A long time ago.
Then at a certain point it dawned on me that I would hate pretty much everything about having a girlfriend except for the sex, and even that would get old in a hurry.
So the one upside to a girlfriend is sex at the very beginning of the relationship. But think about the downsides of having a girlfriend. I mean there are too many to even list, but just for starters:
-You have to meet and sometimes hang around her friends, who are probably annoying as well as stupid
-You have to meet and pretend to enjoy the company of her family members
-You have to pretend to respect her parents
-You have to put up with her bitching and complaining on a moment-to-moment basis every single day
-You have to listen to her talk about Chads and see her gaze at Chads when you're out in public with her
-You have to do things with her that aren't fun or stimulating at all for you just because if you don't, she'll bitch
-You have to fuck the same pussy over and over--if she even lets you--and promise to not fuck other girls
The list goes on and on. Having a girlfriend only makes sense if you're Chad because Chads can just do whatever they want and their partners will still be obsessed with them. Chads can openly call their girlfriends names, hit them, rape them, cheat on them, etc. with no negative repercussions.