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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] You Are Lying To Yourself By Saying You Need Something "Positive" To Motivate You (You Have A Martyr Complex)



Feb 28, 2018
I notice a lot of incels use this excuse of "I need something positive to motivate me" as to why they don't try to change ANY ASPECT of their lives

Its complete bullshit really, first off the logic behind it is ridiculous, extremely flawed, its like saying you need to get a girl friend first, so you'll have the motivation to do the things required to get a girl friend :feelskek:

What kind retard fucking logic is that lol, its backwards logic, you're just stuck in an infinite loop at that point, and that's likely on purpose so they can just keep patting themselves on the back and doing nothing, its much more convenient and comfortable to their psyche that way



You are putting the cart before the horse

I notice a lot of incels speak of motivation that way, as though something good is JUST SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN FIRST, and THEN they can use that as their motivation to FURTHER improve their lives

Its really just them lying to themselves, because WITH THAT MINDSET IF SAID GOOD THING HAPPENED, THEY'D JUST BE COMPLACENT AND CONTENT WITH THAT ALONE, and hope they could keep things as they are, and they'd use that good thing as an excuse to not bother anymore because - "I already have this"



Its so ridiculous when you think about it, its a fucking joke, its backwards logic at its finest

If IF YOUR CURRENT LIFE doesn't make you want to change, then you are ironically already CONTENT WITH YOUR CURRENT LIFE


The moment they catch the carrot they'd just lengthen the string attached to the stick and repeat the game again


If you don't see your current state of being AS THE MOTIVATION, then motivation isn't the problem

COMPLACENCY is the problem


When it comes to people who hate their current lives, their current life IS THEIR MOTIVATION FOR CHANGE
BlkPillPres with his white pilled based shit again
don't listen to defeatists, find a meaning, don't let society win
BlkPillPres with his white pilled based shit again
don't listen to defeatists, find a meaning, don't let society win

Not white pilled, black pilled, I hate what the white pill is, at least what its been conveyed to be:
This on point. Too many here want a good event(gf,lottery some bullshit) to happen then work haed. Which is illogical sadly.

In reality, they need accept their situation and start grinding their way out if they want escape the hell they are in. Life never gets better unless your working towards making it better
Not only does life not get better by the popular LDAR(Lay Down And Rot), it gets worse and once the NEETs have their parents die, it's likely over for them. And in the rare case they have disability bux, a change in the political climate can make them lose those
Nah I just need a girlfriend and then I will have the motivation to pull myself up by the boot straps and become a millionaire and also be so confident and become so good with the ladies that I'll cheat on her with many hot models.
Nah I just need a girlfriend and then I will have the motivation to pull myself up by the boot straps and become a millionaire and also be so confident and become so good with the ladies that I'll cheat on her with many hot models.
Nah I just need a girlfriend and then I will have the motivation to pull myself up by the boot straps and become a millionaire and also be so confident and become so good with the ladies that I'll cheat on her with many hot models.

Yes I agree completely my fellow NEETBRO, its so obvious this is how reality works, no wonder we NEETS are just waiting to get female validation before we start working on our financial pursuits, you have to walk before you learn to crawl
Yes I agree completely my fellow NEETBRO, its so obvious this is how reality works, no wonder we NEETS are just waiting to get female validation before we start working on our financial pursuits, you have to walk before you learn to crawl
They unironically pray for the 1/1000000 chance that they will experience Welcome to the NHS anime type event. Where a cute girl will become their gf and help em out. They know it will never happen but will keep pinning their hopes on it while their financial situation worsens, health deteriorates and no progress ever made.
High iq tbh, i really need to full kill my ego so i can lift and eat a fuck ton of food everyday as well as wealthmaxx

In my case, my miserable life ITSELF is the motivation to improve my quality of life.

If someone is looking for any other motivation to change their life for the better, their current life clearly isnt intolerable enough for their life itself to be the motivation for change. Anyone who is unwilling to change their life should STFU and stop complaining. The moment you give up on yourself, you lose the right to complain about the outcome.
is this post ironic or unironic
Our PRIMARY biological imperative is SURVIVAL, the need to propagate our DNA and attain GENETIC IMMORTALITY is SECONDARY. So based on this, shouldn't a person FIRST ensure that they SURVIVE AND LIVE IN PHYSICAL COMFORT (through acquisition of resources) and THEN pursue SEX?

NEETs are trying to fulfill their SECONDARY biological imperative FIRST, while trying to fulfill their PRIMARY biological imperative SECOND. They are operating on "reverse logic."

Think about it logically, as a low-tier male you need Resources IN ORDER TO get sex. If you pursue sex FIRST as a low-tier male WHILE LACKING RESOURCES, FAILURE IS INEVITABLE. If you let that failure demotivate you from wealthmaxxing, you basically just decreased whatever SLIM chance you initially had of getting Sex, to ZERO chance of getting Sex, thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of being a Perma-Incel.

However, if you kill your ego, accept that you are genetic trash and stop trying to play by the same rules as Chad by accepting the fact that you can NEVER attract women using your LOOKS, but that you CAN do so with MONEY, you will make efforts to wealthmax and hopefully one day create a PHYSICALLY FULFILLING life for yourself.
BlkPillPres with his white pilled based shit again
don't listen to defeatists, find a meaning, don't let society win

retard, dont conflate the coping mechanism of the white-pill with the blackpill which is the ultimate truth of life
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All animals respond to a positive feedback loop. You do something, get a reward, you like the dopamine rush. So you do it again and so on.

When you work hard and get nothing to show for it, you lose all motivation to continue. It's biological, not psychological.

As far as people who sit on their asses all day hoping something good should happen to them before they even consider doing something, I agree with what you said.
How to get rid of ego??? In need of assistance pls...
How to get rid of ego??? In need of assistance pls...
Meditation, Cold Showers, wake up at same time every day, 30 minutes of sunlight. Write down how fucked your situation is in a Google document, write out a plan to escape your predicament. Accept that there is no girl, no lottery, nothing to bail you out. Accept you and you alone are your only friend and Ally. Accept that you have to grind and grind to escape your predicament. Write up some goals both short and long term. Have Reasonable/statistical reality based ones and have some Lucky/ Ultra optimistic ones. Aim for the optimistic outcome but be mentally prepared for failure or the stastistical failure or mediocre outcome.

Also remember if your not progressing, your literally regressing both financially, mentally and health wise. {very day unemployed and unproductive is a day where you inch closer to death and failure with nothing to show for it.
How to get rid of ego??? In need of assistance pls...

Stop liking yourself and thinking of yourself as something worth existing

Seek only pleasure, don't exist to affirm your existence (prove yourself, live up to a standard, etc), exist only to enjoy existing

Its really that simple, just stop liking yourself JFL, a lot of you think you hate yourself but you really don't, you hate your life, its not the same thing, and that's why you still have an ego and want to be admired and get female validation, its because you think of yourself as someone "deserving" of it
When you work hard and get nothing to show for it, you lose all motivation to continue. It's biological, not psychological

It isn't biological, animals (in their natural wild state) literally never stop trying, they just change tactics or find something else to pursue, but I've never in my life seen or heard about an animal that just gives up and doesn't do anything, they literally can't afford to do that if they want to survive

Humans are the only animals with the luxury of doing nothing and surviving, and that's why we've convinced ourselves that "motivation" is a requirement to do things, that's nothing but privileged thinking

You say when you work hard and get nothing you lose motivation, that's not how that works, if we had to be out in the wild hunting for food to survive, we couldn't tell ourselves on a starving stomach - "man I'm out of motivation after catching nothing for the day, guess I'll starve to death now, I'm tired of trying" lol

It literally doesn't work like that, there is no such thing as motivation in the "real world", you do whatever it takes to get what you want/need period

Its very easy to say - "I don't have enough motivation" when you have parents you can sponge off of or a welfare system that will pay you to do nothing but exist, motivation is a meme, it does not exist, people who give up in the "real world" die, end of story, they wouldn't be around to complain about not having enough "motivation"

If any of those neets had to work to eat, watch how quickly they'd gain "motivation"
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Another bullshit cope thread.

countless studies show that motivation comes from positive reinforcement

why don't you make another cope thread about how Chad "pays" for sex with his looks, so you don't have to accept you lose in life because you're an ugly fuck
Another bullshit cope thread.

countless studies show that motivation comes from positive reinforcement

why don't you make another cope thread about how Chad "pays" for sex with his looks, so you don't have to accept you lose in life because you're an ugly fuck
The guy is a moneymaxxer who believes he is somehow struggling against society by slaving to it for buxx.

Money is nothing without prospects of happiness(which for us come from getting sex/validation from our looksmatch).

This 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' mentality he promotes in his posts makes him look like an IT larp. Idk how this guy isn't banned yet, it's so obvious to me.

Watch his next post tomorrow be
[Blackpill] [Hard to swallow edition] Your personality is the reason women don't like you.
The guy is a moneymaxxer who believes he is somehow struggling against society by slaving to it for buxx.

Money is nothing without prospects of happiness(which for us come from getting sex/validation from our looksmatch).

This 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' mentality he promotes in his posts makes him look like an IT larp. Idk how this guy isn't banned yet, it's so obvious to me.

Watch his next post tomorrow be
[Blackpill] [Hard to swallow edition] Your personality is the reason women don't like you.
I'm beginning to think that way too. He has described himself as average looking and mentioned one time that a chick tried to grab his dick in the past and he didn't get laid because he had a "small dick", when it's not even a micropenis like five inches
Stop liking yourself and thinking of yourself as something worth existing

Seek only pleasure, don't exist to affirm your existence (prove yourself, live up to a standard, etc), exist only to enjoy existing

Its really that simple, just stop liking yourself JFL, a lot of you think you hate yourself but you really don't, you hate your life, its not the same thing, and that's why you still have an ego and want to be admired and get female validation, its because you think of yourself as someone "deserving" of it

It isn't biological, animals (in their natural wild state) literally never stop trying, they just change tactics or find something else to pursue, but I've never in my life seen or heard about an animal that just gives up and doesn't do anything, they literally can't afford to do that if they want to survive

Humans are the only animals with the luxury of doing nothing and surviving, and that's why we've convinced ourselves that "motivation" is a requirement to do things, that's nothing but privileged thinking

You say when you work hard and get nothing you lose motivation, that's not how that works, if we had to be out in the wild hunting for food to survive, we couldn't tell ourselves on a starving stomach - "man I'm out of motivation after catching nothing for the day, guess I'll starve to death now, I'm tired of trying" lol

It literally doesn't work like that, there is no such thing as motivation in the "real world", you do whatever it takes to get what you want/need period

Its very easy to say - "I don't have enough motivation" when you have parents you can sponge off of or a welfare system that will pay you to do nothing but exist, motivation is a meme, it does not exist, people who give up in the "real world" die, end of story, they wouldn't be around to complain about not having enough "motivation"

If any of those neets had to work to eat, watch how quickly they'd gain "motivation"
What if you stopped eating or drinking regularly? I was two times in hospital because of that. Also phenomena like animals with learned helplessness or LDADing exist.
no one self-improves untill the situation demands it. Like for example when ur fat as fuck and then need to lose the weight cuz u got heart problems or hemorhoids
no one self-improves untill the situation demands it

I don't think it has to do with arriving at a situation, it has more to do with lacking knowledge, had I been black pilled earlier before I reached the situation I am in now, I would have already started doing everything I'm doing now

Its not that people only wait till they have no choice, its that society is designed in such a malicious way that you only find out the truth of reality late in life, your parents are raised to be blue pilled and then they raise you to be blue pilled and on and on it goes, any thought frame that differs is labeled as "wrong think" and you are made aware it threatens your social standing to talk about these things, so in your efforts to hold on to even a sliver of normalcy in hopes that one day you will "make it" on the normie path, you ironically handicap yourself and lose even more years

Its all really sinister when you think about it, key knowledge is held away from us and society as a collective just pretends like its "fringe", when really it isn't, its common sense, but even common sense can be hidden with a large enough cover up and with enough lies

Men like me are the result of generations and generations of lies and we only found out because we were "different" to normies to begin with, and most normie males never find out the truth because they were already so immersed in normie culture

Think about it, my entire life my parents told me I was handsome, smart and that if I worked hard at academics basically this golden easy path in life would be laid out

If I was instead told that I was average, and average isn't good enough, and there are entrepreneurial pursuits that can make me more money at a faster rate, I would be much further ahead in life, I'd have wasted less years

We were all robbed of knowledge that was intentionally hidden away from us because our parents wanted to "preserve our innocence", they knew the fucking truth, but they were alright with us being mediocre and having terrible lives as long as we were alive to affirm their fucking "success" of passing on their genes

All they were really doing is passing the buck, they didn't care if they helped us have an optimal life that ensured that their genes continued to be passed on, they just told us some BS and let us know the ball is in out court and its our turn now
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I would like to hear @PPEcel's thoughts on this
I want to change but I don't know how. All bluepillers advice gets me nowhere.

And I don't place women as my center reason for living, I just don't have anything else to motivate me either
BlkPillPres with his white pilled based shit again
JFL although I might have my disagreements with this nigger when it comes to drugs he's not a defeatist white pill cuck, keep coping faggot.
BlkPillPres with his white pilled based shit again
don't listen to defeatists, find a meaning, don't let society win

None of my shit is white pilled, its black pilled, and its an insult to the black pill that people keep falsely conflating it with defeatism
Motivation comes from positive feedback loops dude, it does not manifest out of think air in a vacuous situation. If your situation has stayed at a constant state of completely being fucked up, inertia will only carry you in this linear path, and your circumstances being more fucked up may initiate people to change only when they hit a "rock bottom" like scenario. Most incels will never hit rock bottom and are at a constant state of their life being fucked up as if they are in a hellish limbo. Motivation can only come from experiencing gradual positive experiences that push you to achieve more of this feeling, or a completely fucked up situation in changing your current inertia like state to an even worse one in order to at least climb back to the state you were currently stuck at. Look at some philosophy on goals and how people a achieve them, it is work+time= results. People stop pursing a particular goal if the amount of work and time is disproportional to the results. Thats why many people stay in their current fucked up situations because they tolerate it just enough and are hanging on by a thread.
sounds like platitudes from a fakecel.

IT would be a better place to post this jfl
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Motivation comes from positive feedback loops dude, it does not manifest out of think air in a vacuous situation

Ok by that logic, if I'm sawing your leg off, you'll ignore the pain and do nothing because its a constant sequence of negative feedback, and you'll just stay there and suffer screaming and do nothing to stop me

That's how retarded your argument sounds right now

Its as if you are arguing negative situations never motivate action, I'd argue they are the most common motivators

Do you think fucking hunger is a positive feedback?

When you are hungry you seek out food don't you?

By your logic, everyone would just starve to death, they'd get hungry, use that as an excuse to not get food because its "negative", then continue to depreciate in health and that becomes a negative feedback loop, the end, nobody fucking eats if they get "too hungry" because if you get "too hungry" you'll lose all motivation to eat :feelskek:

That's how stupid your argument sounds, it literally makes no sense

Most incels will never hit rock bottom and are at a constant state of their life being fucked up as if they are in a hellish limbo

This is actually my point, most incels are content with their lives and find it tolerable enough, so they never do anything to change it, that's exactly my point, but those incels are just lazy idiots, if you actually see an incel life as tolerable, that's you having low standards for quality of life, they don't need something to motivate them, they need to stop being so pathetic

sounds like platitudes from a fakecel

If you are starving, do you just stay hungry or do you get something to eat?

Do you get my point?

If you don't see an "incel life" as a form of "starvation", then THAT'S ON YOU, its not that you lack motivation, its that you are so pathetic that you accept your shitty life as "tolerable" and "not so bad"

You can wake up everyday and watch anime and play video games and complain about being sex starved and that's good enough for you

Sorry that just sounds ridiculous to me, I'd kill myself before I resigned myself to such a fate
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Ok by that logic, if I'm sawing your leg off, you'll ignore the pain and do nothing because its a constant sequence of negative feedback, and you'll just stay there and suffer screaming and do nothing to stop me

That's how retarded your argument sounds right now

Its as if you are arguing negative situations never motivate action, I'd argue they are the most common motivators

Do you think fucking hunger is a positive feedback?

When you are hungry you seek out food don't you?

By your logic, everyone would just starve to death, they'd get hungry, use that as an excuse to not get food because its "negative", then continue to depreciate in health and that becomes a negative feedback loop, the end, nobody fucking eats if they get "too hungry" because if you get "too hungry" you'll lose all motivation to eat :feelskek:

That's how stupid your argument sounds, it literally makes no sense

This is actually my point, most incels are content with their lives and find it tolerable enough, so they never do anything to change it, that's exactly my point, but those incels are just lazy idiots, if you actually see an incel life as tolerable, that's you having low standards for quality of life, they don't need something to motivate you, they need to stop being so pathetic

If you are starving, do you just stay hungry or do you get something to eat?
Positive in the biological sense doesn't mean "good", it means initiating a reactionary response to a given set of stimuli. Someone sawing your leg off is going to initial action just like starving because it is disturbing homeostasis, not because it is "negative". If you burn your hand on the stove in the classic example, a positive feedback loop of not touching the stove because it equals to "hot" will be etablished without a given intervention of touching the stove again needing to cement this idea. If you are ideologically and situationally stuck in a state of "limbo" without any outside forces impeding the way in which you both see and interact with the world, it will stay exactly the same. Many incels here have only approached once of twice yet it is enough to solidify the idea that they are unattractive even though there are 4 billion women on earth. Inb4 "just approach 4 billion women argument", no I am not arguing this, I am arguing the contrary in that their negative experiences with women warrant their ideologies in that they are undesirable. If a "positive" feedback loop of receeiving a compliment from a woman or some sort of sexual intimacy were to insue, it would push incels within this limbo-like state to further improve their situation and personal mindset as to how they sexially fit into this world. Many may even stop browsing this site for a while at the simple exchange of female validation on some level. You need to break the cycle of inertia, but if you are already in a fucked up state, nothing will change that no matter how you look at it because the reasons for how you first arrived into this fucked up state will have never changed if they did not already leading up to some sort of self realization in needing to improve your life. You don't simply find yourself in the fucked up situation one day, it is a gradual process of decay that occurs due to external circumstances. Negative situations only motivate when there is a "sudden shock" to your modus operendi. You don't just awaken from a dream-like state saying "oh no im incel now, time to improve my situation", no it was a gradual process of accepting this. The only way to escape from this hole that has been dug is to place yourself in a new environment imo. Seligman's apparatus is a good example of this phenomenon, if a dog has already been conditioned to a cage, it will not jump over a visible boundary to escape. Only another dog jumping over will initiate the change of the dog viewing the apparatus differently and then jumping. You need outside discourse to occur to change your situation.


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Positive in the biological sense doesn't mean "good", it means initiating a reactionary response to a given set of stimuli

1. JFL ok then, by your logic you've proven my point, that having a shitty existence is enough to motivate you, because even "bad" stimuli is part of a positive feedback loop (which we both know makes no fucking sense at all and the term "positive feedback" has never been used like that EVER)

2. Your example with Seligman's Apparatus doesn't even apply to your average incel, most of us aren't wheelchair bound or extreme disabled so our situation is not even remotely comparable to that of the dog in that experiment where you "have no options", there are always options

The example you presented is basically a strawman too because it is not even comparable to anything I said, in my example with your leg being sawn off you can stop it, in my example with starvation you can stop it, to use an example where nothing can be done and use the response of an animal in such a scenario is just fallacious, if the dog could stop it by jumping to another side it would, if the dog was intelligent enough to realize it would only have to do 50 jumps before the shocking stops it would do it, your comparison isn't even valid
Ok by that logic, if I'm sawing your leg off, you'll ignore the pain and do nothing because its a constant sequence of negative feedback, and you'll just stay there and suffer screaming and do nothing to stop me

That's how retarded your argument sounds right now
Motivation comes from positive feedback loops dude, it does not manifest out of think air in a vacuous situation. If your situation has stayed at a constant state of completely being fucked up, inertia will only carry you in this linear path, and your circumstances being more fucked up may initiate people to change only when they hit a "rock bottom" like scenario. Most incels will never hit rock bottom and are at a constant state of their life being fucked up as if they are in a hellish limbo. Motivation can only come from experiencing gradual positive experiences that push you to achieve more of this feeling, or a completely fucked up situation in changing your current inertia like state to an even worse one in order to at least climb back to the state you were currently stuck at. Look at some philosophy on goals and how people a achieve them, it is work+time= results. People stop pursing a particular goal if the amount of work and time is disproportional to the results. Thats why many people stay in their current fucked up situations because they tolerate it just enough and are hanging on by a thread.
But thats exactly how it works,if you were positively reinforced by your peer group growing up,you would be out and about in the world.
If you were negatively reinforced,you stayed out of all that.The exact same process of expriencing gradual positive experiences that push you to chase even greater highs happens in reverse for you.You are gradually excluded until you hit a point of no return.
You are delegated to being subhuman,forced to stay away from the tribe,posting on a forum 99% doesnt know or care.

You try to be social,end up making fake friends that WILL exclude you if you try to make a serious move(getting a gf or attaining social status)

Thats your options.
OP isn't wrong, there are users here who actually think that the moment they get a girlfriend, all other aspects of their life will improve.

The irony is that these users are most likely to be fakecels.
No, positive experiences DO help me with motivation
There is no self improvement as an abomination
If any of those neets had to work to eat, watch how quickly they'd gain "motivation"

Some severe autists like me would genuinely die of hunger then.

I am not voluntary NEET, I am inNEET.

I have motivation to improve, but simply I don't have enough skills (and skills to acquire skills) to succeed.
I notice a lot of incels use this excuse of "I need something positive to motivate me" as to why they don't try to change ANY ASPECT of their lives

Its complete bullshit really, first off the logic behind it is ridiculous, extremely flawed, its like saying you need to get a girl friend first, so you'll have the motivation to do the things required to get a girl friend :feelskek:

What kind retard fucking logic is that lol, its backwards logic, you're just stuck in an infinite loop at that point, and that's likely on purpose so they can just keep patting themselves on the back and doing nothing, its much more convenient and comfortable to their psyche that way



You are putting the cart before the horse

I notice a lot of incels speak of motivation that way, as though something good is JUST SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN FIRST, and THEN they can use that as their motivation to FURTHER improve their lives

Its really just them lying to themselves, because WITH THAT MINDSET IF SAID GOOD THING HAPPENED, THEY'D JUST BE COMPLACENT AND CONTENT WITH THAT ALONE, and hope they could keep things as they are, and they'd use that good thing as an excuse to not bother anymore because - "I already have this"



Its so ridiculous when you think about it, its a fucking joke, its backwards logic at its finest

If IF YOUR CURRENT LIFE doesn't make you want to change, then you are ironically already CONTENT WITH YOUR CURRENT LIFE


The moment they catch the carrot they'd just lengthen the string attached to the stick and repeat the game again


If you don't see your current state of being AS THE MOTIVATION, then motivation isn't the problem

COMPLACENCY is the problem


When it comes to people who hate their current lives, their current life IS THEIR MOTIVATION FOR CHANGE
I used to have this weird cope where I would literally think something crazy would take place in my life and then my life would start. Like my mom dies in a car crash and that motivated me to start grinding. It was cringe. But I imagined weird scenarios like that. Where a painful tragedy happened and then it would get the ball rolling.
I used to have this weird cope where I would literally think something crazy would take place in my life and then my life would start. Like my mom dies in a car crash and that motivated me to start grinding. It was cringe. But I imagined weird scenarios like that. Where a painful tragedy happened and then it would get the ball rolling.
Same, except it was never anything like someone dying, it was crazy unrealistic out of this world shit (like something supernatural), or it was something that involved some rare opportunity for me to get away with something criminal (e.g. I happen upon an alley with a guy bleeding out from a gun shot wound next to a briefcase filled with money - I kill him and empty out the briefcase into my bag and went off to start a new life lol).

Though I imagined these things, I never once operated like I expected them to happen, because I've always been an unlucky fuck, I'm not the kind of person that can depend on luck or "destiny".
Same, except it was never anything like someone dying, it was crazy unrealistic out of this world shit (like something supernatural), or it was something that involved some rare opportunity for me to get away with something criminal (e.g. I happen upon an alley with a guy bleeding out from a gun shot wound next to a briefcase filled with money - I kill him and empty out the briefcase into my bag and went off to start a new life lol).

Though I imagined these things, I never once operated like I expected them to happen, because I've always been an unlucky fuck, I'm not the kind of person that can depend on luck or "destiny".
Me too. Kind of like how Peter Parker was a regular nerd until he was bitten by a spider and it changed his life forever. I daydreamed about being in supernatural scenarios like that and it changing my life. But copes are copes.

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