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brain damaged from kikepills
Aug 18, 2023
pdd-nos otherwise known as mild autism has ruined my life. i've always been invisible, i've always been the third wheel and i've always been irrelevant. im nothing. i've always been outcasted. people have always taken advantage of me. i've always been socially anxious and always been a weak, subservient people pleasing cuck to other people. im sick of it. i've been dealt cards where i'm doomed to lose. i've never felt connected to people, i could never be normal in the eyes of others and i could never. i've always been ignored. even when i talk more, ive always been ignored. everytime i speak, im ignored. i hate my voice and i hate the way i speak and everyone else does too. i've never been taken seriously. im the butt of every joke. im a clown and a joke to everyone. nobody has ever taken me seriously. ive never felt love. i could never have friends nor feel connected to any of them. ive always been seen as some sort of autistic pussyboi and that's what i am. when i try to mask and be normal, people can still see through the cracks. people know im an easy person to fuck over, use, make fun of and take advantage of. im not having it.

Everyone spontaneously becomes friends and forms their in-groups while im left being the odd one out. I’m the one that’s told to put in more effort to get involved but I just get ignored and left out. I’m the one who’s chosen last for everything. I’m nobody’s first.

the stupid, disrespected, awkward, abnormal, autistic, useless, outcast loser virgin with a speech impediment that makes people misunderstand me so easily and to make fun of me bully me for my voice. socialising is useless. pdd nos autism + speech impediment and mediocre looks is a death sentence. I will never be the wet dream of any girl. death by suicide was written in my DNA.

im sorry for not being normal. im sorry for being a bland, unlovable individual and im sorry for being a leech-like burden to people. im sorry for being so soulless. im sorry for not providing anything of value to anyone. My existence is literally to be a retarded lolcow to everyone. Fuck that. they made me an utter embarassment. maybe i was born that way.

the people who made fun of me in my worst moments and made my life hell, may they face their punishment. even in a psych ward, i can't escape the fate of being a jokeman that people can take the piss out of and fuck with. the people who made up fake BS about me and fucked with me in my worst moments, may they face their punishment.

antidepressants (prozac) have ruined my life and i told the people in charge of my "care" about it and they just shrugged it off. severe loss of memory, poverty of thoughts, severe emotional blunting, ahedonia. The way these drugs work is that it's an anesthesia for your emotions, thoughts and memory. they completely go. Fuck being a subhuman i don't feel human anymore. it's not worth it. the worst mistake is letting the psychiatrists drug you up which destroys your brain. I've become the ultimate sub-human now. They made my life worse than it already is and there's no going back now.

you know it's over when your own family (uncle) made jokes about you from a young age about being so non neurotypical that you wouldn't even learn how to drive properly. that nigga never took me seriously i was just a joke man to him. i was like that to everybody anyway from a young age. been outcasted by my own blood haha imagine that. Fuck.

but who's going to give a shit? haha nobody will. nothing ever changes, deep down things always stay the same. it's such that things only appear to change on the surface but the mechanics and rules always stay the same. i've found my own way out (suicide) and that will make people seethe.

"NOOO DONT KILL YOURSELF KEEP BEING A SLAVE KEEP BEING A HAMPSTER RUNNING IN A WHEEL" hahaha fuck off. miss me with that BS. people like me are treated like untermensch. what's the point? i make every pussy dry and im the epitome of an abused dog in the way i act.

RIP BOZO YOU WON'T BE MISSED. I hope nobody remembers a stupid nigga like me. i want this pathetic life to fade into obscurity and that's most likely going to happen lol. i hope no retarded news agency makes a dumbass article on me. i hope all these people fuck off and forget me. stupid fuckers just going to use my death to virtue signal. take off those masks and you'll see people are hideous. Their words are cheap. The same people who virtue signal are the same people who would’ve wronged me. They wear many masks and they’re two faced freaks.

who's going to miss this stupid bitch cunt anyway? who's going to miss a disposable, forgettable and replaceable nigga like me? nobody.

i've finally won the inner jihad against myself and gathered the courage to end it. Thank god.

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Brootal, read everything

So you gonna rope ?
Use that enERgy for greatER purposes (in CS2)
I can relate to much of this.
Let 'em know if you gotta blow.
If isn't a larp, then I'm sorry that you're life was miserable. I hope you find some measure of peace in the afterlife or simply in death. And if you reincarnate, make sure to become a Chad; otherwise, what's the point?
I have a voice disorder that has ruined my life entirely, so I can relate. Nobody can understand what I say so I don’t bother trying to talk to anyone. I’ve spent most of my life in complete isolation.

Nobody appreciates or cares how much speech and voice problems can destroy a life. As it’s such a niche problem, nobody cares if you complain about it or seek help, they just tell you it’s all in your head or it’s not a big problem. And it’s fine to make fun of in society, in the cheapest ways.

I hope you don’t kill yourself though. It’s pointless and illogical. Why let other people win and dictate your actions? Your main motivation seems to be anger at people. Think about what a tragic reason for killing yourself that is. Fuck them. Fuck other people.

We’re all going to die anyway, and soon. We may as well find pleasures where we can until that day comes. Modern life is pretty comfortable and cheap pleasures are easily available. You can find friends and people to talk to online if you can’t irl.
If isn't a larp, then I'm sorry that you're life was miserable. I hope you find some measure of peace in the afterlife or simply in death. And if you reincarnate, make sure to become a Chad; otherwise, what's the point?
thank you man. if u want usdc hit me up now before its late
Are you on drugs? Don’t rope it’s Cucked
I have a voice disorder that has ruined my life entirely, so I can relate. Nobody can understand what I say so I don’t bother trying to talk to anyone. I’ve spent most of my life in complete isolation.

Nobody appreciates or cares how much speech and voice problems can destroy a life. As it’s such a niche problem, nobody cares if you complain about it or seek help, they just tell you it’s all in your head or it’s not a big problem. And it’s fine to make fun of in society, in the cheapest ways.

I hope you don’t kill yourself though. It’s pointless and illogical. Why let other people win and dictate your actions? Your main motivation seems to be anger at people. Think about what a tragic reason for killing yourself that is. Fuck them. Fuck other people.

We’re all going to die anyway, and soon. We may as well find pleasures where we can until that day comes. Modern life is pretty comfortable and cheap pleasures are easily available. You can find friends and people to talk to online if you can’t irl.
its brutal as fuck though. very niche problem few can relate to. im suprised someone on this forum does though. i hope you find peace in your copes brocel
Are you on drugs? Don’t rope it’s Cucked
nigga i reached my breaking point. if you want my usdc send your address. im sober man. it's just suifuel seeing people out being couples, enjoying a life i never had. ive had enough of seeing this shit man.
ive got like £13 worth of usdc who tf wants it send ur address
I second this, make them suffer (in roblox)
declaring jihad on normie sexhaver NTs sounds like my ultimate fantasy mang. too bad i don't have combat experience nor the equipment to do an attack. so i have to stick with tha rope:feelscry:
declaring jihad on normie sexhaver NTs sounds like my ultimate fantasy mang. too bad i don't have combat experience nor the equipment to do an attack. so i have to stick with tha rope:feelscry:
Use a car? Turn some fuckers into a roadside pancake (in gta 6)
Send picture of the rope if not larping.
Use a car? Turn some fuckers into a roadside pancake (in gta 6)
mein onkel was right. i can't drive for shit and fucked up driving tests. if i had a gun to shoot myself with after a car attack i would've done this. Fuck them.
Not reading allat, hope you find eternal peace though.
Read every word
I hope you die quickly, see you in Jannah brocel
Send picture of the rope if not larping.
BOSS, why would I larp a suicide? That a foid trait nigga
IMG 20240424 232021
Fuck normies for doing this to us
pdd-nos otherwise known as mild autism has ruined my life. i've always been invisible, i've always been the third wheel and i've always been irrelevant. im nothing. i've always been outcasted. people have always taken advantage of me. i've always been socially anxious and always been a weak, subservient people pleasing cuck to other people. im sick of it. i've been dealt cards where i'm doomed to lose. i've never felt connected to people, i could never be normal in the eyes of others and i could never. i've always been ignored. even when i talk more, ive always been ignored. everytime i speak, im ignored. i hate my voice and i hate the way i speak and everyone else does too. i've never been taken seriously. im the butt of every joke. im a clown and a joke to everyone. nobody has ever taken me seriously. ive never felt love. i could never have friends nor feel connected to any of them. ive always been seen as some sort of autistic pussyboi and that's what i am. when i try to mask and be normal, people can still see through the cracks. people know im an easy person to fuck over, use, make fun of and take advantage of. im not having it.

Everyone spontaneously becomes friends and forms their in-groups while im left being the odd one out. I’m the one that’s told to put in more effort to get involved but I just get ignored and left out. I’m the one who’s chosen last for everything. I’m nobody’s first.

the stupid, disrespected, awkward, abnormal, autistic, useless, outcast loser virgin with a speech impediment that makes people misunderstand me so easily and to make fun of me bully me for my voice. socialising is useless. pdd nos autism + speech impediment and mediocre looks is a death sentence. I will never be the wet dream of any girl. death by suicide was written in my DNA.

im sorry for not being normal. im sorry for being a bland, unlovable individual and im sorry for being a leech-like burden to people. im sorry for being so soulless. im sorry for not providing anything of value to anyone. My existence is literally to be a retarded lolcow to everyone. Fuck that. they made me an utter embarassment. maybe i was born that way.

the people who made fun of me in my worst moments and made my life hell, may they face their punishment. even in a psych ward, i can't escape the fate of being a jokeman that people can take the piss out of and fuck with. the people who made up fake BS about me and fucked with me in my worst moments, may they face their punishment.

antidepressants (prozac) have ruined my life and i told the people in charge of my "care" about it and they just shrugged it off. severe loss of memory, poverty of thoughts, severe emotional blunting, ahedonia. The way these drugs work is that it's an anesthesia for your emotions, thoughts and memory. they completely go. Fuck being a subhuman i don't feel human anymore. it's not worth it. the worst mistake is letting the psychiatrists drug you up which destroys your brain. I've become the ultimate sub-human now. They made my life worse than it already is and there's no going back now.

you know it's over when your own family (uncle) made jokes about you from a young age about being so non neurotypical that you wouldn't even learn how to drive properly. that nigga never took me seriously i was just a joke man to him. i was like that to everybody anyway from a young age. been outcasted by my own blood haha imagine that. Fuck.

but who's going to give a shit? haha nobody will. nothing ever changes, deep down things always stay the same. it's such that things only appear to change on the surface but the mechanics and rules always stay the same. i've found my own way out (suicide) and that will make people seethe.

"NOOO DONT KILL YOURSELF KEEP BEING A SLAVE KEEP BEING A HAMPSTER RUNNING IN A WHEEL" hahaha fuck off. miss me with that BS. people like me are treated like untermensch. what's the point? i make every pussy dry and im the epitome of an abused dog in the way i act.

RIP BOZO YOU WON'T BE MISSED. I hope nobody remembers a stupid nigga like me. i want this pathetic life to fade into obscurity and that's most likely going to happen lol. i hope no retarded news agency makes a dumbass article on me. i hope all these people fuck off and forget me. stupid fuckers just going to use my death to virtue signal. take off those masks and you'll see people are hideous. Their words are cheap. The same people who virtue signal are the same people who would’ve wronged me. They wear many masks and they’re two faced freaks.

who's going to miss this stupid bitch cunt anyway? who's going to miss a disposable, forgettable and replaceable nigga like me? nobody.

i've finally won the inner jihad against myself and gathered the courage to end it. Thank god.


truecels dont rope themselves, they cope till they die
Brutal man. Don’t do it if your reading this
Killing yourself over being bullied by normies ain't a good enough reason imo
will be watching this thread, don't do it though
mein onkel was right. i can't drive for shit and fucked up driving tests. if i had a gun to shoot myself with after a car attack i would've done this. Fuck them.
Make axe and machete buy machete and pickaxe sword and hunting crossbow if you live in cucked country (in minecraft world)
thank you man. if u want usdc hit me up now before its late
I just would like you to make sure this is what you want, as not to be cliche, this is you're only life. (Probably)
Just ... don't kill yourself for anyone or anything else other than yourself. And if there is even the slightest of h(c) hope for a better tomorrow, You should take it. Also, it would really suck if you got crippled, then you're even more fucked than before. Not to mention humiliating.
I find suicide without ERing cucked tbh, so normies bullied you your entire life and now you will die alone and miserable in your bedroom while they are out and about enjoying life and happiness, total win for them, is that really worth it?

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