. Kek.

Some lifefuel for you. In elementary school, 6th grade (which is the last grade in elementary school in the Netherlands) we had this Dutch co-teacher who was in her early 20s. Every boy in my class thought she was hot. She had a nice body as well, cute face but unfortunately a mole around her chin area, but that didn't matter. Her boyfriend was a Turkish guy. Kek.
How's is this lifefuel
How can you be "in love" if the female isn't interested in you, and you've barely talked?
Never. I was always in fight or flight mode when I was in school. I couldn't even think about love.

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