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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] Ascension For Most Men Is A Matter Of Time, Not A Matter Of Effort (The Danger Of "Standards Attrition")



Feb 28, 2018
I have made a few threads on "ascension" before

This one is my favorite, as its very detailed and shows how at every stage of your ascension you have more trials to face where if you fail you lose everything:

But this thread is about discussing an aspect of ascension that I have never seen talked about on this forum

This thread is another warning to ascension copers

This thread is about the fact that you ascending has more to do with how much you lower your standards over time, rather than how much effort you put in over time (despite what you may believe and what bro science red pillers may tell you)

Many incels seem to speak about ascension as something that will happen over years of self improvement and various tactics, but I don't think many realize that what they are also doing is lowering their standards over time, as they yield more and more failed attempts to ascend

To the point that they wake up one day dating a woman that many years ago they wouldn't even be excited to date, and they use the effort and time they spent as their excuse as to why they "finally struck gold", when it was actually that the degradation of their standards over time allowed them to even consider dating such a woman (standards attrition)

Pretty much every guy trying to "ascend" is at risk of doing this to himself, in fact I noticed that I was doing this to myself

I did a lot of approaching during college, and I was pretty fit during that time (ok I wasn't really all that fit but I had abs, low body fat and decently sized arms lol)

There were a ton of failed attempts and as they began to stack up I just felt worse and worse over time, I often tried to approach females that were even below my looks league (which were rare) and still I got rejected

Well one day I decided to scrape as low as possible, and I think that day broke me, she was "kinda cute" I guess, but she was timid, didn't try to dress stylish, kinda weird, her face was definitely below average, and even then I was still rejected. That was the last straw for me.

I remember one day after that event I was sitting down and thinking about where my life was heading, and I realized that if I stuck to the "normie path" I was chasing, kept trying to "self improve" to one day "ascend", I was probably going to end up one of those cliche black guys whose married to some ghetto used up black whore, with multiple bastard kids out of wedlock fathered by criminals, and I would be raising those children like a cuck (while she probably cheats on me with more Tyrones). With a big smile on my face as if I "won a prize" because I genuinely might think of her as a prize due to the mental strain and years of attrition on my "standards" for women

All the years of failure is going to take a toll on you mentally and it will definitely affect your standards

I decided some time after that it was best that I stop wasting my time trying to "ascend" and simply opt out of "the game" entirely

The only way to win is to not play

This is the core reason I became an escortcel (that and I got tired of waiting), it would be a few years later before I finally went to pay for sex and lose my virginity

I noticed there were many men around me, that were settling for all these used up low tier women, and its because "that's the best they can get", and they were happy with what they got because after so many years of searching and hoping, its much easier to rationalize your choice with a convenient lie (I finally got me a prize) than an inconvenient truth (I'm tired, lonely and horny, and I just want to be close and intimate with a woman)

What a lot of men don't realize is that the longer you struggle to get a woman and the more time you spend "self improving", the more you lower your standards over time. You don't even realize you are doing it because its subconscious. You just want so badly to find someone that your mind helps you do just that by making you settle even lower into the gutter than you ever would have before you started your "ascension" journey

So many men today think they are married to "a catch", but this is a woman they wouldn't even consider dating 10 years before they met her

The battle between the sexes on the dating market is a battle of attrition, and women will always win because they are holding all of the cards and monopolizing sex as a resource

This is why there will always be an unlimited supply of betabuxxers waiting to help women pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, after they finally hop off the cock carousel, and these men will be doing it with a smile, bragging to friends about how all their "hard work" paid off

The men who you see in reddit and youtube comment sections telling you that you "just need to try harder" and "don't give up, it worked for me", are the same kind of men I'm talking about here. They don't realize how deluded they are and they feel like their advice is genuine, but if their former self from years ago saw their current self, they'd be disgusted lol

At the end of the day men have a strong desire for sex, and they are going to pursue whatever methods they can to have their needs met, but for me prostitution seems like a much better option than trying to date and fail over and over, only to eat away at my psyche and my standards. It really isn't good for your mental health to be facing all that rejection anyways

So I can either get used to paying, 7's, 8's, 9's and 10's for sex, being fully aware that they are 7's and up

Or I can spend my time chasing after women and end up dating/marrying a 5/10 who is only a 5 with makeup on (so she's not even really a 5) who whored around in her youth and is only with me because I can provide for her. The sad part again is that at that point in my life, I may genuinely believe that she is "decent" or "a catch" because my pscyhe is so beaten and tired, and I just want to stop playing the game already lol

So be very carely dear ascension copers that you don't fall into this trap
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how do you delusionmaxx?
Because if he was delusional enough,
playing the numbers 1000s of times may get him something
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too late I don't even have standards at this point I just don't want a landwhale
too late I don't even have standards at this point I just don't want a landwhale
Not too late, watch as you start deliberating one day over whether a fat chick is "not really obese" lol

But its not like you are even approaching these days are you, so this thread doesn't really apply to you, it applies to incels on here that are still trying to actively improve and approach women

Which will likely be young incels from early teens to like mid 20's
Not too late, watch as you start deliberating one day over whether a fat chick is "not really obese" lol

But its not like you are even approaching these days are you, so this thread doesn't really apply to you, it applies to incels on here that are still trying to actively improve and approach women

Which will likely be young incels from early teens to like mid 20's
I rarely do these days, usually when the coper inside kicks in

but on a serious note, that's some high IQ observation, I did notice my standards lower over time in correlation to my rejections.

Btw, funny enough, I actually have a friend who's in that "not really obese" ground, the other day the guy really wanted me to go talk to these two hambeasts passing by I was like "wtf dude?" jfl
I rarely do these days, usually when the coper inside kicks in

but on a serious note, that's some high IQ observation, I did notice my standards lower over time in correlation to my rejections.

Btw, funny enough, I actually have a friend who's in that "not really obese" ground, the other day the guy really wanted me to go talk to these two hambeasts passing by I was like "wtf dude?" jfl
I understand and agree with what you elaborated.
However, most users here are completely outside of the sexual market, just like you and me are.

So yeah, years (or decades?) of very costly and painful self-improvement coupled with a bluepilled mindset on relationships might set us on a path that could lead to settling for a terrible foid and an uncomfortable relationship, but frankly, even that is completely impossible for us.
So this is a very informative essay, but low to mid-tier normies might be a much more suitable audience (although they would probably reject it outright)
"The only way to win is to not play."

I said that about wealthmaxxing! (Then got blocked/ ignored lol)

But yeah. This

"Standards Attrition"​

Thing, is indeed fully valid! I know lots of normie duds that "settled" for ugly nasty who'res! And betabuxxed their kids with a grin!

They jump through hoops DAILY because they know if they don't they WILL b3 replaced in a heartbeat...
My father got drunk recently and told me to never own a cow because there is plenty of milk in the market. Right infront of my mom. Sometimes I don't know if the guys is joking or not
My father got drunk recently and told me to never own a cow because there is plenty of milk in the market. Right infront of my mom. Sometimes I don't know if the guys is joking or not
JFL, a lot of men have to pretend for their wives, they wake up everyday in old age only realizing when its too late that they are now trapped in their lives

The alcohol made him temporarily take his mask off
most middle-aged men in relationships' younger version would puke when seeing their current wife. you're right.
no its not a "matter of time" for most of us. most of us will never get sex outside of legal brothels in nevada. Its bad demographics (I may get into this another time)
no its not a "matter of time" for most of us. most of us will never get sex outside of legal brothels in nevada. Its bad demographics (I may get into this another time)
Statiscally in America around 98% males from the ages of 30 to 44 aren't virgins, and America still has a relatively high marriage rate despite the 50% divorce rate, so clearly a lot of guys are going to just end up settling for cock carousel riders out of desperation. This becomes even more likely when paired up with the fact that pretty much all the users here are emotional fools who go on and on about "finding love" and getting "validation", that kind of desperation will always lead to settling for used up whores later in life
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Statiscally in America around 98% males from the ages of 30 to 44 aren't virgins, and America still has a relatively high marriage rate despite the 50% divorce rate, so clearly a lot of guys are going to just end up settling for cock carousel riders out of desperation. This becomes even more likely when paired up with the fact that pretty much all the users here are emotional fools who go on and on about "finding love" and getting "validation", that kind of desperation will always lead to settling for used up whores later in life
no I will post this in detail later. (I have work tomorrow but will get back to you) That is the boomer/gen X trend you are talking about. But if you look at the population pyramid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States their is a surplus of males 18-30 and a shortage of women 18-30. The reason most boomers got relationships is their was a surplus of women. A lot of the incel stuff is due to demographics. I am telling you a good amount of men 18-30 will never get married or get into relationships. (maybe but the pickins are slim)
Btw, funny enough, I actually have a friend who's in that "not really obese" ground, the other day the guy really wanted me to go talk to these two hambeasts passing by I was like "wtf dude?" jfl
Statiscally in America around 98% males from the ages of 30 to 44 aren't virgins, and America still has a relatively high marriage rate despite the 50% divorce rate, so clearly a lot of guys are going to just end up settling for cock carousel riders out of desperation. This becomes even more likely when paired up with the fact that pretty much all the users here are emotional fools who go on and on about "finding love" and getting "validation", that kind of desperation will always lead to settling for used up whores later in life
A lot of guys here are NEETs, they won't get anything even if they wanted to. Even fat whores want a guy with a stable job to leech off. Another reason not to wageslave. Let's find out how much personality really matters.:feelskek:
Why are you so high IQ?
A lot of guys here are NEETs
Most men work (a large majority) so I don't know what the you mean by "a lot" lol

Statistically men reach their "financial prime" at the age of 35, there are a lot of guys on this forum who have some decent careers, who are going to getting promotions or starting businesses, etc, and by the time they are in their 30's, they are going to be making a pretty decent income, and some of them are going to be loaded with cash

Another reason not to wageslave
Every incel should wageslave WITH A PURPOSE, to build capital to pursue other goals and/or investments so that one day you won't have to wageslave

But if all you are going to be doing for the rest of your life is wage slavery and you have no plans to "get rich" through investments or starting a business, then I'd agree that being a NEET is a better option
The only way to win is to not play

This is the core reason I became an escortcel (that and I got tired of waiting), it would be a few years later before I finally went to pay for sex and lose my virginity

I noticed there were many men around me, that were settling for all these used up low tier women, and its because "that's the best they can get", and they were happy with what they got because after so many years of searching and hoping, its much easier to rationalize your choice with a convenient lie (I finally got me a prize) than an inconvenient truth (I'm tired, lonely and horny, and I just want to be close and intimate with a woman)

This is so true. The game is rigged against us ugly males and why would someone wanna play a rigged game? But how the hell can those men actually be happy with what they got? Not only did they get a used up girl who would never look at him in her prime but they also get treated like dirt in that relationship and they accept it knowing if they don't behave she will leave and he will never get pussy again. She clearly has all the power
But how the hell can those men actually be happy with what they got?
Standards Attrition.

They didn't even realize it, but years and years of yearning was eating away at their standards and will to live over time, to the point that by the time a woman came into their life, their standards were low enough that they would consider almost anything a prize.

Women that they wouldn't have dated 10 years ago and now worth marrying and gambling 50% of their wealth on.

I knew that if I didn't hop off of that path I'd end up being the stereotypical loser black guy that marries a single mom and deals with baby momma drama. I knew that there was a possibility for me to become desperate. So I decided to stop playing games with myself and move on.
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I knew that if I didn't hop off of that path I'd end up being the stereotypical loser black guy that marries a single mom and deals with baby momma drama.
That sounds like hell that's why blackpill saves lives
Standards Attrition.

They didn't even realize it, but years and years of yearning was eating away at their standards and will to live over time, to the point that by the time a woman came into their life, their standards were low enough that they would consider almost anything a prize.

Women that they wouldn't have dated 10 years ago and now worth marrying and gambling 50% of their wealth on.

I knew that if I didn't hop off of that path I'd end up being the stereotypical loser black guy that marries a single mom and deals with baby momma drama. I knew that there was a possibility for me to become desperate. So I decided to stop playing games with myself and move on.
sounds like a good choice honestly
Or I can spend my time chasing after women and end up dating/marrying a 5/10 who is only a 5 with makeup on (so she's not even really a 5) who whored around in her youth and is only with me because I can provide for her. The sad part again is that at that point in my life, I may genuinely believe that she is "decent" or "a catch" because my pscyhe is so beaten and tired, and I just want to stop playing the game already
1.We can't get those subfives in the first place
2. Those are our looksmatches if we are honest
3.You aren't playing any games, it's just an illusion.The game was rigged from the start,you don't choose a woman she chooses if she agrees to be with you.
Women that they wouldn't have dated 10 years ago and now worth marrying and gambling 50% of their wealth on.
That's why you can be in a relationship and don't be married with her so you don't pay anything If you break up with her.And if she really wants to marry you you can sign an agreement that both of you split only the money gained after the marriage (Honestly I don't know if that exists in Burgerland).But all of these doesn't matter since point 1 applies .
1.We can't get those subfives in the first place
You do realize I'm talking about post wall subfives right, like 30+. I'm not talking about women in their 20's. I'm talking about the women who have recently gotten off of the cock carousel in their 30's and are "ready to settle down".

2. Those are our looksmatches if we are honest
No they aren't. Most incels are fives that can't get a five themselves because they're in an unregulated sex market. By the time a five thinks were worthy of her she's already been ran through. So it's not that we can't get a five, it's that we can't get a five in her prime when she isn't damaged goods.

This whole "every incel is a 3/10" meme is nonsense. Every image I've been sent in a PM to be rated was by users that looked average.

3.You aren't playing any games, it's just an illusion.The game was rigged from the start,you don't choose a woman she chooses if she agrees to be with you.
She doesn't "agree to be with you", she "agrees to fuck you" and YOU "agree to be with her". That's the trade, that's always been the trade.

Don't project that pathetic cucked mindset you have onto everyone else, that's just you. Last time I checked it's women that pressure men into marrying them, it's women that want relationships, it's women that ask "so what are we" when you've been dating for a while, men just want sex and acquiesce to the demand of a relationship in order to gain consistent access to sex.

Women control access to sex.
Men control access to relationships.
Women leverage sex to get relationships.
Men leverage relationships to get sex.

You have a full on blue pilled mindset if you can't see that (or you deny it).

The problem is, women only want relationships with high tier males in their 20's, and only when they are damaged old goods in their 30's are they willing to "settle" for a man was in their league to begin with.

It's not men that's delusional today, it's women. The delusional men are the ones that tell themselves "you don't choose a woman, she chooses if she agrees to be with you". The only thing women choose is who they fuck, by default they want the men they fuck to commit to them as the "fee for their services". So it's not her doing the choosing at that point, it's the man.

If a woman fucks you without payment she's already indicated that she deems you worthy enough to be in a relationship, the ball is in the man's court at that point. Once a man fucks once, the leverage is now on his side, because he's already gotten what he wanted out of the arrangement, it's now up to her to convince him to be in a relationship.

You have this shit backwards.

Maybe in the case of a man desperate to have children you'd have an argument, but even then:
1. Women usually have the baby cravings more than men, so the man still has more leverage.

2. The women I'm talking about are in their 30's+ and by the age of thirty, 80% of a woman's eggs are gone and her fertility is severely reduced. Also by the age of thirty five, 90% of her eggs are gone and it is now considered a "Geriatric Pregnancy".

So my point is, these women don't even have their wombs to offer up as a bargaining chip, all they have are their holes.

That's why you can be in a relationship and don't be married with her so you don't pay anything If you break up with her.And if she really wants to marry you you can sign an agreement that both of you split only the money gained after the marriage (Honestly I don't know if that exists in Burgerland).But all of these doesn't matter since point 1 applies .
I don't think you read the thread. The kind of guys I'm talking about would never do that because they'll be so desperate to appease the woman, because they'll be convinced that they "got lucky".

If a man spends his entire life keeping himself sexually repressed, refuses to pay for sex, keeps internalizing the dream of "being in a relationship with a woman", and this goes on for years and years, by the time he encounters a roastie in her 30's that see's him as a meal ticket, he will be like putty in her hands.

Like I said in this thread:
Statistically in America around 98% males from the ages of 30 to 44 aren't virgins, and America still has a relatively high marriage rate despite the 50% divorce rate, so clearly a lot of guys are going to just end up settling for cock carousel riders out of desperation. This becomes even more likely when paired up with the fact that pretty much all the users here are emotional fools who go on and on about "finding love" and getting "validation", that kind of desperation will always lead to settling for used up whores later in life

Also, statistically men reach their financial peak at around the age of 35 (and that's when women reach their lowest point ironically). That's a lot of years for the incels in their 20's to be moving up in their careers. A lot of incels that aren't making a lot right now will be making a decent to high income in the future. Old whores will be on the prowl and these men will be prey because they are so desperate and tired of being alone (Standards Attrition).
Someone need to print this on t-shirts and sell it.
Maybe i will do it.
Written in different languages for each country.
It would be a good propaganda targeted at future simps and sluts.
I have made a few threads on "ascension" before

This one is my favorite, as its very detailed and shows how at every stage of your ascension you have more trials to face where if you fail you lose everything:

But this thread is about discussing an aspect of ascension that I have never seen talked about on this forum

This thread is another warning to ascension copers

This thread is about the fact that you ascending has more to do with how much you lower your standards over time, rather than how much effort you put in over time (despite what you may believe and what bro science red pillers may tell you)

Many incels seem to speak about ascension as something that will happen over years of self improvement and various tactics, but I don't think many realize that what they are also doing is lowering their standards over time, as they yield more and more failed attempts to ascend

To the point that they wake up one day dating a woman that many years ago they wouldn't even be excited to date, and they use the effort and time they spent as their excuse as to why they "finally struck gold", when it was actually that the degradation of their standards over time allowed them to even consider dating such a woman (standards attrition)

Pretty much every guy trying to "ascend" is at risk of doing this to himself, in fact I noticed that I was doing this to myself

I did a lot of approaching during college, and I was pretty fit during that time (ok I wasn't really all that fit but I had abs, low body fat and decently sized arms lol)

There were a ton of failed attempts and as they began to stack up I just felt worse and worse over time, I often tried to approach females that were even below my looks league (which were rare) and still I got rejected

Well one day I decided to scrape as low as possible, and I think that day broke me, she was "kinda cute" I guess, but she was timid, didn't try to dress stylish, kinda weird, her face was definitely below average, and even then I was still rejected. That was the last straw for me.

I remember one day after that event I was sitting down and thinking about where my life was heading, and I realized that if I stuck to the "normie path" I was chasing, kept trying to "self improve" to one day "ascend", I was probably going to end up one of those cliche black guys whose married to some ghetto used up black whore, with multiple bastard kids out of wedlock fathered by criminals, and I would be raising those children like a cuck (while she probably cheats on me with more Tyrones). With a big smile on my face as if I "won a prize" because I genuinely might think of her as a prize due to the mental strain and years of attrition on my "standards" for women

All the years of failure is going to take a toll on you mentally and it will definitely affect your standards

I decided some time after that it was best that I stop wasting my time trying to "ascend" and simply opt out of "the game" entirely

The only way to win is to not play

This is the core reason I became an escortcel (that and I got tired of waiting), it would be a few years later before I finally went to pay for sex and lose my virginity

I noticed there were many men around me, that were settling for all these used up low tier women, and its because "that's the best they can get", and they were happy with what they got because after so many years of searching and hoping, its much easier to rationalize your choice with a convenient lie (I finally got me a prize) than an inconvenient truth (I'm tired, lonely and horny, and I just want to be close and intimate with a woman)

What a lot of men don't realize is that the longer you struggle to get a woman and the more time you spend "self improving", the more you lower your standards over time. You don't even realize you are doing it because its subconscious. You just want so badly to find someone that your mind helps you do just that by making you settle even lower into the gutter than you ever would have before you started your "ascension" journey

So many men today think they are married to "a catch", but this is a woman they wouldn't even consider dating 10 years before they met her

The battle between the sexes on the dating market is a battle of attrition, and women will always win because they are holding all of the cards and monopolizing sex as a resource

This is why there will always be an unlimited supply of betabuxxers waiting to help women pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, after they finally hop off the cock carousel, and these men will be doing it with a smile, bragging to friends about how all their "hard work" paid off

The men who you see in reddit and youtube comment sections telling you that you "just need to try harder" and "don't give up, it worked for me", are the same kind of men I'm talking about here. They don't realize how deluded they are and they feel like their advice is genuine, but if their former self from years ago saw their current self, they'd be disgusted lol

At the end of the day men have a strong desire for sex, and they are going to pursue whatever methods they can to have their needs met, but for me prostitution seems like a much better option than trying to date and fail over and over, only to eat away at my psyche and my standards. It really isn't good for your mental health to be facing all that rejection anyways

So I can either get used to paying, 7's, 8's, 9's and 10's for sex, being fully aware that they are 7's and up

Or I can spend my time chasing after women and end up dating/marrying a 5/10 who is only a 5 with makeup on (so she's not even really a 5) who whored around in her youth and is only with me because I can provide for her. The sad part again is that at that point in my life, I may genuinely believe that she is "decent" or "a catch" because my pscyhe is so beaten and tired, and I just want to stop playing the game already lol

So be very carely dear ascension copers that you don't fall into this trap
Cope. Deep down you would be happy and thankful if a hambeast shows interest in you.

Joking lmfao
If I ever ascend, I want multiple wives (at least 7 but ideally 10). I would add a new wife every few years and I would make sure she was young. Monogamy is a socially-constructed jail cell.

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