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SuicideFuel Gymcels GTFIH. How many calories to weight loss?



Truecel on Fakecels.Is - On a mission to SEAmaxx
May 1, 2019
I am eating about 1200 calories mon-friday and about 1600 on weekend

is that enough for weightloss
Yes but also exercise preferably running
It depends how tall you are
Im not a gymcel
Eat 200-600 below your normal calorie intake

Remember, it's not a race

How much do you weigh and at what height? How are you able to survive on 1200 calories a day? Do you not count snacks or something? When I was mid to high 170s at 5’10-5’11, 1800-2100 a day was enough to lose weight
How much do you weigh and at what height? How are you able to survive on 1200 calories a day? Do you not count snacks or something? When I was mid to high 170s at 5’10-5’11, 1800-2100 a day was enough to lose weight

idk I don't really need much food tbh.

I count everything I eat and it rounded up to about 1100-1200

I was eating 800 but I felt kinda hungry after a while so I stared eating little bit more.

75kg - 177cm
I barely ever move I have office job and I sit at home so dont lose much energy I guess
I think an adult should have like 2000 cal a day otherwise u gonna die or something
idk I don't really need much food tbh.

I count everything I eat and it rounded up to about 1100-1200

I was eating 800 but I felt kinda hungry after a while so I stared eating little bit more.

75kg - 177cm
I barely ever move I have office job and I sit at home so dont lose much energy I guess
I’m surprised you can sustain yourself on so little with those stats. You’ll definitely lose weight with that diet for sure
I’m surprised you can sustain yourself on so little with those stats. You’ll definitely lose weight with that diet for sure

well it doesnt look like it I had this fucking belly forever I wanna fucking remove it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
well it doesnt look like it I had this fucking belly forever I wanna fucking remove it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Probably skinny fat. If you want to get leaner and lose body fat, you’ll have to exercise and modify your diet. No way you can exercise on 1200 a day though unless you’re just jogging
Probably skinny fat. If you want to get leaner and lose body fat, you’ll have to exercise and modify your diet. No way you can exercise on 1200 a day though unless you’re just jogging

what do you mean skinny fat? I have a thing that looks a bit like beer belly my belly is standing out of my body do u understand what I mean? Idk what that is but I want to have a slim belly, not even six pack just a belly that is alligned with my dick and doesnt stick out of my body. I am doing 1200 diet + weight loss exercises.
well it doesnt look like it I had this fucking belly forever I wanna fucking remove it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Brutal ngl. I'm a few cm shorter than you and about the same kg and I have slightly visible abs.
Are you counting toppings, cooking oils, and other fix-ins? It sounds like you're eating a lot more than that if you seriously haven't lost weight with those stats.
Are you counting toppings, cooking oils, and other fix-ins? It sounds like you're eating a lot more than that if you seriously haven't lost weight with those stats.

Y I am counting everything idk man my body fukin hates me
Its not complicated. If you have stayed the same weight for a while you are eating roughly a similar amount to what you use. If you have gained weight you are eating too much so your body stores it. If you lost weight you are eating less energy than your body uses. If you arent losing weight or you want to lose it faster, then you need to
1. Eat less
2. Exercise more
Y I am counting everything idk man my body fukin hates me
You'd be surprised how many calories those things add. If you don't want to count them, cut them out of your diet completely. There are plenty of calorie-free seasonings and oil-free cooking methods for you to try.
You'd be surprised how many calories those things add. If you don't want to count them, cut them out of your diet completely. There are plenty of calorie-free seasonings and oil-free cooking methods for you to try.

I don't even cook food tbh I just buy premade shit.

I usually eat peanuts then some energy bar maybe some sausage/bread etc maybe a small burger from kfc on my way home but I keep track of all the calories and they dont pass 1300+
anything less than what you need will guarantee weight loss
I don't even cook food tbh I just buy premade shit.

I usually eat peanuts then some energy bar maybe some sausage/bread etc maybe a small burger from kfc on my way home but I keep track of all the calories and they dont pass 1300+
Those labels lie. They tell you the calories per serving when the serving size may be something ridiculous like half or a quarter of the package (which it does tell you in the fine print, but people don't look closely enough), and even those are off by around 20%, usually below since companies like to round down their calories to be more marketable.
Those labels lie. They tell you the calories per serving when the serving size may be something ridiculous like half or a quarter of the package (which it does tell you in the fine print, but people don't look closely enough), and even those are off by around 20%, usually below since companies like to round down their calories to be more marketable.

I know they lie but it's per 100g I just calculate it myself but even if they lie and the margin of error is like 20% I am still eating no more than 1400-1500 and that's on a unlucky day, usually just 1300-1200.

I don't even have 'meals' or any lunch tbh. I just eat 1 burger or something and that's my lunch xD

For example tomorrow, I will eat some chocolate filled croissant thats like 400, then have 1x 250ml energy drink thats 50 then 1.5l water

hmm maybe I get some chicken sandwich that will be my lunch thats 300 because they are really small. And top it off Ill buy some nuts thats 450 if no nuts then ill buy something else maybe some energy bar not sure tbh something to fill the 450 for nuts.
I know they lie but it's per 100g I just calculate it myself but even if they lie and the margin of error is like 20% I am still eating no more than 1400-1500 and that's on a unlucky day, usually just 1300-1200.

I don't even have 'meals' or any lunch tbh. I just eat 1 burger or something and that's my lunch xD

For example tomorrow, I will eat some chocolate filled croissant thats like 400, then have 1x 250ml energy drink thats 50 then 1.5l water

hmm maybe I get some chicken sandwich that will be my lunch thats 300 because they are really small. And top it off Ill buy some nuts thats 450 if no nuts then ill buy something else maybe some energy bar not sure tbh something to fill the 450 for nuts.
Okay it sounds like you know what you're doing on that front.

Are you taking waist measurements? You're going to retain water and lose muscle crash dieting on fatty junk food like this.
Okay it sounds like you know what you're doing on that front.

Are you taking waist measurements? You're going to retain water and lose muscle crash dieting on fatty junk food like this.

Not taking waist measurements no, I just want me belly fat to be gone and flat. I am trying to workout a little bit so I hope I lose belly fat and not my biceps.
Okay it sounds like you know what you're doing on that front.

Are you taking waist measurements? You're going to retain water and lose muscle crash dieting on fatty junk food like this.
Do you have a gymcel diet that you could post which is easy for low iq cels to meal prep to buddy boyo?
Not taking waist measurements no, I just want me belly fat to be gone and flat. I am trying to workout a little bit so I hope I lose belly fat and not my biceps.
Please take waist measurements. Especially if your belly is a problem area. Your weight is just one piece of the puzzle. And also follow a structured weightlifting program made for beginners.

Do you have a gymcel diet that you could post which is easy for low iq cels to meal prep to buddy boyo?
Just for example:

140g chicken breast (150 cal)
80g oatmeal, dry (300 cal)

Snack 1:
1 small can tuna (100 cal)
1 apple (100 cal)

110 oz tilapia (100 cal)
2 slices bread (200 cal)
Some lettuce and tomato (20 cal)

Snack 2:
Protein bar (200 cal)

140g chicken breast (150 cal)
90g lentils, dry (300 cal)
285g broccoli (100 cal)

That's slightly over 1700 calories. Most men will lose weight eating like this.
1200 wtf!! starvemaxxing
You should eat as little calories as possible tbh. Aim for around 500 calories a day. Have 1 small cup of rice for breakfast and 1 small cup of rice for dinner.
You should eat as little calories as possible tbh. Aim for around 500 calories a day. Have 1 small cup of rice for breakfast and 1 small cup of rice for dinner.

Just auschwitzmaxx theory.
Just auschwitzmaxx theory.
its the only way you will lose weight fast tbh. All the healthy methods make you lose around 2 lbs a week its retarded.
lol wtf

when I eat 1200 I feel full
I have no clue how u eat so little, while not probably being taller than me. I am only 5'5 and eat this much.
Get atleast 8 hours of sleep too.
I'm also in the same boat, i'm skinnyfat and i'm trying to lose that extra fat, i don't think i have enough willpower or motivation to diet, i tried eating 6 smalls clean meals a day, i tried keto, and recently fasting. I fail every fucking time, zero results and feel weaker.

The only thing left is training 5x5 in a gym consistently, but with social phobia, anxiety, depression and asperger, i keep thinking what give with a shitty fucking genetics and mental health, it won't change anything to my life anyways.
what do you mean skinny fat? I have a thing that looks a bit like beer belly my belly is standing out of my body do u understand what I mean? Idk what that is but I want to have a slim belly, not even six pack just a belly that is alligned with my dick and doesnt stick out of my body. I am doing 1200 diet + weight loss exercises.
I do know what you're describing because I had the same problem. It's not an uncommon thing and it is a common thing for people and I experienced it when on low carb diets. To stop being skinnyfat I started doing more intense running (sprinting over lax jogs) and I started lifting. I am not swole or anything; but I am now toned, I have abs that show, and I am at a lower body fat than before.
I am eating about 1200 calories mon-friday and about 1600 on weekend

is that enough for weightloss
Provided your not a framecel 5'2'' anorexic Manlet, yes that will be fine
Good food and exercise
Depends on how much gymceling

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